
Longevity Hill Area 万寿山区域

The Longevity Hill was originally called the Wengshan Hill. It was renamed by Emperor Qianlong in 1752, during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), when he constructed the garden. The hill is about 60 meters (196.9 feet) high and houses many buildings positioned in sequence. The front hill is rich in splendid halls and pavilions; while the back hill, in sharp contrast, is quiet with natural beauty.

At the foot of the front hill, an ancient-style archway provides the main entrance for climbing the hill. On the way up, visitors may see the major structures neatly ordered along a north-south ascending axis: Gate of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyunmen), Second Palace Gate (Ergongmen), Hall of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyundian), Hall of Moral Glory (Dehuidian), Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) and the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom on top of the hill. The most noteworthy structure of the back of the Longevity Hill is a building complex in Tibetan lamasery style. It is considered to be a miniature Potala Palace, the most famous resort of Lhasa in Tibet. Long Corridor

The Long Corridor (Changlang), 728 meters (796 yards) in length, is the longest of its kind not only in China but also in the world. In 1992, it was put into the Guinness World Record as the longest corridor of the world. Running from the Yaoyuemen (Gate of Inviting the Moon) in the east to the Shizhang Pavilion in the west, the corridor includes 273 sections, all decorated with paintings. Along the corridor, four elegant octagonal pavilions are interspersed in order, each of which symbolizes one season of a year.

The corridor is also an exceptional art gallery, featuring more than 14,000 pictures of landscapes, flowers, birds, human figures and stories on its beams and ceilings. It is an excellent carrier of the Chinese culture, including traditional art, history and literature. Of special note are the pictures of human figures depicting stories that give a lively account of long history of China. As there isn't additional explanation in the pictures, visitors have to imagine what the picture is about from people's expression, costumes, acts and the narrative scenes.

The corridor wanders westward from the Court Area, along the north bank of the Kunming Lake, at the foot of the Longevity Hill. It is virtually a smart connecter of the three scenic areas in the Summer Palace, which make it a primary route for visiting the whole garden, rain or shine.

Hall of Dispelling Clouds

The Hall of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyundian) is a splendid structure with red columns and a roof covered with golden yellow tiles. It is built on a platform which is framed by white marble balusters and adorned with bronze dragons, phoenixes and vessels. Inside the hall sits a throne, flanked by a screen, incense burners and fans. The screen

is ancient and elegant with exquisite enamelwork embedded in a red backing. Also on display are some precious gifts presented by ministers to Empress Dowager Cixi on her seventieth birthday. The hall together with the adjoining wing halls has 21 rooms, all of which are connected by cloisters.

Such a hall of great luxury was used only once a year for a ceremony to celebrate Cixi's birthday. During the ceremony, Cixi sat on the throne inside the hall while Emperor

Guangxu and the other ministers came to show their respect and honor to her. The hall is located in the middle of the front hill and the Tower of Buddhist Incense, a symbol of theocracy, lies at its back. The tower embodies the divine right of the king.

Tower of Buddhist Incense

The Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) is the symbol of the Summer Palace and an elaborate work of classical architecture. The three-storied tower, situated on a hill, is

about 40 meters (131 feet) high and has a complicated structure. It has eight facades and quadruple-layered eaves, and the whole is supported by eight pillars of lignum vitae wood. It is the center of Summer Palace, with buildings distributed symmetrically around its base. The Precious Cloud Pavilion (Baoyunge) to the west of the tower, made out of 207 tons (456,357 pounds) of bronze, is exquisite and noteworthy.

Visitors can climb the tower for a panoramic view of the area. As an imperial worshipping tower, it enshrines a Buddha made in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The elegant and dignified statue, also called Buddha with One Thousand Hands and Eyes, is five meters (16 feet) tall and has twelve heads and twenty-four arms. Empress Dowager Cixi burned incense and prayed in the tower on the first and fifteenth days of every lunar month. Hall of the Sea of Wisdom

At the top of the is the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom (Zhihuihai), whose name recalls the infinite wisdom of the Buddha. No wooden pillars or girders have been used in the construction of this two-storied hall; instead, masonry arches provide structural

support. Inside the hall is worshiped Kwan-yin and its outer wall takes on an uncommon scene. The whole wall was beautifully decorated with colored glazed flakes and there are over one thousand small Buddha statues in the wall.

