
初升高衔接英语 名 词

一、 名词的分类:根据用法,名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。



如: two Marys the Henrys monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

比较: 层楼:storey ---storeys story---stories

* 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如: photo---photos piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

*以f或 fe 结尾的名词变复数时常去 f , fe 加 ves ,

如:half---halves knife---knives leaf---leaves wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice man---men


注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。

如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。

2)单复数同形 如:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin 但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


a. maths ,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.


4) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers

楼梯), works(著作), woods(森林), times(时代)

3.不可数名词量的表示 可以借助单位词表一定的数量。如:

a glass of water 一杯水 a piece of cake

4.修饰可数名词的词有:many, few, a few, a number of, 数词

修饰不可数名词的词有:much, little, a little, a great deal of

即可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词的词有:some (any), no, a lot of

二、定语名词的复数 (即名词修饰名词)


1) 用复数作定语。 如:sports meeting 运动会 students reading-room 学生阅览室

2) man, woman, 等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。

如:men workers women teachers

3) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。

如:two-dozen eggs 两打/(二十四个鸡蛋) a ten-mile walk 十里路 two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan. 一个五年计划 some banana trees two book stores


1.有生命的人、物及其他名词的所有格在词尾加“’s”,如the boy’s bag 男孩的书包

2. 若名词词尾已有-s ,只加’,如:Teachers’ Day the twins’ parents, the students’ books

3. 时间、距离、地域等名词的所有格形式为-’s today’s newspaper, ten minutes’ walk the city’s problem

4. 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店 at my aunt’s (house) go to the doctor’s .

5. 凡不能加"'s"的名词,都可以用"名词+of +名词"的结构来表示所有关系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字 the window of the house 。

6. 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有's,则表示"分别有";只有一个's,则表示'共有'。

如:John's and Mary's rooms(两间) John and Mary's room(一间)

7. 双重所有格形式:a novel of Mark Twin’s a friend of my father’s / mine


1.--- Where have you been, Tim?

--- I’ve been to ______.

A. the Henry house B. the Henry family

C. The Henry’s home D. Henry’s

2.In England, if ____ is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.

A. food B. lunch C. breakfast D. dinner

3.You looked for it twice, but you haven’t found it. Why not try ____ .

A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once

4.--- They are thirsty. Will you please give them ______ ?

--- Certainly.

A. some bottles of waters B. some bottles of water

C. some bottle of water D. some bottle of waters

5.Mike hurt one of his ______ in the accident yesterday.

A. tooth B. feet C. hand D. ear

6.There is some _______ on the plate.

A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears

7.In England, the last name is the _______ .

A. family name B. middle C. given name D. full name

8.They are going to fly _______ to Beijing.

A. Germen B. Germany C. Germanys D. Germans

9.The______ has two _______ .

A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch

10.The little baby has two _______ already.

A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

11.What’s your _______ for being late again?

A. idea B. key C. excuse D. news

12.--- It’s dangerous here. We’d better go out quickly.

--- But I think we should let _______ go out first.

A. woman and children B. women and child

C. woman and child D. women and children

13.--- You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign “_______ ”on the door of his shop.

--- Thanks.



14.Are they going to have a picnic on _______ ?

A. Children’s Day B. Childrens’s Day

C. Childrens Day D. Children Day

15.Where are the students? Are they in _______ ?

A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406 Room


that his younger brother loves best.

A. coffee cup B. coffee’s cup C. cup of coffee D. coffee of cup

to tell his students at the beginning of his lectures.

A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news

3. As a businessman, Mr. Li gained his of English and American writers.

A. wealth; work B. wealth; works C. wealths ; works D. wealths ; work

4. He is a kind-hearted man. People can get on well with him.

A. Few B. A little C. Quite a few D. Little

5. The post office isn’t far from here. It’s only bicycle ride.

A. half an hours’ B. an hour and a half C. half an hour D. half an hour’s

6. The population of Shanghai very big and most of its population native people.

A. are ; is B. is ; is C. are; are D. is; are

7. —Would you like to have ,Tom?

