
(三级口语试题 )


Pair work

Directions: In this section, you and your partner are supposed to make up a two –or-three minute dialogue according to the given situation, using the correct pronunciation and intonation and fuctional notions and communicative skills that you have learned in this semester . (5 points)

1. A and B are two customers. A plans to buy a Benz car because of its advantages. B tries to show negative opinions. Be sure to use the expressions concerning “negation”. (Negation)

2. A and B are classmates. A blames B's failure in the mid-term exam on B himself. (Blame and Complaint)

3. A is a boss while B is his secretary. B forgets telling A the time of an important meeting. A is very angry and warns B to be careful in his work in order not to be fired. (Requests and suggestions)

4. A and B are university students. They are talking about whether Ken, their classmate, has passed the math exam. A is certain that Ken has passed it because the math teacher told him or her. (Certainty and Uncertainty)

5. A and B are students of the same class. They are discussing the weekend trip of their class, concerning the means of transportation, the possible cost, and the things to take and so on. (Belief)

6. A is a customer whose printer does not work. So A takes the printer to the repair shop and talks about the problem with B, a repairman. B promises to repair it within two days. (Promising)

7. A and B are students who live in the same room. A has taken to his/her bed with cold. B expresses his/her concern and reminds A to take the medicines at a centain hour. (Reminding)

8. A and B are friends. They are talking about the differences in interests between boys and girls. (lnterests)

9. A and B are two students. They have been busy for almost a semester and they are expecting the winter vacation and discussing plans. (Desire)

10. A invites B to dinner, but B has something important to do. A is very disappointed. (Disappointment)

Group Discussion

Directions: Four students form a group. Each student is supposed to discuss with other group members or perform or express his or her personal opinions based on the given topic together with some related questions. (5 points)

1. Now, describe an earthquake briefly that you have experienced or heard of ? What suggestions would you give for the construction of buildings in your city in order to resist an earthquake? What would you do if you experienced an earthquake?

2. What kind of life are you interested in, to live by earning money in a quite easy, immoral, or even an illegal way, or to live by hard and honest work? And how to persuade others to give up the greed for much money?

3. What do you want to do on Valentine's Day? What gifts do you buy for Valentine's Day? And what do you want to receive? Do you buy roses in ones, twos, threes or in groups of a dozen? Why?

4. What was the purpose of building the Great Wall at the time? Why is the Great Wall

considered as the symbol of China? Can you talk about other famous symbols in China? And what do you feel about them?

5.In your opinion, what do you think about the relationship between teacher and student? And how to communicate with your teachers?

6.What is a person likely to do when he or she strongly desires something? What do you think success in life really means? If you were given a chance to realize three wishes, what were they?

7.Do you like the school curriculum? Why or why not? What role did your parents play in your school education? What kind of elective courses do you like best?

8.More and more Chinese people, especially children, like American fast food, such as KFC, McDonald's. What do you think of it? Should we restrict our diet in order to keep fit? Why or why not?

9.Can you talk about some famous things in America? In your eyes what is the symbol of America? Why? Do you know some cultural differences between China and America, what are they?

10.How can we take good care of a patient? What are the appropriate ways to comfort a sick person? Who can take better care of the sick, family members or nurses? Can you talk about your experience of looking after others?

(三级口语试题 )


Pair work

Directions: In this section, you and your partner are supposed to make up a two –or-three minute dialogue according to the given situation, using the correct pronunciation and intonation and fuctional notions and communicative skills that you have learned in this semester . (5 points)

1. A and B are two customers. A plans to buy a Benz car because of its advantages. B tries to show negative opinions. Be sure to use the expressions concerning “negation”. (Negation)

2. A and B are classmates. A blames B's failure in the mid-term exam on B himself. (Blame and Complaint)

3. A is a boss while B is his secretary. B forgets telling A the time of an important meeting. A is very angry and warns B to be careful in his work in order not to be fired. (Requests and suggestions)

4. A and B are university students. They are talking about whether Ken, their classmate, has passed the math exam. A is certain that Ken has passed it because the math teacher told him or her. (Certainty and Uncertainty)

5. A and B are students of the same class. They are discussing the weekend trip of their class, concerning the means of transportation, the possible cost, and the things to take and so on. (Belief)

6. A is a customer whose printer does not work. So A takes the printer to the repair shop and talks about the problem with B, a repairman. B promises to repair it within two days. (Promising)

7. A and B are students who live in the same room. A has taken to his/her bed with cold. B expresses his/her concern and reminds A to take the medicines at a centain hour. (Reminding)

8. A and B are friends. They are talking about the differences in interests between boys and girls. (lnterests)

9. A and B are two students. They have been busy for almost a semester and they are expecting the winter vacation and discussing plans. (Desire)

10. A invites B to dinner, but B has something important to do. A is very disappointed. (Disappointment)

Group Discussion

Directions: Four students form a group. Each student is supposed to discuss with other group members or perform or express his or her personal opinions based on the given topic together with some related questions. (5 points)

1. Now, describe an earthquake briefly that you have experienced or heard of ? What suggestions would you give for the construction of buildings in your city in order to resist an earthquake? What would you do if you experienced an earthquake?

2. What kind of life are you interested in, to live by earning money in a quite easy, immoral, or even an illegal way, or to live by hard and honest work? And how to persuade others to give up the greed for much money?

3. What do you want to do on Valentine's Day? What gifts do you buy for Valentine's Day? And what do you want to receive? Do you buy roses in ones, twos, threes or in groups of a dozen? Why?

4. What was the purpose of building the Great Wall at the time? Why is the Great Wall

considered as the symbol of China? Can you talk about other famous symbols in China? And what do you feel about them?

5.In your opinion, what do you think about the relationship between teacher and student? And how to communicate with your teachers?

6.What is a person likely to do when he or she strongly desires something? What do you think success in life really means? If you were given a chance to realize three wishes, what were they?

7.Do you like the school curriculum? Why or why not? What role did your parents play in your school education? What kind of elective courses do you like best?

8.More and more Chinese people, especially children, like American fast food, such as KFC, McDonald's. What do you think of it? Should we restrict our diet in order to keep fit? Why or why not?

9.Can you talk about some famous things in America? In your eyes what is the symbol of America? Why? Do you know some cultural differences between China and America, what are they?

10.How can we take good care of a patient? What are the appropriate ways to comfort a sick person? Who can take better care of the sick, family members or nurses? Can you talk about your experience of looking after others?


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