
一、 内科常用字汇

心血管系统 The Cardiovascular System

Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞

Electrocardiogram (DCG) 心电图 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease Dysphasia 说话困难 Aphasia 失语症 Aphonia 失声

Dysphagia 吞咽困难 Gingivitis 齿龈炎 Pharyngitis 咽炎 Laryngitis 喉炎


Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病

Hemangioma 血管瘤 Vasodilatation 血管扩张 Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 Hypertension 高血压 Hypertrophy 肥大 Hypotension 低血压 Varicose veins 静脉曲张

血液及淋巴系统 The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎

Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病 Leukocyte 白血球

Leukocytopenia 白血球减少

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮

Splenomegaly 脾肿大 Anemia 贫血 Aseptic 无菌的 Septicemia 败血症 Hemostasis 止血 Transfusion 输血

呼吸系统 The Respiratory System

Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞 Mucosa 黏膜 Exhale 呼吸 Apnea 窒息

Tachypnea 呼吸急促 Pneumonia 肺炎 Bronchitis 支气管炎 Lung Empyema 肺积脓

消化系统 The Digestive System Short of breath 呼吸短促

Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查 Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄 Abdominocentesis 腹部穿刺术 Gastric cancer 胃癌 Gastritis 胃炎

Gastroenteritis 胃肠炎 Gastrorrhagia 胃出血

Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞 Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡 Peritonitis 腹膜炎 Enterorrhagia 肠出血 Enterorrhexis 肠破裂 Appendicitis 阑尾炎 Colon cancer结肠癌 Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查 Rectal cancer 直肠癌 Anal Fistual 肛门廔管 External hemorrhoid 外痔 Internal hemorrhoid 内痔 Excretion 排泄 Hepatitis 肝炎

Hepatomegaly 肝肿大 Gall Stone 胆结石 Cholelithiasis 胆石症 Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化 Ascites 腹水

内分泌系统 The Endocrine System

Glycemia 糖血症 Goiter 甲状腺肿

Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症 Bromidrosis 汗臭症

Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤

神经系统 The Nervous System Cerebral Arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化 Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血

Cerebral Edema 脑水肿 Cerebra Palsy脑性麻痹

Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞 Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎

Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血 Encephalitis 脑炎

Electromyography 肌电图 Neuritis 神经炎 Epilepsy 癜痫

Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛 Rachitis 痀偻症

Rachioscoliiosis 脊柱侧弯 Spondylitis 脊椎炎 Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹 Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪

Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识

Eye opening睁眼反应 Verbal response 语言反应 Motor response 运动反应 Corneal reflex 角膜反射 Plantar reflex 膝反射 Sciatica 坐骨神经痛 Chorea 舞蹈症

Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩 Migraine 偏头痛

Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症 Brain Swelling 脑肿胀 brain Concussion 脑震荡 brain Anoxia脑缺氧症 brain Death 脑死

肌肉骨骼系统 The Musculoskeletal System

Anterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带

Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎

Arthrosclerosis 关节硬化

Degenerated Joint Disease 变性关节炎

Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折 Pelvic Fracture 骨盆骨折 Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏 Matastatic Lesion转移性损害

Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 Amputation 截肢 Bone graft 骨移植

Hallux Valgus大拇指外翻

Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术

Range of Motion 运动范围 Varus 内翻

Chondromalacia 软骨软化症

泌尿及男性生殖系统 The Urinary and Male Reproductive System

Cystitis 膀胱炎

Circumcision 包皮环割术 Cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查 Hydronephrosis 肾水肿 Renal Stone 肾结石

Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭 Cryptorchidism 隐睾症 Spermatogenesis 精子生成

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大

Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄 Dysuria 排尿困难 Hematuria 血尿 Uremia 尿毒症

Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染 Vasoligation 输精管结扎 Impotence 阳萎

特殊感觉器官 The Organs of Special Senses

Audiometer 听力计 Otitis 耳炎 Otorrhea 耳漏 Tympanitis 中耳炎

Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术 Nasitis 鼻炎

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌 Rhinorrhea 鼻溢

Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物 Intraocular pressure 眼内压 Oculus Uterque 双眼 Oculus Sinister 左眼 Oculus Dexter 右眼

Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌 Ophthalmologist 眼科医师 Diplopia 复视 Myopia 近视

Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂 Corneitis 角膜炎

Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等 Retinopexy 视网膜固定术

Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落 Visual field 视野

Vocal nodular 声带结节 Dermatologist 皮肤科医师 Dermatitis 皮肤炎 Cataract 白内障 Glaucoma 青光眼 综合性字汇

Contraceptive 避孕的 Contraindication 禁忌症 Biology 生物学 Hyperemesis 剧吐 Polydipsia 剧渴

Homosexual 同性的 Heterosexual 异性的 Inject 注射 Lipoma 脂肪瘤 Lipoid 脂肪样的

Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症 Malformaiton 畸形 Malaise 不适 Necrosis 坏死 Nocturia 夜尿症 Ployuria 多尿 Narcotics 麻醉药 Hyperplasia 增殖 Dysplasia 发育不良 Dyspepsia 消化不良 Prognosis 预後 Antipyretic 解热剂 Hydrophobia 恐水症 Photophobia 畏光 Antibiotic 抗生素 Syndrome 症候群 Hydrotherapy 水疗法 Perforation 穿孔

Percussion 叩诊 Visceralgia 脏器痛 二、妇产科常用字汇 Genital 生殖的 Gynecology 妇科 Menstruation 月经 Menopause 更年期 Menorrhagia 经血过多 Amenorrhea 无月经 Dysmenorrhea 经痛 Menarche 初经

Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌 Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂 Cervicitis 子宫颈炎 Perineum 会阴

Endometriosis 子宫内膜异位 Ovary 卵巢

Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿 Ovulation 排卵 Vaginitis 阴道炎

Colposcopy 阴道镜检法 Galactocele 乳腺囊肿

Mammography 乳房X 光摄影术 Infertility 不孕症

InVitro Fertilization 体外受精 Amnion 羊膜

Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术

Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞 Hydramnion 羊水过多 Anterpartal 产前的 Antepartum 分娩前

Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样

Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称

Artificial Insemination 人工受精 Engagement 进入产位 Estrogen 动情基素 Colostrum 初乳

Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕 Corpus Luteum 黄体

Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩

Venereal Disease 性病

Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎 Laparoscope 腹腔镜 Embryo 胚胎

Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕 Primipara 初产妇

Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位

Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中 Multipara 经产妇 Parity 经产

Placenta Previa前置胎盘 Postpartum 产後

Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血 Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症 Adolescence 青春期

Basal Body Temperature 基础体温 Cesarean Section 剖腹产

Expected Date of Confinement 预产期

Fallopian Tube 输卵管 Forceps 产钳

Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块 Labor Pain阵痛

Painless Labor 无痛分娩 Molding 胎头变形

Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产

Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查

Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水

Progesterone 黄体素 Stillbrith 死产 Suture 缝合 Stump 残物

Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血 三、小儿科常用字汇 Apnea 呼吸暂停

Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血 Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形

Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘 Bronchitis 支气管炎

Cephalopematoma 头血肿 Erythema 红斑

Hypospadia 尿道下裂 Dehydration 脱水 Hydrocephalus 水脑 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Polydactylia 多指畸形 Pyoderma 脓皮症 Sepsis 败血症 Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 Encephalitis 脑炎

Gastroenteritis 肠胃炎

Necrotizing Enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎

Malignant 恶性的

Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形 Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息 Cleft Palate 颚裂 Diarrhea 腹泻

Dental Caries 龋齿

Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹 Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹 Torticollis 斜颈 Vaccine 疫苗

Incubator 保温箱 Cleft lip 兔唇 Chicken pox 水痘 Club foot 畸足 Diphtheria 白喉

Dengue fever 登革热 Eczema 湿疹

Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒 German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹 Giant baby巨婴 Gonorrhea 淋病 Hepatitis B B型肝炎

Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病 Jaundice 黄疸

Mongolian spots 蒙古斑 Mumps 腮腺炎

Respiratory arrest呼吸停止 Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹 Vomiting 呕吐


Mental retardation 智能不足 autism 自闭症

dement 痴呆症

alzheimer's dementia阿尔茲海默式形痴呆症

alcoholism 酒瘾

substances Intoxication 物质中毒 alcohol Intoxication 酒精中毒

amphetamine Intoxication 安非他命中毒

schizophrenia 精神分裂病

delusional Disorder 妄想性病患

Major Depressive Disorder 重郁症疾患

phobia 畏惧症

obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 强迫性病患

pedophilia 恋童癖 exhibitionism 暴露狂

Transvestic Fetishism扮异性恋物癖 Gender Identity Disorders 性别认同疾患

Anorexia Nervosa心因性厌食症 Bulimia Nervosa心因性暴食症 临床症状

blunted affect 感情迟钝 silly Laughter 傻笑 apathy 冷漠 irritable 易怒的 euphoria 欣快感 depression 忧郁

ambivalence 感情矛盾 Flat Affect感情平淡

suicide attempt 自杀企图 queer behavior 怪异行为 bizarre behavior 特异行为 hypertalkative 多话 hypotalkative 少话 mutistic 不语

hyperactivity 活动过多 hypoactivity 活动过少

compulsive behavior 强迫行为 verbigeration 重复语言 catelepsy 僵直

negativism 阻抗行动 Mannerism 作态行为

destrctive behavior 破坏行为 autistic thinking 自闭性思考 poverty of speech 言语贫乏 flight of ideas 意念飞跃

loosening of association 思考连结松散

illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考 pressure speech 言语急迫 thought blocking 思考中断 incoherent 语无伦次

thought Withdrawal 思想退缩 irrelevant 答非所问 delusion 妄想

delusion of persecution 被害妄想 delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想 Phobia 恐惧症 acrophobia 惧高症 algophobia 惧痛症 sexual drive 性欲 illusion 错觉

hallucination 幻觉

auditory hallucination 听幻觉 disoreinatation 失去定向力 amnesia 记忆丧失症 confabulation 虚谈症 orientation 定向力 judgement 判断力 derealization 失真感 insight 病识感

no insight 无病识感

intellectual insight 理性的病识感 true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感 心理学名词

free association 自由联想 dream analysis 梦的解析 ego 自我 id 原我

super ego 超我

ego boundary 自我界限 libido 原欲

scapegoat 代罪羔羊

internal conflict 内在冲突 conscious 意识

unconscious 潜意识 preconscious 前意识 transference 情感转移

depersonalization 人格解体 derealization 脱离现实 neurosis 神经精神病 Psychosis 神经病

Pleasure Principle 享乐原则 Reality Principle 现实原则 Moral Principle 道德原则

Predisposing Factors 潜在因素 Precipitating Factors 诱发因素 Defense Mechanism 防卫机转 compensation 补偿作用 conversion 转化作用 denial 否认作用

displacement 转移作用 dissociation 解离作用 fantasy 幻想作用

identification 认同作用 introjection 内射作用 projection 外射作用

retionalization 合理化作用 reaction formation 反向作用 degression 退化作用 repression 潜抑作用 suppression 压抑作用 restitution 归还作用 sublimation 升华作用 substitution 取代作用 symbolism 象徵作用 undoing 抵销作用 distortion 曲解作用 isolation 隔离作用

