
石油天然气学报(江汉石油学院学报) 2008年4月 第30卷 第2期

Journal of Oil and Gas Technology (J 1JPI) Apr 12008 Vol 130 No 12#421#



胡治华 油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室(长江大学) , 湖北荆州434023中海石油有限公司天津分公司, 天津300452油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室(长江大学)

湖北荆州434023胡明毅, 刘满仓, 杨 伟, 王 辉 王延齐, 宋海敬, 王 书, 夏锦芬

[摘要]库木库里盆地是一个以第三系为主体的沉积盆地, 该盆地储层岩性主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩

屑砂岩, 为低孔低渗储集岩。通过岩心观察, 结合薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、阴极发光和物性等资料分析后

认为, 储层经历了压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶解作用等成岩作用, 目前已达到了晚成岩阶段。

储集砂岩经成岩演化其原生孔隙大部分被破坏, 主要以次生孔隙为主, 可见成岩作用是控制该区储层物

性特征的一个关键因素。在孔隙演化过程中, 压实、胶结作用起主要破坏性作用, 溶解作用起建设性作


[关键词]库木库里; 储层; 成岩作用; 孔隙演化

[中图分类号]T E122121[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-9752(2008) 02-0421-03

库木库里盆地为渐新世早期形成的新生代陆相拉分-前陆复合型盆地, 位于东昆仑中央构造带之上, 介于东昆仑的祁漫塔格加里东褶皱带及阿尔喀山海西褶皱带之间[1], 盆地呈三角形, 西端最宽处约255km, 总面积约116@104km 2, 发育的地层可分为中新统石马沟组、上新统石壁梁组和红梁组。库木库里盆地内沉积厚度较大(最大大于4000m ) 、沉积速度快、颗粒粗, 反映了盆地构造活动的强烈性。新生代地层发生强烈褶皱、逆冲与地层陡倾, 地层间发育多次角度不整合。盆地内的3次快速沉积对应于南部的3次快速隆升, 而地层间不整合与隆升对应于南侧的强烈区域构造变动[4]。[2, 3]

1 沉积特征及碎屑砂岩的岩石学特征

库木库里盆地第三系沉积厚度巨大, 以碎屑岩沉积为主,


道砂体, 局部发育三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体, 以粗砂岩、

中-粗砂岩和中砂岩为主, 其次是中-细砂岩、细砂岩和少量砾

岩, 后者大小一般为2~4m m , 属于细砾。通过研究区薄片粒

度资料统计, 该区中砂岩和粗砂岩占了75%以上。根据石英、

长石、岩屑三端元进行岩石类型分类(图1) , 研究区主要的岩

石类型为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩, 偶见岩屑砂岩。

碎屑成分中石英占37%~90%, 岩屑占5%~35%, 以

变质石英岩岩屑为主, 其次为火山岩岩屑。另有少量其他类型

的岩屑; 长石含量小于3%, 绝大多数样品中未见长石或仅零图1 库木库里第三系砂岩岩石类型

星分布。颗粒分选以中等-较差为主, 次棱角-次圆状, 以次棱角为主, 标准偏差多数在1~3之间。颗粒

[收稿日期]2007-12-20[作者简介]胡治华(1982-) , 男, 2005年大学毕业, 硕士生, 现主要从事储层地质和沉积相方面的研究。

间多为点-线状、线-线状接触, 少量为缝合线接触。杂基主要为伊利石、高岭石和伊利石及蒙脱石混层粘土, 其含量在砂岩中变化较大, 一般在3%~8%, 有的样品中含量可高达15%。胶结物的矿物成分主要为二氧化硅、碳酸盐和粘土类矿物。二氧化硅含量一般在3%~12%左右。

2 成岩作用类型及特征

碎屑沉积物堆积以后, 进入与原始沉积时期截然不同的成岩环境, 因温度、压力、流体性质等的变动, 沉积物组分之间, 组分与孔隙水之间要发生一系列的变化。由于研究区距物缘较近, 原岩成分复杂, 断裂活动较强, 使得成岩作用更为复杂。主要成岩作用类型有压实压溶作用、胶结、交代作用、溶蚀作用等。

211 压实压溶作用

库木库里盆地第三系各组储层由于富含柔性组分(泥岩柔性岩屑) , 泥质填隙物含量也较高, 因此, 压实作用较明显。但各组储层中, 由于组成砂岩的物质组分有差异, 因而压实作用的程度也有差别。从两方面判断压实作用强度的:一是根据碎屑颗粒的接触状态, 颗粒从漂浮状接触y 点接触y 线接触y 凹凸接触y 缝合线接触, 依次反映压实作用由弱变强, 二是根据碎屑颗粒间的粒间体积(粒间孔隙+填隙物) 的大小, 粒间体积从>40%、40%~30%, 30%~20%, 20%~10%和

212 胶结作用

胶结作用是指矿物质在碎屑颗粒间的沉淀, 并使沉积物固结为岩石的作用, 即沉积物在成岩过程中自生矿物的形成作用。库木库里盆地第三系碎屑岩经历的胶结作用主要有碳酸盐胶结、硅质胶结、石膏胶结及自生粘土矿物胶结作用。

1) 碳酸盐胶结作用 研究区砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物较为常见, 特别是在库木库里盆地第三系砂岩沉积中尤为发育。碳酸盐胶结物的形成具有多期性, 早期形成的碳酸盐胶结物多为方解石连晶胶结, 它形成于机械压实作用后期或机械压实作用之后, 即早成岩阶段, 特别是在成岩B 亚期, 并一直延续到晚成岩作用阶段。晚成岩作用阶段的碳酸盐胶结以含铁方解石和铁白云石胶结为特征, 它充填于岩石残余原生孔隙和次生孔隙中, 致使岩石储集物性遭到极大的破坏。总之, 研究区碳酸盐胶结物填塞砂岩孔隙, 使砂岩孔、渗性变差。同时, 碳酸盐胶结物可以起支撑作用, 抑制岩石进入强压实阶段, 保护粒间体积免遭压实作用的进一步破坏, 也为后期溶蚀作用即次生溶孔的形成奠定了一定的物质基础。