—No, thanks, l have had enough.

A. any more orange and apples B. some more oranges and apples

C. any more oranges and apples D. some more oranges and apple

8. —Which do you prefer to drink, or coffee?

— please.

A. teas; Two tea B. tea; Two tea C. tea; Two teas D. teas; Two teas

9. lt was really to get a present from him on her birthday party that she couldn’t believe it, looking at him in A. such big surprise; a surprise B. such a big surprise; surprise

C. so big surprise; a surprise D. such big surprise; surprise

10. These are bikes. The twin brothers like them very much.

A. Jack’s and Jerry’s B. Jack’s and Jerry C. Jack’s and Jerry B. Jack and Jerry’s

11. —How much water is there in the bottle?

— .You’d better come to fetch another bottle.

A. A little B. Nothing C. No one D. None

12. Bill works harder than in his class. He is the most excellent student l have met.

A. the other boys B. other boys C. any boy D. another boy

三、完形填空 从每小题A,B,C选项中选择可填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

Australia has a lot of lovely animals. The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas.

hour and go over 9 meters in one jump. Kangaroos have pouches(育儿袋) to carry their babies. The babies stay to get milk and keep warm.

There are 20 to 25 kangaroos in Australia. That’s. You can find pictures of on TV, in magazines and books. The government even wants to put them on passports.

bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from gum trees, and they most of their time in the tree. Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their —“This is my place. You can’t come in!”

( ) 1A. large B. small C. short

( ) 2 A. and B. but C. or

( ) 3 A. meters B. kilos C. kilometers

( ) 4 A. inside B. outside C. outdoor

( ) 5 A. hundred B. thousand C. million

( ) 6 A. more than B. larger than C. as many

( ) 7 A. theirs B. themselves C. them

( ) 8 A. look like B. look after C. care for

( ) 9 A. take B. pay for C. spend

( )10 A. family B. home C. leaves


Bob was clever, but he never worked hard at his lessons. “I must make Bob work more and play less,” his father said to himself. “I must let Bob know I care very much about his studies.” So he wrote down some questions. He was going to ask Bob two or three questions each day, and decided to begin with the quite easy ones.

That evening when Bob came home from school, his father brought up the first question, “Bob,” said his father, “how many letters are there in the alphabet?” “I don’t know.” Bob said. “You don’t know?” the father looked unhappy. “You started school two years ago, and you don’t even know how many letters there are in the alphabet?”

“Is that surprising? Well, let me ask you a question, Dad. You started to work in the post office five years ago, didn’t you?” “Yes?” Bob’s father was confused(迷惑的). “Then can you tell me how many letters there are in the letter-box over there?”

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确“A”,错误“B”。(10 分)

( )11.Bob was not good at his lessons because he was not clever enough.

( )12.His father decided to ask Bob a few questions every day.

( )13.Bob was at school for five years.

( )14.Bob didn’t know how many letters there are in the alphabet.

( )15.Bob’s father wasn’t clever because he didn’t know the number of the letters in the letter-box.


My parents are both interested in reading and music , and 1_________

my father prefers to history books while my mother likes 2_________

to read novels and woman's magazines. In music , their 3__________

tastes are similar , and they had never tired of folk music . 4__________

Most of the time , they are in agreement on bringing up 5__________

children , They both believe in giving their children loves , 6__________

and none believes in punishing a child physically . 7__________

for times , they agree with each other , but sometimes 8__________

they seem differently .Perhaps that is why none of 9__________

their children knows for sure which parents he should follow . 10_________



80词左右 。

初升高衔接英语 名 词

一、 名词的分类:根据用法,名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。



如: two Marys the Henrys monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

比较: 层楼:storey ---storeys story---stories

* 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如: photo---photos piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

*以f或 fe 结尾的名词变复数时常去 f , fe 加 ves ,

如:half---halves knife---knives leaf---leaves wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice man---men


注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。

如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。

2)单复数同形 如:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin 但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


a. maths ,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.


4) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers

楼梯), works(著作), woods(森林), times(时代)

3.不可数名词量的表示 可以借助单位词表一定的数量。如:

a glass of water 一杯水 a piece of cake

4.修饰可数名词的词有:many, few, a few, a number of, 数词

修饰不可数名词的词有:much, little, a little, a great deal of

即可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词的词有:some (any), no, a lot of

二、定语名词的复数 (即名词修饰名词)


1) 用复数作定语。 如:sports meeting 运动会 students reading-room 学生阅览室

2) man, woman, 等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。

如:men workers women teachers

3) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。

如:two-dozen eggs 两打/(二十四个鸡蛋) a ten-mile walk 十里路 two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan. 一个五年计划 some banana trees two book stores


1.有生命的人、物及其他名词的所有格在词尾加“’s”,如the boy’s bag 男孩的书包

2. 若名词词尾已有-s ,只加’,如:Teachers’ Day the twins’ parents, the students’ books

3. 时间、距离、地域等名词的所有格形式为-’s today’s newspaper, ten minutes’ walk the city’s problem

4. 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店 at my aunt’s (house) go to the doctor’s .

5. 凡不能加"'s"的名词,都可以用"名词+of +名词"的结构来表示所有关系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字 the window of the house 。

6. 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有's,则表示"分别有";只有一个's,则表示'共有'。

如:John's and Mary's rooms(两间) John and Mary's room(一间)

7. 双重所有格形式:a novel of Mark Twin’s a friend of my father’s / mine


1.--- Where have you been, Tim?

--- I’ve been to ______.

A. the Henry house B. the Henry family

C. The Henry’s home D. Henry’s

2.In England, if ____ is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.

A. food B. lunch C. breakfast D. dinner

3.You looked for it twice, but you haven’t found it. Why not try ____ .

A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once

4.--- They are thirsty. Will you please give them ______ ?

--- Certainly.

A. some bottles of waters B. some bottles of water

C. some bottle of water D. some bottle of waters

5.Mike hurt one of his ______ in the accident yesterday.

A. tooth B. feet C. hand D. ear

6.There is some _______ on the plate.

A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears

7.In England, the last name is the _______ .

A. family name B. middle C. given name D. full name

8.They are going to fly _______ to Beijing.

A. Germen B. Germany C. Germanys D. Germans

9.The______ has two _______ .

A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch

10.The little baby has two _______ already.

A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

11.What’s your _______ for being late again?

A. idea B. key C. excuse D. news

12.--- It’s dangerous here. We’d better go out quickly.

--- But I think we should let _______ go out first.

A. woman and children B. women and child

C. woman and child D. women and children

13.--- You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign “_______ ”on the door of his shop.

--- Thanks.



14.Are they going to have a picnic on _______ ?

A. Children’s Day B. Childrens’s Day

C. Childrens Day D. Children Day

15.Where are the students? Are they in _______ ?

A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406 Room


that his younger brother loves best.

A. coffee cup B. coffee’s cup C. cup of coffee D. coffee of cup

to tell his students at the beginning of his lectures.

A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news

C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news

3. As a businessman, Mr. Li gained his of English and American writers.

A. wealth; work B. wealth; works C. wealths ; works D. wealths ; work

4. He is a kind-hearted man. People can get on well with him.

A. Few B. A little C. Quite a few D. Little

5. The post office isn’t far from here. It’s only bicycle ride.

A. half an hours’ B. an hour and a half C. half an hour D. half an hour’s

6. The population of Shanghai very big and most of its population native people.

A. are ; is B. is ; is C. are; are D. is; are

7. —Would you like to have ,Tom?

—No, thanks, l have had enough.

A. any more orange and apples B. some more oranges and apples

C. any more oranges and apples D. some more oranges and apple

8. —Which do you prefer to drink, or coffee?

— please.

