


命题学校:白庙河中学 命题:张洲锋

(卷面总分: 考试时间:分钟 )



( )1.A.Reading skills B.Listening skills C.Grammar ( )2.A.English B.Maths C.History ( )3.A.curly B.short C.straight

( )4.A.watching TV B.having a walk C.walking her dog ( )5.A.yellow B.red C.green

( )6.A.Stop smoking B.Stop to skate C.Stop skating ( )7.A.A dog B.A cat C.Some goldfish ( )8.A.Basketball B.Soccer C.Baseball

( )9.A.At home B.In the classroom C.On the way home


听第10段材料,回答10、11小题。 ( )10.What’ the man doing?

A. He is cooking in the kitchen. B. He is sinking in the kitchen. C. He is mending the kitchen sink.

( )11.What does the woman suggest the man do、

A. Find someone to help him. B. Call the police to help C. Call a plumber to mend it 听第11段材料,回答12、13、14小题。

( )12.According to the woman,who can helpher before a test?

A. Only her teacher can help her.


B. Her friends often help her.

C. Her teacher and sometimes her parents.

( )13.What does the man do when he gets nervous during a test?

A. He usually talks with his classmates B. He usually takes a deep breath. C. He uaually drinks a lot of water.

( )14.What will the woman probably do when she gets nervous during the test?

A. She will probably talk with this man. B. She will probably drink some water. C. She will probably breathe deeply. 听第12段材料,回答15~17小题。

( )15.What did the man ask the woman to do tonight?

A. He asked the woman to have dinner at his home. B. He asked the woman to go out to have dinner.

C. He asked the woman to stay at home to have dinner. ( )16.How often did they use to go to concerts?

A.Once a week B.Once a month C.Twice a week ( )17.What’s the probable relationship between them?

A.Teacher and student B.Father and daughter C.Husband and wife


( )18.What does the woman uaually do during the weekend?

A.Has her hair done B.watches TV with friends C.Has tea with her family

( )19.What does the man uaually do during the weekend?

A. Goes shopping

B. Watches football games on TV. C. Plays cards with his friends.

( )20.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Brother and sister B.Father and daughter C.Husband and wife ( )21.What will the two speakers do this weekend?

A. Invite their friends home.

B. Have a picnic with their family.


C. Have a picnic with their friends. 听第14段材料,回答22~25小题。

( )22.Where did Mr. Brown get out of the taxi?

A.At the bus stop B.Near the bank C.At Victoria Station ( )23.What hit the taxi at the corner?

A.A window B.A wheel C.A car ( )24.What did the policeman write in his little book?

a. The number of the car b. The number of the taxi. c. The number of a bus

( )25.How did Mr. brown go to his bank after that?

A.By bus B.By car C.On foot 二、语言知识运用: (共35分)

(一)选出与划线部分意义相同或相近的选项:(5分) ( -----What a pity!

A. Just now B.at once C.just then D.in time ( A. each side B.niether C.either side D.all sides ( )28.-----What do you think of the maths examination? ------Oh, it’ A.not easy B.not hard C.too difficult D.so easily ( )29.-----You can ask David to help you.

------I can’t believe in him, so I’ A.without anyone B.myself C.with others’ help D.at once ( A.so Iwill B.I will, either C.I will, too D.Nor will I (二)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项:(15分)

( )31.-----Your English is so good. Have y ou ever spoken to foreigners? -----No, never. I am afraid _______.

A.of doing that B.of speaking C.to listen to them D.to go there ( )32.-----What’s the meaning of this word?

-----You should ______ in a dictionary first.


A.look at it B. look into it C.look it up D.look after it ( )33.----My teleghone is lost. ----You can use mine ______.

A.to instead of B.instead of C.to instead D.instead ( )34.----What do you think of her singing?

----It’s wonderful. I haven’t heard a ______ voice before.

A.good B.best C.better D.right ( )35.-----He isn’t here today. Is anything wrong with him?

------_______. He was hit by a car and now he is in hospital. A.I am afraid so B.I don’t think so

C.I hope not D.I am sorry to hear that

( )36.-----I used to play basketball, but now I am on the swim team. -----________.

A.People always change B.Thanks C.I think so D.That’s great ( )37.----- what’s the matter?

-----They said I should not be allowed _____here. They don’t allow ____ in the waiting room.

A.smoking; to smoke B.to smoke; smoke C.to smoke; smoking D.smoking; smoking ( )38.-----How long do you ______ exercising every day? -----Thirty munites.

