
1. How to keep health

Health is very important for us.But,what can we do to keep health?Let me tell you some good ideas.

Firstly,you should eat fruit and vegetables every day. Because they are good for your . Milk and yogurt are also necessary ,especially for girls.

Secondly,you ’d better do morning exercise four or five times a week.Exercise keeps the body stronger, it also helps the blood to move around inside the body. This is very important.

Last,It ’s important to go out for a walk after supper.I believe good food and enough exercise help you a lot!

八(4)班 许文婷

2. My good friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Su Wen. She’s 13 years old. She’s very beautiful and cute. She ’s a student. We go to school by bus. On the weekend, I often play with her. Running is relaxing for her, because she’s taller than me.

She likes sport, she likes to clean, too. Her favorite foods are egg, tomato, fish and hamburger. Her favorite fruits are apple, banana, strawberry and pear. Her favorite vegetable is carrot. She thinks carrot is very healthy for us. Her favorite subject is math. Her favorite day is Friday. Do you have a good friend? Can you tell me something about her, please?

七(2)班 魏菲菲

3. Early Rising

Early rising is a good habit.

First, it helps us to keep fit. We all need fresh air, but air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies.? We learn more quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember important things.

Thirdly, early rising give us enough time to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast. I decide to rise early every day

八(2)班 李焕佳

4. My English Teacher

My English teacher is Mr.Lai.He has a big mouth and two small eyes.

He is thin and tall.He is very kind to us.But sometimes he is very strict in class.He is young and easygoing.I like him very much!His class is very interesting.After class,he often tells us interesting stories.We all like to have English class very much.He often helps me with my English.He is not only our teacher, but also a good friend.So we all like him.This is my English teacher.He is a good teacher!

七(4)班 刘家英

1. How to keep health

Health is very important for us.But,what can we do to keep health?Let me tell you some good ideas.

Firstly,you should eat fruit and vegetables every day. Because they are good for your . Milk and yogurt are also necessary ,especially for girls.

Secondly,you ’d better do morning exercise four or five times a week.Exercise keeps the body stronger, it also helps the blood to move around inside the body. This is very important.

Last,It ’s important to go out for a walk after supper.I believe good food and enough exercise help you a lot!

八(4)班 许文婷

2. My good friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Su Wen. She’s 13 years old. She’s very beautiful and cute. She ’s a student. We go to school by bus. On the weekend, I often play with her. Running is relaxing for her, because she’s taller than me.

She likes sport, she likes to clean, too. Her favorite foods are egg, tomato, fish and hamburger. Her favorite fruits are apple, banana, strawberry and pear. Her favorite vegetable is carrot. She thinks carrot is very healthy for us. Her favorite subject is math. Her favorite day is Friday. Do you have a good friend? Can you tell me something about her, please?

七(2)班 魏菲菲

3. Early Rising

Early rising is a good habit.

First, it helps us to keep fit. We all need fresh air, but air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies.? We learn more quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember important things.

Thirdly, early rising give us enough time to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast. I decide to rise early every day

八(2)班 李焕佳

4. My English Teacher

My English teacher is Mr.Lai.He has a big mouth and two small eyes.

He is thin and tall.He is very kind to us.But sometimes he is very strict in class.He is young and easygoing.I like him very much!His class is very interesting.After class,he often tells us interesting stories.We all like to have English class very much.He often helps me with my English.He is not only our teacher, but also a good friend.So we all like him.This is my English teacher.He is a good teacher!

七(4)班 刘家英


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