2) 硅质胶结作用 硅质胶结作用库木库里盆地第三系砂岩沉积中不发育, 仅在渐新统石马沟组和上新统红粱组有少量分布。研究区硅质胶结作用有两种形式, 一种构成碎屑石英的次生加大边, 但该区砂岩的石英次生加大现象不甚发育, 故这类硅质只占很少一部分。另一种为充填粒间孔隙的微晶石英集合体, 这类胶结物占硅质胶结物总量的90%以上, 它们往往与高岭石胶结物伴生, 或与颗粒间呈凹凸状或线状接触。表明一部分硅质是由钾长石的高岭土化提供的, 另一部分来自颗粒间的压实作用。根据硅质胶结物多再现于含火山熔岩或凝灰质物较高的砂岩中判断, 还有一部分硅质来自凝灰质物的重结晶作用。

213 溶解作用

研究区库木库里盆地第三系砂岩溶解作用较强, 主要以颗粒间碳酸盐、石膏胶结物发生溶解形成粒间溶孔、溶孔。被溶解的物质主要是碳酸盐胶结物、石膏胶结物及岩屑、长石等不稳定颗粒。胶结物以碳酸盐胶结物特别是方解石易溶, 且溶解程度不同, 有的见方解石胶结物边缘被溶, 有的则见方解石胶结物大部分被溶, 仅在孔隙中零星分布着方解石碎片及斑块。石膏胶结物也很易溶而形成粒间溶孔。颗粒的溶解表现为长石、岩屑等不稳定颗粒直接溶解形成粒内溶孔; 另一种是石英、长石及岩屑等颗粒边缘先为碳酸盐矿物交代, 后来交代物发生溶解而使颗粒间接被溶解形成扩大的次生粒间孔。颗粒的溶解程度常不一致, 有的只发生轻微溶解, 有的则大量溶解形成蜂窝状孔, 有的则完全被溶解形成铸模孔。

3 孔隙演化

研究区成岩演化阶段已达晚成岩B 期, 早成岩A 期, 主要以机械压实作用为主, 同时开始形成无铁方解石和环边绿泥石胶结。早成岩B 期到晚成岩A 期是该区成岩作用最活跃的时期, 该时期主要发生压溶作用、硅质次生加大胶结作用、粘土矿物向伊/蒙混层矿物和伊利石、绿泥石转变等。同时长石颗粒、粘土杂基和绿泥石胶结物开始发生溶解, 形成次生孔隙, 油气在该时期发生聚集。晚成岩B 期, 主要发生硅质次生加大胶结、含铁碳酸盐胶结, 同时粘土矿物继续向伊利石、绿泥石转变。成岩作用对孔隙发育的影响主要表现为3方面。

1) 压实作用对原生孔隙的破坏 机械压实作用对原生孔隙的破坏是使岩石孔隙度不可逆的降低, 不同岩石类型其抗压实能力不同, 因此压实作用对其孔隙的破坏程度也不相同。石英砂岩在早期成岩期抗压实能力较强, 压实作用对其孔隙度的破坏较小, 孔隙度减少8%左右; 而岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩在早成岩期抗压实能力较弱, 压实作用使得孔隙度大大降, 孔隙度减少达18%左右。

2) 胶结作用对原生孔隙的破坏 第一期石英胶结与孔隙度之间的关系为:当石英含量>4%时, 孔隙度随石英含量的增加而减少; 当石英含量[1%时, 孔隙度与石英含量之间无明显的线性关系; 当石英含量在1%~4%之间时, 倾向于随孔隙度的增加石英含量增加。这是因为大部分石英胶结物形成于方解石溶解之后, 而这一溶解形成的孔隙是砂岩最主要的储集空间。第一期石英胶结物形成于溶解作用之前, 其含量一般不超过1%, 且它的含量与次生孔隙度之间没有明显的线性关系。溶解形成的次生孔隙越发育就越有利于地下岩层中自生石英的形成, 孔隙度与石英胶结物之间表现出良好的线性正相关。石英含量超过某一限度(>4%) , 石英的沉淀使大量次生孔隙被充填, 从而使孔隙度降低, 二者表现出负相关。大规模的方解石胶结阻止了压实作用的进一步进行, 为岩石最终孔隙系统的形成奠定了物质基础。显然在方解石胶结之后, 孔隙度极低, 石英砂岩孔隙约10%左右, 岩屑石英砂岩约在5%左右。

3) 溶解作用是形成次生孔隙的主要因素 溶解作用是次生孔隙形成的主要成岩作用, 方解石和岩屑的溶解形成次生孔隙, 其中方解石的溶解是形成次生孔隙的主要成岩事件。晚成岩A 期阶段, 该阶段的有机质处在成熟至高成熟时期, 干酪根裂解释放出的有机酸浓度达到最大值。在石英砂岩中, 还有部分残余原生孔隙, 酸性溶液易于流动, 溶解作用强烈, 可形成部分次生溶孔。若此时有烃类注入, 可阻止晚期胶结作用, 使得残余原生粒间孔隙和次生孔隙得以保存; 若此时无烃类注入, 则晚期胶结作用发育, 使得残余原生粒间孔隙和次生孔隙进一步被充填。在岩屑石英砂岩和岩屑砂岩中, 原生孔隙几乎完全被充填, 酸性溶液不易流动, 溶解作用较弱, 仅形成少量次生溶孔。

4 结 论

库木库里盆地第三系储层孔隙演化与成岩演化关系密切。主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶蚀作用及破裂作用等。砂岩溶解作用较强, 主要以颗粒间碳酸盐、石膏胶结物发生溶解形成粒间溶孔、溶孔。砂岩储层现已达到了晚成岩B 期成岩阶段。孔隙演化经历了原始孔隙的破坏、次生孔隙的形成和次生孔隙的破坏等3个阶段。在孔隙演化过程中, 压实和胶结作用对孔隙起破坏性作用, 而溶解作用则是建设性作用。


[1]李志明, 张长江, 宋景明等1库木库里盆地地质特征及油气资源评价[J]1西北油气勘探, 2004, 14(1) :1~71

[2]张云翔, 车自成, 刘良1新疆库木库里盆地新生代沉积序列与青藏高原第四纪晚期隆起的新证据[J]1地质论评, 2001, 47(2) :


[3]刘增乾1青藏高原1B 150万地质图及说明书[M ]1北京:地质出版社, 19881

[4]黎敦朋, 李新林, 周小康等1阿牙克库木湖幅地质调查新成果及主要进展[J]1地质通报, 2004, 23(5-6) :590~5941

[编辑] 深 谷

unconfo rmit y 1Co nsequent ly, as a result, it for med multilayer (fr om N to O) o i-l bear ing accumulat ion framew ork w hich beco me the favo rable ex plorat ion zone for next ex plor ation 1And the major ex plo ratio n tar gets includes 3larg e -sca le bur-i al tectonic zones of K oudian -K ouchun, N andag ang , Y anger zhuang , 2oi-l for ming sub -depr essions o f Q innan and Q ibei, structure -litholog ic po ol of middle -superficial layer and the str uctur e -litho log ic str at um, bur ial and igneous po ol o f mid -dle -deep lay er 1T he f irst ex plor atio n tar gets ar e Y angsanmu -K ouchun anticline and Y anger zhuang fault -nose 1

