


ihng vEer yiMnue of Ltfei

-Af-tr eRedangi "f HIdaT hee Dryast o eS"


W ceant i'aginem ivlig nin aorwl withoutdli gth ndas und,soo w can't eeprceivet h esirpitul aorwl dfod iaslbdepe poel howare b inl,dead orfeve ndmbu.avH eoy uvee trohuht gi fw leos oeureye lisgh tnd aheairg nneo ay dh,owcan weliv eth eest rof uo lifre? Hleler Kllee rn ier famohs esuas"yfII Hd aThreeDays to See"gvise us er hasnwer.

Atef rredingathe ssey,awIas depey lmove bdyH ellre's psrii.tHelelr wsab lind dea,f nda dum.She sbfuerfed mcuhf rmo suc a hrgeatmi softrue innh er chlidoodhbu,th r ienne wrolrdwas ver yric.Shh loegne dfo trrhee dyas'l gihstto fe l etehwor ld.Se howud lilek otsee p epol weh gaoev erh olevan fridendship.In orde ro tnow khteso luof h man ,sue hpanlnedto a prpecitea oper anda iterlturae.Shein ended to expetreine pceolp'es aild lyief

I r.ergt ehvinag odens oemthni gnvuluabael adn hrdla ryealziing tehl zayl veiat ittudein ht peastN.o,I uwdnrseatndwe shulod cerhih every msniut of eou rliftemeiTha.t sito sa,myaek ogdous e f oevey sencr et ofee lhe twold rnad enirh couyrlif .eBe pornud o efervyhtin wognerdulfa dn pleaast tnh ewolr dhswso

这是!《如假给我三天光明》的读后感 。


My faovrute ioobk H ary rPttoer


ou knoyw Haryr Potte? rt’Ison eof y famovuirte psretiaemr edinga asnd its’wr ittn eybJ. K. Rwlong. iSh eah dheti ea abdut oarHry Ptoter hewnshe was o nt rin, aH“rry austjwalked in ot ymh ad.e ”She sia laterd. Se htastre wrdtinig ht feirt esidtoi no Harrf Pyttor ete nehx daty.

aHry rPotte is r amgiaaclsch olostud ntew o wearh slgsaes sand ha ns pareonst, on we ihs 61y aerso l. Hde s iveyrb areva d nkownnby ev eyrnoe ecabus hee i shte olnyp esor nwo hwil nlo tide yb dveil At sc.ohl,o e hasht o gwoo dfierns,d thy erae Ron aen dHnrey .

hWe nrae thd boeok y firsmt tme, I ifeelv re yxeictin gnad itenesritgn. S Io eadri t aagn and iaagi, enahc imet I hve adfifreen fteeligsn ,smeotimes eIenvf el esaif ’m oneI f ooPtet’rsp rtaens. rowNth eer raef vieed itoin f Hoaryr oPtet rpublihes addn htye are vryepo upalrwi t hyoun sgtudens.t Book abost uaHry Protterhave s ld moillios nof opcei slla vore he wtrlo. dD oyoul ie HarrkyP otert I?f ou haven’yt eadrth ebooky t, eerdait n o wadn ou’yllf ind awon edrul worfd.l


Mra kTawi'n ssohr stotr yof one" illmoni puodn" si a sevryg oodw or. khe aTritlc oent eh "mneoy i evesyrhtngi, "mo"ey insomnip otnet" th,e dea ofi a astier,t oxpeseo het ugl fycaeo fc paitlasi societty

.O"n meliiolnp ondu"sis about a p oo, hornets mn, taath s,i te herhonie fot ihss ory hat reseciveda pa r ifo robhtrse ,he ltettre est tn oihmin sdeion em ilionlpo und.sThe brotehs had radm a beet, gmbaing, ifla p oo,rho est peopnel wh come okocnikgn n the odor reociveedt ehon e millinop oudns h, well ieb wht kanido f ersut

ls?B rohte trat heh ould stwrvae t oedat bheause ce hocludno t porevtha tth eomny ewa his osn, wiwllbe s ubjce tt ooher tepploe'sdo bus, atnde vnethe bank sdonot ltehi msa vemoney His .ouygen brrthor ethtah wouled ela adve y gordo, adn threfeor teehy hvaethe brot ehr so fneo ilmloinp ounsdwi l ble olnea dto chek thcep ooest rpeple, aon sdpen 3t d0ya sbroad.aDid no txpect thate udingrth si priode f timeo ,peploe avhe het arre fortnu esuddneylrich, ah sriet todco yz up t oihm ,for mth efer food, ebuy colhes, fter aeccmmodaoton, liieka beggr,a ile tokp leae his, amndco ntnieut oi mpovr hies socali sttua sunil ttehe cxpeiot nfo tehhighe s outdootr angWDuke o! Notno ny thlta ,eha solha sb en aeg oodw fi ena d0300,0 puods nof abn inketrste ,adn fialnly rom twfobro thesr go t veayrgoo d jbo .ivLed ave r,yve ryhap pyl fe.

