

I. 语音知识(10分)


( B ) 1. A. larger B. quarter C. harder D. sharper

( C ) 2. A. surface B. further C. surprise D. murder

( C ) 3. A. ball B. hall C. call D. also

( B ) 4. A. sail B. said C. raise D. straight

( D ) 5. A. seat B. meat C. please D. bread

II. 词汇与语法知识(50分)

从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左面的括号里。 ( C ) 6. A lot of people find modern art very hard .

A. understood B. understanding C. to understand D. being understood

( C ) 7. I got a letter from my sister, me that she would visit us next month.

A. tells B. told C. telling D. to tell

( C ) 8. The problem is we don't have enough time.

A. it B. what C. that D. whether

( D ) 9. Our concert turned out to be a great success, they had never expected.

A. what B. that C. when D. which

( D ) 10. Although it is raining, continue working in the fields.

A. so they B. and they C. but they D. they

( B ) 11. A pipeline will be built to some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.

A. send B. supply C. sell D. offer

( C ) 12. When you meet people you don't know at a party, the hostess usually gives you to


A. explanations B. information C. introductions D. invitation

( D ) 13. The weather today has quite warm. Don't you think so?

A. come B. gone C. fallen D. turned

( D ) 14. I am afraid you don't quite the moral of the story.

A. observe B. notice C. watch D. see

( B ) 15. He is new honour’s with each new book he has published.

A. reaching B. winning C. increasing D. losing

( D ) 16. Although he didn't say anything, I he didn't like the idea.

A. wished B. hoped C. filled D. felt

( D ) 17. Mr. Black didn't his friends any encouragement to stay there.

A. bring B. do C. make D. offer

( A ) 18. Everything stood , bathed in the bright and cool moonlight.

A. quiet B. quite C. silent D. straight

( D ) 19. , we did not have to wait long in the queue for the bus.

A. Finally B. Generally C. Clearly D. Luckily

( A ) 20. He didn't see the accident but was there a minute after it.

A. in fact B. in the fact C. for a fact D. in the act

( B ) 21. We were thirsty then and wanted some coffee, but there was left there.

A. no B. none C. no one D. not one

( C ) 22. All the visitors parked their cars the school the president.

A. inside, besides B. outside, besides C. inside, except D. outside, expect ( D ) 23. " Listen, Mary is singing in the room." "That be Mary. She is in hospital. "

A. may not B. shouldn't C. wouldn't D. can't

( A ) 24. He the book by last summer, but it a few times since then.

A. hadn't read, has read B. hasn't read, had read

C. hadn't read, read D. didn't read, read

( D ) 25. What she about them couldn't as a fact. She wasn't honest.

A. has said, accept B. said, accept C. said, be accepted D. has said, be accepted ( A ) 26. The teacher praised the naughty student for his English in a very short time.

A. having improved B. has improved C. improved D. improving

( D ) 27. I won't excuse him me about what happened to my best friend Fried.

A. didn't tell B. hasn't tell C. no telling D. not telling

( C ) 28. had he had time to see the city when the war broke out and he had to leave.

A. As soon as B. No sooner C. Hardly D. No longer

( C ) 29. "None of them need do any work today, they?" "Yes, all of them "

A. needn't, need B. mustn't, must C. need, needn't D. need, must

( D ) 30. Although he is considered a great writer, his works are not widely read.

A. but B. however C. and D.不填

III. 完型填空(20分)


Mark Twain was a very clever man. He could think quickly, 31 he had a good sense of humour (幽默). We don't know if these two stories are true, but they are interesting anyway.

Mark Twain went to a 32 friend to ask him a favour.

"I'd like to 33 a book from your library. "

"I'm sorry," 34 the friend. "I never permit books to be 35 from my library. If you want to read the book, you 36 read it here in the library. You may not take it home. "

A few days 37 , this same man wanted to mow (割) his lawn (草坪). So he went to Mark Twain's house to borrow his lawn mower.

"I'm 38 ," said Twain. "I never permit my lawn mower to be taken from my home. If you want to use it, you must use it here."

39 time, Twain's nephew (侄子) was 40 him. One morning, when they 41 went down to breakfast, Twain saw that his nephew's shoes were dirty.