Cognitive behavioral Therapy 认知行为治疗

Empathy 同理心 Resistance 阻抗

testing out behavior 试探行为 self-awareness 自我了解 separation anxiety 分离焦虑 reinforcement 增强原则 catharsis 情绪宣泄 confrontation 面质

listen 倾听 restraint 约束

physical restraint 身体的约束 chemical 药物的约束 五、各科常用缩写 A

AAD against-advice discharge 自动出院

A abdomen 腹部

ADL activities of daily life 日常生活活动

A/G albumin /globulin ration 白蛋白/蛋球白比例

AK above knee 膝上 B.

BE below elbow 肘下 BH body height 身高

b.i.d twice a day 一日两次 Bil bilateral两侧的 BK below knee 膝下

BM bowel movement 肠蠕动

BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率

BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy良性摄护腺肥大

BTI biliary tract infection胆道感染 BUS blood, urine, stool 血液, 小便, 大便

BW body weight 体重 C.

Ca. Carcinoma 癌

CBC complete blood count 全血球计数

CBD common bile duct 总胆管 CH cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血 Chest P-A chest posterio-anterio 前後胸部

CO cardiac output 心输出量

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术

CPS chronic paranasal sinusitis 慢性鼻窦炎

C/T chemotherapy 化学治疗法 CT cerebral thrombosis 脑栓塞

CT Scan computerized axial I & D Incision and drainage 切开及流 tomography scan 电脑断层检查

CVA cerebral vascular accident 脑血管意外

CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压 D.

DC discontinue 停止

D&C dilatation and curettage 扩张及刮除术

DM diabetes mellitus 糖尿病

DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 白喉, 百日咳, 破伤风

DU duodenal ulcer 十二指肠溃伤 E.

ECG eletrocardiogram 心电图

EEG electroecephalogram 脑电波图 ENT ear, nose, throat 耳鼻喉 F .

FH family history 家族史

FHS fetal heart sounds 胎心音

FOU fever of unknown 不明原因发烧 Fr fracture 骨折 G.

GB gall bladder 胆囊

GI tract gastric intestinal tract 胃肠道 GSR general surgical routine 一般外科常规

gtt. Drops 滴

GU genitourinary 生殖泌尿的 GYN gynecology 妇科学 H

Hb hemoglobin 血色素

HICH hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 高血压性脑内出血 h.s. at bedtime 睡前 HT Hypertension 高血压

Ht. (Hct.) Hematocrit 血球容积 Hx History 病例 I

ICP Intermittent catheterization program 间歇性导尿

ICU Intensive care unit 加护病房 ICT Intracerebral tumor脑内肿瘤

IICP Increased intracranial pressure 增高胪内压

Imp. Impression 臆断

IM Intramuscular 肌肉内的

I & O Intake and output 输入及排出 IV Intravenous 静脉内的

IVKO Intravenous keep open 静脉点滴维持通畅 J

Jej. Jejunum 空肠 Jt. Joint 关节 K

Kn. Knee 膝

KUB Kidney, ureter , baldder 肾、输尿管及膀胱 L.

LFT liver function test肝功能试验 LLQ left lower quadrant 左下象限 LMP last menstrual period 最後一次月经 M

MBD may be discharged 可出院 MN midnight 午夜 N

NKA non known allergy 不明原因的过敏

NP nothing particular 并无特别的 NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌

NPO nothing by mouth 禁食 O.

OA osteo-arthritis 骨性关节炎 OB occult blood 潜血 OBS obstetrics 产科 OP operation 手术

OPD outpatient department 门诊 Ortho. Orthopaedic 骨科矫行的 OS ocular sinistro 左眼

OT occupational therapy 职能治疗 OU Both eyes 双眼 P

p.c. after meals 饭後

PCT Penicillin test 盘尼西林测验

PE Physical examination 身体检查 PI Present illness 目前病况 p.o. by mouth 由口

PPU Perforated petic ulcer 穿孔性胃溃疡

PT Physical therapy 物理治疗 PTA Prior to admission 入院前

PTN Parenteral total nutrition 肠道外的高营养 Q

Q every 每一

q.d. every day 每日 q.h every hour 每小时

q.i.d. four times a day 每日四次 q.m. every morning 每日早晨 q.n. every night 每日晚间 R

RA rheumatoid a arthritis 类风湿性关节炎

RBC red blood cell 红血球 RN registered nurse 护理师 R/O rule out 可能是

RR recovery room 恢复室

R/T radio-therapy test 放射治疗 RUQ right upper quadrant 右上象限 Rx take 取拿

Medication 处方 Treatment 治疗 S

Sc. Subcutaneous 皮下的 SOB short of breath 呼吸短促 SP .g.r . specific gravity 比重

S/P status/ post operation 手术後 s-s half 一半

St(stat) immediately 立刻

Staph. Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌 T

t.i.d. Three times a day 每日三次 TPR Temperature, pulse, respirations 体温、脉搏、呼吸

TURP Trans-urethral resection of prostate 经尿道切除摄护腺 U

URI Upper respiratory infection 上

呼吸道感染 W

WBC White blood cell 白血球

White blood count 白血球计数 Y

Y/O year old 年龄 Z zero 零


The cardiovascular system 心血管系统

lungs 肺脏 venis

vessels 血管

capillaries 微血管 cardi 心脏 arteries

blood clot凝血

The Hemic and Lymphatic System血液及淋巴系统 Blood 血液

Red blood cell 红血球 White blood cell白血球 Platelet 血小板

The Respiratory System 呼吸系统 Bronchial tube主支气管 Alveoii 气泡 Pharynx 咽 Larynx 喉 Trachea 气管 Lung 肺

Bronchioles 小支气管 Pleura 胸膜 Chest 胸 Air 气

The Digestive System 消化系统 Lips 唇 teeth 牙齿 tongue 舌 bile duct 胆管 gallbladder 胆囊 duodenum 十二指肠 jejunum 空肠 ileum 回肠

appendix 阑尾

small intestine小肠 large intestine大肠 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 pancreas 胰 stomach 胃 esophagus 食道 pharynx 咽

The Endocrine System Glands 腺体 Adrenals 肾上腺 Pancreas 胰 Pituitary 脑下腺

Thyroid and parathyroids 甲状腺和副甲状腺

Breasts 乳房 Ovaries 卵巢 Testes 睾丸

The Nervous System Brain 脑

Spinal cord 脊髓 Vertebra 脊椎 Cranium 颅腔 Meninges 脑膜 Nerves 神经

The Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨系统

Skull 头骨 Clavicle 锁骨 Sternum 胸骨 Ribs 助骨 Joints 关节 Ligaments 韧带 Tendons 肌腱 Cartilage 软骨

The Urinary and Male Reproductive System 泌尿及男性生殖系统 Cortex 皮质 Urinary 膀胱 Urethra 尿道 Ureters 输尿管 Kidney 肾脏

Renal pelvis 肾孟

Vas deferens精管 Urinary bladder 膀胱 prostate gland前列腺 scrotum 阴囊 testis 睾丸 penis 阴茎 urethra 尿道

The Organs of Special Senses 特殊感觉器官

Acoustic nerve听神经 Ear 耳朵

Hearing 听觉的 tube 耳咽管 Eardrum 耳骨膜 Eustachian 欧式管 Nasal cavities鼻腔 Nose 鼻 Eyelid 眼睑 Lens 晶球体 Carnea 角膜 Tear duct泪管 Conjunctiva 结膜 Choroid layer 脉络膜 Retina 视网膜 Sclera 巩膜

Optic nerve视神经

Obstetrics & Hynecology 妇产科常用字汇

Fallopian tube输卵管 Ovary 卵巢 Uterus 子宫 Vagina 阴道

Vulva 女阴(外生殖器官) 脑部系统

cerebrum 大脑

corpus callosum 胼胝体 thalamus 视丘 cerebellum 小脑 diencephalon 间脑

cerebral peduncles大脑脚 infundibulum 漏斗 hypophysis 脑下垂体 midbrain 中脑 pons 桥脑

medulla 延脑 brain stem 脑干 眼球构造 pupil 瞳孔

suspensory ligaments 悬韧带 ciliary process捷状突 retinal veins网膜静脉 retinal arteries网膜动脉 optic nerve视神经

anterior chamber前眼房 posterior chamber 後眼房 iris 虹膜

vitreous body 玻璃状体

internal rectus muscle 内直肌 lacrimal puncta泪孔

lacrimal canaliculi泪小管 lacrimal gland 泪腺

excretory lacrimal duct 泪腺管 eyebrow 眉毛 耳朵构造 cochlea 耳蜗

eustachian tube 耳咽管 helix 耳壳

tympanic membrance 鼓膜 external auditory canal 外耳道 semicircular canals半规管 malleus 锤骨

vestibulocochlear nerve前庭耳蜗神经口腔

gingiva 齿龈 molars 大臼齿 premolars 小臼齿 canines 犬齿 incisors 门齿

vestibule of mouth 口腔前庭 upper lip 上唇

upper lip frenulum 上唇系带 alveolar provess齿槽突 hard palate硬颚

palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺

sublingual caruncle 舌下阜 七、癌症相关单字 1. gastric cancer胃癌

2. pancreatic cancer胰脏癌

3. colon cancer结肠癌 4. rectal cancer直肠癌

5. prostate cancer摄护腺癌

6. nasotharyngdal carcinona鼻咽癌 7. cervical cancer子宫颈癌 8. lung cancer肺癌

9. esophageal cancer食道癌 10. bladder cancer膀胱癌 11. laryngl caner喉癌 12. ovarian cancer软巢癌 13. liver cancer肝癌 14. skin cancer皮肤癌 15. breast cancer乳癌 16. leukemia血癌 17. bone cancer骨癌 18. brain tumor脑癌 19. heart disease 心脏病 20. lymphoma 淋巴瘤 八、医院内常见单字 Hospital 医院

