

(cadigal),讲darug的一种海岸方言;还有塔尔瓦斯语(dharawal)和顾林凯语(guringai)。现在澳大利亚的主要语言是英语。澳大利亚的海鲜世界知名,在任何近海的餐厅,都可以享用到澳大利亚出产的鲍鱼、生蚝、帝皇蟹、龙虾或是balmain bugs(一种海蟹)。我的旅游线路是:第一天,我会先去游玩著名的悉尼塔和悉尼歌剧院。第二天,我会去Australian Reptile Park & Widlife Sanctuary,and in that night ,我们会去 Paddy's Market and The Rocks Market 购物。第三天,我会到Central Coast享受垂钓、游泳、独木行舟和扬帆海上的快乐,还会去Hawkesbury享受垂钓的乐趣和品尝美味的海鲜大餐。我选择这些地方的原因是因为这些地方都是代表着悉尼的文化以及地方特色,而且也是我自己本身喜欢的地方。最后,这次旅游

我们将会在PARKROYAL Darling Harbour Hotel 住三天,住房费大约要2000块左右,而整个旅游的费用包括买礼物回来总的大约就要10000块。

Sydney is in New South Wales, it is the capital and port also the biggest city in Australia. Until 2006, Sydney's population is about 428.4 million. Sydney's climate is mild, also annual rainfall. The warmest is in January, the coldest is in July. This climate is a little bit like Shanghai in China. About 200 years ago, this was a wasteland, after two centuries of hard exploration and management; it has become one of Australia's most prosperous, the modernization and internationalization city. Australia is the typical immigration country, its language there are several, first the main language is darug; the native in Sydney is cadigal. But now the main Australia language is English. Australia's seafood is famous in the world, in any offshore restaurant, we can enjoy Australia produce of abalone, oyster, the emperor crab, lobster or balmain bugs (a kind of sea crab). My tourist line is: the first day, I'll go to the famous Sydney tower and the Sydney opera house. The next day, I would go to Australian Reptile Park & Wildlife Sanctuary, and in that night, we will go to

Paddy’s Market and The Rocks Market for shopping. On the third day, I go to the Central Coast to enjoy swimming, but also we will go fishing for fun and enjoy the Hawkesbury taste the delicious seafood for dinner. I choose to these places because these places are representing Sydney culture and local feature, but I also like this places all. Finally, this tour

We will live inMedina Executive Sydney Central Hotel

for 3 days, housing fee that would be about two thousand RMB, and the whole trip costs including buy gift back to about 10,000 RMB. This is a very luxurious travel.


(cadigal),讲darug的一种海岸方言;还有塔尔瓦斯语(dharawal)和顾林凯语(guringai)。现在澳大利亚的主要语言是英语。澳大利亚的海鲜世界知名,在任何近海的餐厅,都可以享用到澳大利亚出产的鲍鱼、生蚝、帝皇蟹、龙虾或是balmain bugs(一种海蟹)。我的旅游线路是:第一天,我会先去游玩著名的悉尼塔和悉尼歌剧院。第二天,我会去Australian Reptile Park & Widlife Sanctuary,and in that night ,我们会去 Paddy's Market and The Rocks Market 购物。第三天,我会到Central Coast享受垂钓、游泳、独木行舟和扬帆海上的快乐,还会去Hawkesbury享受垂钓的乐趣和品尝美味的海鲜大餐。我选择这些地方的原因是因为这些地方都是代表着悉尼的文化以及地方特色,而且也是我自己本身喜欢的地方。最后,这次旅游

我们将会在PARKROYAL Darling Harbour Hotel 住三天,住房费大约要2000块左右,而整个旅游的费用包括买礼物回来总的大约就要10000块。

Sydney is in New South Wales, it is the capital and port also the biggest city in Australia. Until 2006, Sydney's population is about 428.4 million. Sydney's climate is mild, also annual rainfall. The warmest is in January, the coldest is in July. This climate is a little bit like Shanghai in China. About 200 years ago, this was a wasteland, after two centuries of hard exploration and management; it has become one of Australia's most prosperous, the modernization and internationalization city. Australia is the typical immigration country, its language there are several, first the main language is darug; the native in Sydney is cadigal. But now the main Australia language is English. Australia's seafood is famous in the world, in any offshore restaurant, we can enjoy Australia produce of abalone, oyster, the emperor crab, lobster or balmain bugs (a kind of sea crab). My tourist line is: the first day, I'll go to the famous Sydney tower and the Sydney opera house. The next day, I would go to Australian Reptile Park & Wildlife Sanctuary, and in that night, we will go to

Paddy’s Market and The Rocks Market for shopping. On the third day, I go to the Central Coast to enjoy swimming, but also we will go fishing for fun and enjoy the Hawkesbury taste the delicious seafood for dinner. I choose to these places because these places are representing Sydney culture and local feature, but I also like this places all. Finally, this tour

We will live inMedina Executive Sydney Central Hotel

for 3 days, housing fee that would be about two thousand RMB, and the whole trip costs including buy gift back to about 10,000 RMB. This is a very luxurious travel.


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