"Your shoes are covered 42 mud. Why didn't you clean them last night?" he asked the boy. "I thought it was useless to clean them in 43 bad weather , " the nephew replied. "They will only 44 dirty again in a short time. " Twain then prepared his breakfast, but he made nothing for the boy.

"Why is there 45 breakfast for me?" the nephew asked.

"I thought it was useless for you to eat," said Twain, "because you will only get hungry again in a short time."

( B ) 31. A. so B. and C. but D. yet

( A ) 32. A. certain B. sure C. some D. his ( B ) 33. A. lend B . borrow C. get D. buy ( A ) 34. A. answered B. replied C. told D. talked ( D ) 35. A. fetched B. carried C. brought D. taken ( A ) 36. A. must B. should C. ought to D. may ( C ) 37. A. ago B. before C. later D. past ( C ) 38. A. regret B. sorrow C. sorry D. happy ( B ) 39. A. Next B. The next C. The other D. Another ( B ) 40. A. seeing B. visiting C. calling D. dropping in ( B ) 41. A. all B. both C. either D. neither ( A ) 42. A. with B. of C. by D. in ( A ) 43. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a ( D ) 44. A. turn B. grow C. come D. get ( B ) 45. A. not B. no C. none D. nothing IV. 阅读理解(48分)


Like everyone else working at the Limerick nuclear-power (核能) plant, Stanley Watras had to pass through the monitors (监测器) before leaving the building. Most of his co-worker passed through without a problem, but Watras, an engineer, continually set off alarms (警报). Some days he was found to be carrying six times more radiation (辐射物) than normal. Neither Watras nor his coworkers could understand where he was picking it up.

Then one day Watras went through the door at Limerick and turned and walked back through the monitors without ever entering the power block. Yet the machines still said he was carrying radiation. "If I wasn’t picking up radiation at work, there was only one place it could be coming from: my house."

When scientists came to test the Watrases’ home in the countryside, they found out what was the matter. The house contained so much radon (氡) that living in it for a year was like being exposed (暴露) to 260,000 chest X-rays. In the year the Watrases had spent there, they had increased their chances of getting lung cancer (癌症) by 13 or 14 percent.

The next day the Watrases took down their Christmas tree, put their clothes in some bags and moved into a nearby hotel. "It was terrible," says Watras.

The owner of the Limerick plant took charge of dealing with the Watrases’ radon problem as an experiment. Scientists studied every corner of the house. When the ground was dug up, they found that under the house there was a uranium (铀) -bearing rock.

( D ) 46. It was because that Stanley Watras was carrying six times more radiation than normal.

A. he worked at a nuclear-power plant

B. there was something wrong with the monitors

C. he lived in a house in the countryside

D. his house was built on a uranium-bearing rock.

( D ) 47. The monitors at the gates of the plant building gave alarms .

A. only when Watras was leaving the building

B. whenever Watras’s co-workers were leaving the building

C. only when Watras was passing through one day

D. whenever Watras was passing through them

( A ) 48. Watras understood he was picking up radiation at home as .

A. he always set off alarms when passing through the monitors

B. most of his co-worker passed through the monitors without problem

C. he proved one day he wasn’t picking up radiation at work

D. scientists found out his house contained radiation

( C ) 49. The Watrases moved into a hotel because .

A. they had been exposed to 260,000 chest X-rays

B. they might have go lung cancer

C. the house contained too much radon

D. scientists found under his house there was a uranium-bearing rock

During the Crimean War in 1854 many soldiers were wounded or became ill. News reached England that they were receiving very little care. At once Florance Nightingale wrote to the War Office and offered her service. She went with a band (一队) of thirty-eight nurses to the hospitals at Scutari.

What they saw there was even worse than they expected. Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen - and smelled. The officer there did not want any women to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurses went to work.

Florance used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicines, and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lips of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman.

She fell dangerously ill herself, but she did not stop working. Her thin hands worked day and night. Even in the last hours of the night she could be seen working with a lamp past each bed. The soldiers often kissed her shadow as "the lady of the lamp" went by.

( B ) 50. During the Crimean War .

A. nobody cared for the wounded soldiers

B. Florance and her lady-fellows nursed the wounded soldiers

C. Florance saw what she had expected

D. things were even worse there than in England

( A )51. Florance and the other nurses .