Nursing school = nursing home 护理学校 (nursing home) Private convalescence

hospital 慢性疾病或恢复期的患者寮养的私立小医院

(nursery school) 处理幼稚园之幼儿的地方

Department of Medicine = Department of Internal Medicine 内科

Resident in medicine 内科住院医师 Chief of Medicine 内科主任(Medical man)

Internist = intern = intern 实习生(Internist = 内科医师)

House officer 医院医师的称呼

Junior and senior students 医学院学生(通常3或4学生) Extern 医院实习生

Clinical clerk 从事病历记录实习之学生

Student nurse 护理学生

Graduate nurse护理学校毕业的护士

Registered nurse (R.N.)取得考试许可证

Supervisor 督导护士 Head nurse护士长

Scrub nurse 手术助理护士

Practicing physician = physician in practice = practitioner 开业医生 Ambulance = ambulatory 救护车(不限於车子 只要是搬运病人的船或飞机)

Ambulant 可走动 不必卧床的病人 Ambulantory patient 住院患者可走动 (May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib, may walk)

Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病) Paretic 麻痹患者

Malpractice 诊疗错误 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房 station 护理站 por 恢复室

Patient 患者, 病人 Narcotic 麻醉药 Nurse 护士 Doctor 医生

Internist 内科医生 Surgeon 外科医生 Dentist 牙科医生

Gynecologist 妇科医生 Orthopedist 骨科医生 Oculist 眼科医生

Pediatrician 小儿科医生 Psychiatrist 精神病医生 Intern 实习医生

Examination table 诊疗台 Clinical thermometer 体温计 Stethoscope 听诊器 Reflector 反光镜

X-ray checkup X 光检查 X-ray photograph X光像片 Operation 手术 Scalpel 手术刀 Syringe 针筒

Hypodermic needle 注射针

Injection 注射 Ice bag 冰袋

Fixation forceps 固定镊 Medicine, drug药品 Bandage 绷带

Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉 Gauze 纱布 Mask 口罩

Wheel chair 轮椅 Crutches 柺杖 Ambulance 救护车 Stretcher 担架 Chart 病历表 Prescription 处方 Blood pressure 血压 Blood type 血型

Artificial respiration 人工呼吸 Pill 药丸 Capsule 胶囊 Ointment 软膏

Iodine tincture 碘酒 Sedative 镇静剂

Intensive care unit 加护病房

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏术

Intravenous drip 点滴 Chemotherapy 化学治疗

Computerized Topography电脑断层 magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振

Bureau of National Health Insurance中央健保局 Fracture 骨折 Gypsum 石膏


Front sheet, Summary sheet 首页, 摘要表

History sheet 病历表

Physical examination sheet 身体检查表

Physician's order sheet 医嘱单

Physician's progress note 医生用病情进展记录

Laboratory reports 检验报告

Radiographic reports X光检查报告 Nursing notes 护理记录 Graphic chart 图式病历

Discharge summary sheet 出院摘要 Operation report 手术报告 Anesthesia record 麻醉记录 Consultation sheet 会诊单

Intake and output sheet 摄取与排泄记录

Consent (or permission) for operation 手术同意书

Emergency room record 急诊室记录 住院病历表

身家调查事项 ( identifying data or biographic data)

admission date 住院日期

hospital number = chart number 病历号码

room number 病房号码 name sex age

birth date birth place

marital status = civil status 婚姻状况 address occupation

empolyer 雇主公司行号

health insurance number 医疗保险号码

referring physician 转介医生 各系统的表现状况--全身状态 违和感

malaise (= a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, indefinite bodily weakness or discomfort) feel unwell (ill, poorly) 疲劳感. 倦怠感 lassitude fatigue tiredness weariness languor

lack of energy (vigor)

listlessness exhaustion worn-out

虚脱 无力状态 weakness feebleness

lack (loss) of strength debility


prostration(= extreme weakness or exhaustion) asthenia 睡眠状态 sleep

slumber (=light sleep) a nap (=a short sleep)

a doze (= a light or fitful sleep) 入睡 fall asleep ; go to sleep

小睡 take a nap ; take a doze ; slumber ; doze ; drowse

欲睡的 sleepy ; drowsy ; somolent ; lethargic

睡意 sleepiness ; drowsiness ; somnolence

摧睡 become(= feel =get) sleepy(=drowsy = somnolent)

睡眠不足 loss(= lack = want) of sleep

失眠 insomnia ; sleeplessness ; wakefulness ; inability to sleep 失眠症的人 insomniac

熟睡 sound (profound) sleep

睡醒awake ; wake ; rouse ; awaken 作梦 dream 恶梦 nightmare

梦游症 sleepwalking ; somnambulism

梦游病者 sleep-walker ; somnambulist ; night-walker 体重方面(weight ; body weight) 体重为 weigh~ ; be ~ in weight 最高 maximum 最低 minimum 平均 average

最适 optimum 现在 present

体重减少 weight loss ; loss of weight 体重增加 weight gain ; gain in 胸股下後痛 substernal (retrosternal) pain

胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain

腹痛 abdominal pain ; belly(stomach) weight ; increase in weight 瘦 thin ; lean ; skinny

瘦弱 emaciated (emaciation) 肥胖 fat ; stout ; fatty

体温状况(body temperature 量体温 take one's temperature

发烧 fever ; pyrexia ; rise (elevation) of temperature ; increase in temperature

发烧的 feverish ; febrile ; fevered ; pyrexic ; pyrexial

无发烧的 afebrile ; feverless ; apyrexial

发冷 a chill ; rigor ; have a cold fit 寒颤 shiver ; shake ; shaking chills ; shivering with chills

退热 fall ; drop ; go down ; abate ; remit

发汗 sweating ; perspiration 弛张热 remittent fever 间歇热 intermittent fever 连续热 continuous fever 危险期 by crisis 转轻期 by lysis 疼痛方面

偏头痛 migraine ; megrim ; hemicrania ;

後头部痛 occipital pain 侧头部痛 temporal pain 前头部痛 frontal pain

头痛 have(suffer) a headache ; one's head aches ; feel a pain in the head 耳痛 earache ; sore ears ; toalgia 咽喉痛 sore throat ; pharyngalgia 眼痛 have painful eyes ; one's eyes hurt(smart) 齿痛 toothache 胸痛 chest pain

心前部痛 precordial pain 心绞痛 anginal pain


上腹痛 epigastric pain ; pain in the epigastrium

上腹部痛 upper abdominal pain 下腹部痛 lower abdominal pain

左上腹部痛 left upper quadrant pain 侧腹部痛 flank pain 背痛 backache

腰痛 low backache ; lumbago 关节痛 joint pain

肌肉痛 muscular pain 神经痛 neuralgia

绞痛 colic ; colicky pain

胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic 肾石痛 renal colic

痛 cramps ; crampy (cramping) pain; spasmodic

博动痛 throbbing(pounding, thumping, pulsating) pain

转移性痛 radiating pain ; pain with radiation

牵连痛 referred pain

电击痛 lightning (fulgurant, shooting) pain

带状痛 girdle pain 神经根性痛 root pain 空腹痛 hunger pain 夜间痛 nocturnal pain 自发痛 spontaneous pain 压痛 tenderness

固定痛fixed (steady) pain 灼热痛 burning pain

刺状痛 lancinating ; piercing ; stinging ; darting; stabbing 分裂状头痛 splitting ; racking 撕裂状痛 tearing ; rending ; 钝痛 dull ; obtuse ;

剧烈痛 sharp ; excruciating ; tormenting ; torturing ; racking ; agonizingly severe

不断阵痛 gnawing ; griping

擦伤痛 stinging ; smarting ; sore 针刺痛 pricking ; pricking 呼吸器管和循环器管系统 呼吸 breath ; respiration

呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing ; dyspnea

呼吸短促 be short of breath ; shortness of breath ;be short-winded; be out of breath ; lose one's breath 深呼吸 breathe deeply

叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath 喘息 pant

端坐呼吸 orthopnea

劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion( physical activity)

夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea 呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing

喘呜 wheeze ; wheezing 打喷嚏 sneezing ; sneeze

打嗝 hiccup (hiccough) ; singultus 咳嗽 cough

阵发性咳嗽 have a fit of coughing ; have a paroxysmal 清喉 clear the throat

乾咳 dry cough ; hacking couth ; nonproductive cough

有痰咳 productive cough ; cough with sputum

喀痰 sputum ; phlegm ; expectorate 喀血 hemoptysis ; bloody expectoration

粘喀痰 viscid (tenaceous ; thick ) sputum

浓喀痰 frothy sputum

泡沫状喀痰 mucoid sputum 脓性喀痰 purulent sputum 血性喀痰 bloody sputum

混血喀痰 blood-streaked sputum 绿色喀痰 greenish sputum 锈色喀痰 rusty sputum 感冒 common cold

流形性感冒 influenze ; flu ; grippe 上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory infection (U.R.I.) 胸膜炎 pleruisy 气喘 asthma 心悸 palpitation