A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay

( )39.-----Many people think some hobbies can ______the way ______ school work. ------Maybe they are right.

A.get on; with B.get off; on C.get up; at D.get in; of ( )40.----We can use MSN to communicate with each other online. -----Wonderful! But I don’t know _______ it.

A.what to use B.how to use C.when to use D.where to use ( )41.----How soon will your father come back? -----_________, I think.

A.After a week B.In a week C.For a week D.A week later ( )42.----_______ they don’t come?

-----Don’t worry. They are sure to come.


A.As if B.What if C.Even if D.How if ( )43.-----Who do you want to work with most?

------Tom. He always ________ good solutions to difficult problems. A.thinks of B.thinks about C.comes up with D.comes out with ( )44.----Listen! Who is singing in the room? Who _____ it be? Is it Lisa?

-----No. It _____ be Lisa. I saw her in the classroom just now.

A.may; may not B.could; may not C.must; can’t D.may; can’t ( )45.When do you think ________?

A.he will come B.will he come C.does he come D.he come (三)完形填空: (15分)

Many of you may wonder what else to do besides watching TV or surfing the Internet on weekends. Why not have a ? Students in our school had a “King of Cooking” completion.

Earlier this month, about 300 students at the school went to a suburb of our city to have the contest. They were into 24 groups. Each group had buyers, firemakers, washers and cooks.

Firemakers faced the most problems during the time. Some of them had no idea to keep fire burning. “The kept going out. We had to blow at the sparks(火花) and on corn leaves and old newspapers,” said Wu Mofei, 15. “It took us an hour to make the fire. Our eyes had from all the smoke and our faces become dirty,” he .

When the fires were made, the cooks became the busiest people. Huang Lanye made fried celery and ham, pickled cabbage and tomato soup. She was that her work was well done. “It’s my first time making Chinese dishes. My group members them up in minutes and said they were as delicious as what their made!” said the-14-year-old girl.

Finally over ten students were “King of Cooking”. Wang Xiaoyue, 14, was one of them. She said, “We have learned a lot while having so much ! We are the best!

“Our school has been organizing fun activities for six years. We want to give students a chance to real life experiences and learn how to work as a team,” said our headmaster.

( )46. A. picnic B. party C.meeting D.concert ( )47. A. joined B.put C.changed D.divided


( )48. A. why B.how C.whether D.when ( )49. A.fire B.wind C.students D.problems ( )50. A.lie B.get C.put D.turn ( )51. A.sand B.tears C.water D. nothing ( )52. A.introduced B.reported C.added D.replied ( )53. A.easily B.almost C.quickly D.finally ( )54. A.proud B.afraid C.sure D.anxious ( )55. A.gave B.used C.ate D.mixed ( )56. A.cooks B.teachers C.friends D.parents ( )57. A.offered B.called C.named D.welcomed ( )58. A.fun B.food C.trouble D.help ( )59. A.popular B.similar C.special D.strange ( )60. A.forget B.lose C.spend D.get 三、综合阅读: (共34分)

(一) 根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择最佳选项。 (6分)

( )61”When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them” is from one of famous sayings.

A.Lao Zi B. Mencius C.Sun Zi D.Confucius ( )62. “I’m dog—tried today” means “I’m today”.

A.very tired B.a little tired C.not tired D.very happy

( )63.In western countries, are considered honest and good friend, but are

described cruel women.

A.dogs; horses B.cats; dogs C.dogs; cats D.horses; cats ( )64.China won golden medals in the 30th London Olympic Games.

A.51 B.45 C. 38 D. 36 ( )65.ShenzhouⅧ was sent up into the space on A.2008,9,24 B.2011,10,1 C.2012, 8,1 D.2011,11,1

( )66.When and where did the Red Army arrived successfully after the Long March of 2500 li?

A.Shanxi; in 1933 B.Gansu; in 1936 C.Hubei; in 1371 D.Jiangxi; in 1934 (二)从题后所给各题的选项中找出最佳选项。(每题2分,共14分) (A)

On a large mountain, there is an eagle’s nest. The nest has four large eggs in it. One day an


earthquake, one of the eggs rolls down the mountain to a chicken farm. A hen takes care of the egg as if it was her own.

nothing more than a chicken, because he has a chicken as his mother. The eagle loves his home and family, but his spirit cries out for more. While playing a game with other chickens one day, the eagle looks into the sky and sees several big birds. They are eagles.

“I wish I could fly like those birds,” he cries sadly. The chickens all laugh at him. “You can’t fly with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens can’t fly.” They say.

