A. 经济学本科生计量经济学核心课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th Edition, Newbold, P., Carlson, W. and B. Thorne, 2006, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学初步
Introductory Econometrics with Applications, 4th Edition, Ramanathan, R., 1998, The Dryden Press.
Introduction to Econometrics, Stock, H. and M. Watson, 2002, Addison Wesley. 计量经济学导论:现代观点,伍德里奇【美】,2003,中国人民大学出版社. 计量经济学基础(第四版),古扎拉蒂【美】,2005,中国人民大学出版社. 计量经济学(第二版),李子奈、潘文卿,2005,高等教育出版社.
B. 硕士研究生计量经济学课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (5th Edition), Hogg, R. V. and A. T. Craig, 1995, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学
Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Green, W., 2003, Prentice Hall.
Econometric Methods, 4th Edition, Johnston, J. and J. DiNardo, 1997, McGraw-Hill.
C. 经济学博士研究生课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Statistical Inference, 2nd Edition, Casella, G. and R.Berger, 2001, Duxbury Press. An Introduction to Econometric Theory, Gallant, A.R., 1997, Princeton University Press.
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5th Edition, Hogg, R. V. and A. T. Craig, 1995, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学
Econometrics, Hayashi, F., 2000, Princeton University Press.
Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Green, W., 2003, Prentice Hall.
Econometric Methods, 4th Edition, Johnston, J. and J. DiNardo, 1997, McGraw-Hill.
(3) 时间序列计量经济学
Time Series Analysis, Hamilton, J., 1994, Princeton University Press.
Time Series: Theory and Methods, 2nd Edition, Brockwell, P. J. and R. A. Davis,
1991, Springer-Verlag.
(4) 金融计量经济学
The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Campbell, J. Y., A. W. Lo, and A. C. MacKinlay, 1997, Princeton University Press.
Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd Edition, Tsay, R., 2005, Wiley-Interscience.
Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, A. Colin Cameron and P. K. Trivedi, 2005, Cambridge University Press.
横截面与面板数据的经济计量分析,伍德里奇【美】,2007,中国人民大学出 版社.
(6) 面板数据计量经济学
Analysis of Panel Data, 2nd Edition,Hsiao,C., 2003,Cambridge University Press.
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 3rd Edition, Baltagi, B. H., 2005, Wiley.
(7) 非参数计量经济学
Applied Nonparametric Regression, Härdle, W., 1990, Cambridge University Press. Nonparametric Econometrics, Pagan, A. and A.Ullah, 1999, Cambridge University Press.
(8) 渐近理论
Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians, 2nd Editon, White, H., 2001, Academic Press.
(9) Stochastic Limit Theory, Davidson, J., 1994, Oxford University Press.
A. 经济学本科生计量经济学核心课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th Edition, Newbold, P., Carlson, W. and B. Thorne, 2006, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学初步
Introductory Econometrics with Applications, 4th Edition, Ramanathan, R., 1998, The Dryden Press.
Introduction to Econometrics, Stock, H. and M. Watson, 2002, Addison Wesley. 计量经济学导论:现代观点,伍德里奇【美】,2003,中国人民大学出版社. 计量经济学基础(第四版),古扎拉蒂【美】,2005,中国人民大学出版社. 计量经济学(第二版),李子奈、潘文卿,2005,高等教育出版社.
B. 硕士研究生计量经济学课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (5th Edition), Hogg, R. V. and A. T. Craig, 1995, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学
Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Green, W., 2003, Prentice Hall.
Econometric Methods, 4th Edition, Johnston, J. and J. DiNardo, 1997, McGraw-Hill.
C. 经济学博士研究生课程
(1) 概率论与数理统计
Statistical Inference, 2nd Edition, Casella, G. and R.Berger, 2001, Duxbury Press. An Introduction to Econometric Theory, Gallant, A.R., 1997, Princeton University Press.
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5th Edition, Hogg, R. V. and A. T. Craig, 1995, Prentice-Hall.
(2) 计量经济学
Econometrics, Hayashi, F., 2000, Princeton University Press.
Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition, Green, W., 2003, Prentice Hall.
Econometric Methods, 4th Edition, Johnston, J. and J. DiNardo, 1997, McGraw-Hill.
(3) 时间序列计量经济学
Time Series Analysis, Hamilton, J., 1994, Princeton University Press.
Time Series: Theory and Methods, 2nd Edition, Brockwell, P. J. and R. A. Davis,
1991, Springer-Verlag.
(4) 金融计量经济学
The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Campbell, J. Y., A. W. Lo, and A. C. MacKinlay, 1997, Princeton University Press.
Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd Edition, Tsay, R., 2005, Wiley-Interscience.
Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, A. Colin Cameron and P. K. Trivedi, 2005, Cambridge University Press.
横截面与面板数据的经济计量分析,伍德里奇【美】,2007,中国人民大学出 版社.
(6) 面板数据计量经济学
Analysis of Panel Data, 2nd Edition,Hsiao,C., 2003,Cambridge University Press.
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 3rd Edition, Baltagi, B. H., 2005, Wiley.
(7) 非参数计量经济学
Applied Nonparametric Regression, Härdle, W., 1990, Cambridge University Press. Nonparametric Econometrics, Pagan, A. and A.Ullah, 1999, Cambridge University Press.
(8) 渐近理论
Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians, 2nd Editon, White, H., 2001, Academic Press.
(9) Stochastic Limit Theory, Davidson, J., 1994, Oxford University Press.