In front of the hall there is a Paifang, an ancient Chinese gateway, named Zhongxiangjie. The Hall of the Sea of Buddhist Incense symbolizes the Buddhist land while the gateway serves as the door leading to pure land. To get here, one must plod by steps which were built on purpose to test the pilgrims' religiosity. It is also made up of bricks and stones and is inlayed with color glaze on its exterior. Due to its structure, the gateway, together with the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, is the scarce survivor that escaped from the fire set by the Anglo-French Allied Forces.

Back Lake

Behind the , the Kunming Lake narrows significantly, forming the Back Lake (Houhu). Longevity Hill is covered with many structures and since it is surrounded by

water on three sides, the lake is convenient for fire-fighting when need arises. On the opposite side of the lake, there is a stretch of rockeries.

The secluded and quiet lake wanders its way and varies in width, rendering a great deal of fun and amusement. In the western section, peculiar huge rocks perched on the banks are a vivid representation of the marvelous scenery of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The section in the middle of the lake is characterized by the Suzhou Market Street with shops lining both banks, a unique scene of the Water Town south of the Yangtze River. This tranquil lake ends at the Garden of Harmonious Interests which serves as an exquisite epilogue.

Suzhou Market Street

The Suzhou Market Street (Suzhoujie), located behind Longevity Hill, is the middle

section of the Back Lake. The Market is great fun, because the lake serves as the street with the stalls and shops on its banks. It has all the features of other market streets in Suzhou, a famous 'Water Town' in China. The ancient-style street, about 300 meters (328 yards) long, transports the tourist back to the mid-18th century of China.

It was built originally during the reign of Emperor Qianglong to give the emperor and his empress and concubines the experience of shopping in the Water Town. At that time, the eunuchs would act as clerks and shopkeepers, lending an air of realism to the experience. Over sixty old-styled stores, including restaurants, teahouses, pawn shops, banks,

drugstores, clothing shops, dyers and publishing houses line the banks. The storekeepers, shop assistants, boaters and policemen on patrol are all dressed in costumes of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Garden of Harmonious Interests

The Garden of Harmonious Interests (Xiequyuan) was the place where emperors and empresses went fishing and took in the scenery. The garden was modeled after a garden in Southeast China, which indicates that the Summer Palace is a museum of Chinese gardens. At the center of the garden is a pool with lotus flowers which are in full bloom during the summer. The pool is accentuated by nearby pavilions, towers and cloisters. The water warbles over its rocky bed, playing a harmonious musical chord. The tower appears to be only one storey but actually has multiple floors. What a wonderful

tower!Bridges perch over the pond, and are a perfect addition to the landscape and blend in with the elegant character of the site.

During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Emperor Qianlong, the fourth successor,

conducted his inspection tours to the areas south of the Yangtze River. On his visits, he was so deeply impressed by a garden at the foot of Mt. Hui in Jiangsu Province, that he had a garden with the name of 'Mt. Hui Garden' built in 1751 in the image of the garden at Mt. Hui. In 1881, the garden was restored and given the name 'Garden of Harmonious Interests'. Burnt down by the Anglo-French Allied Forces, the garden was reconstructed during the reign of Emperor Guangxu.



“大承天护圣寺”规模最巨,楼宇恢弘,汉白玉钓台延入湖中,元朝皇帝常至此泛舟游幸,捕鱼垂钓。 景区





原称买卖街,乾隆时仿江南水乡而建,是专供清代帝后逛市游览的的一条水街,一八六〇被英法联军焚毁,一九九〇年在遗址上复建。街全长三百余米,以水当街,以岸作市,沿岸设有茶馆、酒楼、药房、钱庄、帽店、手饰铺、点心铺等六十多个铺面,集中展现了十八世纪中国江南的商业文化氛围。 万寿山前山景区








Longevity Hill Area 万寿山区域

The Longevity Hill was originally called the Wengshan Hill. It was renamed by Emperor Qianlong in 1752, during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), when he constructed the garden. The hill is about 60 meters (196.9 feet) high and houses many buildings positioned in sequence. The front hill is rich in splendid halls and pavilions; while the back hill, in sharp contrast, is quiet with natural beauty.