iSee hre, I eam ose niousv o tfeh "lukyc "erohni, but ea the same time tIw uoldli ekt : pooelp reaeonsto cury rafvro wit hhim ,no juts becatse uwhnepeop l ealve umone ytooi ? tWosrhi po mfnoey sishame ufla n sdhuodl ot ne rebainpg mre! oMneo iy nos tmnopioett,n thewo rld hantmone y, hetr aeer amn ymro eimoptrnta htnisg.. . ..




r ediagn" At aleo twfoci iest


"A alt of teow ictis"e i son ef oiDckes'nsm st iopmotrnt raerepsetntivae wokr.sheTn voel pofroudlnyex osed thep soiecytc otnrdaitcon iebfor ehteFre cnhR velouito,intennslyeat tcask he atisrocrttiac soicla lass ic dsisolsue atn cdurela,nd sicnreey slmyaphtzieswi htt eh epderssd cealsess.Th neveo alls descrioedb amn yagnmificen tscees nilek he terolvtpe olep atatcek daBtislle nd sao o,wnihhcdis plaeyd epploe' gsret sartngth.e


n vel hoa sprotrayed mny diaferent fpeople Do.cortMa ntte esi onhetsa d kinn dutb sffurs ehe terpsectiou actunally, Lu ce isib aeuitflua dng etle ,nharCes isl rgceafula dn noleb,Lroryis up ightr ndaho nest, ySnde iy sesblanmc ef indifofernt,e inenmrots feeilnsgof wa r,uncmnovenional btt aulos elflesss nadloft yM,ss Pirssois str aigthofrwra and dolaly,Evreondem borhers atre rceula n disisnert......Teh ocplem haxted rs ihrda to olves ,he cruel rtveneegh asma ed moreha rtdse, lveosr bertih n the iehlledge ,but taek hetl fi aesthe prie.

Asc na otustanind gwitre,ir nDicenk's wsro,kthel agunga ekillsi esssnetal.iEcha kind o rhfeorit tecchinque,ile thk eaanlog,yth eexagergation,th ecotrnstathe,hu moros,unad theta nuta erha dled snikllflul,ayd nte hatisrrtyo ft h ewrk oi slaos dleveird tee phake.A "ate lo fwtocit ie" has stisd iferencfe iwt hhe tegenrlahistorical nvole, its haractce anr tdhe aminp olt aer al lfciiotnlizaesWi.th ht broea reda labkcrguod onfthe reFnhc Rveoltuointh, eathoru tak ethe iftiocna clarahcer tDoctorMan ete'ts eperiencex as te main hcue,lnteiweravest he njuut schrage,l oveand re vegen theeri dnpeednncee sutb lsao nciidne ctros-scoreraliton torise togsehter,het lpot i csrissc-osrsde,nd the alcueis c oplmxeT.h eathou ures nseri nart


atesfo,rshedoaiwn,ugphlsotry ane dos mnay ectnhiueqs,causset he tsuctrreui ntegriyt nd astrcintse,thes potl indwign anxois audn icrh o fteathrialcn tauer,it ispldaed theyr earmkblea arittic ssilkl.teh stlye "A ate olf wt octiei" is solseminty nd maealncolhyfill, sidninagntoin,ub ltcksa th huemroo tfe ehrly waroks.


与读后海 感

Te nhveo lesdcirptin ios noe yar neear istxyy aer sof ae segnir foshiemra, wnhe anolneg os eot ea ins onef ihsign ,ifshd onee bgif is,h acutlla dydinot upl.lTh esen oi frihesran mosiacilezdseve arlday s afert te hishf ,olyn ten dhiscvoree dhts iasw hetbig m arin whlihc neo urpssaes dtheo enels ffihisn boga tsverel faod, altlohgh kune wepfercty lwll verey idficflu totw in bu, sttli dld ino gtve iup.Af terawrd sna fdurther becase iun htebi gm ralin ounwdf ish isfy hsmellbr ouht ign sevraelc ordsw fo sahkr fish satchenst h efod, oubt th eod pelsronst llidid not hope lkei htisto igve up fin,alylh gihighltdeen icclrs eigttly,h eturned to rthe ig fibsh ebl thte fsiing hpro,t lest otehrfis ehmren on atdmie rlaredya .


e nIr ed a" hte esinorfisherma n tink: hereHto th eseacosat ralle yawsto on ae, prerhaspc uldo hvae biageg frshi i n faathrer palc.e. ". When I,extrem eyl damreit hi sesion firsheramn,be caue hs ebyn o alwreda proyjeted oc sone fmsih b,tu e hahd on tettled st toe phreenstsi utaitn, bout awsapp rochea tsehbigge goral dvaanc. egAai hnsa al oo uk, suualsy lmetseon e slighlty si idffciutl w,ea ll comlaipn nciseastnly.W ewlilb e he mttheorlnda ftuue, wrill b euppsseod t loike histol dpe rosn sma mine loftydas ipartoin wi,l evelnbet tr eursuepev nebe tert, he tbgiegrg alo.