悸动 palpitate ; throb

脉搏暂停 pause in the pulse ; skipped pulse (heart beat) 速脉 rapid pulse ; tachycardia 徐脉 slow pulse ; bradycardia

高血压 high blood pressure ; hypertension ; hypotension

心脏麻痹 heart attack ; heart failure ; cardiac standstill

狭心症 angina (=angina pectoris) 心脏瓣膜症 valvular disease of the heart ; leaking heart valve (leaky heart)

动脉硬化 hardening of the arteries ; arterioscalerosis

血液循环不佳have a poor circulation of blood

间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication 消化器官系统

食欲不振 a poor (weak or bad) appetite ; no little appetite ; loss (lack or decrease) of appetite ; anorexia 食欲增进 increase (improvement) of appetite

无食欲 have no (little ; a poor) appetite

食欲旺盛 have a strong (voracious) appetite

丧失食欲 lose one's apptite 空腹 an empty stomach 咀嚼 chewing ; mastication 吞咽 swallow gulp

吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing ; dysphagia

嗳气 打噎 belching ; eructation 打酸噎 sour eructation

心灼热 heatburn ; pyrosis ; water brash

逆流 regugitation

恶心 nausea ; retch ; heaving ; nauseous feeling ; sickly feeling

感到恶 feel nausea (nauseous, nauseated, sick,queasy) ; retch ; heave ; feel like vomiting

呕吐 vomiting ; emesis ; vomit ; throw up ; bring up ; spew

呕吐物 vomit ; vomitus; vomited matter

咖啡渣 coffee-grounds 消化 digestion

消化不良 indigestion ; dyspepsia 腹部饱胀 abdominal distention ; bloating ; flautulence; meteorism; gassiness

腹鸣 borborygmus ; gurgling ; growling ; rumbling 黄疸 jaundice ; icterus 腹水 ascites

通便 bowel movement ; bowel habit ; pass stools ; move one's bowels ; defecate ; evacuate the bowels ; 下痢 diarrhea ; loose bowels ; 便秘 constipation

水状watery stool (feces) 血状 bloody stool 柏油状 tarry stool 泥状 mushy stool 软状 loose stool 硬状 hard stool

呈固状 formed stool

呈半固状 semiformed stool 大便失禁 fecal incontinence

放屁pass gas ; pass wind ; pass flatus


排尿 urination ; micturition ; pass(void) urine ; urinate ; micturate 尿意 urge (desire ) to urinate 尿急 urinary urgency 频尿 urinary frequency

夜间频尿 frequent urination during the night ; nycturia

多尿 polyuria 少尿 oliguria 无尿 anuria

排尿困难 difficulty in urination ; dysuria

闭尿 urinary retention

尿失禁 urinary incontinence 夜间多尿 nocutria

夜尿症 bed-wetting ; enuresis 混浊尿 cloudy (turbid) urine 血尿 bloody urine ; hematuria 性欲 sexual desire ; libido

性交 sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition

杨萎 impotence 勃起 erection 射精 ejaculation

早泄 premature ejaculation 遗精 pollution

梦遗 nocturnal pollution(emission); wet dream

包茎 phimosis ; tightening of the foreskin (prepuce) 割礼 circumcision

性病 veneral disease (V.D.)

月经 menstruation ; menses ; periods ; menstrual periods

初潮 menarche ; onset of menses 停经 menopause

更年期 climacteric ; changeof life 痛经 dysmenorrhea ; painful menstruation

无月经 amenorrhea ; missed periods 月经过多 menrrhagia ; hypermenorrhea ; excessive bleeding; excessive flow

白带 vaginal discharge

阴道出血 vaginal bleeding 少量时 yaginal spoting

子宫出血 metrorrhagia ; uterine bleeding

妊娠 pregnancy ; conception 怀孕 conceive ; be pregnant

不妊 sterility ; barrenness ; infertility ;

inability to conceive

流产 abortion ; miscarriage ; 人工流产induced abortion

避孕contraception; birth control 避孕药 contraceptive 阵痛 labor

生产 分娩 childbirth ; delivery ; give birth to ; be delivered

坐月子 childbed ; confinement; drowiness ; lethargy

错乱 confusion ; distracted ; distraught

胆妄的 delirious 幻觉 hallucination

痉挛 convulsion ; cramp ; spasm 癫痫 epilepsy

半身不遂 be paralyzed on one side ; become hemiplegic

pueriperium ; puerperal period

孕吐 morning sickness ; nausea and vomiting of pregancy 骨关节与肌肉系统

脱臼 joint ; dislocation ; be dislocated be out of joint ; be put out of joint

扭伤 sprain

挫伤 sprain (twist ; wrench ) 关节炎 arthritis 风湿症 theumatism 痛风 gout (gaut)

关节痛 arthralgia ; joint pain 变形 deformity 骨折 fracture

石膏 cast ; plaster of Paris 义腿(肢) artificial limb

肌肉痛 muscle pain ; myalgia ; sore muscle

扭筋 strain ; sprain

肩坚硬 stiffness in a shoulder ; a stiff shoulder ; a cramp in the calf ; leg cramp

抽筋 have a cramp ; be cramped 肌肉压痛 tenderness of muscle ; muscular tenderness 精神与神经系统

意识混浊 clouding of consciousness 丧失意识 loss of consciousness ; unconsciousness

恢复意识 recover consciousness 昏厥 fainting ; syncope 昏睡 soma 昏迷 stupor

嗜睡somnolence ;sleepiness;

肌无力 muscular weakness 步行困难 difficulty in walking 说话不清 speak thickly

蹒跚 stagger ; reel ; falter ; walk zigzag ; walk with an unsteady gait; reel along

肌肉萎缩 atrophy of muscle 左手性 left-handedness 右手性 right-handedness 运动失调 ataxia

无感觉 loss of sensation ; numbness ; anesthesia

失去感觉 become numb ; loss sensibility

知觉过敏 hypersthesia 知觉迟钝 hypesthesia 知觉异常 paresthesia

神经质 nervousness ; sensitive ; touchy

神经衰弱 nervous breaksown

意志消沉 depressed ; in low spirits 情绪佳 in good mood ; cheerful ; euphoric

情绪不稳定 unstable ; labile capricious

易受刺激 excitable ; easily excited ; irritable

不安的 anxious ; apprehensive ; uneasy

内向的人 introvert 外向的人 extrovert

健忘 be forgetful ; have a poor memory

漠不关心 indifferent ; nonchalant ; unconcerned

自卑感 inferiority complex 歇斯底里病 hysteria 眼耳鼻咽喉

视力丧失 lose one's sight 9eyesight) ; become blind

失明 loss of vision ; blindness

视力减退 impairment of visual acuity ; impaired vision ; fogglness (dimness) of vision ; poor (defective) vision ; blurring

近视 near-sightedness ; myopia myopy 远视 far-sightedness ; hypermetrope ; hyperope 折射异常 refractive error 乱视 astigmatism

斜视 strabismus ; squint 复视 diplopia ; double vision 夜盲 night-blindness ; nyctalopia 盲点 scotoma ; blind spot 眼睛疲劳 eyestrain

流泪过多 overflow of tears

异物感foreign body sensation ; a feeling of something ; grittiness ; sandiness

怕光 photophoia ; abnormal intolerance of light ; inability to stand light

结膜炎 conjunctivitis 砂眼 trachoma

听力减退 impaired hearing ; decreased hearing ; loss of hearing 重听 be hard of hearing 耳聋 deaf

耳鸣 ringing of ears ; tinnitus 耳痛 earache ; otalgia 耳垢 cerumen ; erawax ;

中耳炎 otitis media ; inflammation of the middle ear

流鼻水 snivel ; run at the nose ; have a running nose ;

鼻伤风 sniffles ; snuffles ; head cold ; coryza

擤鼻涕 blow the nose ;

鼻声 a nasal voice

鼻塞 nasal obstruction ; nasal stuffiness ; nasal blockage ; nasal congestion

鼻出血 nosebleed ; bleeding from the nose ; nasal hemorrhage ; epistaxis 鼻炎 rhinitis 扁桃 tonsil

扁桃炎 tonsillitis 齿痛 toothache

蛀齿 decayed tooth ; dental caries ; tooth caries ; tooth cavity 义齿 an artificial tooth

装假牙 wear false teeth (a denture) 无齿 toothless ; edentulous 掉齿 lose a tooth ; come out 拔齿 pull out ; extract a tooth 齿龈 gums ; gingiva 皮肤

发疹 eruption ; rash ; exanthema ; exanthem 湿疹 eczema

荨麻疹 urticaria ; hives 胎记 birth mark(红斑) 青斑 bruise 黑斑 mole

水泡 welt ; wheal ;wale 头皮屑 dandruff ; scurf 痂 scab ; curst ; slough 丘疹 pimple ; acne

香港脚 athlete's foot ; ringworm of the feet

痱子 prickly heat ; heat rash 龟裂 chaps ; cracks

糜烂 sore ; erosion ; festering 疣 warts

冻疮 chilblain ; festering 尿布疹 diaper rash 黄癣 favus ; scaldhead 脓泡 impetigo 雀斑 freckles 晒斑 sunburn

骚养 itching ; pruritus

骚养伤 scratch

生脓 fester ; form pus ; suppurate 渗出 exude ;ooze ; weep

股擦伤 have a thigh sore (chafing in the groin)

脱毛 loss of hair ; falling-out of hair 多毛症 hirsutism

无毛 hairless ; bald ;

秃头 baldness ; bald- headedness 秃头症 alopecia 十、诊断用具

stethoscope 听诊器

sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) 血压计

thermometer 体温计 ophthalmoscope 捡眼镜 otoscope 耳镜

laryngeal mirror 喉镜 flashlight 手电统

tongue depressor (tongue blade) 压舌板

hammer (percussion hammer ; reflex hammer) 叩诊锤 tuning fork 音叉 tape measure 卷尺 scale (ruler) 尺

loupe (magnifying glass ; hand lens) 放大镜

rubber gloves 橡胶手套 finger cot 指套

vaginal speculum 阴道镜

一、 内科常用字汇

心血管系统 The Cardiovascular System

Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞

Electrocardiogram (DCG) 心电图 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease Dysphasia 说话困难 Aphasia 失语症 Aphonia 失声