A. teas; Two tea B. tea; Two tea C. tea; Two teas D. teas; Two teas

9. lt was really to get a present from him on her birthday party that she couldn’t believe it, looking at him in A. such big surprise; a surprise B. such a big surprise; surprise

C. so big surprise; a surprise D. such big surprise; surprise

10. These are bikes. The twin brothers like them very much.

A. Jack’s and Jerry’s B. Jack’s and Jerry C. Jack’s and Jerry B. Jack and Jerry’s

11. —How much water is there in the bottle?

— .You’d better come to fetch another bottle.

A. A little B. Nothing C. No one D. None

12. Bill works harder than in his class. He is the most excellent student l have met.

A. the other boys B. other boys C. any boy D. another boy

三、完形填空 从每小题A,B,C选项中选择可填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

Australia has a lot of lovely animals. The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas.

hour and go over 9 meters in one jump. Kangaroos have pouches(育儿袋) to carry their babies. The babies stay to get milk and keep warm.

There are 20 to 25 kangaroos in Australia. That’s. You can find pictures of on TV, in magazines and books. The government even wants to put them on passports.

bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from gum trees, and they most of their time in the tree. Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their —“This is my place. You can’t come in!”

( ) 1A. large B. small C. short

( ) 2 A. and B. but C. or

( ) 3 A. meters B. kilos C. kilometers

( ) 4 A. inside B. outside C. outdoor

( ) 5 A. hundred B. thousand C. million

( ) 6 A. more than B. larger than C. as many

( ) 7 A. theirs B. themselves C. them

( ) 8 A. look like B. look after C. care for

( ) 9 A. take B. pay for C. spend

( )10 A. family B. home C. leaves


Bob was clever, but he never worked hard at his lessons. “I must make Bob work more and play less,” his father said to himself. “I must let Bob know I care very much about his studies.” So he wrote down some questions. He was going to ask Bob two or three questions each day, and decided to begin with the quite easy ones.

That evening when Bob came home from school, his father brought up the first question, “Bob,” said his father, “how many letters are there in the alphabet?” “I don’t know.” Bob said. “You don’t know?” the father looked unhappy. “You started school two years ago, and you don’t even know how many letters there are in the alphabet?”

“Is that surprising? Well, let me ask you a question, Dad. You started to work in the post office five years ago, didn’t you?” “Yes?” Bob’s father was confused(迷惑的). “Then can you tell me how many letters there are in the letter-box over there?”

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确“A”,错误“B”。(10 分)

( )11.Bob was not good at his lessons because he was not clever enough.

( )12.His father decided to ask Bob a few questions every day.

( )13.Bob was at school for five years.

( )14.Bob didn’t know how many letters there are in the alphabet.

( )15.Bob’s father wasn’t clever because he didn’t know the number of the letters in the letter-box.


My parents are both interested in reading and music , and 1_________

my father prefers to history books while my mother likes 2_________

to read novels and woman's magazines. In music , their 3__________

tastes are similar , and they had never tired of folk music . 4__________

Most of the time , they are in agreement on bringing up 5__________

children , They both believe in giving their children loves , 6__________

and none believes in punishing a child physically . 7__________

for times , they agree with each other , but sometimes 8__________

they seem differently .Perhaps that is why none of 9__________

their children knows for sure which parents he should follow . 10_________



80词左右 。


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  • 浅谈高中英语写作 摘 要:英语书面表达是学生认知水平和语言运用能力的综合体现.即英语语言输入与英语语言输出量化的体现.英语书面表达能力是学生主体能力和知识运用能力的综合体.因此,英语书面写作是探索用书面语言完成思想.表达的一门艺术,语言写作 ...查看

  • 七选五解题技巧总结
  • 七选五解题技巧总结 "七选五"这样的题型已被全国多个省市的的高考英语试卷采用.考试者将会得到一篇缺了五句话的英语文章,并要求学生根据文章的结构.逻辑.上下文的内容选出相应的五句话填入空白处将文章补充完整.主要目的在于&q ...查看
