
Good afternoon madam and sir

I am glad to be here to meet all of you. First please let me introduce myself.

My name is*****, 21. I come from Qinhuangdao,a beautiful cost city of Hebei Province. I am a college student Majored in food science and engineering,studying at the life science department of Heilonjiang University,chemisty and biology is my major subjects.I have been studying hard since I enter the life science department.Now I am monitor of my class and get along with my classmates.

Since this march ,I ’ve been working as an assistant at the heilongjiang university work-study office,and performe well.I am very lucky to get the chance to be inteviewed by you 。

I am open-minded ,quick in thought energetic and positive .like other youngers。I havebroad interests ,especially search the Internet and do some schemes 。I usually organise team-work activities,thus ,I ’m good at communicating with others and making frieds widely. What’s more I can act consonace with the requirements of the occasions and have a experience of administrate a calss which consists of 60 students. At the end of the work I became friends with them.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I were given the chance to work for new Oriental , I would spare no effort to make a difference.

Thank you

Good afternoon madam and sir

I am glad to be here to meet all of you. First please let me introduce myself.

My name is*****, 21. I come from Qinhuangdao,a beautiful cost city of Hebei Province. I am a college student Majored in food science and engineering,studying at the life science department of Heilonjiang University,chemisty and biology is my major subjects.I have been studying hard since I enter the life science department.Now I am monitor of my class and get along with my classmates.

Since this march ,I ’ve been working as an assistant at the heilongjiang university work-study office,and performe well.I am very lucky to get the chance to be inteviewed by you 。

I am open-minded ,quick in thought energetic and positive .like other youngers。I havebroad interests ,especially search the Internet and do some schemes 。I usually organise team-work activities,thus ,I ’m good at communicating with others and making frieds widely. What’s more I can act consonace with the requirements of the occasions and have a experience of administrate a calss which consists of 60 students. At the end of the work I became friends with them.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I were given the chance to work for new Oriental , I would spare no effort to make a difference.

Thank you


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