
Away From Computer Games

Honorable Judges, Dear teachers and my fellow students:

Good morning/afternoon.

I ’m very happy to be here and share with you some of my thoughts on the information age.

I would like to begin with a real story in Tianjin. On Dec 27th , 2004, Zhangxiaoyi, a school student, finished his life by jumping from the 24th floor. Before this happened, he had kept playing online games in a net bar for almost 36 hours. At that time, he was only 13 years old. What a flower age, full of hopes and dreams. It was a sad story, to be exact, It ’s a tragedy of the information age.

So I should say strongly and clearly: we students must stay away from computer games, the by-product of the information age.

Nowadays students are spending too much time on computer games. It is in fact nothing but a waste of time, money and energy. They don’t realize how harmful the computer games are to them.

First of all, many youngsters are too addicted to computer games. Some of them even forget food and sleep. As a result, Their eyes, even health are seriously affected.

Secondly, Computer games do harm to students ’ school achievements. They finish their homework in a hurry or even copy their classmates ’ homework, just in order to make time to play games.

Last but not least, some computer games are filled with violence, sex or some other unhealthy stuffs. We students are too young to tell right from wrong. Some may imitate the bad behavior. The dead boy in the case had been a super game player of an online game, “World of WARCRAFT ”, which is too violent for students to play. In some sense, the game is the direct killer!

My dear friends, we are now living in the so-called information age. Facing the sea of information, just remember: Keep away from computer games!

Thank you very much.

Away From Computer Games

Honorable Judges, Dear teachers and my fellow students:

Good morning/afternoon.

I ’m very happy to be here and share with you some of my thoughts on the information age.

I would like to begin with a real story in Tianjin. On Dec 27th , 2004, Zhangxiaoyi, a school student, finished his life by jumping from the 24th floor. Before this happened, he had kept playing online games in a net bar for almost 36 hours. At that time, he was only 13 years old. What a flower age, full of hopes and dreams. It was a sad story, to be exact, It ’s a tragedy of the information age.

So I should say strongly and clearly: we students must stay away from computer games, the by-product of the information age.

Nowadays students are spending too much time on computer games. It is in fact nothing but a waste of time, money and energy. They don’t realize how harmful the computer games are to them.

First of all, many youngsters are too addicted to computer games. Some of them even forget food and sleep. As a result, Their eyes, even health are seriously affected.

Secondly, Computer games do harm to students ’ school achievements. They finish their homework in a hurry or even copy their classmates ’ homework, just in order to make time to play games.

Last but not least, some computer games are filled with violence, sex or some other unhealthy stuffs. We students are too young to tell right from wrong. Some may imitate the bad behavior. The dead boy in the case had been a super game player of an online game, “World of WARCRAFT ”, which is too violent for students to play. In some sense, the game is the direct killer!

My dear friends, we are now living in the so-called information age. Facing the sea of information, just remember: Keep away from computer games!

Thank you very much.


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