



关键字:单片机平台 硬件 软件


Design of microcontroller application system development platform is

designed in the device at the initial stage of development, the development platform, to speed up the development speed, the system function of the

experimental validation. The platform is the electrical control developers an important auxiliary tool. The design for the control system development platform, takes the SCM as the control core, the minimum system requirements to design controller, LED display, digital tube display, independent keys, the keyboard matrix circuit, a buzzer, relay control, 1602 liquid crystal display, real-time clock, AD / DA circuit, serial communication, temperature sensor.

51 single-chip microcontroller development board, also known as 51

experimental board, 51 MCU learning board. 51 is used for learning models of single-chip experiments and learning devices, he is 51 single common peripheral. Such as water lights, digital control, matrix keyboard, EEPROM, clock, buzzer, relay and integrated in a small circuit board. Easy to carry and learning, plug the PC directly above. Anytime, anywhere learning, other small items can also be directly on this board above the second development, upon completion of the development on this basis, the above can be done to re-drawing board, greatly reducing the company's development cycle, saving hardware costs .

Microcontroller development board such as e-people, scholars need special

support for VB PC software development, game development and other tutorial learning materials. MCU development board of the development of such companies generally provide comprehensive after-sales service and technical support, college common microcontroller development board for the teaching needs,

supporting common hardware resources, experimental program source code, circuit

schematics, PCB circuit diagram and other learning materials.

Keywords: MCU hardware platform software




关键字:单片机平台 硬件 软件


Design of microcontroller application system development platform is

designed in the device at the initial stage of development, the development platform, to speed up the development speed, the system function of the

experimental validation. The platform is the electrical control developers an important auxiliary tool. The design for the control system development platform, takes the SCM as the control core, the minimum system requirements to design controller, LED display, digital tube display, independent keys, the keyboard matrix circuit, a buzzer, relay control, 1602 liquid crystal display, real-time clock, AD / DA circuit, serial communication, temperature sensor.

51 single-chip microcontroller development board, also known as 51

experimental board, 51 MCU learning board. 51 is used for learning models of single-chip experiments and learning devices, he is 51 single common peripheral. Such as water lights, digital control, matrix keyboard, EEPROM, clock, buzzer, relay and integrated in a small circuit board. Easy to carry and learning, plug the PC directly above. Anytime, anywhere learning, other small items can also be directly on this board above the second development, upon completion of the development on this basis, the above can be done to re-drawing board, greatly reducing the company's development cycle, saving hardware costs .

Microcontroller development board such as e-people, scholars need special

support for VB PC software development, game development and other tutorial learning materials. MCU development board of the development of such companies generally provide comprehensive after-sales service and technical support, college common microcontroller development board for the teaching needs,

supporting common hardware resources, experimental program source code, circuit

schematics, PCB circuit diagram and other learning materials.

Keywords: MCU hardware platform software


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