
Hello ,I ’m ChuJie, My English name is Angela.I ’m twenty-five years old.I ’m from Yixing.I ’m in Suzhou now.I ’m a teacher ,and I work in a school.Its name is Haoxue.

I have a sweet family.They are my father、my mother and I.I love them and they love me too.

I have two good friends. They are Coco and Medy. Coco is very pretty(漂亮的)and Medy is cute/lovely(可爱的)。We often have dinner together。 My day Hello, everybody.I always get up at six forty on working day and go to school at half past seven.I have breakfast at eight. I have a Chinese lesson and two English lessons in the morning. I usually have lunch at twelve .In the afternoon,I have two English lessons and a music lesson.My stuends are all(都)like the subjects. In the evening I go home at six thirty.I never watch TV at home.I go to bed at twelve.

This is my day. Good night and I wish(祝愿) you a good dream!

Hello ,I ’m ChuJie, My English name is Angela.I ’m twenty-five years old.I ’m from Yixing.I ’m in Suzhou now.I ’m a teacher ,and I work in a school.Its name is Haoxue.

I have a sweet family.They are my father、my mother and I.I love them and they love me too.

I have two good friends. They are Coco and Medy. Coco is very pretty(漂亮的)and Medy is cute/lovely(可爱的)。We often have dinner together。 My day Hello, everybody.I always get up at six forty on working day and go to school at half past seven.I have breakfast at eight. I have a Chinese lesson and two English lessons in the morning. I usually have lunch at twelve .In the afternoon,I have two English lessons and a music lesson.My stuends are all(都)like the subjects. In the evening I go home at six thirty.I never watch TV at home.I go to bed at twelve.

This is my day. Good night and I wish(祝愿) you a good dream!


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