

诚实考试吾心不虚 ,公平竞争方显实力, 考试失败尚有机会 ,考试舞弊前功尽弃。 上海财经大学《时间序列分析》课程考试卷 课程代码课程序号 20 —20 学年第一学期

一、Give a definition of second-order stationary. [10 marks]

二、Re-write the 1st order autoregressive process:


In term of Xt,Yt and the backwards operator B: BXtXt1. For what values of

a is the the stationary? [15 marks] 三、Re-write the 1st order moving average process:

Y XtYtb t




In term of Xt,Yt and the backwards operator B: BYtYt

1. For what values of b is the the invertible? [15 marks] 四、What are the roots 1,2 of the characteristic equation


the AR(2) process:



what condition must 1,2 satisfy in order for the AR(2) process to be expressed as an infinite order MA process? [15 marks] 五、Derive the Yule-Walker equations for the AR(3) process


where t~N0,2.

(a) Express the Yule-Walker equation in the matrix form. [10 marks]

(b) Given sample value Ct of the covariance function t how would you estimate the parameters iof the AR(3) process. [10 marks]

ˆthat depends on a variance-covariance matrix (c) Write down the distribution of 

that must provide. [10 marks]

六、Given the observations

X1,X2,K,Xngenerated by the



where  is a real constant and t~N0,1. Find the exact distribution of the sample meanXn. Evaluate VarXn with n=10. Compare the VarX10 with the variance of the sample mean of a random sample of size 10 drawn from the distribution of X1.[15 marks]



诚实考试吾心不虚 ,公平竞争方显实力, 考试失败尚有机会 ,考试舞弊前功尽弃。 上海财经大学《时间序列分析》课程考试卷 课程代码课程序号 20 —20 学年第一学期

一、Give a definition of second-order stationary. [10 marks]

二、Re-write the 1st order autoregressive process:


In term of Xt,Yt and the backwards operator B: BXtXt1. For what values of

a is the the stationary? [15 marks] 三、Re-write the 1st order moving average process:

Y XtYtb t




In term of Xt,Yt and the backwards operator B: BYtYt

1. For what values of b is the the invertible? [15 marks] 四、What are the roots 1,2 of the characteristic equation


the AR(2) process:



what condition must 1,2 satisfy in order for the AR(2) process to be expressed as an infinite order MA process? [15 marks] 五、Derive the Yule-Walker equations for the AR(3) process


where t~N0,2.

(a) Express the Yule-Walker equation in the matrix form. [10 marks]

(b) Given sample value Ct of the covariance function t how would you estimate the parameters iof the AR(3) process. [10 marks]

ˆthat depends on a variance-covariance matrix (c) Write down the distribution of 

that must provide. [10 marks]

六、Given the observations

X1,X2,K,Xngenerated by the



where  is a real constant and t~N0,1. Find the exact distribution of the sample meanXn. Evaluate VarXn with n=10. Compare the VarX10 with the variance of the sample mean of a random sample of size 10 drawn from the distribution of X1.[15 marks]



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