




英文名称:2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene and 2-propenoic acid MF: C20H30O2

EINECS No.: 232-475-7

HS : 3208100000

On-line 1511 water varnish

Appearance: milky white liquid

Solid content(%):42 add 5

Viscosity:45 add 5

PH value: 7.5~8.5

Super anti-scratch on-line LC-1511 water-based paper coating varnish Suitable for the applications:

LC-1511series are water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion, particularly designed for high anti-scratch demand for paper varnish and can be used online. This product has high standard of transparency,

excellent printability, good leveling and glossiness, easy to dry, anti-abrasion, anti-scratch performance. Can coating on-line or off-line. This product is non-toxic environmental protection, no thrill smell. Can provide order such as: packing medicine boxes, food boxes, children tool boxes, cell phone boxes etc. cardboard coating:

paperboard coating:

paper pre-coating;

fibre board coating:

Print Conditions:

Appearance: milky white liquid

Solid content(%);42±5

PH value: 7.5~8.5

Viscosity(viscosity cup 4,25°C); 45±5 s

Dilution proportion: tap water depends on the situation

Glossiness: about 60 degree


If the cure rate is too fast while used on line. a certain amount of water can be added, its viscosity is around 55 5 seconds (viscosity cup 4# 25°C)

Water-based varnish is advised not add too much water to prevent the paper from yellowing, color change or not completely drying

Make sure on line used calender varnish has calendered in 24-48 hours after coating. Otherwise because of penetration, the varnish cannot be calendered. If coat new products with paper or ink change.please do some tests before production


1. Shelf-life is 6 months, use up during shelf-life

2. Keep away from direct sunlight, avoid unopened can exposed to strong light for long time.

3. All the data above are acquired in the laboratory. They can only be used as reference in practical application. Because the paper, printing ink and process are different, the data can be different. Customer needs to test before put into use and decide the applicability for himself.

4. If alcohol added has high moisture, the diluted liquid will be less transparent. It is normal can be used after a simple stirring

No color loss after grinding back and forth 800 times with a 4 pound weight. Glossiness is 60±5 degrees. The definite number has certain relations with paper and ink.

Notice: Mix well before using. Attention antifreeze during storage and transportation. Notify our company service personnel to help solve when the product is frozen. Turn off the machine after using water to clean rolls to avoid drying crust.


125kg drums





英文名称:2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene and 2-propenoic acid MF: C20H30O2

EINECS No.: 232-475-7

HS : 3208100000

On-line 1511 water varnish

Appearance: milky white liquid

Solid content(%):42 add 5

Viscosity:45 add 5

PH value: 7.5~8.5

Super anti-scratch on-line LC-1511 water-based paper coating varnish Suitable for the applications:

LC-1511series are water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion, particularly designed for high anti-scratch demand for paper varnish and can be used online. This product has high standard of transparency,

excellent printability, good leveling and glossiness, easy to dry, anti-abrasion, anti-scratch performance. Can coating on-line or off-line. This product is non-toxic environmental protection, no thrill smell. Can provide order such as: packing medicine boxes, food boxes, children tool boxes, cell phone boxes etc. cardboard coating:

paperboard coating:

paper pre-coating;

fibre board coating:

Print Conditions:

Appearance: milky white liquid

Solid content(%);42±5

PH value: 7.5~8.5

Viscosity(viscosity cup 4,25°C); 45±5 s

Dilution proportion: tap water depends on the situation

Glossiness: about 60 degree


If the cure rate is too fast while used on line. a certain amount of water can be added, its viscosity is around 55 5 seconds (viscosity cup 4# 25°C)

Water-based varnish is advised not add too much water to prevent the paper from yellowing, color change or not completely drying

Make sure on line used calender varnish has calendered in 24-48 hours after coating. Otherwise because of penetration, the varnish cannot be calendered. If coat new products with paper or ink change.please do some tests before production


1. Shelf-life is 6 months, use up during shelf-life

2. Keep away from direct sunlight, avoid unopened can exposed to strong light for long time.

3. All the data above are acquired in the laboratory. They can only be used as reference in practical application. Because the paper, printing ink and process are different, the data can be different. Customer needs to test before put into use and decide the applicability for himself.

4. If alcohol added has high moisture, the diluted liquid will be less transparent. It is normal can be used after a simple stirring

No color loss after grinding back and forth 800 times with a 4 pound weight. Glossiness is 60±5 degrees. The definite number has certain relations with paper and ink.

Notice: Mix well before using. Attention antifreeze during storage and transportation. Notify our company service personnel to help solve when the product is frozen. Turn off the machine after using water to clean rolls to avoid drying crust.


125kg drums


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