Key words:southern marg in of Q ikou Depression; t ype o f oi-l g as poo l; explo rat ion po tent ial

410Characters and Influence Factors on Paleogene Sandy -conglomerate Reservoirs in the North of Chezhen


LI Ling , LIN Hui -xi, FAN Zhen-feng , BI Cai -q i n , S HI Quan -qing (Research Instit ut e of Geosciences, Shengl i Oilf i eld Comp any , SIN OPEC, Dongy ing 257015, S handong, China)

Abstract:T he main ty pes of rocks and reserv oir spaces, characters and influence facto rs of paleo gene sandy -conglomer -ate fan r eser voirs in the nor thern steep slo pe zo ne of Chezhen Sag w ere studied by means of obser vatio n is on cor es, elec -tro nic scanning and thin -section analysis 1Study r esults show that g rade of maturity o f r ock st ruct ur e and ing redient are low; the main types of r eser voir spaces are intr agr anular pores and interg ranular po res, micr ofissures a re the secondar y ty pes of r eser vo ir spaces; reserv oir propert ies hav e a descent t rend w ith depth increase and seco ndary por es are rather dev elo ped in the deep reservo ir s; the ma in inf luence factor s o n reservo ir pr operties include sedimentary facies, diagene -sis, hig h abnor mal pressur e, and sedimentary facies ar e the essent ial facto rs 1

Key words:reserv oir pro per ty; influence factor ; steep slope zo ne; sandy -cong lomer ate reserv oir ; Chezhen Sag 414Two New Methods Used to Determine the Low Limits of Effective Reservoir Physical Properties and

Their Applications

) ) ) A C ase Study on Deep C lastic Reservoir of Palaeogene in Dongying Depression

S HA O Chang-xin (GuangzhouI nstitute of Geo chemistry , Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; D ep artm ent o f D ev elop m ent and Planning , SIN OPEC, Beij i ng 100029, Chi na)

WAN G Yan-z hong , CAO Ying -cha ng (Coll ege of Eart h Resources and I nf ormati on, China Univ ersity of Petroleum , Dongyi ng 257061, Shan -dong, China)

Abstract:T he for mation test method and ir reducible w at er satur at ion metho d are two new methods used to determine t he low limits of effective reservo ir physical propert ies 1T he fo rmation test metho d is t hat the por osity and permeability of ef -fect ive and non -effective r eser vo ir ar e dr awn in the same coor dinat e system, and t he values w hich divided t he tw o above are t he low limits of effectiv e r eser vo ir physical pro per ties 1I rreducible w ater saturat ion met ho d is that the funct ion rela -tio n between irr educible water saturat ion and po rosity is established and the 80%value is the low limit o f por osit y of ef -fect ive r eser voir 1T he two metho ds ar e a pplied to the determination of the low limits of the deep reserv oir of Pa laeog ene in Dong ying Depr ession 1T he low limit of the effectiv e reserv oir buried between 3000m and 3200m is 9%, and the lo w limit o f per meabilit y of the effective r eser vo ir bur ied betw een 3000m and 3200m is 018@10-3L m 21the results ar e con -fir med w ell wit h the va lues obtained by t he metho ds, w hich demo nstr ates that the two methods ar e successful and va lua -ble to be intro duced 1

Key words:effect ive reserv oir ; lo w limit of physical pro per ty; fo rmation test met ho d; irr educible w ater saturatio n meth -od; Do ng ying Depression

417Study on Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional System in Dabasong Area in the Center of Junggar Ba -


KANG H a i -liang , YU Xi ng-he , LI S heng-li1 (School of Energy Resources, Chi na Uni versi ty of Geosci ences, Beij ing 100083, China) WA Bi n (Exp l oration and Develop ment Research Insti tute of PetroChina, Xi nj iang Oil f ield Comp any , Karam ay 834000, Xinj iang, China)

Abstract:T he str ata o f Sango ng he Fo rmation o f Jurassic to the Q ing yi M ember of Cr etaceo us in the central par t of Jung -gar Basin w ere classified into fiv e 3r d or der sequences o n the base of cores, w ell log ging and seismic data, and strata comparat ive framew ork is setup, format ion character istics and depo sitio nal sy stems are st udied in targ et ho rizons 1T he study indicates that braided delt a front depo sits, tur bidite fan deposit s and lake deposit are develo ped in the upg rading sem-i cycle o f J -SQ 3sequence and K -SQ1sequence 1T he transitio n between Dabaso ng bulg e and depression is the fav or a -ble place for lithostr atig raphy tr aps because o f cyclic depo sitio n and fav or able co mbination of reserv oir and seal, the tur -bidite fans stemmed fr om slumping of braided delta front are the explorat ion ta rgets in the upg rading sem-i cy cle o f J -SQ 3sequence and K -SQ1sequence 1

Key words:Dabaso ng bulge; sequence stratigr aphic; sedimentary systems; litholog ic trap

421Diagensis And Porosity Evolution of Tertiary Reservoir s in Kumukuli Basin

HU Zhi -hua (Key L aboratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f or Oil and Gas Resources (Yangtze Univ ersity ) , M ini stry of Educati on, J ing zhou 434023, H ubei, China; T ianj in Branch of CN OOC, L td 1, T ianj i n 300452, China)

HU Ming -yi, YAN G Shen -gu , LI U Man-cang , YA NG Wei , WAN G Hui, WA NGYan-qi, S ONG Hai -jing , WAN G S hu , XIA J in -fen (Key La -boratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f or Oil and Gas Resource s(Yangtze University ), Ministry of Education, J i ngzhou 434023, H ubei, China)

