
The Monkeys and the Moon


There lives a group of monkeys, in the mountain, They lived Together, and play together too. One night they were playing together happily as usual , The moon was bright ,they looked here and there ,jumping and dancing . Then a little monkey saw a well .He became interested in it ,so that he lay on the edge of the well to look in ,he saw a big bright moon in the water .The little monkey was frightened .He jumped up at once crying out .It’s bad Help !The moon is in the well ,A big monkey heard him and hurried to the well , That’s true , There was a moon in the well ,round and bright ,Oh dear ,The moon has dropped into the well ,the big monkey cried out ,Hearing this the old monkey hurried to the well ,Yes it’s definitely ture , The moon is in the water ,so the old monkey cried out ,That ’s terrible ,The moon has dropped ,into the well , We must fish it out of the water ,All the monkeys came around the well ,They began to discuss ,how to fish for the moon ,We can hang ourselves one by one ,from the tree to the well ,Then we can reach the moon ,someone said ,Good idea everybody said ,The old monkey hung him by the feet from the branch , Then the big monkey climbed over from the tree ,He hung himself ,in the old monkey’s hands ,The

others began to do like them ,A monkey chain has been built up ,the little monkey was at the end of it ,Now he put his hands into the water to scoop the moon ,It ’s ok now I can reach the moon he said ,But as soon as he touched the water the moon broke into pieces ,The small pieces were drifting ,The little monkey was frightened at this ,Oh my god ,The moon was broken by me ,he cried out ,The old monkey was a little angry so he said :〝Can ’t you do such a trifle ,you ’ve broken the moon , now what shall we do 〞 Everyone began to blame the little monkey ,But after a while ,the water became quite ,and the moon appeared in it again ,it was still big and round like a big plate , The little monkey was very delighted to see it ,He cried out , It’s ok now ,the moon is all right in the well .He scooped again , He scooped and scooped ,But it didn’t work ,He couldn’t feel the moon at all ,the little monkey was so tired ,Oh ,I’m so tired ,But the moon breaks as soon as I touch it ,Oh ,I can’t hang any longer ,some one said ,suddenly the old monkey looked up ,Oh my godness

The Monkeys and the Moon


There lives a group of monkeys, in the mountain, They lived Together, and play together too. One night they were playing together happily as usual , The moon was bright ,they looked here and there ,jumping and dancing . Then a little monkey saw a well .He became interested in it ,so that he lay on the edge of the well to look in ,he saw a big bright moon in the water .The little monkey was frightened .He jumped up at once crying out .It’s bad Help !The moon is in the well ,A big monkey heard him and hurried to the well , That’s true , There was a moon in the well ,round and bright ,Oh dear ,The moon has dropped into the well ,the big monkey cried out ,Hearing this the old monkey hurried to the well ,Yes it’s definitely ture , The moon is in the water ,so the old monkey cried out ,That ’s terrible ,The moon has dropped ,into the well , We must fish it out of the water ,All the monkeys came around the well ,They began to discuss ,how to fish for the moon ,We can hang ourselves one by one ,from the tree to the well ,Then we can reach the moon ,someone said ,Good idea everybody said ,The old monkey hung him by the feet from the branch , Then the big monkey climbed over from the tree ,He hung himself ,in the old monkey’s hands ,The

others began to do like them ,A monkey chain has been built up ,the little monkey was at the end of it ,Now he put his hands into the water to scoop the moon ,It ’s ok now I can reach the moon he said ,But as soon as he touched the water the moon broke into pieces ,The small pieces were drifting ,The little monkey was frightened at this ,Oh my god ,The moon was broken by me ,he cried out ,The old monkey was a little angry so he said :〝Can ’t you do such a trifle ,you ’ve broken the moon , now what shall we do 〞 Everyone began to blame the little monkey ,But after a while ,the water became quite ,and the moon appeared in it again ,it was still big and round like a big plate , The little monkey was very delighted to see it ,He cried out , It’s ok now ,the moon is all right in the well .He scooped again , He scooped and scooped ,But it didn’t work ,He couldn’t feel the moon at all ,the little monkey was so tired ,Oh ,I’m so tired ,But the moon breaks as soon as I touch it ,Oh ,I can’t hang any longer ,some one said ,suddenly the old monkey looked up ,Oh my godness


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