语读英后 感《惨世悲》界

 "  Le sisMrebaels" 186() 2is errpesetanivt ewokr of Vscitr Huooga, soeno f te mosht amofs nuveos ln tie hrFech niteralutre


 Th e ovnelb aic plotsi Rsa nARa gnp iiftlu life hsiotr.y eH o irignllay s ineopoo rafimy balcgrkuondw roekr, ebcuas eteh incmo insuefifiecn ftailymm mbereg tesb , byyo n teimest lo ete bhreadis aresrtd es ipu tnip irons . aPsesd19 eayrs firm priso ann thd ebiter servtice lfe. Thei uniphmestn cmpolteely atferal s hasot ehlarce y benhviar, bot beuneoveln tishbp in toe hicer he stroorwfu lnflienceu ,th traesfnomraito ins on eseh doenelfs mnaen preros.n H euess n a aiasl siMadlan ,d owrsk s ath enertpreeeun, anrd sipush edf r moayro. Bt usoo annd urfhtr beceusaeex pseo tdhes attusis ar ertes dis ut pin pr ios, nfaertes cpes aescure tshede eacsde fmale eowkerr Fntan'i dasugthe Crosete tmatc fhrom oenb asartd anhdsp ciael, wne totPa rsi . ftArwaedrsag in auncaeisgny enlcuoneretdpol ce'sip ruusit The. Rn Aa Ragn netreil ief iflls siim pirsonde htep inawh ihcthe bitters reice avnd ridfts baout dstetiteu, tis hi ths enoevl


veeiwof Is“ Arorgnta an Predudjce”i傲慢与见读后偏感

usAtin"I sa rogarn tnAdP reudjic"eJu,s tile skhes ad,iI osn tow niceh sviro yhet tin harcvng,iIt is Austi'n srpreseetatnvei owksrT


his rfleectoi mnarriga qeeutsoinn oelvw hihc n iteha thou rowrmokst recieveswelco e,mha sebe nat onscervaivt ane uddner th ueenlightenne dcodnitonEiglnsi vilhlaes and tognws ilef na tdh weyaso f tehworl duhamns.neitmen,tht workeviv d iefreltcoi n1 c8neutry' ensds ott e beghniinngf 1o9h tcenurt.Itsy scoail oclalcust om asndp rctaiescre smbeesl th neovl net oonylwa astratcing ttegehenarl eraedrsa tth tatim e,Rellya ott oda,yStil gavl thee erdae troenjoy b yteh nuqiu ear.theS is htef irs tearilt deyscires bn thi ediay oldriany rlfi eteorhdiaryngr caiosunse swirerto fifciotnP,aledy hte rloein th eE nglshino ev hislorty wich lhinskt he recepdngwith thi feloowilng.Te hetnre iowkrdoe nso hatv theeflo dot h iemopsng mainer,Notnw ndingiu noncsrtiaedn poltBut is, tih ksnd of ismpilicityF,in deeelpyi satrtcaintgus ,Asuti'nss ohr tlfe neailry all isp ssad in Eenglands 'ivllgea,Perh asp i pseiphery is srmpli,ehe Ttarnqul atimosherp heas bred her niifdfeenrt maikgs.cannno tecbuaes deso not haevth erih ceperxeice,nOnh sathe s spiuico no therr geadrngi he tting ahalysnsiab liti, Hys reaad" Arorgatn ndAPre jduie"ct h heuan cmetarilyn ac nb exeuisiqetfo hrert,hek eneem tiono subdes.uheW wrinte s"s arrIognt AandPr eudije",Shc es inlyo sveral yeeraold- girl, ssn’t thisIon einkdo fatletn S?e ihndee deryvlittle con acts "tousidt”e,B u thtoughtex itensce,I aminatgoi nxestinec,e hti alls xiseentcsea r enough.e


eAdvntuere sfoT omSa ywer


h Adevntuere osfTo m Swayre siAme rcai nfmaus oiltrareyg iat Manrk Twai naket hsiy outhas t hemai nsubjct eo tworet

Tom. Swyea anr hdsi ebs ftriend, uHck Finn ,tel sltrios,e fshi a,nd pretnde tob pierteas aolgn het anbskof the Miss siipsp iiveRr. hTne heyt bceme oreal-lief wintesse ts o tarriebel criem! Wether hoT msi unnirn gaay fwrmov ilailns treasur, huenitng, r ohowinsgoff fo recBy kThtaceh, ri's one thrtllinig ecsapda aetfrean tohr.e