Abstract:K umukuli Basin is a tertiary do minated depo sitional basin 1It is betw een Qimatage M o untain and East K unlun A erjin M ount ain , in the for m of delta , and it p s w idest place is about 255km in the west 1I t cover s 116@104km21T he reser voir of K umukuli mainly is feldspathic lithic sandstone, lithic feldspathic sandsto ne and little lithic sandstone 1T he reser voir sandsto ne is ty pical low po rosity and low permeability 1Based o n cor e observat ion, and by using thin section ob -ser vation, scanning tr ansmissio n electr on micro sco pe observat ion, cathodolum inesco nce and physical pr operty , it is con -sider ed that the sandstone o f Kumukuli Basin go es thr ough the co mpaction, cementation, metasomasis, so lution and split during the diag enesis 1And no w it is at the late diag enesis stage 1Dur ing the diagenesis evolut ion, mo st o riginal po -ro sity of the reserv oir sandsto ne of Xujiahe Fo rmation is destr oy ed 1I n the por osity ev olution, the compaction and the ce -mentat ion are mainly of destructio n, the so lutio n is o f co nst ruct ion 1

Key words:K umukuli; diag enesis; reserv oir ; po rosit y evo lutio n;

428Fine and Rolling Exploration for COMplicated Reservoirs in Kongnan Area of Huanghua Depression

XIA Guo-chao (School of Energy Resources, China Univ ersity of Geosciences, Beij ing 100083, China; N o 13Oi l Product ion Pl ant, Dagang Oil -f i el d Comp any , CN PC, Changx ian 061035, H ebei, Chi na)

LI Bo (Schoo l of Energy Resources, China Uni versi ty of Geosciences, Bei j ing 100083, China)

CHEN Zhi -yu (No 13Oil Productio n Pl ant, D agang Oi lf i el d Comp any , CNPC, Changx ian 061035, H ebei, China)

JIN Hui -li ng , XIN G Li -ping (Ex p loration and Devel op ment Center, D agang Oi lf i el d Comp any , CNPC, Dagang 300280, T i anj in, Chi na)

Abstract:In consideratio n o f the character s of high ex plo ration level, mult iple o i-l bear ing lay ers, complex tr ap types, fault break, changeable o il and gas distributio n, the concept o f oil deposit /race 0w as intro duced 1By analyzing the rela -tio n between kno wn reserv oirs, capro cks and o il sources, 5r eser vo ir co mbinat ion mo des w ere summar ized 1T he modes are used fo r r olling ex plo ratio n o f reservo ir s 1T he objects of enhancing r eser ves and pr oduction ar e implemented, t he modes are used for reference of r olling development o f similar complicated r eser vo irs in ot her areas of Bo hai Bay Basin 1Key words:combination mode; H uang hua Depressio n; complicated reserv oir ; sour ce fault; ro lling development 439Reservoir -forming Characteristics and Its Pattern in Wangji Nose -like Structure

PENG Guo-li, LI Xian -lu , WANG S an -gui (Research I nstitute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Develop ment , H enan Oi lf iel d Comp any , SIN-OPEC, N any ang 473132, H enan, Chi na)

Abstract:Biyang Depression was an oil enr ichment depressio n, and the no rthern slope w as a paleo -depo sitio nal slope up -lifting ar ound source cent er for a long ter m, and was the main or ientation for hy dr ocarbon mig ratio n 1T he sand body ex -tending t o the so urce area w as the dominant mig ration pathw ay of hydro carbon mig rat ion, and the N E fault with lar ge fault thr ow , long ex tensio n and go od seal was the do minant fault, co nt ro lled the o il mig ratio n path, cro ss cutting N W fault in o il m igr atio n alley 1T he hydro carbon spills o ut o n t he to p of fault, mig r at es t ow ard oppo sing fault wa ll (o r m-i gr ating upwar d along the fault) , and accumulat e in new fault tr ap, as the accumulated o il column height r eaches t he fault sealed height 1T he key for futur e ex plo ratio n is to ascer tain N W fault alo ng oil mig ration path and alley -tr ap in oi-l bearing ser ies

Key words:do minant mig ratio n pathwa y, migr atio n path, tr ap, hydrocar bo n reservo ir

447Geochemical C haracteristics of Typical Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in Tazhong Area

WAN G Xiang , ZHANG Min , HU ANG Guang-hui (Dep art ment of Geo chemistry , Yangtze University , J i ngzhou 434023, H ubei, Chi na; K ey Labo -ratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f o r Oil and Gas Resoureces, (Yang tze Univ ersity ), Mi nistry of Educatio n, J i ngz hou 434023, H ubei, China) Abstract:By using the analytica l techniques o f G C/M S, GC/M S/M S, the char acter s o f composit ion biomarker s of Cam -br ian -lo wer O rdov ician and mid -upper Or do vician so ur ce r ocks wer e analy zed 1Study show s that in Cambrian so ur ce ro cks and source r ocks in upper O rdov ician H eituao Fo rmatio n, the compound co ncentrat ions o f t ricy cle ter pane, tetr acycle ter pane, tr iter panes, g onane ar e higher, which is as high as many times o r mor e t han several do zen times of mid -upper O rdovician so ur ce ro cks 1While t he compound abundance of paraff in is basically the same 1T he com pound co ntents of naphthalene and lux uriant ar e higher, the co ntent of dibenzot hiophene is hig her than that o f dibenzo fur an 1

Key words:source ro ck; compound of bio marker; aromat ics; geo chemical char act er; T azhong A rea

453Technique and Effect of Lithological Reservoir Prediction in the South of Biyang Depression

FU Dai -guo (Henan Oi lf iel d Co mp any , SIN OPEC, N any ang 473132, H enan, China)

ZHANGYong -hua (Research Inst itute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Devel op ment , H enan Oilf i el d Co mp any , SIN OPEC N any ang 473132, H enan, China)

ZHANG De -chao (Henan Oi lf iel d Co mp any , SIN OPEC, N anyang 473132, H enan, China)

PENG Guo-li (Research Inst itute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Develop ment , H enanOil f ield Comp any , SI N OPEC N any ang 473132, H enan, Chi -na)

Abstract:In the so ut her n steep slope zone, the lit ho lo gic r eser voir distributio n w as not noly contr olled by tectonic unit, also co nt ro lled by litholog ic assemblag e, the allo cation of source ro cks, reserv oirs and ca p rocks 1T o identify the space distributio n o f litho lo gic reserv oirs in L iyuan A rea of Biyang Depr ession and prov ide accur ate drilling targ ets, the contro l factor s of sha le fan g ro wth and g enetic mode of litholo gic tr aps w ere analyzed and studied, sequence strat ig raphy , tech -niques o f seismic facies identificatio n, seismic attr ibut e analy sis and seismic r everse wer e used for litho lo gic r eser voir