Dysphagia 吞咽困难 Gingivitis 齿龈炎 Pharyngitis 咽炎 Laryngitis 喉炎


Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病

Hemangioma 血管瘤 Vasodilatation 血管扩张 Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 Hypertension 高血压 Hypertrophy 肥大 Hypotension 低血压 Varicose veins 静脉曲张

血液及淋巴系统 The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎

Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病 Leukocyte 白血球

Leukocytopenia 白血球减少

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮

Splenomegaly 脾肿大 Anemia 贫血 Aseptic 无菌的 Septicemia 败血症 Hemostasis 止血 Transfusion 输血

呼吸系统 The Respiratory System

Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞 Mucosa 黏膜 Exhale 呼吸 Apnea 窒息

Tachypnea 呼吸急促 Pneumonia 肺炎 Bronchitis 支气管炎 Lung Empyema 肺积脓

消化系统 The Digestive System Short of breath 呼吸短促

Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查 Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄 Abdominocentesis 腹部穿刺术 Gastric cancer 胃癌 Gastritis 胃炎

Gastroenteritis 胃肠炎 Gastrorrhagia 胃出血

Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞 Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡 Peritonitis 腹膜炎 Enterorrhagia 肠出血 Enterorrhexis 肠破裂 Appendicitis 阑尾炎 Colon cancer结肠癌 Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查 Rectal cancer 直肠癌 Anal Fistual 肛门廔管 External hemorrhoid 外痔 Internal hemorrhoid 内痔 Excretion 排泄 Hepatitis 肝炎

Hepatomegaly 肝肿大 Gall Stone 胆结石 Cholelithiasis 胆石症 Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化 Ascites 腹水

内分泌系统 The Endocrine System

Glycemia 糖血症 Goiter 甲状腺肿

Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症 Bromidrosis 汗臭症

Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤

神经系统 The Nervous System Cerebral Arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化 Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血

Cerebral Edema 脑水肿 Cerebra Palsy脑性麻痹

Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞 Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎

Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血 Encephalitis 脑炎

Electromyography 肌电图 Neuritis 神经炎 Epilepsy 癜痫

Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛 Rachitis 痀偻症

Rachioscoliiosis 脊柱侧弯 Spondylitis 脊椎炎 Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹 Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪

Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识

Eye opening睁眼反应 Verbal response 语言反应 Motor response 运动反应 Corneal reflex 角膜反射 Plantar reflex 膝反射 Sciatica 坐骨神经痛 Chorea 舞蹈症

Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩 Migraine 偏头痛

Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症 Brain Swelling 脑肿胀 brain Concussion 脑震荡 brain Anoxia脑缺氧症 brain Death 脑死

肌肉骨骼系统 The Musculoskeletal System

Anterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带

Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎

Arthrosclerosis 关节硬化

Degenerated Joint Disease 变性关节炎

Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折 Pelvic Fracture 骨盆骨折 Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏 Matastatic Lesion转移性损害

Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 Amputation 截肢 Bone graft 骨移植

Hallux Valgus大拇指外翻

Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术

Range of Motion 运动范围 Varus 内翻

Chondromalacia 软骨软化症

泌尿及男性生殖系统 The Urinary and Male Reproductive System

Cystitis 膀胱炎

Circumcision 包皮环割术 Cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查 Hydronephrosis 肾水肿 Renal Stone 肾结石

Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭 Cryptorchidism 隐睾症 Spermatogenesis 精子生成

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大

Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄 Dysuria 排尿困难 Hematuria 血尿 Uremia 尿毒症

Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染 Vasoligation 输精管结扎 Impotence 阳萎

特殊感觉器官 The Organs of Special Senses

Audiometer 听力计 Otitis 耳炎 Otorrhea 耳漏 Tympanitis 中耳炎

Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术 Nasitis 鼻炎

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌 Rhinorrhea 鼻溢

Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物 Intraocular pressure 眼内压 Oculus Uterque 双眼 Oculus Sinister 左眼 Oculus Dexter 右眼

Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌 Ophthalmologist 眼科医师 Diplopia 复视 Myopia 近视

Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂 Corneitis 角膜炎

Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等 Retinopexy 视网膜固定术

Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落 Visual field 视野

Vocal nodular 声带结节 Dermatologist 皮肤科医师 Dermatitis 皮肤炎 Cataract 白内障 Glaucoma 青光眼 综合性字汇

Contraceptive 避孕的 Contraindication 禁忌症 Biology 生物学 Hyperemesis 剧吐 Polydipsia 剧渴

Homosexual 同性的 Heterosexual 异性的 Inject 注射 Lipoma 脂肪瘤 Lipoid 脂肪样的

Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症 Malformaiton 畸形 Malaise 不适 Necrosis 坏死 Nocturia 夜尿症 Ployuria 多尿 Narcotics 麻醉药 Hyperplasia 增殖 Dysplasia 发育不良 Dyspepsia 消化不良 Prognosis 预後 Antipyretic 解热剂 Hydrophobia 恐水症 Photophobia 畏光 Antibiotic 抗生素 Syndrome 症候群 Hydrotherapy 水疗法 Perforation 穿孔

Percussion 叩诊 Visceralgia 脏器痛 二、妇产科常用字汇 Genital 生殖的 Gynecology 妇科 Menstruation 月经 Menopause 更年期 Menorrhagia 经血过多 Amenorrhea 无月经 Dysmenorrhea 经痛 Menarche 初经

Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌 Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂 Cervicitis 子宫颈炎 Perineum 会阴

Endometriosis 子宫内膜异位 Ovary 卵巢

Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿 Ovulation 排卵 Vaginitis 阴道炎

Colposcopy 阴道镜检法 Galactocele 乳腺囊肿

Mammography 乳房X 光摄影术 Infertility 不孕症

InVitro Fertilization 体外受精 Amnion 羊膜

Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术

Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞 Hydramnion 羊水过多 Anterpartal 产前的 Antepartum 分娩前

Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样

Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称

Artificial Insemination 人工受精 Engagement 进入产位 Estrogen 动情基素 Colostrum 初乳

Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕 Corpus Luteum 黄体

Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩

Venereal Disease 性病

Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎 Laparoscope 腹腔镜 Embryo 胚胎

Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕 Primipara 初产妇

Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位

Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中 Multipara 经产妇 Parity 经产

Placenta Previa前置胎盘 Postpartum 产後

Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血 Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症 Adolescence 青春期

Basal Body Temperature 基础体温 Cesarean Section 剖腹产

Expected Date of Confinement 预产期

Fallopian Tube 输卵管 Forceps 产钳

Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块 Labor Pain阵痛

Painless Labor 无痛分娩 Molding 胎头变形

Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产

Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查

Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水

Progesterone 黄体素 Stillbrith 死产 Suture 缝合 Stump 残物

Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血 三、小儿科常用字汇 Apnea 呼吸暂停

Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血 Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形

Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘 Bronchitis 支气管炎

Cephalopematoma 头血肿 Erythema 红斑

Hypospadia 尿道下裂 Dehydration 脱水 Hydrocephalus 水脑 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Polydactylia 多指畸形 Pyoderma 脓皮症 Sepsis 败血症 Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 Encephalitis 脑炎

Gastroenteritis 肠胃炎

Necrotizing Enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎

Malignant 恶性的

Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形 Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息 Cleft Palate 颚裂 Diarrhea 腹泻

Dental Caries 龋齿

Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹 Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹 Torticollis 斜颈 Vaccine 疫苗

Incubator 保温箱 Cleft lip 兔唇 Chicken pox 水痘 Club foot 畸足 Diphtheria 白喉

Dengue fever 登革热 Eczema 湿疹

Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒 German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹 Giant baby巨婴 Gonorrhea 淋病 Hepatitis B B型肝炎

Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病 Jaundice 黄疸

Mongolian spots 蒙古斑 Mumps 腮腺炎

Respiratory arrest呼吸停止 Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹 Vomiting 呕吐


Mental retardation 智能不足 autism 自闭症

dement 痴呆症

alzheimer's dementia阿尔茲海默式形痴呆症

alcoholism 酒瘾

substances Intoxication 物质中毒 alcohol Intoxication 酒精中毒

amphetamine Intoxication 安非他命中毒

schizophrenia 精神分裂病

delusional Disorder 妄想性病患

Major Depressive Disorder 重郁症疾患

phobia 畏惧症

obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 强迫性病患

pedophilia 恋童癖 exhibitionism 暴露狂

Transvestic Fetishism扮异性恋物癖 Gender Identity Disorders 性别认同疾患

Anorexia Nervosa心因性厌食症 Bulimia Nervosa心因性暴食症 临床症状

blunted affect 感情迟钝 silly Laughter 傻笑 apathy 冷漠 irritable 易怒的 euphoria 欣快感 depression 忧郁

ambivalence 感情矛盾 Flat Affect感情平淡

suicide attempt 自杀企图 queer behavior 怪异行为 bizarre behavior 特异行为 hypertalkative 多话 hypotalkative 少话 mutistic 不语

hyperactivity 活动过多 hypoactivity 活动过少

compulsive behavior 强迫行为 verbigeration 重复语言 catelepsy 僵直

negativism 阻抗行动 Mannerism 作态行为

destrctive behavior 破坏行为 autistic thinking 自闭性思考 poverty of speech 言语贫乏 flight of ideas 意念飞跃

loosening of association 思考连结松散

illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考 pressure speech 言语急迫 thought blocking 思考中断 incoherent 语无伦次

thought Withdrawal 思想退缩 irrelevant 答非所问 delusion 妄想

delusion of persecution 被害妄想 delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想 Phobia 恐惧症 acrophobia 惧高症 algophobia 惧痛症 sexual drive 性欲 illusion 错觉

hallucination 幻觉

auditory hallucination 听幻觉 disoreinatation 失去定向力 amnesia 记忆丧失症 confabulation 虚谈症 orientation 定向力 judgement 判断力 derealization 失真感 insight 病识感

no insight 无病识感

intellectual insight 理性的病识感 true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感 心理学名词

free association 自由联想 dream analysis 梦的解析 ego 自我 id 原我

super ego 超我

ego boundary 自我界限 libido 原欲

scapegoat 代罪羔羊

internal conflict 内在冲突 conscious 意识

unconscious 潜意识 preconscious 前意识 transference 情感转移

depersonalization 人格解体 derealization 脱离现实 neurosis 神经精神病 Psychosis 神经病

Pleasure Principle 享乐原则 Reality Principle 现实原则 Moral Principle 道德原则

Predisposing Factors 潜在因素 Precipitating Factors 诱发因素 Defense Mechanism 防卫机转 compensation 补偿作用 conversion 转化作用 denial 否认作用

displacement 转移作用 dissociation 解离作用 fantasy 幻想作用

identification 认同作用 introjection 内射作用 projection 外射作用

retionalization 合理化作用 reaction formation 反向作用 degression 退化作用 repression 潜抑作用 suppression 压抑作用 restitution 归还作用 sublimation 升华作用 substitution 取代作用 symbolism 象徵作用 undoing 抵销作用 distortion 曲解作用 isolation 隔离作用