oyrlea dngiTom's ainevc arachetr i, lsveli ynadt eh lao smsihicveousmo de lUS youhst .H enad he turhicn usmmr ergam, respectiveylm aedthe w noderuf lmtaet rhich won beusr out taughlnig Is.p unsheid ilk Teom hwiewatshs tehef nece ,unexpecetlyde xcueet ths elcver etickr, ntoonly c uase otshe rhicdl to bewil lni tg repolce aim ht owrko, bt ulaosa utmoaitcall ofyfrs eteh hatkn-oy giuft Aft.rweads wrntewit Xhi aetaKo ot he dtseet islarnd,t e hepopel thugoht tey wehr dreonwt od eath, teh hcucrh ahe bvene olhdni ghet mouninr riguta lof themr,bu tteh acyuatll yidhin thechu crh bel lotwerli set nsereclt.yT hes meschievous iatcino, satlhoug hcnnot amaek th moeeldto us ,utb h,e nio drr te obe juts,resol utel boyldy tlhusrst frwaodrt otseifyt htep ersno,s vesa tha tnnicoen tcirinalmfr oh thsbuan Pdeer. tnd iA mnishievcoust mie ,ha unsxpeceetdl unyocerved apile murde rdcoumne twth ithe umser gmar, mbeoces myuon gheo rwich thh eunmeruso peoplead mirse.It eesm lsike that,Tom a ls hosat ehp lae chichw s worith u stsduiygn Ac.utlay thelc hld iischmiveus osmotimesew aitde ah hsappen

toman iesfedtc ildhs' ninoectn This k.idn f ochld riella cyrsosd teh cheidl imet vrey iffdciullyta aignto s ek,ec oludle ts find, uony hal dheth app yercolectiol whinhca sopto casiocanly tleh noulc demermerb.

I bleievd,e evne i fourychi lhodo didfficul taain ,gyuo ercolecled atsl ocnab e ervyha pp. yhWo ahsn' tmde aaha l fslil yamtetri nht cehidholdo?Whe yno umoregro w pu ,oy canumore t inh thkee sislly amtetrsar inteerestng.i sIid tae hcihdhlodo ileks op swtee tiwn, ewen separhaes mtro efo ral on gimt, testeas rfargat, in suprre ,orm leteth eepsronaf ertattes





ressoin f oaboo kof " p resosnwh o keep wact ihn hetw hea fteldi "


tt oteh boksotoer htat da,yI hcseoa v ey thrn iobo frkmo aotl o fwolr dastmepreice,s nmeale t "w heatper sos wno khee watch op ffeidl ",wh en I pick u this bpook,I h ae nvo tepxceedtth at ush a ctinhb ook iwllhave aso gr et iapmat cn mo,e mkain my gthoguhtsan dfee linsgver deey, Ipth ik tnha thte orm fnd canotet nf ohit sbooka re llavery otsutnadngi.

heT iffite is nUS...A ewe ra uqteicon usefdpe rio,d hte drakcl oduof Worl WadrII ha sn tol etfy t,eth e smko oef ugnopwedrof co dl wr ariases agan. in Ooenhan d he tdveloempne tins ceicenan tedhconloyg is asft, adn n the other oand, heppol laekc tehi edl,a deomrlaiezd, udenr he great tsoica baclgrkoud nnuabl eo chatge nn oniesefl ,lve iadnmi x hsockig nna sdhockngi lfie. The, "na energtiano f coollpasng " iapepar ,s aHlon it a semmber moagn htm e,he someskand getsdrunk , no totstr iev t mokae rpgoessr,b tu he ,i sstill nulielyk o trducee o takitg nrudg, regagroius tsag,ebe auscei nh s iotbom tf hoaetr ,tsill hvae abaetufui aln demoter dialeal lth eimt e--Do- "ape rso nho keeps wwathci nt e whehta filde . "

A co

utrnyhe reo f ou lrfei,thi ser ai surdig nht eneormus ohcange e,evrythni igsi nht deevelompne twti rhpiad hange. cn Ia snese, tishi sa d nreall ayb i atlkie niU. S..Ao f ht eiftfies .Th eosicey ts iprorgessin gcnotanstl, peyopl'seco ncep ti chsaging tno, oal t of oepope lbegn toi e vbatsan dha yz ,odnhewared,t hey teg tto orgfe ote'n osn wiead,l d oot hanevthe ifrstenthu saism,be gn toiy aren or fbeing edimcor.

eeWar eagr ou of childprne livngii n nwe ear ,t isipu zlezdand wroire dtob alreead ybeneu esd t onatrulaly ,bu t e whsolud onccntraeet sipitran d ra cereain tbauo thte rontfo few, our wa y ,ewsh uld whether onoeh va loeft ydiale asmbtiiusop oepl.eI f altoHndoe sot havenhis p re uidel,a tehnh weli dlegenerae thtrugh oott hee nd ,i ts his ideia tlathl te shmil ve.i hTe iealdis t he epolpe s' ebcon alghti, t ii slaeding popleet moveo otwardsf turue, move towars thd leigth .Or uilef ash usjt bgue, evnen fil fe makies uss oem o ftis hegeranito nprelpeed wixt khonwnig hwchiw ayto o, bgtuever tyinhgi sujstt mperaoyr do,e notskn ow th epast ,ewne eed dmots own, i ist our ideal.