石油天然气学报(江汉石油学院学报) 2008年4月 第30卷 第2期

Journal of Oil and Gas Technology (J 1JPI) Apr 12008 Vol 130 No 12#421#



胡治华 油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室(长江大学) , 湖北荆州434023中海石油有限公司天津分公司, 天津300452油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室(长江大学)

湖北荆州434023胡明毅, 刘满仓, 杨 伟, 王 辉 王延齐, 宋海敬, 王 书, 夏锦芬

[摘要]库木库里盆地是一个以第三系为主体的沉积盆地, 该盆地储层岩性主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩

屑砂岩, 为低孔低渗储集岩。通过岩心观察, 结合薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、阴极发光和物性等资料分析后

认为, 储层经历了压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶解作用等成岩作用, 目前已达到了晚成岩阶段。

储集砂岩经成岩演化其原生孔隙大部分被破坏, 主要以次生孔隙为主, 可见成岩作用是控制该区储层物

性特征的一个关键因素。在孔隙演化过程中, 压实、胶结作用起主要破坏性作用, 溶解作用起建设性作


[关键词]库木库里; 储层; 成岩作用; 孔隙演化

[中图分类号]T E122121[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-9752(2008) 02-0421-03

库木库里盆地为渐新世早期形成的新生代陆相拉分-前陆复合型盆地, 位于东昆仑中央构造带之上, 介于东昆仑的祁漫塔格加里东褶皱带及阿尔喀山海西褶皱带之间[1], 盆地呈三角形, 西端最宽处约255km, 总面积约116@104km 2, 发育的地层可分为中新统石马沟组、上新统石壁梁组和红梁组。库木库里盆地内沉积厚度较大(最大大于4000m ) 、沉积速度快、颗粒粗, 反映了盆地构造活动的强烈性。新生代地层发生强烈褶皱、逆冲与地层陡倾, 地层间发育多次角度不整合。盆地内的3次快速沉积对应于南部的3次快速隆升, 而地层间不整合与隆升对应于南侧的强烈区域构造变动[4]。[2, 3]

1 沉积特征及碎屑砂岩的岩石学特征

库木库里盆地第三系沉积厚度巨大, 以碎屑岩沉积为主,


道砂体, 局部发育三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体, 以粗砂岩、

中-粗砂岩和中砂岩为主, 其次是中-细砂岩、细砂岩和少量砾

岩, 后者大小一般为2~4m m , 属于细砾。通过研究区薄片粒

度资料统计, 该区中砂岩和粗砂岩占了75%以上。根据石英、

长石、岩屑三端元进行岩石类型分类(图1) , 研究区主要的岩

石类型为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩, 偶见岩屑砂岩。

碎屑成分中石英占37%~90%, 岩屑占5%~35%, 以

变质石英岩岩屑为主, 其次为火山岩岩屑。另有少量其他类型

的岩屑; 长石含量小于3%, 绝大多数样品中未见长石或仅零图1 库木库里第三系砂岩岩石类型

星分布。颗粒分选以中等-较差为主, 次棱角-次圆状, 以次棱角为主, 标准偏差多数在1~3之间。颗粒

[收稿日期]2007-12-20[作者简介]胡治华(1982-) , 男, 2005年大学毕业, 硕士生, 现主要从事储层地质和沉积相方面的研究。

间多为点-线状、线-线状接触, 少量为缝合线接触。杂基主要为伊利石、高岭石和伊利石及蒙脱石混层粘土, 其含量在砂岩中变化较大, 一般在3%~8%, 有的样品中含量可高达15%。胶结物的矿物成分主要为二氧化硅、碳酸盐和粘土类矿物。二氧化硅含量一般在3%~12%左右。

2 成岩作用类型及特征

碎屑沉积物堆积以后, 进入与原始沉积时期截然不同的成岩环境, 因温度、压力、流体性质等的变动, 沉积物组分之间, 组分与孔隙水之间要发生一系列的变化。由于研究区距物缘较近, 原岩成分复杂, 断裂活动较强, 使得成岩作用更为复杂。主要成岩作用类型有压实压溶作用、胶结、交代作用、溶蚀作用等。

211 压实压溶作用

库木库里盆地第三系各组储层由于富含柔性组分(泥岩柔性岩屑) , 泥质填隙物含量也较高, 因此, 压实作用较明显。但各组储层中, 由于组成砂岩的物质组分有差异, 因而压实作用的程度也有差别。从两方面判断压实作用强度的:一是根据碎屑颗粒的接触状态, 颗粒从漂浮状接触y 点接触y 线接触y 凹凸接触y 缝合线接触, 依次反映压实作用由弱变强, 二是根据碎屑颗粒间的粒间体积(粒间孔隙+填隙物) 的大小, 粒间体积从>40%、40%~30%, 30%~20%, 20%~10%和

212 胶结作用

胶结作用是指矿物质在碎屑颗粒间的沉淀, 并使沉积物固结为岩石的作用, 即沉积物在成岩过程中自生矿物的形成作用。库木库里盆地第三系碎屑岩经历的胶结作用主要有碳酸盐胶结、硅质胶结、石膏胶结及自生粘土矿物胶结作用。

1) 碳酸盐胶结作用 研究区砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物较为常见, 特别是在库木库里盆地第三系砂岩沉积中尤为发育。碳酸盐胶结物的形成具有多期性, 早期形成的碳酸盐胶结物多为方解石连晶胶结, 它形成于机械压实作用后期或机械压实作用之后, 即早成岩阶段, 特别是在成岩B 亚期, 并一直延续到晚成岩作用阶段。晚成岩作用阶段的碳酸盐胶结以含铁方解石和铁白云石胶结为特征, 它充填于岩石残余原生孔隙和次生孔隙中, 致使岩石储集物性遭到极大的破坏。总之, 研究区碳酸盐胶结物填塞砂岩孔隙, 使砂岩孔、渗性变差。同时, 碳酸盐胶结物可以起支撑作用, 抑制岩石进入强压实阶段, 保护粒间体积免遭压实作用的进一步破坏, 也为后期溶蚀作用即次生溶孔的形成奠定了一定的物质基础。