Cognitive behavioral Therapy 认知行为治疗

Empathy 同理心 Resistance 阻抗

testing out behavior 试探行为 self-awareness 自我了解 separation anxiety 分离焦虑 reinforcement 增强原则 catharsis 情绪宣泄 confrontation 面质

listen 倾听 restraint 约束

physical restraint 身体的约束 chemical 药物的约束 五、各科常用缩写 A

AAD against-advice discharge 自动出院

A abdomen 腹部

ADL activities of daily life 日常生活活动

A/G albumin /globulin ration 白蛋白/蛋球白比例

AK above knee 膝上 B.

BE below elbow 肘下 BH body height 身高

b.i.d twice a day 一日两次 Bil bilateral两侧的 BK below knee 膝下

BM bowel movement 肠蠕动

BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率

BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy良性摄护腺肥大

BTI biliary tract infection胆道感染 BUS blood, urine, stool 血液, 小便, 大便

BW body weight 体重 C.

Ca. Carcinoma 癌

CBC complete blood count 全血球计数

CBD common bile duct 总胆管 CH cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血 Chest P-A chest posterio-anterio 前後胸部

CO cardiac output 心输出量

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术

CPS chronic paranasal sinusitis 慢性鼻窦炎

C/T chemotherapy 化学治疗法 CT cerebral thrombosis 脑栓塞

CT Scan computerized axial I & D Incision and drainage 切开及流 tomography scan 电脑断层检查

CVA cerebral vascular accident 脑血管意外

CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压 D.

DC discontinue 停止

D&C dilatation and curettage 扩张及刮除术

DM diabetes mellitus 糖尿病

DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 白喉, 百日咳, 破伤风

DU duodenal ulcer 十二指肠溃伤 E.

ECG eletrocardiogram 心电图

EEG electroecephalogram 脑电波图 ENT ear, nose, throat 耳鼻喉 F .

FH family history 家族史

FHS fetal heart sounds 胎心音

FOU fever of unknown 不明原因发烧 Fr fracture 骨折 G.

GB gall bladder 胆囊

GI tract gastric intestinal tract 胃肠道 GSR general surgical routine 一般外科常规

gtt. Drops 滴

GU genitourinary 生殖泌尿的 GYN gynecology 妇科学 H

Hb hemoglobin 血色素

HICH hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 高血压性脑内出血 h.s. at bedtime 睡前 HT Hypertension 高血压

Ht. (Hct.) Hematocrit 血球容积 Hx History 病例 I

ICP Intermittent catheterization program 间歇性导尿

ICU Intensive care unit 加护病房 ICT Intracerebral tumor脑内肿瘤

IICP Increased intracranial pressure 增高胪内压

Imp. Impression 臆断

IM Intramuscular 肌肉内的

I & O Intake and output 输入及排出 IV Intravenous 静脉内的

IVKO Intravenous keep open 静脉点滴维持通畅 J

Jej. Jejunum 空肠 Jt. Joint 关节 K

Kn. Knee 膝

KUB Kidney, ureter , baldder 肾、输尿管及膀胱 L.

LFT liver function test肝功能试验 LLQ left lower quadrant 左下象限 LMP last menstrual period 最後一次月经 M

MBD may be discharged 可出院 MN midnight 午夜 N

NKA non known allergy 不明原因的过敏

NP nothing particular 并无特别的 NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌

NPO nothing by mouth 禁食 O.

OA osteo-arthritis 骨性关节炎 OB occult blood 潜血 OBS obstetrics 产科 OP operation 手术

OPD outpatient department 门诊 Ortho. Orthopaedic 骨科矫行的 OS ocular sinistro 左眼

OT occupational therapy 职能治疗 OU Both eyes 双眼 P

p.c. after meals 饭後

PCT Penicillin test 盘尼西林测验

PE Physical examination 身体检查 PI Present illness 目前病况 p.o. by mouth 由口

PPU Perforated petic ulcer 穿孔性胃溃疡

PT Physical therapy 物理治疗 PTA Prior to admission 入院前

PTN Parenteral total nutrition 肠道外的高营养 Q

Q every 每一

q.d. every day 每日 q.h every hour 每小时

q.i.d. four times a day 每日四次 q.m. every morning 每日早晨 q.n. every night 每日晚间 R

RA rheumatoid a arthritis 类风湿性关节炎

RBC red blood cell 红血球 RN registered nurse 护理师 R/O rule out 可能是

RR recovery room 恢复室

R/T radio-therapy test 放射治疗 RUQ right upper quadrant 右上象限 Rx take 取拿

Medication 处方 Treatment 治疗 S

Sc. Subcutaneous 皮下的 SOB short of breath 呼吸短促 SP .g.r . specific gravity 比重

S/P status/ post operation 手术後 s-s half 一半

St(stat) immediately 立刻

Staph. Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌 T

t.i.d. Three times a day 每日三次 TPR Temperature, pulse, respirations 体温、脉搏、呼吸

TURP Trans-urethral resection of prostate 经尿道切除摄护腺 U

URI Upper respiratory infection 上

呼吸道感染 W

WBC White blood cell 白血球

White blood count 白血球计数 Y

Y/O year old 年龄 Z zero 零


The cardiovascular system 心血管系统

lungs 肺脏 venis

vessels 血管

capillaries 微血管 cardi 心脏 arteries

blood clot凝血

The Hemic and Lymphatic System血液及淋巴系统 Blood 血液

Red blood cell 红血球 White blood cell白血球 Platelet 血小板

The Respiratory System 呼吸系统 Bronchial tube主支气管 Alveoii 气泡 Pharynx 咽 Larynx 喉 Trachea 气管 Lung 肺

Bronchioles 小支气管 Pleura 胸膜 Chest 胸 Air 气

The Digestive System 消化系统 Lips 唇 teeth 牙齿 tongue 舌 bile duct 胆管 gallbladder 胆囊 duodenum 十二指肠 jejunum 空肠 ileum 回肠

appendix 阑尾

small intestine小肠 large intestine大肠 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 pancreas 胰 stomach 胃 esophagus 食道 pharynx 咽

The Endocrine System Glands 腺体 Adrenals 肾上腺 Pancreas 胰 Pituitary 脑下腺

Thyroid and parathyroids 甲状腺和副甲状腺

Breasts 乳房 Ovaries 卵巢 Testes 睾丸

The Nervous System Brain 脑

Spinal cord 脊髓 Vertebra 脊椎 Cranium 颅腔 Meninges 脑膜 Nerves 神经

The Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨系统

Skull 头骨 Clavicle 锁骨 Sternum 胸骨 Ribs 助骨 Joints 关节 Ligaments 韧带 Tendons 肌腱 Cartilage 软骨

The Urinary and Male Reproductive System 泌尿及男性生殖系统 Cortex 皮质 Urinary 膀胱 Urethra 尿道 Ureters 输尿管 Kidney 肾脏

Renal pelvis 肾孟

Vas deferens精管 Urinary bladder 膀胱 prostate gland前列腺 scrotum 阴囊 testis 睾丸 penis 阴茎 urethra 尿道

The Organs of Special Senses 特殊感觉器官

Acoustic nerve听神经 Ear 耳朵

Hearing 听觉的 tube 耳咽管 Eardrum 耳骨膜 Eustachian 欧式管 Nasal cavities鼻腔 Nose 鼻 Eyelid 眼睑 Lens 晶球体 Carnea 角膜 Tear duct泪管 Conjunctiva 结膜 Choroid layer 脉络膜 Retina 视网膜 Sclera 巩膜

Optic nerve视神经

Obstetrics & Hynecology 妇产科常用字汇

Fallopian tube输卵管 Ovary 卵巢 Uterus 子宫 Vagina 阴道

Vulva 女阴(外生殖器官) 脑部系统

cerebrum 大脑

corpus callosum 胼胝体 thalamus 视丘 cerebellum 小脑 diencephalon 间脑

cerebral peduncles大脑脚 infundibulum 漏斗 hypophysis 脑下垂体 midbrain 中脑 pons 桥脑

medulla 延脑 brain stem 脑干 眼球构造 pupil 瞳孔

suspensory ligaments 悬韧带 ciliary process捷状突 retinal veins网膜静脉 retinal arteries网膜动脉 optic nerve视神经

anterior chamber前眼房 posterior chamber 後眼房 iris 虹膜

vitreous body 玻璃状体

internal rectus muscle 内直肌 lacrimal puncta泪孔

lacrimal canaliculi泪小管 lacrimal gland 泪腺

excretory lacrimal duct 泪腺管 eyebrow 眉毛 耳朵构造 cochlea 耳蜗

eustachian tube 耳咽管 helix 耳壳

tympanic membrance 鼓膜 external auditory canal 外耳道 semicircular canals半规管 malleus 锤骨

vestibulocochlear nerve前庭耳蜗神经口腔

gingiva 齿龈 molars 大臼齿 premolars 小臼齿 canines 犬齿 incisors 门齿

vestibule of mouth 口腔前庭 upper lip 上唇

upper lip frenulum 上唇系带 alveolar provess齿槽突 hard palate硬颚

palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺

sublingual caruncle 舌下阜 七、癌症相关单字 1. gastric cancer胃癌

2. pancreatic cancer胰脏癌

3. colon cancer结肠癌 4. rectal cancer直肠癌

5. prostate cancer摄护腺癌

6. nasotharyngdal carcinona鼻咽癌 7. cervical cancer子宫颈癌 8. lung cancer肺癌

9. esophageal cancer食道癌 10. bladder cancer膀胱癌 11. laryngl caner喉癌 12. ovarian cancer软巢癌 13. liver cancer肝癌 14. skin cancer皮肤癌 15. breast cancer乳癌 16. leukemia血癌 17. bone cancer骨癌 18. brain tumor脑癌 19. heart disease 心脏病 20. lymphoma 淋巴瘤 八、医院内常见单字 Hospital 医院