Y s, ie ti hsopefult haveol ftoy iedlsa, wil ljst tomurrow hopoe, iwl be mol

re beatiful uomtorrw o



ihng vEer yiMnue of Ltfei

-Af-tr eRedangi "f HIdaT hee Dryast o eS"


W ceant i'aginem ivlig nin aorwl withoutdli gth ndas und,soo w can't eeprceivet h esirpitul aorwl dfod iaslbdepe poel howare b inl,dead orfeve ndmbu.avH eoy uvee trohuht gi fw leos oeureye lisgh tnd aheairg nneo ay dh,owcan weliv eth eest rof uo lifre? Hleler Kllee rn ier famohs esuas"yfII Hd aThreeDays to See"gvise us er hasnwer.

Atef rredingathe ssey,awIas depey lmove bdyH ellre's psrii.tHelelr wsab lind dea,f nda dum.She sbfuerfed mcuhf rmo suc a hrgeatmi softrue innh er chlidoodhbu,th r ienne wrolrdwas ver yric.Shh loegne dfo trrhee dyas'l gihstto fe l etehwor ld.Se howud lilek otsee p epol weh gaoev erh olevan fridendship.In orde ro tnow khteso luof h man ,sue hpanlnedto a prpecitea oper anda iterlturae.Shein ended to expetreine pceolp'es aild lyief

I r.ergt ehvinag odens oemthni gnvuluabael adn hrdla ryealziing tehl zayl veiat ittudein ht peastN.o,I uwdnrseatndwe shulod cerhih every msniut of eou rliftemeiTha.t sito sa,myaek ogdous e f oevey sencr et ofee lhe twold rnad enirh couyrlif .eBe pornud o efervyhtin wognerdulfa dn pleaast tnh ewolr dhswso

这是!《如假给我三天光明》的读后感 。


My faovrute ioobk H ary rPttoer


ou knoyw Haryr Potte? rt’Ison eof y famovuirte psretiaemr edinga asnd its’wr ittn eybJ. K. Rwlong. iSh eah dheti ea abdut oarHry Ptoter hewnshe was o nt rin, aH“rry austjwalked in ot ymh ad.e ”She sia laterd. Se htastre wrdtinig ht feirt esidtoi no Harrf Pyttor ete nehx daty.

aHry rPotte is r amgiaaclsch olostud ntew o wearh slgsaes sand ha ns pareonst, on we ihs 61y aerso l. Hde s iveyrb areva d nkownnby ev eyrnoe ecabus hee i shte olnyp esor nwo hwil nlo tide yb dveil At sc.ohl,o e hasht o gwoo dfierns,d thy erae Ron aen dHnrey .

hWe nrae thd boeok y firsmt tme, I ifeelv re yxeictin gnad itenesritgn. S Io eadri t aagn and iaagi, enahc imet I hve adfifreen fteeligsn ,smeotimes eIenvf el esaif ’m oneI f ooPtet’rsp rtaens. rowNth eer raef vieed itoin f Hoaryr oPtet rpublihes addn htye are vryepo upalrwi t hyoun sgtudens.t Book abost uaHry Protterhave s ld moillios nof opcei slla vore he wtrlo. dD oyoul ie HarrkyP otert I?f ou haven’yt eadrth ebooky t, eerdait n o wadn ou’yllf ind awon edrul worfd.l


Mra kTawi'n ssohr stotr yof one" illmoni puodn" si a sevryg oodw or. khe aTritlc oent eh "mneoy i evesyrhtngi, "mo"ey insomnip otnet" th,e dea ofi a astier,t oxpeseo het ugl fycaeo fc paitlasi societty

.O"n meliiolnp ondu"sis about a p oo, hornets mn, taath s,i te herhonie fot ihss ory hat reseciveda pa r ifo robhtrse ,he ltettre est tn oihmin sdeion em ilionlpo und.sThe brotehs had radm a beet, gmbaing, ifla p oo,rho est peopnel wh come okocnikgn n the odor reociveedt ehon e millinop oudns h, well ieb wht kanido f ersut

ls?B rohte trat heh ould stwrvae t oedat bheause ce hocludno t porevtha tth eomny ewa his osn, wiwllbe s ubjce tt ooher tepploe'sdo bus, atnde vnethe bank sdonot ltehi msa vemoney His .ouygen brrthor ethtah wouled ela adve y gordo, adn threfeor teehy hvaethe brot ehr so fneo ilmloinp ounsdwi l ble olnea dto chek thcep ooest rpeple, aon sdpen 3t d0ya sbroad.aDid no txpect thate udingrth si priode f timeo ,peploe avhe het arre fortnu esuddneylrich, ah sriet todco yz up t oihm ,for mth efer food, ebuy colhes, fter aeccmmodaoton, liieka beggr,a ile tokp leae his, amndco ntnieut oi mpovr hies socali sttua sunil ttehe cxpeiot nfo tehhighe s outdootr angWDuke o! Notno ny thlta ,eha solha sb en aeg oodw fi ena d0300,0 puods nof abn inketrste ,adn fialnly rom twfobro thesr go t veayrgoo d jbo .ivLed ave r,yve ryhap pyl fe.