The eagle continues staring into the sky. He dreams that he could be with the birds, his real family.

Each time the eagle talks about his dream, the others reply coldly, “You cannot do that.” That is what the eagle learns to believe. The eagle, after some time, stops dreaming and continues to live his life as a chicken.

( )67. One of the eggs rolls down the mountain because of .

A.flood B.heavy rain C.children D.earthquake ( )68.What does the underlined word mean in the second paragraph? A.死了 B.飞来了 C.孵出来 D.飞走了 ( )69.What does the eagle learn to believe?

A.He can’t fly like the birds. B.He can fly with the birds. C.Chicken can fly with the birds. D.He is an eagle. (B )

Someday while you’re surfing around on the World Wide Web, you might enjoy stopping at a very interesting site. The site is called A Day’s Jouney. It is a life journey of the auther, Debbie Day, and her great family.

Mrs. Day tells about the important things in her life. She believes in her husband, Brnee, for his support. Together, they have brought six children into the world. Howeveer, they decided to increase their family further. They’ve adopted(收养) two kids and are legal guardians(合法监护人) of another. Mr. and Mrs.

Day are home schooling their four youngest children. One of them, their nine-year-old daughter, has her own award winning website.

It is inspiring(鼓舞人的) to read about parents who have given love and work, and the feeling of being pround of their successful and happy children.

Another special thing of this site is the large collection of links that show the auther’s


interest and experiences. She has added many great places to visit on the web, one more reason to visit Debbie Day’s site at http//www.az.corn/~dday/. ( )70.A Day’s Journey is .

A. a book written by Mrs. Day. B.a website about a family life journey B. a website about trips out D.a magazine by Mr Day ( )71.Mr. and Mrs. Day have children all together. A.6 B.8 C.9 D.10

( )72.Mr. and Mrs. Day educate their four youngest children . A.at home B.at school C.by e-mail D.at work ( )73.A Day’s Journey doesn’t tell .

A.Mrs. Day’s interests and experiences. B.the success and happiness of their children

C.many great places that Mrs. Day has visited D.Mrs. Day’s friends (三)根据短文后的要求完成各题:(每题2分,共14分)


Once upon a time some frogs held a competition. The first to reach the top of a very high tower would be the winner. A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on them.

The race began. No one in the crowd really believed that any of the small frogs would reach the top of tower. One by one, the small frogs began to collapse(退下). The crowd kept shouting, “①it’s too difficult for us to get to the top of the tower. ! No frog will make it!”

More frogs got tired and gave up, but one kept climbing higher and higher. This one wouldn’t give up! ②did the frog make it? One frog stepped forward to ask the winner. It turned out that the winner was deaf! He had won because he was able to keep his own mind. ③’s story. Don’t let others turn you away from your path in life. 74.将①据译成汉语:


,only he got to the top. 76.根据③完成下句:

He couldn’t hear criticism praise.


(D) Dear Miss Li,

I'd like to thank you for sending money to

I'll send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting

Liz Smith


77.Liz Smith is a__________man who is__________to see or hear. 78.


(一) 完成句子: (6分)

81.My mother 花了)three months making ma a sweater. 82.I found Li Ming (躺) in bed.

83.We were all very (激动地) at the good news.

84.Mid-Autumn Festival is one of (传统的) festivals in China. 85.Her (粗心) led to the terrible accident. 86.Failure is the mother of (成功). (二)补全对话: (10分)

W: Hello! (87) . Who’s that ? M:Hello! This is Jimmy. Jenny, I need your help. W:What’s the matter, Jimmy?

last night. And after she found that, she got really mad at me.


W:Oh,Jimmy, you really shouldn’t have read other people’s diary, even your sister’s. now? W:Oh, if I were you ,I would ask her out for dinner and apologize. . I’ve tried already. W:Hmm, how about buying a gift for her?

M:That’s a good idea. I know she was really fond of Jay Chou’s new album. . Thanks.Jenny, Good-bye! W:You’re welcome. Bye-bye! (三)书面表达: (10分)

“阳光体育”(Sunshine Sports) 在个中学开展得如火如荼,但有人认为对于我们九年级的同学来说,太浪费时间,妨碍学习。而有人认为我们更需要更多的活动来放松自己,以利于更好的学习。你怎样看?请写一篇80词左右的文章说说你的想法。




74.75. 76. 77. __________ _________ 78. __________ __________

79. __________ __________ 80. __________ __________ 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

87 88


89 .