At the foot of the front hill, an ancient-style archway provides the main entrance for climbing the hill. On the way up, visitors may see the major structures neatly ordered along a north-south ascending axis: Gate of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyunmen), Second Palace Gate (Ergongmen), Hall of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyundian), Hall of Moral Glory (Dehuidian), Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) and the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom on top of the hill. The most noteworthy structure of the back of the Longevity Hill is a building complex in Tibetan lamasery style. It is considered to be a miniature Potala Palace, the most famous resort of Lhasa in Tibet. Long Corridor

The Long Corridor (Changlang), 728 meters (796 yards) in length, is the longest of its kind not only in China but also in the world. In 1992, it was put into the Guinness World Record as the longest corridor of the world. Running from the Yaoyuemen (Gate of Inviting the Moon) in the east to the Shizhang Pavilion in the west, the corridor includes 273 sections, all decorated with paintings. Along the corridor, four elegant octagonal pavilions are interspersed in order, each of which symbolizes one season of a year.

The corridor is also an exceptional art gallery, featuring more than 14,000 pictures of landscapes, flowers, birds, human figures and stories on its beams and ceilings. It is an excellent carrier of the Chinese culture, including traditional art, history and literature. Of special note are the pictures of human figures depicting stories that give a lively account of long history of China. As there isn't additional explanation in the pictures, visitors have to imagine what the picture is about from people's expression, costumes, acts and the narrative scenes.

The corridor wanders westward from the Court Area, along the north bank of the Kunming Lake, at the foot of the Longevity Hill. It is virtually a smart connecter of the three scenic areas in the Summer Palace, which make it a primary route for visiting the whole garden, rain or shine.

Hall of Dispelling Clouds

The Hall of Dispelling Clouds (Paiyundian) is a splendid structure with red columns and a roof covered with golden yellow tiles. It is built on a platform which is framed by white marble balusters and adorned with bronze dragons, phoenixes and vessels. Inside the hall sits a throne, flanked by a screen, incense burners and fans. The screen

is ancient and elegant with exquisite enamelwork embedded in a red backing. Also on display are some precious gifts presented by ministers to Empress Dowager Cixi on her seventieth birthday. The hall together with the adjoining wing halls has 21 rooms, all of which are connected by cloisters.

Such a hall of great luxury was used only once a year for a ceremony to celebrate Cixi's birthday. During the ceremony, Cixi sat on the throne inside the hall while Emperor

Guangxu and the other ministers came to show their respect and honor to her. The hall is located in the middle of the front hill and the Tower of Buddhist Incense, a symbol of theocracy, lies at its back. The tower embodies the divine right of the king.

Tower of Buddhist Incense

The Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) is the symbol of the Summer Palace and an elaborate work of classical architecture. The three-storied tower, situated on a hill, is

about 40 meters (131 feet) high and has a complicated structure. It has eight facades and quadruple-layered eaves, and the whole is supported by eight pillars of lignum vitae wood. It is the center of Summer Palace, with buildings distributed symmetrically around its base. The Precious Cloud Pavilion (Baoyunge) to the west of the tower, made out of 207 tons (456,357 pounds) of bronze, is exquisite and noteworthy.

Visitors can climb the tower for a panoramic view of the area. As an imperial worshipping tower, it enshrines a Buddha made in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The elegant and dignified statue, also called Buddha with One Thousand Hands and Eyes, is five meters (16 feet) tall and has twelve heads and twenty-four arms. Empress Dowager Cixi burned incense and prayed in the tower on the first and fifteenth days of every lunar month. Hall of the Sea of Wisdom

At the top of the is the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom (Zhihuihai), whose name recalls the infinite wisdom of the Buddha. No wooden pillars or girders have been used in the construction of this two-storied hall; instead, masonry arches provide structural

support. Inside the hall is worshiped Kwan-yin and its outer wall takes on an uncommon scene. The whole wall was beautifully decorated with colored glazed flakes and there are over one thousand small Buddha statues in the wall.