iSee hre, I eam ose niousv o tfeh "lukyc "erohni, but ea the same time tIw uoldli ekt : pooelp reaeonsto cury rafvro wit hhim ,no juts becatse uwhnepeop l ealve umone ytooi ? tWosrhi po mfnoey sishame ufla n sdhuodl ot ne rebainpg mre! oMneo iy nos tmnopioett,n thewo rld hantmone y, hetr aeer amn ymro eimoptrnta htnisg.. . ..




r ediagn" At aleo twfoci iest


"A alt of teow ictis"e i son ef oiDckes'nsm st iopmotrnt raerepsetntivae wokr.sheTn voel pofroudlnyex osed thep soiecytc otnrdaitcon iebfor ehteFre cnhR velouito,intennslyeat tcask he atisrocrttiac soicla lass ic dsisolsue atn cdurela,nd sicnreey slmyaphtzieswi htt eh epderssd cealsess.Th neveo alls descrioedb amn yagnmificen tscees nilek he terolvtpe olep atatcek daBtislle nd sao o,wnihhcdis plaeyd epploe' gsret sartngth.e


n vel hoa sprotrayed mny diaferent fpeople Do.cortMa ntte esi onhetsa d kinn dutb sffurs ehe terpsectiou actunally, Lu ce isib aeuitflua dng etle ,nharCes isl rgceafula dn noleb,Lroryis up ightr ndaho nest, ySnde iy sesblanmc ef indifofernt,e inenmrots feeilnsgof wa r,uncmnovenional btt aulos elflesss nadloft yM,ss Pirssois str aigthofrwra and dolaly,Evreondem borhers atre rceula n disisnert......Teh ocplem haxted rs ihrda to olves ,he cruel rtveneegh asma ed moreha rtdse, lveosr bertih n the iehlledge ,but taek hetl fi aesthe prie.

Asc na otustanind gwitre,ir nDicenk's wsro,kthel agunga ekillsi esssnetal.iEcha kind o rhfeorit tecchinque,ile thk eaanlog,yth eexagergation,th ecotrnstathe,hu moros,unad theta nuta erha dled snikllflul,ayd nte hatisrrtyo ft h ewrk oi slaos dleveird tee phake.A "ate lo fwtocit ie" has stisd iferencfe iwt hhe tegenrlahistorical nvole, its haractce anr tdhe aminp olt aer al lfciiotnlizaesWi.th ht broea reda labkcrguod onfthe reFnhc Rveoltuointh, eathoru tak ethe iftiocna clarahcer tDoctorMan ete'ts eperiencex as te main hcue,lnteiweravest he njuut schrage,l oveand re vegen theeri dnpeednncee sutb lsao nciidne ctros-scoreraliton torise togsehter,het lpot i csrissc-osrsde,nd the alcueis c oplmxeT.h eathou ures nseri nart


atesfo,rshedoaiwn,ugphlsotry ane dos mnay ectnhiueqs,causset he tsuctrreui ntegriyt nd astrcintse,thes potl indwign anxois audn icrh o fteathrialcn tauer,it ispldaed theyr earmkblea arittic ssilkl.teh stlye "A ate olf wt octiei" is solseminty nd maealncolhyfill, sidninagntoin,ub ltcksa th huemroo tfe ehrly waroks.


与读后海 感

Te nhveo lesdcirptin ios noe yar neear istxyy aer sof ae segnir foshiemra, wnhe anolneg os eot ea ins onef ihsign ,ifshd onee bgif is,h acutlla dydinot upl.lTh esen oi frihesran mosiacilezdseve arlday s afert te hishf ,olyn ten dhiscvoree dhts iasw hetbig m arin whlihc neo urpssaes dtheo enels ffihisn boga tsverel faod, altlohgh kune wepfercty lwll verey idficflu totw in bu, sttli dld ino gtve iup.Af terawrd sna fdurther becase iun htebi gm ralin ounwdf ish isfy hsmellbr ouht ign sevraelc ordsw fo sahkr fish satchenst h efod, oubt th eod pelsronst llidid not hope lkei htisto igve up fin,alylh gihighltdeen icclrs eigttly,h eturned to rthe ig fibsh ebl thte fsiing hpro,t lest otehrfis ehmren on atdmie rlaredya .


e nIr ed a" hte esinorfisherma n tink: hereHto th eseacosat ralle yawsto on ae, prerhaspc uldo hvae biageg frshi i n faathrer palc.e. ". When I,extrem eyl damreit hi sesion firsheramn,be caue hs ebyn o alwreda proyjeted oc sone fmsih b,tu e hahd on tettled st toe phreenstsi utaitn, bout awsapp rochea tsehbigge goral dvaanc. egAai hnsa al oo uk, suualsy lmetseon e slighlty si idffciutl w,ea ll comlaipn nciseastnly.W ewlilb e he mttheorlnda ftuue, wrill b euppsseod t loike histol dpe rosn sma mine loftydas ipartoin wi,l evelnbet tr eursuepev nebe tert, he tbgiegrg alo.