(三)书面表达: (10分)




命题学校:白庙河中学 命题:张洲锋

(卷面总分: 考试时间:分钟 )



( )1.A.Reading skills B.Listening skills C.Grammar ( )2.A.English B.Maths C.History ( )3.A.curly B.short C.straight

( )4.A.watching TV B.having a walk C.walking her dog ( )5.A.yellow B.red C.green

( )6.A.Stop smoking B.Stop to skate C.Stop skating ( )7.A.A dog B.A cat C.Some goldfish ( )8.A.Basketball B.Soccer C.Baseball

( )9.A.At home B.In the classroom C.On the way home


听第10段材料,回答10、11小题。 ( )10.What’ the man doing?

A. He is cooking in the kitchen. B. He is sinking in the kitchen. C. He is mending the kitchen sink.

( )11.What does the woman suggest the man do、

A. Find someone to help him. B. Call the police to help C. Call a plumber to mend it 听第11段材料,回答12、13、14小题。

( )12.According to the woman,who can helpher before a test?

A. Only her teacher can help her.


B. Her friends often help her.

C. Her teacher and sometimes her parents.

( )13.What does the man do when he gets nervous during a test?

A. He usually talks with his classmates B. He usually takes a deep breath. C. He uaually drinks a lot of water.

( )14.What will the woman probably do when she gets nervous during the test?

A. She will probably talk with this man. B. She will probably drink some water. C. She will probably breathe deeply. 听第12段材料,回答15~17小题。

( )15.What did the man ask the woman to do tonight?

A. He asked the woman to have dinner at his home. B. He asked the woman to go out to have dinner.

C. He asked the woman to stay at home to have dinner. ( )16.How often did they use to go to concerts?

A.Once a week B.Once a month C.Twice a week ( )17.What’s the probable relationship between them?

A.Teacher and student B.Father and daughter C.Husband and wife


( )18.What does the woman uaually do during the weekend?

A.Has her hair done B.watches TV with friends C.Has tea with her family

( )19.What does the man uaually do during the weekend?

A. Goes shopping

B. Watches football games on TV. C. Plays cards with his friends.

( )20.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Brother and sister B.Father and daughter C.Husband and wife ( )21.What will the two speakers do this weekend?

A. Invite their friends home.

B. Have a picnic with their family.


C. Have a picnic with their friends. 听第14段材料,回答22~25小题。

( )22.Where did Mr. Brown get out of the taxi?

A.At the bus stop B.Near the bank C.At Victoria Station ( )23.What hit the taxi at the corner?

A.A window B.A wheel C.A car ( )24.What did the policeman write in his little book?

a. The number of the car b. The number of the taxi. c. The number of a bus

( )25.How did Mr. brown go to his bank after that?

A.By bus B.By car C.On foot 二、语言知识运用: (共35分)

(一)选出与划线部分意义相同或相近的选项:(5分) ( -----What a pity!

A. Just now B.at once C.just then D.in time ( A. each side B.niether C.either side D.all sides ( )28.-----What do you think of the maths examination? ------Oh, it’ A.not easy B.not hard C.too difficult D.so easily ( )29.-----You can ask David to help you.

------I can’t believe in him, so I’ A.without anyone B.myself C.with others’ help D.at once ( A.so Iwill B.I will, either C.I will, too D.Nor will I (二)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项:(15分)

( )31.-----Your English is so good. Have y ou ever spoken to foreigners? -----No, never. I am afraid _______.

A.of doing that B.of speaking C.to listen to them D.to go there ( )32.-----What’s the meaning of this word?

-----You should ______ in a dictionary first.


A.look at it B. look into it C.look it up D.look after it ( )33.----My teleghone is lost. ----You can use mine ______.

A.to instead of B.instead of C.to instead D.instead ( )34.----What do you think of her singing?

----It’s wonderful. I haven’t heard a ______ voice before.

A.good B.best C.better D.right ( )35.-----He isn’t here today. Is anything wrong with him?

------_______. He was hit by a car and now he is in hospital. A.I am afraid so B.I don’t think so

C.I hope not D.I am sorry to hear that

( )36.-----I used to play basketball, but now I am on the swim team. -----________.

A.People always change B.Thanks C.I think so D.That’s great ( )37.----- what’s the matter?

-----They said I should not be allowed _____here. They don’t allow ____ in the waiting room.

A.smoking; to smoke B.to smoke; smoke C.to smoke; smoking D.smoking; smoking ( )38.-----How long do you ______ exercising every day? -----Thirty munites.