In front of the hall there is a Paifang, an ancient Chinese gateway, named Zhongxiangjie. The Hall of the Sea of Buddhist Incense symbolizes the Buddhist land while the gateway serves as the door leading to pure land. To get here, one must plod by steps which were built on purpose to test the pilgrims' religiosity. It is also made up of bricks and stones and is inlayed with color glaze on its exterior. Due to its structure, the gateway, together with the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, is the scarce survivor that escaped from the fire set by the Anglo-French Allied Forces.

Back Lake

Behind the , the Kunming Lake narrows significantly, forming the Back Lake (Houhu). Longevity Hill is covered with many structures and since it is surrounded by

water on three sides, the lake is convenient for fire-fighting when need arises. On the opposite side of the lake, there is a stretch of rockeries.

The secluded and quiet lake wanders its way and varies in width, rendering a great deal of fun and amusement. In the western section, peculiar huge rocks perched on the banks are a vivid representation of the marvelous scenery of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The section in the middle of the lake is characterized by the Suzhou Market Street with shops lining both banks, a unique scene of the Water Town south of the Yangtze River. This tranquil lake ends at the Garden of Harmonious Interests which serves as an exquisite epilogue.

Suzhou Market Street

The Suzhou Market Street (Suzhoujie), located behind Longevity Hill, is the middle

section of the Back Lake. The Market is great fun, because the lake serves as the street with the stalls and shops on its banks. It has all the features of other market streets in Suzhou, a famous 'Water Town' in China. The ancient-style street, about 300 meters (328 yards) long, transports the tourist back to the mid-18th century of China.

It was built originally during the reign of Emperor Qianglong to give the emperor and his empress and concubines the experience of shopping in the Water Town. At that time, the eunuchs would act as clerks and shopkeepers, lending an air of realism to the experience. Over sixty old-styled stores, including restaurants, teahouses, pawn shops, banks,

drugstores, clothing shops, dyers and publishing houses line the banks. The storekeepers, shop assistants, boaters and policemen on patrol are all dressed in costumes of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Garden of Harmonious Interests

The Garden of Harmonious Interests (Xiequyuan) was the place where emperors and empresses went fishing and took in the scenery. The garden was modeled after a garden in Southeast China, which indicates that the Summer Palace is a museum of Chinese gardens. At the center of the garden is a pool with lotus flowers which are in full bloom during the summer. The pool is accentuated by nearby pavilions, towers and cloisters. The water warbles over its rocky bed, playing a harmonious musical chord. The tower appears to be only one storey but actually has multiple floors. What a wonderful

tower!Bridges perch over the pond, and are a perfect addition to the landscape and blend in with the elegant character of the site.

During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Emperor Qianlong, the fourth successor,

conducted his inspection tours to the areas south of the Yangtze River. On his visits, he was so deeply impressed by a garden at the foot of Mt. Hui in Jiangsu Province, that he had a garden with the name of 'Mt. Hui Garden' built in 1751 in the image of the garden at Mt. Hui. In 1881, the garden was restored and given the name 'Garden of Harmonious Interests'. Burnt down by the Anglo-French Allied Forces, the garden was reconstructed during the reign of Emperor Guangxu.



“大承天护圣寺”规模最巨,楼宇恢弘,汉白玉钓台延入湖中,元朝皇帝常至此泛舟游幸,捕鱼垂钓。 景区





原称买卖街,乾隆时仿江南水乡而建,是专供清代帝后逛市游览的的一条水街,一八六〇被英法联军焚毁,一九九〇年在遗址上复建。街全长三百余米,以水当街,以岸作市,沿岸设有茶馆、酒楼、药房、钱庄、帽店、手饰铺、点心铺等六十多个铺面,集中展现了十八世纪中国江南的商业文化氛围。 万寿山前山景区









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