
美国婚礼习俗:婚礼习俗是一个民族传统文化的重要 组成部分,包含着一个民族传统文化的特点.美国人在 婚姻问题上,讲求感情第一、交往自由、择偶自由、爱 情自由。男女恋爱一般不需要媒人介绍,父母也很少干 涉。 American wedding customs: wedding customs are a nation an important part of traditional culture, including the characteristics of a traditional culture of the Americans in the marriage, the first feelings of stress, communication freedom, freedom of mate choice, love freedom. Love between men and women generally do not need matchmakers, parents rarely interfere. 美国人喜欢在 6 月份喜结良缘,因而在美国有“六月 新郎”的说法,此话的含义是每年 6 月份在美国各地 都可以遇见结婚的新人。之所以美国人喜欢在六月结 婚,是因为英语里的“六月(JUNE) ”和罗马神话中 主管爱情和婚姻的“女神朱诺(JUNO) ”的发音相似。 美国人便认为,在 6 月举行婚礼, “婚姻女神”就会给 新婚夫妇带来欢乐和幸福。 Americans like to tie the knot in June, so in the United States, "June Groom" argument, is the meaning of words throughout the United States each year in June, married couples can meet. The reason why Americans like to get married in June, because in English the "June (JUNE)" and the Roman god of love and marriage in charge of the "goddess Juno (JUNO)" sounds similar. Americans will believe that the wedding in June, "the goddess of marriage" will bring joy and happiness to the newlyweds. , 按照习俗,结婚当日在走上教堂的圣坛之前,新郎新 娘是不能见面的,新娘通常穿着雪白的结婚礼服,带 着洁白的面纱,象征着纯洁的爱情。 According to custom, married the day before embarking on the church altar, the bride and groom can not met, the bride is usually dressed in white wedding dress, with a white veil, symbol of pure love. “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” 如果结婚当天,新娘身上穿戴有这样几样东西,他们 的婚礼就一定会幸福无比。这是一句求好运的话 If the wedding day, brides who wear such a few things, their wedding will certainly be very happy.This is a demand, then good luck 婚礼一般在教堂举行,婚礼开始,新娘挽着其父的手臂,缓缓地通过走廊向圣坛走去,这时,花童走到新 娘的面前,把花篮中的花瓣一片片洒落在走廊上,然 后,新娘父亲把新娘带上圣坛,交给新郎,接着,新 郎在左,新娘在右,面对牧师站好,由牧师举行传统 的婚庆形式,此时,新人们互赠结婚戒指,戒指象征 着对婚姻的承诺, 最后, 牧师宣告两人正式结为夫妻。 Generally held in a church wedding, the wedding, the bride holding his father's arm, slowly walked through the corridor to the altar, then, flower girl walked in front of the bride, the flower

petals in a piece of floating down the hallway then, the bride father bride to bring the altar, to the groom, then the groom on the left, the bride on the right, the face of priest to stand by the priest at the wedding of traditional form, this time, people give each other new wedding ring, ring symbolizes the

commitment of marriage, and finally, the priest declared the two officially became husband and wife. 婚礼仪式后,经常会举行盛大的婚宴,酒会上备有各 种丰富的食物,吃完后,新娘手捧鲜花,把花束抛给 那些参加婚礼的单身女性,这样乃是幸福的象征。 After wedding ceremony, often held a grand wedding, cocktail party with a rich variety of food, after eating, the bride holding flowers, the wedding bouquet thrown to those single women, but this symbol of happiness. 婚宴结束后,新婚夫妇向宾客道别,客人纷纷往他们 身上撒生米粒,祝愿他们今后儿孙满堂。 After the wedding, the couple bid farewell to the guests, the guests have to sprinkle them raw rice, wish their future children and grandchildren。 和美国婚礼相比,传统的中国婚礼则大大不同,首先 是婚礼服饰,传统的中国婚礼,新娘礼服为广袖对襟 翟衣,头戴珠凤冠,新娘子在婚礼当天以红色头盖蒙 面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁,然而美国婚礼,新娘 则穿着洁白的婚纱象征纯洁的爱情。婚礼后由新郎亲 手揭开。其次是婚礼交通工具,传统的中国婚礼不像 美国婚礼,用婚车来迎娶新娘,而是用“大轿” ,这种 东西要用八个人抬着,所以俗称“八人大轿” ,最后就 是婚礼举行的地点不同, 美国婚礼一般是在教堂举行, 而传统的中国婚礼在新郎家里举行。 And the United States compared to the wedding, a traditional Chinese wedding is very different, first wedding dress, a traditional Chinese wedding, the bride dress for the wide sleeves Zhai breasted suits, wearing a pearl coronet, the bride in the wedding day with a red bonnet masked, a symbol of virginity, young, pure, but the United States wedding, the bride wore a white wedding dress symbolizes pure love. Personally,opened by the groom after the wedding. Second, wedding transport, a traditional Chinese wedding unlike the United States, to marry the bride with the wedding car, but with the "Da Jiao", carrying eight people to use this kind of thing, so-called "eight Dajiao". Finally, the wedding is held at different locations, the United States is generally in the church wedding, and the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony held at the groom's home.