A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay

( )39.-----Many people think some hobbies can ______the way ______ school work. ------Maybe they are right.

A.get on; with B.get off; on C.get up; at D.get in; of ( )40.----We can use MSN to communicate with each other online. -----Wonderful! But I don’t know _______ it.

A.what to use B.how to use C.when to use D.where to use ( )41.----How soon will your father come back? -----_________, I think.

A.After a week B.In a week C.For a week D.A week later ( )42.----_______ they don’t come?

-----Don’t worry. They are sure to come.


A.As if B.What if C.Even if D.How if ( )43.-----Who do you want to work with most?

------Tom. He always ________ good solutions to difficult problems. A.thinks of B.thinks about C.comes up with D.comes out with ( )44.----Listen! Who is singing in the room? Who _____ it be? Is it Lisa?

-----No. It _____ be Lisa. I saw her in the classroom just now.

A.may; may not B.could; may not C.must; can’t D.may; can’t ( )45.When do you think ________?

A.he will come B.will he come C.does he come D.he come (三)完形填空: (15分)

Many of you may wonder what else to do besides watching TV or surfing the Internet on weekends. Why not have a ? Students in our school had a “King of Cooking” completion.

Earlier this month, about 300 students at the school went to a suburb of our city to have the contest. They were into 24 groups. Each group had buyers, firemakers, washers and cooks.

Firemakers faced the most problems during the time. Some of them had no idea to keep fire burning. “The kept going out. We had to blow at the sparks(火花) and on corn leaves and old newspapers,” said Wu Mofei, 15. “It took us an hour to make the fire. Our eyes had from all the smoke and our faces become dirty,” he .

When the fires were made, the cooks became the busiest people. Huang Lanye made fried celery and ham, pickled cabbage and tomato soup. She was that her work was well done. “It’s my first time making Chinese dishes. My group members them up in minutes and said they were as delicious as what their made!” said the-14-year-old girl.

Finally over ten students were “King of Cooking”. Wang Xiaoyue, 14, was one of them. She said, “We have learned a lot while having so much ! We are the best!

“Our school has been organizing fun activities for six years. We want to give students a chance to real life experiences and learn how to work as a team,” said our headmaster.

( )46. A. picnic B. party C.meeting D.concert ( )47. A. joined B.put C.changed D.divided


( )48. A. why B.how C.whether D.when ( )49. A.fire B.wind C.students D.problems ( )50. A.lie B.get C.put D.turn ( )51. A.sand B.tears C.water D. nothing ( )52. A.introduced B.reported C.added D.replied ( )53. A.easily B.almost C.quickly D.finally ( )54. A.proud B.afraid C.sure D.anxious ( )55. A.gave B.used C.ate D.mixed ( )56. A.cooks B.teachers C.friends D.parents ( )57. A.offered B.called C.named D.welcomed ( )58. A.fun B.food C.trouble D.help ( )59. A.popular B.similar C.special D.strange ( )60. A.forget B.lose C.spend D.get 三、综合阅读: (共34分)

(一) 根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择最佳选项。 (6分)

( )61”When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them” is from one of famous sayings.

A.Lao Zi B. Mencius C.Sun Zi D.Confucius ( )62. “I’m dog—tried today” means “I’m today”.

A.very tired B.a little tired C.not tired D.very happy

( )63.In western countries, are considered honest and good friend, but are

described cruel women.

A.dogs; horses B.cats; dogs C.dogs; cats D.horses; cats ( )64.China won golden medals in the 30th London Olympic Games.

A.51 B.45 C. 38 D. 36 ( )65.ShenzhouⅧ was sent up into the space on A.2008,9,24 B.2011,10,1 C.2012, 8,1 D.2011,11,1

( )66.When and where did the Red Army arrived successfully after the Long March of 2500 li?

A.Shanxi; in 1933 B.Gansu; in 1936 C.Hubei; in 1371 D.Jiangxi; in 1934 (二)从题后所给各题的选项中找出最佳选项。(每题2分,共14分) (A)

On a large mountain, there is an eagle’s nest. The nest has four large eggs in it. One day an


earthquake, one of the eggs rolls down the mountain to a chicken farm. A hen takes care of the egg as if it was her own.

nothing more than a chicken, because he has a chicken as his mother. The eagle loves his home and family, but his spirit cries out for more. While playing a game with other chickens one day, the eagle looks into the sky and sees several big birds. They are eagles.

“I wish I could fly like those birds,” he cries sadly. The chickens all laugh at him. “You can’t fly with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens can’t fly.” They say.