2) 硅质胶结作用 硅质胶结作用库木库里盆地第三系砂岩沉积中不发育, 仅在渐新统石马沟组和上新统红粱组有少量分布。研究区硅质胶结作用有两种形式, 一种构成碎屑石英的次生加大边, 但该区砂岩的石英次生加大现象不甚发育, 故这类硅质只占很少一部分。另一种为充填粒间孔隙的微晶石英集合体, 这类胶结物占硅质胶结物总量的90%以上, 它们往往与高岭石胶结物伴生, 或与颗粒间呈凹凸状或线状接触。表明一部分硅质是由钾长石的高岭土化提供的, 另一部分来自颗粒间的压实作用。根据硅质胶结物多再现于含火山熔岩或凝灰质物较高的砂岩中判断, 还有一部分硅质来自凝灰质物的重结晶作用。

213 溶解作用

研究区库木库里盆地第三系砂岩溶解作用较强, 主要以颗粒间碳酸盐、石膏胶结物发生溶解形成粒间溶孔、溶孔。被溶解的物质主要是碳酸盐胶结物、石膏胶结物及岩屑、长石等不稳定颗粒。胶结物以碳酸盐胶结物特别是方解石易溶, 且溶解程度不同, 有的见方解石胶结物边缘被溶, 有的则见方解石胶结物大部分被溶, 仅在孔隙中零星分布着方解石碎片及斑块。石膏胶结物也很易溶而形成粒间溶孔。颗粒的溶解表现为长石、岩屑等不稳定颗粒直接溶解形成粒内溶孔; 另一种是石英、长石及岩屑等颗粒边缘先为碳酸盐矿物交代, 后来交代物发生溶解而使颗粒间接被溶解形成扩大的次生粒间孔。颗粒的溶解程度常不一致, 有的只发生轻微溶解, 有的则大量溶解形成蜂窝状孔, 有的则完全被溶解形成铸模孔。

3 孔隙演化

研究区成岩演化阶段已达晚成岩B 期, 早成岩A 期, 主要以机械压实作用为主, 同时开始形成无铁方解石和环边绿泥石胶结。早成岩B 期到晚成岩A 期是该区成岩作用最活跃的时期, 该时期主要发生压溶作用、硅质次生加大胶结作用、粘土矿物向伊/蒙混层矿物和伊利石、绿泥石转变等。同时长石颗粒、粘土杂基和绿泥石胶结物开始发生溶解, 形成次生孔隙, 油气在该时期发生聚集。晚成岩B 期, 主要发生硅质次生加大胶结、含铁碳酸盐胶结, 同时粘土矿物继续向伊利石、绿泥石转变。成岩作用对孔隙发育的影响主要表现为3方面。

1) 压实作用对原生孔隙的破坏 机械压实作用对原生孔隙的破坏是使岩石孔隙度不可逆的降低, 不同岩石类型其抗压实能力不同, 因此压实作用对其孔隙的破坏程度也不相同。石英砂岩在早期成岩期抗压实能力较强, 压实作用对其孔隙度的破坏较小, 孔隙度减少8%左右; 而岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩在早成岩期抗压实能力较弱, 压实作用使得孔隙度大大降, 孔隙度减少达18%左右。

2) 胶结作用对原生孔隙的破坏 第一期石英胶结与孔隙度之间的关系为:当石英含量>4%时, 孔隙度随石英含量的增加而减少; 当石英含量[1%时, 孔隙度与石英含量之间无明显的线性关系; 当石英含量在1%~4%之间时, 倾向于随孔隙度的增加石英含量增加。这是因为大部分石英胶结物形成于方解石溶解之后, 而这一溶解形成的孔隙是砂岩最主要的储集空间。第一期石英胶结物形成于溶解作用之前, 其含量一般不超过1%, 且它的含量与次生孔隙度之间没有明显的线性关系。溶解形成的次生孔隙越发育就越有利于地下岩层中自生石英的形成, 孔隙度与石英胶结物之间表现出良好的线性正相关。石英含量超过某一限度(>4%) , 石英的沉淀使大量次生孔隙被充填, 从而使孔隙度降低, 二者表现出负相关。大规模的方解石胶结阻止了压实作用的进一步进行, 为岩石最终孔隙系统的形成奠定了物质基础。显然在方解石胶结之后, 孔隙度极低, 石英砂岩孔隙约10%左右, 岩屑石英砂岩约在5%左右。

3) 溶解作用是形成次生孔隙的主要因素 溶解作用是次生孔隙形成的主要成岩作用, 方解石和岩屑的溶解形成次生孔隙, 其中方解石的溶解是形成次生孔隙的主要成岩事件。晚成岩A 期阶段, 该阶段的有机质处在成熟至高成熟时期, 干酪根裂解释放出的有机酸浓度达到最大值。在石英砂岩中, 还有部分残余原生孔隙, 酸性溶液易于流动, 溶解作用强烈, 可形成部分次生溶孔。若此时有烃类注入, 可阻止晚期胶结作用, 使得残余原生粒间孔隙和次生孔隙得以保存; 若此时无烃类注入, 则晚期胶结作用发育, 使得残余原生粒间孔隙和次生孔隙进一步被充填。在岩屑石英砂岩和岩屑砂岩中, 原生孔隙几乎完全被充填, 酸性溶液不易流动, 溶解作用较弱, 仅形成少量次生溶孔。

4 结 论

库木库里盆地第三系储层孔隙演化与成岩演化关系密切。主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶蚀作用及破裂作用等。砂岩溶解作用较强, 主要以颗粒间碳酸盐、石膏胶结物发生溶解形成粒间溶孔、溶孔。砂岩储层现已达到了晚成岩B 期成岩阶段。孔隙演化经历了原始孔隙的破坏、次生孔隙的形成和次生孔隙的破坏等3个阶段。在孔隙演化过程中, 压实和胶结作用对孔隙起破坏性作用, 而溶解作用则是建设性作用。


[1]李志明, 张长江, 宋景明等1库木库里盆地地质特征及油气资源评价[J]1西北油气勘探, 2004, 14(1) :1~71

[2]张云翔, 车自成, 刘良1新疆库木库里盆地新生代沉积序列与青藏高原第四纪晚期隆起的新证据[J]1地质论评, 2001, 47(2) :


[3]刘增乾1青藏高原1B 150万地质图及说明书[M ]1北京:地质出版社, 19881

[4]黎敦朋, 李新林, 周小康等1阿牙克库木湖幅地质调查新成果及主要进展[J]1地质通报, 2004, 23(5-6) :590~5941

[编辑] 深 谷

unconfo rmit y 1Co nsequent ly, as a result, it for med multilayer (fr om N to O) o i-l bear ing accumulat ion framew ork w hich beco me the favo rable ex plorat ion zone for next ex plor ation 1And the major ex plo ratio n tar gets includes 3larg e -sca le bur-i al tectonic zones of K oudian -K ouchun, N andag ang , Y anger zhuang , 2oi-l for ming sub -depr essions o f Q innan and Q ibei, structure -litholog ic po ol of middle -superficial layer and the str uctur e -litho log ic str at um, bur ial and igneous po ol o f mid -dle -deep lay er 1T he f irst ex plor atio n tar gets ar e Y angsanmu -K ouchun anticline and Y anger zhuang fault -nose 1