A. saw dirt and death everywhere

B. saw hospitals were run well

C. had no trouble with the officer there

D. was told how to run a hospital

( D ) 52. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Florance bought a lot for the wounded with her money.

B. Florance’s friends lent money to her to help her.

C. Florance got her pay in smiles from the dying soldiers.

D. The wounded and dying thanked her very much.

( D ) 53. Florance was called "the lady of the lamp" because .

A. she always worked with a lamp in her hand

B. she worked day and night under a lamp

C. she never stopped working by her lamp

D. she always worked into late night with a lamp

We want our kids (小孩) to use the Internet, and yet we worry. But we can find ways to direct our children away from what’s wrong, towards what’s best.

The most effective (有效地) way to monitor (监控) a kid’s online activity is to monitor it. That is, to stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it.

Carleton Kendrick suggests that accompanying (陪伴) your child to a website (网站) he often visits is no different from "checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe." In any e-mail program, a look at the senders’ addresses can give you a good idea of your kids’ correspondents (通信者) .

America Online allows parents to limit incoming e-mails to a finite (限定的) list of correspondents. Some parents also type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover what they’re saying on websites or message boards.

Understand that as kids get older and demand more privacy (私密) , some basic know-how comes into play. America Online has been particularly effective in helping parents give their children an online experience: a "kids-only" AOL account (帐户) prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat (聊天) rooms. Katherine Borsecnik , president at AOL, notes, however, that "if I have a child who’s doing a report on breast (乳房) cancer (癌), I might want to turn off the filters (过滤器)" since kids-only access (路径) would block websites with even straight medical information about breast.

Many parents don’t know that a simple click (点击) on the "history" tab (键) will produce a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently. Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded (下载) by her two sons at least once a month - "whether the boys are there or not. Although they know it." As Jim Lynch, who manages message boards for the Boston-based FamilyEducation.com, says, "Parents are the ultimate (最后的) filter."

( A ) 54. To stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it is .

A. the most effective way to monitor a kid’s online activity

B. the useful way to direct a kid away from what’s wrong and towards what’s best

C. the good way to protect a kid on the net

D. checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe.

( D ) 55. To protect their children on the net, parents can .

a. accompany their children to the website they often visit

b. look at the senders’ addresses

c. limit incoming e-mails to a finite list of correspondents

d. type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover something

A. ab B. ac C. abd D. abcd

( A ) 56. America Online .

A. prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat rooms

B. blocks websites with even straight medical information

C. produces a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently

D. turn off the filters

( D ) 57. Which of the following is right?

A. Carleton Kendrick says parents are the ultimate filter.

B. Katherine Borsecnik says accompanying a child to a website is the same as checking out a playground.

C. Jim Lynch says she might want to turn off the filters.

D. Bonnie Fell says she opens all the files of her two sons whether they are there or not. V. 补全对话(15分)



Jack: 58 this afternoon? You see, there will be a nice film at the Victory Cinema.

Jenny: That depends. What is it about?

Jack: About the Civil War. Gone with the wind.

Jenny: Oh, I've seen it several times. By the way, I'll have to finish my homework by 5 o'clock. Jack: 59 tomorrow afternoon? There will be another new film there.

Jenny: A new film? That's great. What time will it be?

Jack: At four o'clock. 60 at a quarter to four?

Jenny: All right. 61 ? At the gate?

Jack: Good. Let's make it. At the gate, at a quarter to four.

Jenny: I'm afraid 62 . Bye

Jack: See you tomorrow afternoon.

答案:58. Are you free 59. What about 60. Shall we go 61. Where shall we meet

62. so

VI. 写作(12分)

写一篇记叙文:学生们参观一个山村,看了苹果园(apple orchard)、羊、庄稼和蔬菜,进行了野餐,还拜访了农家。



答案:Last Sunday our students visited a small mountain village in Laiyang.

We left our school at about seven o’clock in the morning. After an hour’s ride in a bus we got there. First we went into an apple orchard seeing a lot of big apples in the trees. Beside the orchard are green crops and fresh vegetables. They all grow very well.

Second, we had a good picnic. At last we visited the farmer’s house. The house is spacious and bright. It has a bathroom , a living-room, a kitchen and two bedrooms. They live a very comfortable life. How happy they are. At six p.m. we returned to our school by bus.