Nursing school = nursing home 护理学校 (nursing home) Private convalescence

hospital 慢性疾病或恢复期的患者寮养的私立小医院

(nursery school) 处理幼稚园之幼儿的地方

Department of Medicine = Department of Internal Medicine 内科

Resident in medicine 内科住院医师 Chief of Medicine 内科主任(Medical man)

Internist = intern = intern 实习生(Internist = 内科医师)

House officer 医院医师的称呼

Junior and senior students 医学院学生(通常3或4学生) Extern 医院实习生

Clinical clerk 从事病历记录实习之学生

Student nurse 护理学生

Graduate nurse护理学校毕业的护士

Registered nurse (R.N.)取得考试许可证

Supervisor 督导护士 Head nurse护士长

Scrub nurse 手术助理护士

Practicing physician = physician in practice = practitioner 开业医生 Ambulance = ambulatory 救护车(不限於车子 只要是搬运病人的船或飞机)

Ambulant 可走动 不必卧床的病人 Ambulantory patient 住院患者可走动 (May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib, may walk)

Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病) Paretic 麻痹患者

Malpractice 诊疗错误 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房 station 护理站 por 恢复室

Patient 患者, 病人 Narcotic 麻醉药 Nurse 护士 Doctor 医生

Internist 内科医生 Surgeon 外科医生 Dentist 牙科医生

Gynecologist 妇科医生 Orthopedist 骨科医生 Oculist 眼科医生

Pediatrician 小儿科医生 Psychiatrist 精神病医生 Intern 实习医生

Examination table 诊疗台 Clinical thermometer 体温计 Stethoscope 听诊器 Reflector 反光镜

X-ray checkup X 光检查 X-ray photograph X光像片 Operation 手术 Scalpel 手术刀 Syringe 针筒

Hypodermic needle 注射针

Injection 注射 Ice bag 冰袋

Fixation forceps 固定镊 Medicine, drug药品 Bandage 绷带

Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉 Gauze 纱布 Mask 口罩

Wheel chair 轮椅 Crutches 柺杖 Ambulance 救护车 Stretcher 担架 Chart 病历表 Prescription 处方 Blood pressure 血压 Blood type 血型

Artificial respiration 人工呼吸 Pill 药丸 Capsule 胶囊 Ointment 软膏

Iodine tincture 碘酒 Sedative 镇静剂

Intensive care unit 加护病房

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏术

Intravenous drip 点滴 Chemotherapy 化学治疗

Computerized Topography电脑断层 magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振

Bureau of National Health Insurance中央健保局 Fracture 骨折 Gypsum 石膏


Front sheet, Summary sheet 首页, 摘要表

History sheet 病历表

Physical examination sheet 身体检查表

Physician's order sheet 医嘱单

Physician's progress note 医生用病情进展记录

Laboratory reports 检验报告

Radiographic reports X光检查报告 Nursing notes 护理记录 Graphic chart 图式病历

Discharge summary sheet 出院摘要 Operation report 手术报告 Anesthesia record 麻醉记录 Consultation sheet 会诊单

Intake and output sheet 摄取与排泄记录

Consent (or permission) for operation 手术同意书

Emergency room record 急诊室记录 住院病历表

身家调查事项 ( identifying data or biographic data)

admission date 住院日期

hospital number = chart number 病历号码

room number 病房号码 name sex age

birth date birth place

marital status = civil status 婚姻状况 address occupation

empolyer 雇主公司行号

health insurance number 医疗保险号码

referring physician 转介医生 各系统的表现状况--全身状态 违和感

malaise (= a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, indefinite bodily weakness or discomfort) feel unwell (ill, poorly) 疲劳感. 倦怠感 lassitude fatigue tiredness weariness languor

lack of energy (vigor)

listlessness exhaustion worn-out

虚脱 无力状态 weakness feebleness

lack (loss) of strength debility


prostration(= extreme weakness or exhaustion) asthenia 睡眠状态 sleep

slumber (=light sleep) a nap (=a short sleep)

a doze (= a light or fitful sleep) 入睡 fall asleep ; go to sleep

小睡 take a nap ; take a doze ; slumber ; doze ; drowse

欲睡的 sleepy ; drowsy ; somolent ; lethargic

睡意 sleepiness ; drowsiness ; somnolence

摧睡 become(= feel =get) sleepy(=drowsy = somnolent)

睡眠不足 loss(= lack = want) of sleep

失眠 insomnia ; sleeplessness ; wakefulness ; inability to sleep 失眠症的人 insomniac

熟睡 sound (profound) sleep

睡醒awake ; wake ; rouse ; awaken 作梦 dream 恶梦 nightmare

梦游症 sleepwalking ; somnambulism

梦游病者 sleep-walker ; somnambulist ; night-walker 体重方面(weight ; body weight) 体重为 weigh~ ; be ~ in weight 最高 maximum 最低 minimum 平均 average

最适 optimum 现在 present

体重减少 weight loss ; loss of weight 体重增加 weight gain ; gain in 胸股下後痛 substernal (retrosternal) pain

胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain

腹痛 abdominal pain ; belly(stomach) weight ; increase in weight 瘦 thin ; lean ; skinny

瘦弱 emaciated (emaciation) 肥胖 fat ; stout ; fatty

体温状况(body temperature 量体温 take one's temperature

发烧 fever ; pyrexia ; rise (elevation) of temperature ; increase in temperature

发烧的 feverish ; febrile ; fevered ; pyrexic ; pyrexial

无发烧的 afebrile ; feverless ; apyrexial

发冷 a chill ; rigor ; have a cold fit 寒颤 shiver ; shake ; shaking chills ; shivering with chills

退热 fall ; drop ; go down ; abate ; remit

发汗 sweating ; perspiration 弛张热 remittent fever 间歇热 intermittent fever 连续热 continuous fever 危险期 by crisis 转轻期 by lysis 疼痛方面

偏头痛 migraine ; megrim ; hemicrania ;

後头部痛 occipital pain 侧头部痛 temporal pain 前头部痛 frontal pain

头痛 have(suffer) a headache ; one's head aches ; feel a pain in the head 耳痛 earache ; sore ears ; toalgia 咽喉痛 sore throat ; pharyngalgia 眼痛 have painful eyes ; one's eyes hurt(smart) 齿痛 toothache 胸痛 chest pain

心前部痛 precordial pain 心绞痛 anginal pain


上腹痛 epigastric pain ; pain in the epigastrium

上腹部痛 upper abdominal pain 下腹部痛 lower abdominal pain

左上腹部痛 left upper quadrant pain 侧腹部痛 flank pain 背痛 backache

腰痛 low backache ; lumbago 关节痛 joint pain

肌肉痛 muscular pain 神经痛 neuralgia

绞痛 colic ; colicky pain

胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic 肾石痛 renal colic

痛 cramps ; crampy (cramping) pain; spasmodic

博动痛 throbbing(pounding, thumping, pulsating) pain

转移性痛 radiating pain ; pain with radiation

牵连痛 referred pain

电击痛 lightning (fulgurant, shooting) pain

带状痛 girdle pain 神经根性痛 root pain 空腹痛 hunger pain 夜间痛 nocturnal pain 自发痛 spontaneous pain 压痛 tenderness

固定痛fixed (steady) pain 灼热痛 burning pain

刺状痛 lancinating ; piercing ; stinging ; darting; stabbing 分裂状头痛 splitting ; racking 撕裂状痛 tearing ; rending ; 钝痛 dull ; obtuse ;

剧烈痛 sharp ; excruciating ; tormenting ; torturing ; racking ; agonizingly severe

不断阵痛 gnawing ; griping

擦伤痛 stinging ; smarting ; sore 针刺痛 pricking ; pricking 呼吸器管和循环器管系统 呼吸 breath ; respiration

呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing ; dyspnea

呼吸短促 be short of breath ; shortness of breath ;be short-winded; be out of breath ; lose one's breath 深呼吸 breathe deeply

叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath 喘息 pant

端坐呼吸 orthopnea

劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion( physical activity)

夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea 呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing

喘呜 wheeze ; wheezing 打喷嚏 sneezing ; sneeze

打嗝 hiccup (hiccough) ; singultus 咳嗽 cough

阵发性咳嗽 have a fit of coughing ; have a paroxysmal 清喉 clear the throat

乾咳 dry cough ; hacking couth ; nonproductive cough

有痰咳 productive cough ; cough with sputum

喀痰 sputum ; phlegm ; expectorate 喀血 hemoptysis ; bloody expectoration

粘喀痰 viscid (tenaceous ; thick ) sputum

浓喀痰 frothy sputum

泡沫状喀痰 mucoid sputum 脓性喀痰 purulent sputum 血性喀痰 bloody sputum

混血喀痰 blood-streaked sputum 绿色喀痰 greenish sputum 锈色喀痰 rusty sputum 感冒 common cold

流形性感冒 influenze ; flu ; grippe 上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory infection (U.R.I.) 胸膜炎 pleruisy 气喘 asthma 心悸 palpitation

