韩 苗,薛秀谦,周圣武,康建林
(中国矿业大学理学院,江苏 徐州 221008)
中图分类号:O 29;F 830.91 文献标识码:A
Markov Decision Programming Model for Stock Investment
HAN Miao, XUE Xiu-qian, ZHOU Sheng-wu, KANG Jian-lin (School of Sciences, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China)Abstract: By applying the Markov decision programming theory, a dynamic investment strategyfor stocks was discussed. The stochastic time series of stock price was decomposed into the sum oftendency series and residual series. And it was proved that the latter has a Markov property, as aresult, a model for investment decision was established. The theorem proposed showed that theoptimal investment strategy of the target function exists under certain condition. In addition, analgorithm to seek optimal strategy and an example of two stages were given. The feasibility of thisinvestment decision model was proved by some practical examples.
Key words: Markov decision programming; x2 test; optimal strategy ; stoc
韩 苗,薛秀谦,周圣武,康建林
(中国矿业大学理学院,江苏 徐州 221008)
中图分类号:O 29;F 830.91 文献标识码:A
Markov Decision Programming Model for Stock Investment
HAN Miao, XUE Xiu-qian, ZHOU Sheng-wu, KANG Jian-lin (School of Sciences, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China)Abstract: By applying the Markov decision programming theory, a dynamic investment strategyfor stocks was discussed. The stochastic time series of stock price was decomposed into the sum oftendency series and residual series. And it was proved that the latter has a Markov property, as aresult, a model for investment decision was established. The theorem proposed showed that theoptimal investment strategy of the target function exists under certain condition. In addition, analgorithm to seek optimal strategy and an example of two stages were given. The feasibility of thisinvestment decision model was proved by some practical examples.
Key words: Markov decision programming; x2 test; optimal strategy ; stoc