I. 语音知识(10分)


( B ) 1. A. larger B. quarter C. harder D. sharper

( C ) 2. A. surface B. further C. surprise D. murder

( C ) 3. A. ball B. hall C. call D. also

( B ) 4. A. sail B. said C. raise D. straight

( D ) 5. A. seat B. meat C. please D. bread

II. 词汇与语法知识(50分)

从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左面的括号里。 ( C ) 6. A lot of people find modern art very hard .

A. understood B. understanding C. to understand D. being understood

( C ) 7. I got a letter from my sister, me that she would visit us next month.

A. tells B. told C. telling D. to tell

( C ) 8. The problem is we don't have enough time.

A. it B. what C. that D. whether

( D ) 9. Our concert turned out to be a great success, they had never expected.

A. what B. that C. when D. which

( D ) 10. Although it is raining, continue working in the fields.

A. so they B. and they C. but they D. they

( B ) 11. A pipeline will be built to some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.

A. send B. supply C. sell D. offer

( C ) 12. When you meet people you don't know at a party, the hostess usually gives you to


A. explanations B. information C. introductions D. invitation

( D ) 13. The weather today has quite warm. Don't you think so?

A. come B. gone C. fallen D. turned

( D ) 14. I am afraid you don't quite the moral of the story.

A. observe B. notice C. watch D. see

( B ) 15. He is new honour’s with each new book he has published.

A. reaching B. winning C. increasing D. losing

( D ) 16. Although he didn't say anything, I he didn't like the idea.

A. wished B. hoped C. filled D. felt

( D ) 17. Mr. Black didn't his friends any encouragement to stay there.

A. bring B. do C. make D. offer

( A ) 18. Everything stood , bathed in the bright and cool moonlight.

A. quiet B. quite C. silent D. straight

( D ) 19. , we did not have to wait long in the queue for the bus.

A. Finally B. Generally C. Clearly D. Luckily

( A ) 20. He didn't see the accident but was there a minute after it.

A. in fact B. in the fact C. for a fact D. in the act

( B ) 21. We were thirsty then and wanted some coffee, but there was left there.

A. no B. none C. no one D. not one

( C ) 22. All the visitors parked their cars the school the president.

A. inside, besides B. outside, besides C. inside, except D. outside, expect ( D ) 23. " Listen, Mary is singing in the room." "That be Mary. She is in hospital. "

A. may not B. shouldn't C. wouldn't D. can't

( A ) 24. He the book by last summer, but it a few times since then.

A. hadn't read, has read B. hasn't read, had read

C. hadn't read, read D. didn't read, read

( D ) 25. What she about them couldn't as a fact. She wasn't honest.

A. has said, accept B. said, accept C. said, be accepted D. has said, be accepted ( A ) 26. The teacher praised the naughty student for his English in a very short time.

A. having improved B. has improved C. improved D. improving

( D ) 27. I won't excuse him me about what happened to my best friend Fried.

A. didn't tell B. hasn't tell C. no telling D. not telling

( C ) 28. had he had time to see the city when the war broke out and he had to leave.

A. As soon as B. No sooner C. Hardly D. No longer

( C ) 29. "None of them need do any work today, they?" "Yes, all of them "

A. needn't, need B. mustn't, must C. need, needn't D. need, must

( D ) 30. Although he is considered a great writer, his works are not widely read.

A. but B. however C. and D.不填

III. 完型填空(20分)


Mark Twain was a very clever man. He could think quickly, 31 he had a good sense of humour (幽默). We don't know if these two stories are true, but they are interesting anyway.

Mark Twain went to a 32 friend to ask him a favour.

"I'd like to 33 a book from your library. "

"I'm sorry," 34 the friend. "I never permit books to be 35 from my library. If you want to read the book, you 36 read it here in the library. You may not take it home. "

A few days 37 , this same man wanted to mow (割) his lawn (草坪). So he went to Mark Twain's house to borrow his lawn mower.

"I'm 38 ," said Twain. "I never permit my lawn mower to be taken from my home. If you want to use it, you must use it here."

39 time, Twain's nephew (侄子) was 40 him. One morning, when they 41 went down to breakfast, Twain saw that his nephew's shoes were dirty.

