Becoming Jane成为简奥斯汀英文介绍

Today,I'll introduce a film named Becoming Jane,It's a romantic love story about Jane Austin.

Jane Austin was an was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction,earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her work concludes Emma ,Sense and sensibility,and the most wellknown one --Pride and Prejudice.

The year is 1795 , The young Jane Austen is a 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class , pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love.

Differently, her parents want a wealthy husband to assure their daughter's future social standing. They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the local aristocrat Lady Gresham.

But when Jane meets the roguish Tom Lefroy, who is a promising lawyer with a bad reputation,The Tom – later the inspiration for Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Darcy .

After a bad first impression upon meeting him, Jane cannot stand the arrogant Irishman.They argue in the wood,hang in the Fair, discuss books, play cricket and dance at ball .The two get to know each other gradually, and eventually they fall in love.

However , the couple, is faced with a terrible dilemma. They are against by Lefroy's mean uncle and Wisley's rich aunt.If they attempt to marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends and fortune.They're forced to


Twenty years later Jane met Tom after a gathering. Tom introduces his eldest daughter who is a huge fan of Jane's book. As she starts to ask Jane to read aloud he quickly stops her by call her name, Jane. Astonished that he named his eldest after her, Jane agrees and reads aloud. The last scene shows Tom's daughter sitting by Jane as she reads Pride and Prejudice, while Tom is to the side staring at Jane as he used to, showing he still loves her.

Today,I'll introduce a film named Becoming Jane,It's a romantic love story about Jane Austin.

Jane Austin was an was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction,earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her work concludes Emma ,Sense and sensibility,and the most wellknown one --Pride and Prejudice.

The year is 1795 , The young Jane Austen is a 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class , pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love.

Differently, her parents want a wealthy husband to assure their daughter's future social standing. They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the local aristocrat Lady Gresham.

But when Jane meets the roguish Tom Lefroy, who is a promising lawyer with a bad reputation,The Tom – later the inspiration for Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Darcy .

After a bad first impression upon meeting him, Jane cannot stand the arrogant Irishman.They argue in the wood,hang in the Fair, discuss books, play cricket and dance at ball .The two get to know each other gradually, and eventually they fall in love.

However , the couple, is faced with a terrible dilemma. They are against by Lefroy's mean uncle and Wisley's rich aunt.If they attempt to marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends and fortune.They're forced to


Twenty years later Jane met Tom after a gathering. Tom introduces his eldest daughter who is a huge fan of Jane's book. As she starts to ask Jane to read aloud he quickly stops her by call her name, Jane. Astonished that he named his eldest after her, Jane agrees and reads aloud. The last scene shows Tom's daughter sitting by Jane as she reads Pride and Prejudice, while Tom is to the side staring at Jane as he used to, showing he still loves her.


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