
My Journey to India

--Breaking the silence,everybody Imagining one day I am rambling on the India street. Once I believe that it will be a memorable journey, but the fact is so cruelness. Women are such a burden live in India. Delhi brutal bus attack is a good example.

A college girl with her male friend went to watch a movie by bus. Unfortunately, she was gang raped and killed by 4 men in the bus. Faced with so many sexual assaults and rape cases, I am just confused how could they live in India and worried about them. I really wish there is a place in India where women live happily and freely. They do not need to be afraid of being assaulted when they are napping on the bus after a long day work. They do not need to wear so many clothes when they are going to pick up their kids from school. They do not need to be confined with whenever to go shopping. But the sweet fairy tale is always destroyed in the real world. As India is such a dangerous place to be a woman, people are spare no efforts to change the situation. Women in India journey to reach the destination where are no discrimination, no sexual assaults. They put overwhelming public pressure to the government and declare a campaign on changing the attitude to violent against women. And there is a new dedicated help line to help women. On the other hand, except the women ’s journey to get freedom from sexual abuses, there is a rising number of men who show up in the campaign are supporting women to

get out of the cage. And thousands of police have been trained to be more sensitive to cases of sexual violence. The men are on longer play role as villain, they also journey to support women get their right. But with the insistently journey of seeking the harmonious society. I believe one day when I really journey to India, I will see another scope of sight.

My Journey to India

--Breaking the silence,everybody Imagining one day I am rambling on the India street. Once I believe that it will be a memorable journey, but the fact is so cruelness. Women are such a burden live in India. Delhi brutal bus attack is a good example.

A college girl with her male friend went to watch a movie by bus. Unfortunately, she was gang raped and killed by 4 men in the bus. Faced with so many sexual assaults and rape cases, I am just confused how could they live in India and worried about them. I really wish there is a place in India where women live happily and freely. They do not need to be afraid of being assaulted when they are napping on the bus after a long day work. They do not need to wear so many clothes when they are going to pick up their kids from school. They do not need to be confined with whenever to go shopping. But the sweet fairy tale is always destroyed in the real world. As India is such a dangerous place to be a woman, people are spare no efforts to change the situation. Women in India journey to reach the destination where are no discrimination, no sexual assaults. They put overwhelming public pressure to the government and declare a campaign on changing the attitude to violent against women. And there is a new dedicated help line to help women. On the other hand, except the women ’s journey to get freedom from sexual abuses, there is a rising number of men who show up in the campaign are supporting women to

get out of the cage. And thousands of police have been trained to be more sensitive to cases of sexual violence. The men are on longer play role as villain, they also journey to support women get their right. But with the insistently journey of seeking the harmonious society. I believe one day when I really journey to India, I will see another scope of sight.


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