
We Won't Have a Christmas This Year

We won't have a Christmas this year, you say


For now the children have all gone away;


And the house is so lonely, so quiet and so bare 家中很空,很静,很孤单

We couldn't have a Christmas that they didn't share. 有他们一起分享,我们才算是真正的过圣诞节

We won't have a Christmas this year, you sigh, 你叹息到,我们今年不过圣诞节了

For Christmas means things that money must buy. 因为圣诞节已经变成了事物,必须用钱买的事物

Misfortunes and illness have robbed us we fear 我们担心,不幸和疾病降临

Of the things that we'd need to make Christmas this year. 把我们需要用来过圣诞节的东西都抢走了

We won't have a Christmas this year you weep, 你哭泣道,我们今年不过圣诞节了

For a loved one is gone, and our grief is too deep; 因为所爱之人已逝,让我们万分悲痛

It will be a long time before our hearts heal,


And the spirit of Christmas again we can feel.


But if you lose Christmas when troubles befall, 但如果麻烦降临使你再也感受不到圣诞的喜悦

You never have really had Christmas at all.


For once you have had it, it cannot depart


When you learn that true Christmas is Christ in your heart. 如果你体会到圣诞节的真正含义是--耶稣基督在你心中。

We Won't Have a Christmas This Year

We won't have a Christmas this year, you say


For now the children have all gone away;


And the house is so lonely, so quiet and so bare 家中很空,很静,很孤单

We couldn't have a Christmas that they didn't share. 有他们一起分享,我们才算是真正的过圣诞节

We won't have a Christmas this year, you sigh, 你叹息到,我们今年不过圣诞节了

For Christmas means things that money must buy. 因为圣诞节已经变成了事物,必须用钱买的事物

Misfortunes and illness have robbed us we fear 我们担心,不幸和疾病降临

Of the things that we'd need to make Christmas this year. 把我们需要用来过圣诞节的东西都抢走了

We won't have a Christmas this year you weep, 你哭泣道,我们今年不过圣诞节了

For a loved one is gone, and our grief is too deep; 因为所爱之人已逝,让我们万分悲痛

It will be a long time before our hearts heal,


And the spirit of Christmas again we can feel.


But if you lose Christmas when troubles befall, 但如果麻烦降临使你再也感受不到圣诞的喜悦

You never have really had Christmas at all.


For once you have had it, it cannot depart


When you learn that true Christmas is Christ in your heart. 如果你体会到圣诞节的真正含义是--耶稣基督在你心中。


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