美国婚礼习俗:婚礼习俗是一个民族传统文化的重要 组成部分,包含着一个民族传统文化的特点.美国人在 婚姻问题上,讲求感情第一、交往自由、择偶自由、爱 情自由。男女恋爱一般不需要媒人介绍,父母也很少干 涉。 American wedding customs: wedding customs are a nation an important part of traditional culture, including the characteristics of a traditional culture of the Americans in the marriage, the first feelings of stress, communication freedom, freedom of mate choice, love freedom. Love between men and women generally do not need matchmakers, parents rarely interfere. 美国人喜欢在 6 月份喜结良缘,因而在美国有“六月 新郎”的说法,此话的含义是每年 6 月份在美国各地 都可以遇见结婚的新人。之所以美国人喜欢在六月结 婚,是因为英语里的“六月(JUNE) ”和罗马神话中 主管爱情和婚姻的“女神朱诺(JUNO) ”的发音相似。 美国人便认为,在 6 月举行婚礼, “婚姻女神”就会给 新婚夫妇带来欢乐和幸福。 Americans like to tie the knot in June, so in the United States, "June Groom" argument, is the meaning of words throughout the United States each year in June, married couples can meet. The reason why Americans like to get married in June, because in English the "June (JUNE)" and the Roman god of love and marriage in charge of the "goddess Juno (JUNO)" sounds similar. Americans will believe that the wedding in June, "the goddess of marriage" will bring joy and happiness to the newlyweds. , 按照习俗,结婚当日在走上教堂的圣坛之前,新郎新 娘是不能见面的,新娘通常穿着雪白的结婚礼服,带 着洁白的面纱,象征着纯洁的爱情。 According to custom, married the day before embarking on the church altar, the bride and groom can not met, the bride is usually dressed in white wedding dress, with a white veil, symbol of pure love. “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” 如果结婚当天,新娘身上穿戴有这样几样东西,他们 的婚礼就一定会幸福无比。这是一句求好运的话 If the wedding day, brides who wear such a few things, their wedding will certainly be very happy.This is a demand, then good luck 婚礼一般在教堂举行,婚礼开始,新娘挽着其父的手臂,缓缓地通过走廊向圣坛走去,这时,花童走到新 娘的面前,把花篮中的花瓣一片片洒落在走廊上,然 后,新娘父亲把新娘带上圣坛,交给新郎,接着,新 郎在左,新娘在右,面对牧师站好,由牧师举行传统 的婚庆形式,此时,新人们互赠结婚戒指,戒指象征 着对婚姻的承诺, 最后, 牧师宣告两人正式结为夫妻。 Generally held in a church wedding, the wedding, the bride holding his father's arm, slowly walked through the corridor to the altar, then, flower girl walked in front of the bride, the flower

petals in a piece of floating down the hallway then, the bride father bride to bring the altar, to the groom, then the groom on the left, the bride on the right, the face of priest to stand by the priest at the wedding of traditional form, this time, people give each other new wedding ring, ring symbolizes the

commitment of marriage, and finally, the priest declared the two officially became husband and wife. 婚礼仪式后,经常会举行盛大的婚宴,酒会上备有各 种丰富的食物,吃完后,新娘手捧鲜花,把花束抛给 那些参加婚礼的单身女性,这样乃是幸福的象征。 After wedding ceremony, often held a grand wedding, cocktail party with a rich variety of food, after eating, the bride holding flowers, the wedding bouquet thrown to those single women, but this symbol of happiness. 婚宴结束后,新婚夫妇向宾客道别,客人纷纷往他们 身上撒生米粒,祝愿他们今后儿孙满堂。 After the wedding, the couple bid farewell to the guests, the guests have to sprinkle them raw rice, wish their future children and grandchildren。 和美国婚礼相比,传统的中国婚礼则大大不同,首先 是婚礼服饰,传统的中国婚礼,新娘礼服为广袖对襟 翟衣,头戴珠凤冠,新娘子在婚礼当天以红色头盖蒙 面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁,然而美国婚礼,新娘 则穿着洁白的婚纱象征纯洁的爱情。婚礼后由新郎亲 手揭开。其次是婚礼交通工具,传统的中国婚礼不像 美国婚礼,用婚车来迎娶新娘,而是用“大轿” ,这种 东西要用八个人抬着,所以俗称“八人大轿” ,最后就 是婚礼举行的地点不同, 美国婚礼一般是在教堂举行, 而传统的中国婚礼在新郎家里举行。 And the United States compared to the wedding, a traditional Chinese wedding is very different, first wedding dress, a traditional Chinese wedding, the bride dress for the wide sleeves Zhai breasted suits, wearing a pearl coronet, the bride in the wedding day with a red bonnet masked, a symbol of virginity, young, pure, but the United States wedding, the bride wore a white wedding dress symbolizes pure love. Personally,opened by the groom after the wedding. Second, wedding transport, a traditional Chinese wedding unlike the United States, to marry the bride with the wedding car, but with the "Da Jiao", carrying eight people to use this kind of thing, so-called "eight Dajiao". Finally, the wedding is held at different locations, the United States is generally in the church wedding, and the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony held at the groom's home.


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