"Your shoes are covered 42 mud. Why didn't you clean them last night?" he asked the boy. "I thought it was useless to clean them in 43 bad weather , " the nephew replied. "They will only 44 dirty again in a short time. " Twain then prepared his breakfast, but he made nothing for the boy.

"Why is there 45 breakfast for me?" the nephew asked.

"I thought it was useless for you to eat," said Twain, "because you will only get hungry again in a short time."

( B ) 31. A. so B. and C. but D. yet

( A ) 32. A. certain B. sure C. some D. his ( B ) 33. A. lend B . borrow C. get D. buy ( A ) 34. A. answered B. replied C. told D. talked ( D ) 35. A. fetched B. carried C. brought D. taken ( A ) 36. A. must B. should C. ought to D. may ( C ) 37. A. ago B. before C. later D. past ( C ) 38. A. regret B. sorrow C. sorry D. happy ( B ) 39. A. Next B. The next C. The other D. Another ( B ) 40. A. seeing B. visiting C. calling D. dropping in ( B ) 41. A. all B. both C. either D. neither ( A ) 42. A. with B. of C. by D. in ( A ) 43. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a ( D ) 44. A. turn B. grow C. come D. get ( B ) 45. A. not B. no C. none D. nothing IV. 阅读理解(48分)


Like everyone else working at the Limerick nuclear-power (核能) plant, Stanley Watras had to pass through the monitors (监测器) before leaving the building. Most of his co-worker passed through without a problem, but Watras, an engineer, continually set off alarms (警报). Some days he was found to be carrying six times more radiation (辐射物) than normal. Neither Watras nor his coworkers could understand where he was picking it up.

Then one day Watras went through the door at Limerick and turned and walked back through the monitors without ever entering the power block. Yet the machines still said he was carrying radiation. "If I wasn’t picking up radiation at work, there was only one place it could be coming from: my house."

When scientists came to test the Watrases’ home in the countryside, they found out what was the matter. The house contained so much radon (氡) that living in it for a year was like being exposed (暴露) to 260,000 chest X-rays. In the year the Watrases had spent there, they had increased their chances of getting lung cancer (癌症) by 13 or 14 percent.

The next day the Watrases took down their Christmas tree, put their clothes in some bags and moved into a nearby hotel. "It was terrible," says Watras.

The owner of the Limerick plant took charge of dealing with the Watrases’ radon problem as an experiment. Scientists studied every corner of the house. When the ground was dug up, they found that under the house there was a uranium (铀) -bearing rock.

( D ) 46. It was because that Stanley Watras was carrying six times more radiation than normal.

A. he worked at a nuclear-power plant

B. there was something wrong with the monitors

C. he lived in a house in the countryside

D. his house was built on a uranium-bearing rock.

( D ) 47. The monitors at the gates of the plant building gave alarms .

A. only when Watras was leaving the building

B. whenever Watras’s co-workers were leaving the building

C. only when Watras was passing through one day

D. whenever Watras was passing through them

( A ) 48. Watras understood he was picking up radiation at home as .

A. he always set off alarms when passing through the monitors

B. most of his co-worker passed through the monitors without problem

C. he proved one day he wasn’t picking up radiation at work

D. scientists found out his house contained radiation

( C ) 49. The Watrases moved into a hotel because .

A. they had been exposed to 260,000 chest X-rays

B. they might have go lung cancer

C. the house contained too much radon

D. scientists found under his house there was a uranium-bearing rock

During the Crimean War in 1854 many soldiers were wounded or became ill. News reached England that they were receiving very little care. At once Florance Nightingale wrote to the War Office and offered her service. She went with a band (一队) of thirty-eight nurses to the hospitals at Scutari.

What they saw there was even worse than they expected. Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen - and smelled. The officer there did not want any women to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurses went to work.

Florance used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicines, and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lips of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman.

She fell dangerously ill herself, but she did not stop working. Her thin hands worked day and night. Even in the last hours of the night she could be seen working with a lamp past each bed. The soldiers often kissed her shadow as "the lady of the lamp" went by.

( B ) 50. During the Crimean War .

A. nobody cared for the wounded soldiers

B. Florance and her lady-fellows nursed the wounded soldiers

C. Florance saw what she had expected

D. things were even worse there than in England

( A )51. Florance and the other nurses .