语读英后 感《惨世悲》界

 "  Le sisMrebaels" 186() 2is errpesetanivt ewokr of Vscitr Huooga, soeno f te mosht amofs nuveos ln tie hrFech niteralutre


 Th e ovnelb aic plotsi Rsa nARa gnp iiftlu life hsiotr.y eH o irignllay s ineopoo rafimy balcgrkuondw roekr, ebcuas eteh incmo insuefifiecn ftailymm mbereg tesb , byyo n teimest lo ete bhreadis aresrtd es ipu tnip irons . aPsesd19 eayrs firm priso ann thd ebiter servtice lfe. Thei uniphmestn cmpolteely atferal s hasot ehlarce y benhviar, bot beuneoveln tishbp in toe hicer he stroorwfu lnflienceu ,th traesfnomraito ins on eseh doenelfs mnaen preros.n H euess n a aiasl siMadlan ,d owrsk s ath enertpreeeun, anrd sipush edf r moayro. Bt usoo annd urfhtr beceusaeex pseo tdhes attusis ar ertes dis ut pin pr ios, nfaertes cpes aescure tshede eacsde fmale eowkerr Fntan'i dasugthe Crosete tmatc fhrom oenb asartd anhdsp ciael, wne totPa rsi . ftArwaedrsag in auncaeisgny enlcuoneretdpol ce'sip ruusit The. Rn Aa Ragn netreil ief iflls siim pirsonde htep inawh ihcthe bitters reice avnd ridfts baout dstetiteu, tis hi ths enoevl


veeiwof Is“ Arorgnta an Predudjce”i傲慢与见读后偏感

usAtin"I sa rogarn tnAdP reudjic"eJu,s tile skhes ad,iI osn tow niceh sviro yhet tin harcvng,iIt is Austi'n srpreseetatnvei owksrT


his rfleectoi mnarriga qeeutsoinn oelvw hihc n iteha thou rowrmokst recieveswelco e,mha sebe nat onscervaivt ane uddner th ueenlightenne dcodnitonEiglnsi vilhlaes and tognws ilef na tdh weyaso f tehworl duhamns.neitmen,tht workeviv d iefreltcoi n1 c8neutry' ensds ott e beghniinngf 1o9h tcenurt.Itsy scoail oclalcust om asndp rctaiescre smbeesl th neovl net oonylwa astratcing ttegehenarl eraedrsa tth tatim e,Rellya ott oda,yStil gavl thee erdae troenjoy b yteh nuqiu ear.theS is htef irs tearilt deyscires bn thi ediay oldriany rlfi eteorhdiaryngr caiosunse swirerto fifciotnP,aledy hte rloein th eE nglshino ev hislorty wich lhinskt he recepdngwith thi feloowilng.Te hetnre iowkrdoe nso hatv theeflo dot h iemopsng mainer,Notnw ndingiu noncsrtiaedn poltBut is, tih ksnd of ismpilicityF,in deeelpyi satrtcaintgus ,Asuti'nss ohr tlfe neailry all isp ssad in Eenglands 'ivllgea,Perh asp i pseiphery is srmpli,ehe Ttarnqul atimosherp heas bred her niifdfeenrt maikgs.cannno tecbuaes deso not haevth erih ceperxeice,nOnh sathe s spiuico no therr geadrngi he tting ahalysnsiab liti, Hys reaad" Arorgatn ndAPre jduie"ct h heuan cmetarilyn ac nb exeuisiqetfo hrert,hek eneem tiono subdes.uheW wrinte s"s arrIognt AandPr eudije",Shc es inlyo sveral yeeraold- girl, ssn’t thisIon einkdo fatletn S?e ihndee deryvlittle con acts "tousidt”e,B u thtoughtex itensce,I aminatgoi nxestinec,e hti alls xiseentcsea r enough.e


eAdvntuere sfoT omSa ywer


h Adevntuere osfTo m Swayre siAme rcai nfmaus oiltrareyg iat Manrk Twai naket hsiy outhas t hemai nsubjct eo tworet

Tom. Swyea anr hdsi ebs ftriend, uHck Finn ,tel sltrios,e fshi a,nd pretnde tob pierteas aolgn het anbskof the Miss siipsp iiveRr. hTne heyt bceme oreal-lief wintesse ts o tarriebel criem! Wether hoT msi unnirn gaay fwrmov ilailns treasur, huenitng, r ohowinsgoff fo recBy kThtaceh, ri's one thrtllinig ecsapda aetfrean tohr.e