Key words:southern marg in of Q ikou Depression; t ype o f oi-l g as poo l; explo rat ion po tent ial

410Characters and Influence Factors on Paleogene Sandy -conglomerate Reservoirs in the North of Chezhen


LI Ling , LIN Hui -xi, FAN Zhen-feng , BI Cai -q i n , S HI Quan -qing (Research Instit ut e of Geosciences, Shengl i Oilf i eld Comp any , SIN OPEC, Dongy ing 257015, S handong, China)

Abstract:T he main ty pes of rocks and reserv oir spaces, characters and influence facto rs of paleo gene sandy -conglomer -ate fan r eser voirs in the nor thern steep slo pe zo ne of Chezhen Sag w ere studied by means of obser vatio n is on cor es, elec -tro nic scanning and thin -section analysis 1Study r esults show that g rade of maturity o f r ock st ruct ur e and ing redient are low; the main types of r eser voir spaces are intr agr anular pores and interg ranular po res, micr ofissures a re the secondar y ty pes of r eser vo ir spaces; reserv oir propert ies hav e a descent t rend w ith depth increase and seco ndary por es are rather dev elo ped in the deep reservo ir s; the ma in inf luence factor s o n reservo ir pr operties include sedimentary facies, diagene -sis, hig h abnor mal pressur e, and sedimentary facies ar e the essent ial facto rs 1

Key words:reserv oir pro per ty; influence factor ; steep slope zo ne; sandy -cong lomer ate reserv oir ; Chezhen Sag 414Two New Methods Used to Determine the Low Limits of Effective Reservoir Physical Properties and

Their Applications

) ) ) A C ase Study on Deep C lastic Reservoir of Palaeogene in Dongying Depression

S HA O Chang-xin (GuangzhouI nstitute of Geo chemistry , Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; D ep artm ent o f D ev elop m ent and Planning , SIN OPEC, Beij i ng 100029, Chi na)

WAN G Yan-z hong , CAO Ying -cha ng (Coll ege of Eart h Resources and I nf ormati on, China Univ ersity of Petroleum , Dongyi ng 257061, Shan -dong, China)

Abstract:T he for mation test method and ir reducible w at er satur at ion metho d are two new methods used to determine t he low limits of effective reservo ir physical propert ies 1T he fo rmation test metho d is t hat the por osity and permeability of ef -fect ive and non -effective r eser vo ir ar e dr awn in the same coor dinat e system, and t he values w hich divided t he tw o above are t he low limits of effectiv e r eser vo ir physical pro per ties 1I rreducible w ater saturat ion met ho d is that the funct ion rela -tio n between irr educible water saturat ion and po rosity is established and the 80%value is the low limit o f por osit y of ef -fect ive r eser voir 1T he two metho ds ar e a pplied to the determination of the low limits of the deep reserv oir of Pa laeog ene in Dong ying Depr ession 1T he low limit of the effectiv e reserv oir buried between 3000m and 3200m is 9%, and the lo w limit o f per meabilit y of the effective r eser vo ir bur ied betw een 3000m and 3200m is 018@10-3L m 21the results ar e con -fir med w ell wit h the va lues obtained by t he metho ds, w hich demo nstr ates that the two methods ar e successful and va lua -ble to be intro duced 1

Key words:effect ive reserv oir ; lo w limit of physical pro per ty; fo rmation test met ho d; irr educible w ater saturatio n meth -od; Do ng ying Depression

417Study on Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional System in Dabasong Area in the Center of Junggar Ba -


KANG H a i -liang , YU Xi ng-he , LI S heng-li1 (School of Energy Resources, Chi na Uni versi ty of Geosci ences, Beij ing 100083, China) WA Bi n (Exp l oration and Develop ment Research Insti tute of PetroChina, Xi nj iang Oil f ield Comp any , Karam ay 834000, Xinj iang, China)

Abstract:T he str ata o f Sango ng he Fo rmation o f Jurassic to the Q ing yi M ember of Cr etaceo us in the central par t of Jung -gar Basin w ere classified into fiv e 3r d or der sequences o n the base of cores, w ell log ging and seismic data, and strata comparat ive framew ork is setup, format ion character istics and depo sitio nal sy stems are st udied in targ et ho rizons 1T he study indicates that braided delt a front depo sits, tur bidite fan deposit s and lake deposit are develo ped in the upg rading sem-i cycle o f J -SQ 3sequence and K -SQ1sequence 1T he transitio n between Dabaso ng bulg e and depression is the fav or a -ble place for lithostr atig raphy tr aps because o f cyclic depo sitio n and fav or able co mbination of reserv oir and seal, the tur -bidite fans stemmed fr om slumping of braided delta front are the explorat ion ta rgets in the upg rading sem-i cy cle o f J -SQ 3sequence and K -SQ1sequence 1

Key words:Dabaso ng bulge; sequence stratigr aphic; sedimentary systems; litholog ic trap

421Diagensis And Porosity Evolution of Tertiary Reservoir s in Kumukuli Basin

HU Zhi -hua (Key L aboratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f or Oil and Gas Resources (Yangtze Univ ersity ) , M ini stry of Educati on, J ing zhou 434023, H ubei, China; T ianj in Branch of CN OOC, L td 1, T ianj i n 300452, China)

HU Ming -yi, YAN G Shen -gu , LI U Man-cang , YA NG Wei , WAN G Hui, WA NGYan-qi, S ONG Hai -jing , WAN G S hu , XIA J in -fen (Key La -boratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f or Oil and Gas Resource s(Yangtze University ), Ministry of Education, J i ngzhou 434023, H ubei, China)