A. saw dirt and death everywhere

B. saw hospitals were run well

C. had no trouble with the officer there

D. was told how to run a hospital

( D ) 52. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Florance bought a lot for the wounded with her money.

B. Florance’s friends lent money to her to help her.

C. Florance got her pay in smiles from the dying soldiers.

D. The wounded and dying thanked her very much.

( D ) 53. Florance was called "the lady of the lamp" because .

A. she always worked with a lamp in her hand

B. she worked day and night under a lamp

C. she never stopped working by her lamp

D. she always worked into late night with a lamp

We want our kids (小孩) to use the Internet, and yet we worry. But we can find ways to direct our children away from what’s wrong, towards what’s best.

The most effective (有效地) way to monitor (监控) a kid’s online activity is to monitor it. That is, to stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it.

Carleton Kendrick suggests that accompanying (陪伴) your child to a website (网站) he often visits is no different from "checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe." In any e-mail program, a look at the senders’ addresses can give you a good idea of your kids’ correspondents (通信者) .

America Online allows parents to limit incoming e-mails to a finite (限定的) list of correspondents. Some parents also type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover what they’re saying on websites or message boards.

Understand that as kids get older and demand more privacy (私密) , some basic know-how comes into play. America Online has been particularly effective in helping parents give their children an online experience: a "kids-only" AOL account (帐户) prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat (聊天) rooms. Katherine Borsecnik , president at AOL, notes, however, that "if I have a child who’s doing a report on breast (乳房) cancer (癌), I might want to turn off the filters (过滤器)" since kids-only access (路径) would block websites with even straight medical information about breast.

Many parents don’t know that a simple click (点击) on the "history" tab (键) will produce a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently. Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded (下载) by her two sons at least once a month - "whether the boys are there or not. Although they know it." As Jim Lynch, who manages message boards for the Boston-based FamilyEducation.com, says, "Parents are the ultimate (最后的) filter."

( A ) 54. To stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it is .

A. the most effective way to monitor a kid’s online activity

B. the useful way to direct a kid away from what’s wrong and towards what’s best

C. the good way to protect a kid on the net

D. checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe.

( D ) 55. To protect their children on the net, parents can .

a. accompany their children to the website they often visit

b. look at the senders’ addresses

c. limit incoming e-mails to a finite list of correspondents

d. type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover something

A. ab B. ac C. abd D. abcd

( A ) 56. America Online .

A. prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat rooms

B. blocks websites with even straight medical information

C. produces a list of links to every website the computer has visited recently

D. turn off the filters

( D ) 57. Which of the following is right?

A. Carleton Kendrick says parents are the ultimate filter.

B. Katherine Borsecnik says accompanying a child to a website is the same as checking out a playground.

C. Jim Lynch says she might want to turn off the filters.

D. Bonnie Fell says she opens all the files of her two sons whether they are there or not. V. 补全对话(15分)



Jack: 58 this afternoon? You see, there will be a nice film at the Victory Cinema.

Jenny: That depends. What is it about?

Jack: About the Civil War. Gone with the wind.

Jenny: Oh, I've seen it several times. By the way, I'll have to finish my homework by 5 o'clock. Jack: 59 tomorrow afternoon? There will be another new film there.

Jenny: A new film? That's great. What time will it be?

Jack: At four o'clock. 60 at a quarter to four?

Jenny: All right. 61 ? At the gate?

Jack: Good. Let's make it. At the gate, at a quarter to four.

Jenny: I'm afraid 62 . Bye

Jack: See you tomorrow afternoon.

答案:58. Are you free 59. What about 60. Shall we go 61. Where shall we meet

62. so

VI. 写作(12分)

写一篇记叙文:学生们参观一个山村,看了苹果园(apple orchard)、羊、庄稼和蔬菜,进行了野餐,还拜访了农家。



答案:Last Sunday our students visited a small mountain village in Laiyang.

We left our school at about seven o’clock in the morning. After an hour’s ride in a bus we got there. First we went into an apple orchard seeing a lot of big apples in the trees. Beside the orchard are green crops and fresh vegetables. They all grow very well.

Second, we had a good picnic. At last we visited the farmer’s house. The house is spacious and bright. It has a bathroom , a living-room, a kitchen and two bedrooms. They live a very comfortable life. How happy they are. At six p.m. we returned to our school by bus.


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