


1. easy (反义词) 2.busy (比较级) 3.big (最高级)

4. hungry (比较级) 5.new (反义词) 6.well (比较级)

7. worst (原级) 8. Red (比较级) 9.nice (最高级)

10. little (比较级)

12.study(现在分词) ________

13.fall(过去式) ________

14.drive(现在分词) ________

15.become(过去分词) ________

16.play(现、单、三形式) ________

17.write(过去分词) ________

18.hear(过去式) ________

19.broken(原形) _______

20.read(过去分词) ________


1.I can't read this word, ________ (either, too).

2.He plays tennis ________ (good, well).

3.He ________ (go)to the park every day.

4.My uncle ________ (live)in Nanjing now.

5.There ________ (is, was, are, were)a lot of people in this village ten years ago.

6.When I ________(knock) at his door, he was cooking.

7.A bridge was built ________ (on, at, over, above) the river.

8.I'm interested ________ (at, with, on, in) China and Chinese way of life.

9.He arrived ________ (at, in, for) Shanghai ________ (in, at, on, for) the morning of January.

10.The computer_____(can use)in the room.


1. Our city is ______ yours.

A. as bigger as B. as bigger than

C..biger than D. as big as

2. There's ______ with the recorder.

A. anything wrong B. wrong anything

C. something wrong D. wrong something

3.______next time.

A.More be careful B.Be careful more

C.More careful D.Be more careful

4.His sister is ______ than he.

A.younger five years B.five years younger

C.five year younger D.five younger years

5. It's summer now, the weather is getting ______.

A. hot and hot B. hotter and hotter

C. hottest and hottest D. colder and colder

6. Our room is ________ theirs.

A. as three big as B. as three times big as

C. as big as three times D. three times as big as

7.You ________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week.

A. can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.may not

8.Can I leave this door open at night ? No, you ________ .

A.should better not B.would better not

C.had better not

9.Hurry up. He ________ for us at the station.

A. must wait B.must be waiting

C.should wait D.should be waiting

10.I was astonished (吃惊)to hear that the colour TV set ________ 5,000yuan.

A.has cost B.cost C.costed D.was cost

11.Great changes ________ place since he came here.

A. have been taken B.have taken

C. has been taken D.has taken

12.He was seen ________ something from the shop.

A.steal B.to steal

C.to be stolen D.stealed

13.The student was made ________ the text ten times.

A.copy B.copying

C.to copy D.be copied

14.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable ________ .

A.to sit B.to sit on

C.sit D.be sat on

15.I don't I know ________ next.

A.what to do B.to do what

C.which to do D.how to do


1.There was something wrong with the radio.(改为否定句)

2.Shall we play tennis after school?(改为祈使句)

3.The ship is big.(改为感叹句)

4.We have a walk after supper everyday. (改为一般疑问句)

5.Let's do it now.(反意疑问句)

Part5 英汉互译(20分)


2.Where did you catch the fish ?

I caught it in the river near my house. (5分)

3.The singer is singing some famous songs (3分)


5. 昨晚你打电话给我时,我正在看电视。(5分)



1. easy (反义词) 2.busy (比较级) 3.big (最高级)

4. hungry (比较级) 5.new (反义词) 6.well (比较级)

7. worst (原级) 8. Red (比较级) 9.nice (最高级)

10. little (比较级)

12.study(现在分词) ________

13.fall(过去式) ________

14.drive(现在分词) ________

15.become(过去分词) ________

16.play(现、单、三形式) ________

17.write(过去分词) ________

18.hear(过去式) ________

19.broken(原形) _______

20.read(过去分词) ________


1.I can't read this word, ________ (either, too).

2.He plays tennis ________ (good, well).

3.He ________ (go)to the park every day.

4.My uncle ________ (live)in Nanjing now.

5.There ________ (is, was, are, were)a lot of people in this village ten years ago.

6.When I ________(knock) at his door, he was cooking.

7.A bridge was built ________ (on, at, over, above) the river.

8.I'm interested ________ (at, with, on, in) China and Chinese way of life.

9.He arrived ________ (at, in, for) Shanghai ________ (in, at, on, for) the morning of January.

10.The computer_____(can use)in the room.


1. Our city is ______ yours.

A. as bigger as B. as bigger than

C..biger than D. as big as

2. There's ______ with the recorder.

A. anything wrong B. wrong anything

C. something wrong D. wrong something

3.______next time.

A.More be careful B.Be careful more

C.More careful D.Be more careful

4.His sister is ______ than he.

A.younger five years B.five years younger

C.five year younger D.five younger years

5. It's summer now, the weather is getting ______.

A. hot and hot B. hotter and hotter

C. hottest and hottest D. colder and colder

6. Our room is ________ theirs.

A. as three big as B. as three times big as

C. as big as three times D. three times as big as

7.You ________ return the book now. You can keep it till next week.

A. can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.may not

8.Can I leave this door open at night ? No, you ________ .

A.should better not B.would better not

C.had better not

9.Hurry up. He ________ for us at the station.

A. must wait B.must be waiting

C.should wait D.should be waiting

10.I was astonished (吃惊)to hear that the colour TV set ________ 5,000yuan.

A.has cost B.cost C.costed D.was cost

11.Great changes ________ place since he came here.

A. have been taken B.have taken

C. has been taken D.has taken

12.He was seen ________ something from the shop.

A.steal B.to steal

C.to be stolen D.stealed

13.The student was made ________ the text ten times.

A.copy B.copying

C.to copy D.be copied

14.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable ________ .

A.to sit B.to sit on

C.sit D.be sat on

15.I don't I know ________ next.

A.what to do B.to do what

C.which to do D.how to do


1.There was something wrong with the radio.(改为否定句)

2.Shall we play tennis after school?(改为祈使句)

3.The ship is big.(改为感叹句)

4.We have a walk after supper everyday. (改为一般疑问句)

5.Let's do it now.(反意疑问句)

Part5 英汉互译(20分)


2.Where did you catch the fish ?

I caught it in the river near my house. (5分)

3.The singer is singing some famous songs (3分)


5. 昨晚你打电话给我时,我正在看电视。(5分)


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