Abstract:K umukuli Basin is a tertiary do minated depo sitional basin 1It is betw een Qimatage M o untain and East K unlun A erjin M ount ain , in the for m of delta , and it p s w idest place is about 255km in the west 1I t cover s 116@104km21T he reser voir of K umukuli mainly is feldspathic lithic sandstone, lithic feldspathic sandsto ne and little lithic sandstone 1T he reser voir sandsto ne is ty pical low po rosity and low permeability 1Based o n cor e observat ion, and by using thin section ob -ser vation, scanning tr ansmissio n electr on micro sco pe observat ion, cathodolum inesco nce and physical pr operty , it is con -sider ed that the sandstone o f Kumukuli Basin go es thr ough the co mpaction, cementation, metasomasis, so lution and split during the diag enesis 1And no w it is at the late diag enesis stage 1Dur ing the diagenesis evolut ion, mo st o riginal po -ro sity of the reserv oir sandsto ne of Xujiahe Fo rmation is destr oy ed 1I n the por osity ev olution, the compaction and the ce -mentat ion are mainly of destructio n, the so lutio n is o f co nst ruct ion 1

Key words:K umukuli; diag enesis; reserv oir ; po rosit y evo lutio n;

428Fine and Rolling Exploration for COMplicated Reservoirs in Kongnan Area of Huanghua Depression

XIA Guo-chao (School of Energy Resources, China Univ ersity of Geosciences, Beij ing 100083, China; N o 13Oi l Product ion Pl ant, Dagang Oil -f i el d Comp any , CN PC, Changx ian 061035, H ebei, Chi na)

LI Bo (Schoo l of Energy Resources, China Uni versi ty of Geosciences, Bei j ing 100083, China)

CHEN Zhi -yu (No 13Oil Productio n Pl ant, D agang Oi lf i el d Comp any , CNPC, Changx ian 061035, H ebei, China)

JIN Hui -li ng , XIN G Li -ping (Ex p loration and Devel op ment Center, D agang Oi lf i el d Comp any , CNPC, Dagang 300280, T i anj in, Chi na)

Abstract:In consideratio n o f the character s of high ex plo ration level, mult iple o i-l bear ing lay ers, complex tr ap types, fault break, changeable o il and gas distributio n, the concept o f oil deposit /race 0w as intro duced 1By analyzing the rela -tio n between kno wn reserv oirs, capro cks and o il sources, 5r eser vo ir co mbinat ion mo des w ere summar ized 1T he modes are used fo r r olling ex plo ratio n o f reservo ir s 1T he objects of enhancing r eser ves and pr oduction ar e implemented, t he modes are used for reference of r olling development o f similar complicated r eser vo irs in ot her areas of Bo hai Bay Basin 1Key words:combination mode; H uang hua Depressio n; complicated reserv oir ; sour ce fault; ro lling development 439Reservoir -forming Characteristics and Its Pattern in Wangji Nose -like Structure

PENG Guo-li, LI Xian -lu , WANG S an -gui (Research I nstitute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Develop ment , H enan Oi lf iel d Comp any , SIN-OPEC, N any ang 473132, H enan, Chi na)

Abstract:Biyang Depression was an oil enr ichment depressio n, and the no rthern slope w as a paleo -depo sitio nal slope up -lifting ar ound source cent er for a long ter m, and was the main or ientation for hy dr ocarbon mig ratio n 1T he sand body ex -tending t o the so urce area w as the dominant mig ration pathw ay of hydro carbon mig rat ion, and the N E fault with lar ge fault thr ow , long ex tensio n and go od seal was the do minant fault, co nt ro lled the o il mig ratio n path, cro ss cutting N W fault in o il m igr atio n alley 1T he hydro carbon spills o ut o n t he to p of fault, mig r at es t ow ard oppo sing fault wa ll (o r m-i gr ating upwar d along the fault) , and accumulat e in new fault tr ap, as the accumulated o il column height r eaches t he fault sealed height 1T he key for futur e ex plo ratio n is to ascer tain N W fault alo ng oil mig ration path and alley -tr ap in oi-l bearing ser ies

Key words:do minant mig ratio n pathwa y, migr atio n path, tr ap, hydrocar bo n reservo ir

447Geochemical C haracteristics of Typical Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in Tazhong Area

WAN G Xiang , ZHANG Min , HU ANG Guang-hui (Dep art ment of Geo chemistry , Yangtze University , J i ngzhou 434023, H ubei, Chi na; K ey Labo -ratory of Ex p loration T echnologi es f o r Oil and Gas Resoureces, (Yang tze Univ ersity ), Mi nistry of Educatio n, J i ngz hou 434023, H ubei, China) Abstract:By using the analytica l techniques o f G C/M S, GC/M S/M S, the char acter s o f composit ion biomarker s of Cam -br ian -lo wer O rdov ician and mid -upper Or do vician so ur ce r ocks wer e analy zed 1Study show s that in Cambrian so ur ce ro cks and source r ocks in upper O rdov ician H eituao Fo rmatio n, the compound co ncentrat ions o f t ricy cle ter pane, tetr acycle ter pane, tr iter panes, g onane ar e higher, which is as high as many times o r mor e t han several do zen times of mid -upper O rdovician so ur ce ro cks 1While t he compound abundance of paraff in is basically the same 1T he com pound co ntents of naphthalene and lux uriant ar e higher, the co ntent of dibenzot hiophene is hig her than that o f dibenzo fur an 1

Key words:source ro ck; compound of bio marker; aromat ics; geo chemical char act er; T azhong A rea

453Technique and Effect of Lithological Reservoir Prediction in the South of Biyang Depression

FU Dai -guo (Henan Oi lf iel d Co mp any , SIN OPEC, N any ang 473132, H enan, China)

ZHANGYong -hua (Research Inst itute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Devel op ment , H enan Oilf i el d Co mp any , SIN OPEC N any ang 473132, H enan, China)

ZHANG De -chao (Henan Oi lf iel d Co mp any , SIN OPEC, N anyang 473132, H enan, China)

PENG Guo-li (Research Inst itute of Petrol eum Ex p l orat ion and Develop ment , H enanOil f ield Comp any , SI N OPEC N any ang 473132, H enan, Chi -na)

Abstract:In the so ut her n steep slope zone, the lit ho lo gic r eser voir distributio n w as not noly contr olled by tectonic unit, also co nt ro lled by litholog ic assemblag e, the allo cation of source ro cks, reserv oirs and ca p rocks 1T o identify the space distributio n o f litho lo gic reserv oirs in L iyuan A rea of Biyang Depr ession and prov ide accur ate drilling targ ets, the contro l factor s of sha le fan g ro wth and g enetic mode of litholo gic tr aps w ere analyzed and studied, sequence strat ig raphy , tech -niques o f seismic facies identificatio n, seismic attr ibut e analy sis and seismic r everse wer e used for litho lo gic r eser voir


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