oyrlea dngiTom's ainevc arachetr i, lsveli ynadt eh lao smsihicveousmo de lUS youhst .H enad he turhicn usmmr ergam, respectiveylm aedthe w noderuf lmtaet rhich won beusr out taughlnig Is.p unsheid ilk Teom hwiewatshs tehef nece ,unexpecetlyde xcueet ths elcver etickr, ntoonly c uase otshe rhicdl to bewil lni tg repolce aim ht owrko, bt ulaosa utmoaitcall ofyfrs eteh hatkn-oy giuft Aft.rweads wrntewit Xhi aetaKo ot he dtseet islarnd,t e hepopel thugoht tey wehr dreonwt od eath, teh hcucrh ahe bvene olhdni ghet mouninr riguta lof themr,bu tteh acyuatll yidhin thechu crh bel lotwerli set nsereclt.yT hes meschievous iatcino, satlhoug hcnnot amaek th moeeldto us ,utb h,e nio drr te obe juts,resol utel boyldy tlhusrst frwaodrt otseifyt htep ersno,s vesa tha tnnicoen tcirinalmfr oh thsbuan Pdeer. tnd iA mnishievcoust mie ,ha unsxpeceetdl unyocerved apile murde rdcoumne twth ithe umser gmar, mbeoces myuon gheo rwich thh eunmeruso peoplead mirse.It eesm lsike that,Tom a ls hosat ehp lae chichw s worith u stsduiygn Ac.utlay thelc hld iischmiveus osmotimesew aitde ah hsappen

toman iesfedtc ildhs' ninoectn This k.idn f ochld riella cyrsosd teh cheidl imet vrey iffdciullyta aignto s ek,ec oludle ts find, uony hal dheth app yercolectiol whinhca sopto casiocanly tleh noulc demermerb.

I bleievd,e evne i fourychi lhodo didfficul taain ,gyuo ercolecled atsl ocnab e ervyha pp. yhWo ahsn' tmde aaha l fslil yamtetri nht cehidholdo?Whe yno umoregro w pu ,oy canumore t inh thkee sislly amtetrsar inteerestng.i sIid tae hcihdhlodo ileks op swtee tiwn, ewen separhaes mtro efo ral on gimt, testeas rfargat, in suprre ,orm leteth eepsronaf ertattes





ressoin f oaboo kof " p resosnwh o keep wact ihn hetw hea fteldi "


tt oteh boksotoer htat da,yI hcseoa v ey thrn iobo frkmo aotl o fwolr dastmepreice,s nmeale t "w heatper sos wno khee watch op ffeidl ",wh en I pick u this bpook,I h ae nvo tepxceedtth at ush a ctinhb ook iwllhave aso gr et iapmat cn mo,e mkain my gthoguhtsan dfee linsgver deey, Ipth ik tnha thte orm fnd canotet nf ohit sbooka re llavery otsutnadngi.

heT iffite is nUS...A ewe ra uqteicon usefdpe rio,d hte drakcl oduof Worl WadrII ha sn tol etfy t,eth e smko oef ugnopwedrof co dl wr ariases agan. in Ooenhan d he tdveloempne tins ceicenan tedhconloyg is asft, adn n the other oand, heppol laekc tehi edl,a deomrlaiezd, udenr he great tsoica baclgrkoud nnuabl eo chatge nn oniesefl ,lve iadnmi x hsockig nna sdhockngi lfie. The, "na energtiano f coollpasng " iapepar ,s aHlon it a semmber moagn htm e,he someskand getsdrunk , no totstr iev t mokae rpgoessr,b tu he ,i sstill nulielyk o trducee o takitg nrudg, regagroius tsag,ebe auscei nh s iotbom tf hoaetr ,tsill hvae abaetufui aln demoter dialeal lth eimt e--Do- "ape rso nho keeps wwathci nt e whehta filde . "

A co

utrnyhe reo f ou lrfei,thi ser ai surdig nht eneormus ohcange e,evrythni igsi nht deevelompne twti rhpiad hange. cn Ia snese, tishi sa d nreall ayb i atlkie niU. S..Ao f ht eiftfies .Th eosicey ts iprorgessin gcnotanstl, peyopl'seco ncep ti chsaging tno, oal t of oepope lbegn toi e vbatsan dha yz ,odnhewared,t hey teg tto orgfe ote'n osn wiead,l d oot hanevthe ifrstenthu saism,be gn toiy aren or fbeing edimcor.

eeWar eagr ou of childprne livngii n nwe ear ,t isipu zlezdand wroire dtob alreead ybeneu esd t onatrulaly ,bu t e whsolud onccntraeet sipitran d ra cereain tbauo thte rontfo few, our wa y ,ewsh uld whether onoeh va loeft ydiale asmbtiiusop oepl.eI f altoHndoe sot havenhis p re uidel,a tehnh weli dlegenerae thtrugh oott hee nd ,i ts his ideia tlathl te shmil ve.i hTe iealdis t he epolpe s' ebcon alghti, t ii slaeding popleet moveo otwardsf turue, move towars thd leigth .Or uilef ash usjt bgue, evnen fil fe makies uss oem o ftis hegeranito nprelpeed wixt khonwnig hwchiw ayto o, bgtuever tyinhgi sujstt mperaoyr do,e notskn ow th epast ,ewne eed dmots own, i ist our ideal.

Y s, ie ti hsopefult haveol ftoy iedlsa, wil ljst tomurrow hopoe, iwl be mol

re beatiful uomtorrw o


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