悸动 palpitate ; throb

脉搏暂停 pause in the pulse ; skipped pulse (heart beat) 速脉 rapid pulse ; tachycardia 徐脉 slow pulse ; bradycardia

高血压 high blood pressure ; hypertension ; hypotension

心脏麻痹 heart attack ; heart failure ; cardiac standstill

狭心症 angina (=angina pectoris) 心脏瓣膜症 valvular disease of the heart ; leaking heart valve (leaky heart)

动脉硬化 hardening of the arteries ; arterioscalerosis

血液循环不佳have a poor circulation of blood

间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication 消化器官系统

食欲不振 a poor (weak or bad) appetite ; no little appetite ; loss (lack or decrease) of appetite ; anorexia 食欲增进 increase (improvement) of appetite

无食欲 have no (little ; a poor) appetite

食欲旺盛 have a strong (voracious) appetite

丧失食欲 lose one's apptite 空腹 an empty stomach 咀嚼 chewing ; mastication 吞咽 swallow gulp

吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing ; dysphagia

嗳气 打噎 belching ; eructation 打酸噎 sour eructation

心灼热 heatburn ; pyrosis ; water brash

逆流 regugitation

恶心 nausea ; retch ; heaving ; nauseous feeling ; sickly feeling

感到恶 feel nausea (nauseous, nauseated, sick,queasy) ; retch ; heave ; feel like vomiting

呕吐 vomiting ; emesis ; vomit ; throw up ; bring up ; spew

呕吐物 vomit ; vomitus; vomited matter

咖啡渣 coffee-grounds 消化 digestion

消化不良 indigestion ; dyspepsia 腹部饱胀 abdominal distention ; bloating ; flautulence; meteorism; gassiness

腹鸣 borborygmus ; gurgling ; growling ; rumbling 黄疸 jaundice ; icterus 腹水 ascites

通便 bowel movement ; bowel habit ; pass stools ; move one's bowels ; defecate ; evacuate the bowels ; 下痢 diarrhea ; loose bowels ; 便秘 constipation

水状watery stool (feces) 血状 bloody stool 柏油状 tarry stool 泥状 mushy stool 软状 loose stool 硬状 hard stool

呈固状 formed stool

呈半固状 semiformed stool 大便失禁 fecal incontinence

放屁pass gas ; pass wind ; pass flatus


排尿 urination ; micturition ; pass(void) urine ; urinate ; micturate 尿意 urge (desire ) to urinate 尿急 urinary urgency 频尿 urinary frequency

夜间频尿 frequent urination during the night ; nycturia

多尿 polyuria 少尿 oliguria 无尿 anuria

排尿困难 difficulty in urination ; dysuria

闭尿 urinary retention

尿失禁 urinary incontinence 夜间多尿 nocutria

夜尿症 bed-wetting ; enuresis 混浊尿 cloudy (turbid) urine 血尿 bloody urine ; hematuria 性欲 sexual desire ; libido

性交 sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition

杨萎 impotence 勃起 erection 射精 ejaculation

早泄 premature ejaculation 遗精 pollution

梦遗 nocturnal pollution(emission); wet dream

包茎 phimosis ; tightening of the foreskin (prepuce) 割礼 circumcision

性病 veneral disease (V.D.)

月经 menstruation ; menses ; periods ; menstrual periods

初潮 menarche ; onset of menses 停经 menopause

更年期 climacteric ; changeof life 痛经 dysmenorrhea ; painful menstruation

无月经 amenorrhea ; missed periods 月经过多 menrrhagia ; hypermenorrhea ; excessive bleeding; excessive flow

白带 vaginal discharge

阴道出血 vaginal bleeding 少量时 yaginal spoting

子宫出血 metrorrhagia ; uterine bleeding

妊娠 pregnancy ; conception 怀孕 conceive ; be pregnant

不妊 sterility ; barrenness ; infertility ;

inability to conceive

流产 abortion ; miscarriage ; 人工流产induced abortion

避孕contraception; birth control 避孕药 contraceptive 阵痛 labor

生产 分娩 childbirth ; delivery ; give birth to ; be delivered

坐月子 childbed ; confinement; drowiness ; lethargy

错乱 confusion ; distracted ; distraught

胆妄的 delirious 幻觉 hallucination

痉挛 convulsion ; cramp ; spasm 癫痫 epilepsy

半身不遂 be paralyzed on one side ; become hemiplegic

pueriperium ; puerperal period

孕吐 morning sickness ; nausea and vomiting of pregancy 骨关节与肌肉系统

脱臼 joint ; dislocation ; be dislocated be out of joint ; be put out of joint

扭伤 sprain

挫伤 sprain (twist ; wrench ) 关节炎 arthritis 风湿症 theumatism 痛风 gout (gaut)

关节痛 arthralgia ; joint pain 变形 deformity 骨折 fracture

石膏 cast ; plaster of Paris 义腿(肢) artificial limb

肌肉痛 muscle pain ; myalgia ; sore muscle

扭筋 strain ; sprain

肩坚硬 stiffness in a shoulder ; a stiff shoulder ; a cramp in the calf ; leg cramp

抽筋 have a cramp ; be cramped 肌肉压痛 tenderness of muscle ; muscular tenderness 精神与神经系统

意识混浊 clouding of consciousness 丧失意识 loss of consciousness ; unconsciousness

恢复意识 recover consciousness 昏厥 fainting ; syncope 昏睡 soma 昏迷 stupor

嗜睡somnolence ;sleepiness;

肌无力 muscular weakness 步行困难 difficulty in walking 说话不清 speak thickly

蹒跚 stagger ; reel ; falter ; walk zigzag ; walk with an unsteady gait; reel along

肌肉萎缩 atrophy of muscle 左手性 left-handedness 右手性 right-handedness 运动失调 ataxia

无感觉 loss of sensation ; numbness ; anesthesia

失去感觉 become numb ; loss sensibility

知觉过敏 hypersthesia 知觉迟钝 hypesthesia 知觉异常 paresthesia

神经质 nervousness ; sensitive ; touchy

神经衰弱 nervous breaksown

意志消沉 depressed ; in low spirits 情绪佳 in good mood ; cheerful ; euphoric

情绪不稳定 unstable ; labile capricious

易受刺激 excitable ; easily excited ; irritable

不安的 anxious ; apprehensive ; uneasy

内向的人 introvert 外向的人 extrovert

健忘 be forgetful ; have a poor memory

漠不关心 indifferent ; nonchalant ; unconcerned

自卑感 inferiority complex 歇斯底里病 hysteria 眼耳鼻咽喉

视力丧失 lose one's sight 9eyesight) ; become blind

失明 loss of vision ; blindness

视力减退 impairment of visual acuity ; impaired vision ; fogglness (dimness) of vision ; poor (defective) vision ; blurring

近视 near-sightedness ; myopia myopy 远视 far-sightedness ; hypermetrope ; hyperope 折射异常 refractive error 乱视 astigmatism

斜视 strabismus ; squint 复视 diplopia ; double vision 夜盲 night-blindness ; nyctalopia 盲点 scotoma ; blind spot 眼睛疲劳 eyestrain

流泪过多 overflow of tears

异物感foreign body sensation ; a feeling of something ; grittiness ; sandiness

怕光 photophoia ; abnormal intolerance of light ; inability to stand light

结膜炎 conjunctivitis 砂眼 trachoma

听力减退 impaired hearing ; decreased hearing ; loss of hearing 重听 be hard of hearing 耳聋 deaf

耳鸣 ringing of ears ; tinnitus 耳痛 earache ; otalgia 耳垢 cerumen ; erawax ;

中耳炎 otitis media ; inflammation of the middle ear

流鼻水 snivel ; run at the nose ; have a running nose ;

鼻伤风 sniffles ; snuffles ; head cold ; coryza

擤鼻涕 blow the nose ;

鼻声 a nasal voice

鼻塞 nasal obstruction ; nasal stuffiness ; nasal blockage ; nasal congestion

鼻出血 nosebleed ; bleeding from the nose ; nasal hemorrhage ; epistaxis 鼻炎 rhinitis 扁桃 tonsil

扁桃炎 tonsillitis 齿痛 toothache

蛀齿 decayed tooth ; dental caries ; tooth caries ; tooth cavity 义齿 an artificial tooth

装假牙 wear false teeth (a denture) 无齿 toothless ; edentulous 掉齿 lose a tooth ; come out 拔齿 pull out ; extract a tooth 齿龈 gums ; gingiva 皮肤

发疹 eruption ; rash ; exanthema ; exanthem 湿疹 eczema

荨麻疹 urticaria ; hives 胎记 birth mark(红斑) 青斑 bruise 黑斑 mole

水泡 welt ; wheal ;wale 头皮屑 dandruff ; scurf 痂 scab ; curst ; slough 丘疹 pimple ; acne

香港脚 athlete's foot ; ringworm of the feet

痱子 prickly heat ; heat rash 龟裂 chaps ; cracks

糜烂 sore ; erosion ; festering 疣 warts

冻疮 chilblain ; festering 尿布疹 diaper rash 黄癣 favus ; scaldhead 脓泡 impetigo 雀斑 freckles 晒斑 sunburn

骚养 itching ; pruritus

骚养伤 scratch

生脓 fester ; form pus ; suppurate 渗出 exude ;ooze ; weep

股擦伤 have a thigh sore (chafing in the groin)

脱毛 loss of hair ; falling-out of hair 多毛症 hirsutism

无毛 hairless ; bald ;

秃头 baldness ; bald- headedness 秃头症 alopecia 十、诊断用具

stethoscope 听诊器

sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) 血压计

thermometer 体温计 ophthalmoscope 捡眼镜 otoscope 耳镜

laryngeal mirror 喉镜 flashlight 手电统

tongue depressor (tongue blade) 压舌板

hammer (percussion hammer ; reflex hammer) 叩诊锤 tuning fork 音叉 tape measure 卷尺 scale (ruler) 尺

loupe (magnifying glass ; hand lens) 放大镜

rubber gloves 橡胶手套 finger cot 指套

vaginal speculum 阴道镜


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