

Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. My name is Zhao , come from Shan xi. I’ve finished my undergraduate education in Civil Aviation University of China, and my major is Electrical & Information Engineering. After graduated from the university, considering my two brothers are all at school and in order to reduce the burden of my parents, I chose to work in Hainan Airlines at the Capital International Airport for more than one year.

I leant a lot from the aircraft repair job. Gradually, however, I realized that further study is s till urgent for me to realize self-value. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development , especially in this information explosion age.

The pattern recognition and intelligent system of Beijing Institute of Technology is in a leading position in our country, and I’m very interest in this specialty.

If I can be admitted , I planed to concentrate on studying and researching in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic [,sist ə’mætik] view of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System and make a solid foundation for future profession after three or more years study here.



1. What kind of land scape surrounds your hometown?

city's economy is booming ; yuci famous culture city ,which is a new scenic ['siːnik] spot and is a fun place to go.

2. Could you tell me something about your family?

My brother is a postgraduate student 研究生 my sister is a doctoral

student 博士生 my parents are all professional workers.

3. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?

Do well in my compulsory course ; Improve the ability of scientific research ; improve innovation ability of study ; Broaden the vision / horizons ; regard frontier fields of scientific research positively ; Participate actively in scientific pursuits to enrich the experience.

4. What is your major? How do you like your major?

My major is Electric and Information Egnirring and I like it very much. What I learned from my major at university is a tool for me to continue my study life.

5. What impressed you most when you were at university?

The Freesale Cup Inteligent Car Racing. I learned a lot from this compation and developed an interest in Automation Specialty.

How to realize the signal acquisition , how to control the speed of inteligent car useing the PID control principle .

6. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to

present-day society ? Why ?

I think , to a certain extent, it is . What we are studying today is basic knowledge , and the basic knowladge will never out of date . Only have well-knit professional basic knowledge, can we create new knowladge and social value.

7. What are your spare time interests?

In my spare time , I like to play badminton , play chess and read books .

8. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?

Yes, they does . My parents have a relatively stable income in these years and my sister had a stable job in Shanghai three years ago. And they all give me a lot mental support .

9. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5years ?

The life during that time make me more responsible . It also enrich my life and increase my experiences . I know how to efficient learning , and how to to remain upbeat despite of setbacks .

10. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?

I’m going to take a successive postgraduate and doctoral program .

And , if I have the chance , I'm going to work in a research institute .

11. Should you study more theory or do more practice ? Give your

reasons , please .

Both are important, but I think the latter is more important . We all know that practice is the s ole criterion [krai’tiəriən] for testing truth , and it can strengthen the understanding of what we have learned from the book . Most importantly , practice can help us to look for what is we need to learn .

12. Why did you choose our university ?

Beijing Institude of Technology has advantages over the pattern recognition and intelligent system ,.It is one of the best universitis in our country . One of my brothers is study in this school , his major is Instrument Science and technology . And he was a doctoral student last year .

13. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies ?

The difficulties I will encounter are , how to improve the ability of

scientific research and creative , how to expand my horizons , and

establishing a good interpersonal relationship is very important too.

14. Do you think you will be able to cope with English- demands of

your intended study program ?

Yes, I have the confidence , and I shall . Recently, my English ability has been improved . And during this holiday, I promise to strengthen my English learning .


Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. My name is Zhao , come from Shan xi. I’ve finished my undergraduate education in Civil Aviation University of China, and my major is Electrical & Information Engineering. After graduated from the university, considering my two brothers are all at school and in order to reduce the burden of my parents, I chose to work in Hainan Airlines at the Capital International Airport for more than one year.

I leant a lot from the aircraft repair job. Gradually, however, I realized that further study is s till urgent for me to realize self-value. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development , especially in this information explosion age.

The pattern recognition and intelligent system of Beijing Institute of Technology is in a leading position in our country, and I’m very interest in this specialty.

If I can be admitted , I planed to concentrate on studying and researching in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic [,sist ə’mætik] view of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System and make a solid foundation for future profession after three or more years study here.



1. What kind of land scape surrounds your hometown?

city's economy is booming ; yuci famous culture city ,which is a new scenic ['siːnik] spot and is a fun place to go.

2. Could you tell me something about your family?

My brother is a postgraduate student 研究生 my sister is a doctoral

student 博士生 my parents are all professional workers.

3. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?

Do well in my compulsory course ; Improve the ability of scientific research ; improve innovation ability of study ; Broaden the vision / horizons ; regard frontier fields of scientific research positively ; Participate actively in scientific pursuits to enrich the experience.

4. What is your major? How do you like your major?

My major is Electric and Information Egnirring and I like it very much. What I learned from my major at university is a tool for me to continue my study life.

5. What impressed you most when you were at university?

The Freesale Cup Inteligent Car Racing. I learned a lot from this compation and developed an interest in Automation Specialty.

How to realize the signal acquisition , how to control the speed of inteligent car useing the PID control principle .

6. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to

present-day society ? Why ?

I think , to a certain extent, it is . What we are studying today is basic knowledge , and the basic knowladge will never out of date . Only have well-knit professional basic knowledge, can we create new knowladge and social value.

7. What are your spare time interests?

In my spare time , I like to play badminton , play chess and read books .

8. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?

Yes, they does . My parents have a relatively stable income in these years and my sister had a stable job in Shanghai three years ago. And they all give me a lot mental support .

9. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5years ?

The life during that time make me more responsible . It also enrich my life and increase my experiences . I know how to efficient learning , and how to to remain upbeat despite of setbacks .

10. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?

I’m going to take a successive postgraduate and doctoral program .

And , if I have the chance , I'm going to work in a research institute .

11. Should you study more theory or do more practice ? Give your

reasons , please .

Both are important, but I think the latter is more important . We all know that practice is the s ole criterion [krai’tiəriən] for testing truth , and it can strengthen the understanding of what we have learned from the book . Most importantly , practice can help us to look for what is we need to learn .

12. Why did you choose our university ?

Beijing Institude of Technology has advantages over the pattern recognition and intelligent system ,.It is one of the best universitis in our country . One of my brothers is study in this school , his major is Instrument Science and technology . And he was a doctoral student last year .

13. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies ?

The difficulties I will encounter are , how to improve the ability of

scientific research and creative , how to expand my horizons , and

establishing a good interpersonal relationship is very important too.

14. Do you think you will be able to cope with English- demands of

your intended study program ?

Yes, I have the confidence , and I shall . Recently, my English ability has been improved . And during this holiday, I promise to strengthen my English learning .


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