The eagle continues staring into the sky. He dreams that he could be with the birds, his real family.

Each time the eagle talks about his dream, the others reply coldly, “You cannot do that.” That is what the eagle learns to believe. The eagle, after some time, stops dreaming and continues to live his life as a chicken.

( )67. One of the eggs rolls down the mountain because of .

A.flood B.heavy rain C.children D.earthquake ( )68.What does the underlined word mean in the second paragraph? A.死了 B.飞来了 C.孵出来 D.飞走了 ( )69.What does the eagle learn to believe?

A.He can’t fly like the birds. B.He can fly with the birds. C.Chicken can fly with the birds. D.He is an eagle. (B )

Someday while you’re surfing around on the World Wide Web, you might enjoy stopping at a very interesting site. The site is called A Day’s Jouney. It is a life journey of the auther, Debbie Day, and her great family.

Mrs. Day tells about the important things in her life. She believes in her husband, Brnee, for his support. Together, they have brought six children into the world. Howeveer, they decided to increase their family further. They’ve adopted(收养) two kids and are legal guardians(合法监护人) of another. Mr. and Mrs.

Day are home schooling their four youngest children. One of them, their nine-year-old daughter, has her own award winning website.

It is inspiring(鼓舞人的) to read about parents who have given love and work, and the feeling of being pround of their successful and happy children.

Another special thing of this site is the large collection of links that show the auther’s


interest and experiences. She has added many great places to visit on the web, one more reason to visit Debbie Day’s site at http//www.az.corn/~dday/. ( )70.A Day’s Journey is .

A. a book written by Mrs. Day. B.a website about a family life journey B. a website about trips out D.a magazine by Mr Day ( )71.Mr. and Mrs. Day have children all together. A.6 B.8 C.9 D.10

( )72.Mr. and Mrs. Day educate their four youngest children . A.at home B.at school C.by e-mail D.at work ( )73.A Day’s Journey doesn’t tell .

A.Mrs. Day’s interests and experiences. B.the success and happiness of their children

C.many great places that Mrs. Day has visited D.Mrs. Day’s friends (三)根据短文后的要求完成各题:(每题2分,共14分)


Once upon a time some frogs held a competition. The first to reach the top of a very high tower would be the winner. A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on them.

The race began. No one in the crowd really believed that any of the small frogs would reach the top of tower. One by one, the small frogs began to collapse(退下). The crowd kept shouting, “①it’s too difficult for us to get to the top of the tower. ! No frog will make it!”

More frogs got tired and gave up, but one kept climbing higher and higher. This one wouldn’t give up! ②did the frog make it? One frog stepped forward to ask the winner. It turned out that the winner was deaf! He had won because he was able to keep his own mind. ③’s story. Don’t let others turn you away from your path in life. 74.将①据译成汉语:


,only he got to the top. 76.根据③完成下句:

He couldn’t hear criticism praise.


(D) Dear Miss Li,

I'd like to thank you for sending money to

I'll send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting

Liz Smith


77.Liz Smith is a__________man who is__________to see or hear. 78.


(一) 完成句子: (6分)

81.My mother 花了)three months making ma a sweater. 82.I found Li Ming (躺) in bed.

83.We were all very (激动地) at the good news.

84.Mid-Autumn Festival is one of (传统的) festivals in China. 85.Her (粗心) led to the terrible accident. 86.Failure is the mother of (成功). (二)补全对话: (10分)

W: Hello! (87) . Who’s that ? M:Hello! This is Jimmy. Jenny, I need your help. W:What’s the matter, Jimmy?

last night. And after she found that, she got really mad at me.


W:Oh,Jimmy, you really shouldn’t have read other people’s diary, even your sister’s. now? W:Oh, if I were you ,I would ask her out for dinner and apologize. . I’ve tried already. W:Hmm, how about buying a gift for her?

M:That’s a good idea. I know she was really fond of Jay Chou’s new album. . Thanks.Jenny, Good-bye! W:You’re welcome. Bye-bye! (三)书面表达: (10分)

“阳光体育”(Sunshine Sports) 在个中学开展得如火如荼,但有人认为对于我们九年级的同学来说,太浪费时间,妨碍学习。而有人认为我们更需要更多的活动来放松自己,以利于更好的学习。你怎样看?请写一篇80词左右的文章说说你的想法。




74.75. 76. 77. __________ _________ 78. __________ __________

79. __________ __________ 80. __________ __________ 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

87 88


89 .

(三)书面表达: (10分)



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