

教 案

系 (部) 经济与管理系 课 程 旅游英语 授课班级 11高旅 授课教师 时 铃

授课日期: 2012 年第 1 学期



一、The Scenic Spots of Beijing

● Tian'anmen Square ● Forbidden City ● Temple og Heaven ● Summer Palace ● Yonghe Lama Temple ● Great Wall ● Ming Tombs ● Fragrance Hill 二、A planning of itinerary

1. Characteristics of the tour 6-day Beijing package tour 2.Characteristics of the tour group (1)Name:Holiday Tour Group

(2)15 people,2 five-year-old kids,6 men(between 25~45)

(3)From:Washington State,USA (4)Tour Leader:Mr.Daniel Black

women(between 25~45),7


● Day 1 Arrive Beijing

Arrive in Beijing,the capital of the People's Republic China.Meet the guide on arrival and get to the hotel.

● Day 2 Beijing

Begin the day with a visit to Tian'anmen Square,then,move on to the Forbidden City.After lunch,visit the Temple of Heaven.A peking Duck Dinner concludes the first full day activities in China.(B-L-D)

● Day 3 Beijing

Visit the Summer Palace.In the afternoon.visit the Yonghe Lama Temple.(B-L-D)

● Day 4 Beijing

Today's highlight is the visit to the Great Wall.A short drive away is the statue-lined Shenlu(Spirit Road)leading to the Ming Tombs,here are some marvelous stone sculptures.The Ming Tombs are the graveyard for deceased emperors of the Ming Dynasty.Rest of the day is free.(B-L-D)

● Day 5 Beijing

Visit the Fragrance Hill in the morning.After lunch,take a walk through aome old "Hutongs",and enjoy a characteristic dumpling dinner at a local restaurant.(B-L-D)

Day 6 Return Home

Get to the airport and board homebound flight.(B) Note: B:Breakfast L:Lunch D:Dinner 4.Hotel

Name:China Resources Friendship Hotel Class:★★★★

Address:Chaoyang District,Beijing 5.Travel Agency

(1)Beijing Sunshine International Travel Service (2)Local guide:Janet Jin. 6.Arrival Flight

(1)UA851,from Washington State. (2)Arrive time:14:20,July 25 (3)Class of the flight:economy class

(4)Arrival airport:Beijing International Airport.

三、New words and Phrases

四、Popular Public signs in English——Part 1



教 案

系 (部) 经济与管理系 课 程 旅游英语 授课班级 11高旅 授课教师 时 铃

授课日期: 2012 年第 1 学期



一、The Scenic Spots of Beijing

● Tian'anmen Square ● Forbidden City ● Temple og Heaven ● Summer Palace ● Yonghe Lama Temple ● Great Wall ● Ming Tombs ● Fragrance Hill 二、A planning of itinerary

1. Characteristics of the tour 6-day Beijing package tour 2.Characteristics of the tour group (1)Name:Holiday Tour Group

(2)15 people,2 five-year-old kids,6 men(between 25~45)

(3)From:Washington State,USA (4)Tour Leader:Mr.Daniel Black

women(between 25~45),7


● Day 1 Arrive Beijing

Arrive in Beijing,the capital of the People's Republic China.Meet the guide on arrival and get to the hotel.

● Day 2 Beijing

Begin the day with a visit to Tian'anmen Square,then,move on to the Forbidden City.After lunch,visit the Temple of Heaven.A peking Duck Dinner concludes the first full day activities in China.(B-L-D)

● Day 3 Beijing

Visit the Summer Palace.In the afternoon.visit the Yonghe Lama Temple.(B-L-D)

● Day 4 Beijing

Today's highlight is the visit to the Great Wall.A short drive away is the statue-lined Shenlu(Spirit Road)leading to the Ming Tombs,here are some marvelous stone sculptures.The Ming Tombs are the graveyard for deceased emperors of the Ming Dynasty.Rest of the day is free.(B-L-D)

● Day 5 Beijing

Visit the Fragrance Hill in the morning.After lunch,take a walk through aome old "Hutongs",and enjoy a characteristic dumpling dinner at a local restaurant.(B-L-D)

Day 6 Return Home

Get to the airport and board homebound flight.(B) Note: B:Breakfast L:Lunch D:Dinner 4.Hotel

Name:China Resources Friendship Hotel Class:★★★★

Address:Chaoyang District,Beijing 5.Travel Agency

(1)Beijing Sunshine International Travel Service (2)Local guide:Janet Jin. 6.Arrival Flight

(1)UA851,from Washington State. (2)Arrive time:14:20,July 25 (3)Class of the flight:economy class

(4)Arrival airport:Beijing International Airport.

三、New words and Phrases

四、Popular Public signs in English——Part 1



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