
A Reading Report of Sister Carrie

(——A Successful Carrie )

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班 级 学 号 成 绩


A Successful Carrie

Recently I have had a chance to read Sister Carrie of Theodore Dreiser, and, I think , it is an excellent and most popular book in different ages which makes me be able to fall in love with literature , and especially fall in love with Sister Carrie .

I. my opinion

Carrie , a woman , comes from the lowest level of the society , who extremely longs for success and is striving for and struggling hard for happiness and enjoyment .

As far as I am concerned, different people see the same subject in different lights. Therefore , different people respectively think of Carrie as a woman who is immoral , cruel and even degenerated, for she is selfish and even cheats two men’s wealth and emotion . However , I prefer to look on Carrie as a successful woman , for she is ambitious , confident and even is good at taking opportunities . Now I tend to share my idea which generally stems from several reasons as follows. II. Analysis of reasons of Carrie’s success

A. Ambition to her success

As a countryside woman , young and inexperienced Carrie is not willing to live a poor and monotonous life in the countryside , but extremely desires the urban luxuriant and wonderful life . So she entertains her beautiful dreams and hopes , and comes to Chicago solely . However , when see saw her poor sister ’ family she has to try her best to look for a well-paid job without one’s help, but society at that time did not have many job opportunities for women . During the time of her looking for a job , she has to suffer from different attitudes , including indifference . When she steps to society, she , a vulnerable woman , has to go against the social rules of her generation . At this point, I clearly see her ambition and valiancy which lay the foundation of her success.

B.confidence to her success

I think she is a fairly confident woman . Before the mirror , she cannot bear her worn-out clothes and pale face , but wants to put glamorous and graceful dresses on. First, her thought of higher life standard has decided her absolute extraordinary . What’s more, when she is indulged in the theatre roles, she will behave extremely confidently and completely

enjoy herself . In the theatre, there are still many pretty and rich and outstanding girl , yet only Carrie gets the greatest progress . I know that she was born with confidence and flair. Confidence and flair are implicit and they will break out at the end when necessary. Think one minute, if she were not confident and gifted , how fast could she succeed in being so popular a star of musical comedies . There is no doubt that Carrie’s success cannot be separated from her natural self-condition. In a word, I tend to regard her confidence as a necessary condition of her success .

C .preparation and opportunities to her success

Here I would like to talk about her opportunities and her relationship with Drouet and Hurstuwood . I consider that pretty Carrie is attracted by the two men , for every person can give her distinct feelings and passions . I believe Carrie has once been loved in them . After they are familiar with each other , however , handsome Drouet , as I know , is a playboy while genteel Hurstwood is a dishonest person . Carrie, as a common woman , deserves to be regarded as a victim of emotion . When the two man cannot her timely love , she is forced to make a decision that she has to choose leave them , and she also has to go against everything society taught. Fortunately , Carrie finally realizes her colorful and wonderful dreams of living a well-to-do life . Although the two men give her necessary help and the material things she desires during their adoration, self-effort is the real key to Carrie’s success . To some extent , I would like to say that Carrie has better opportunities in her life and makes the most of them . As Louis Pasteur’s famous saying , chance favors only the prepared mind. The process of Carrie’s preparation and her opportunities have a intimate relationship and they together surely become her another successful factor .

III. Conclusion

Above all are my private opinions . The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom . Many women maybe initially have the same beautiful dream and pursuit in their life like Carrie . Maybe some people give it up on the half way , however , another part of people are pursuing it in all their life . By reading Sister Carrie , I hope people can see more positive and optimistic influences , which sister Carrie brings to us , and also hope people can learn something from Carrie , such as , ambition , confidence ,being good at seizing opportunities , bravely fighting with fate and surpassing oneself and so on . At the end of the novel , Carrie was sitting in a rocking chair , planning her performance in Europe , which , I think , is a really perfect ending .

Works Cited

Feng Mei , Li Zhengsuan ,Ji Shenlei. A Course of British and America Literature

(American Literature) www. sciencep .com , 2009

Theodore Dreiser . Sister Carrie. Trans. Ren Min Inner Mongolia Education Press,


西奥多·德莱赛, 嘉莉妹妹. 徐迟译 [M] 上海 上海译文出版社, 2006

A Reading Report of Sister Carrie

(——A Successful Carrie )

姓 名

院 系

专 业

班 级 学 号 成 绩


A Successful Carrie

Recently I have had a chance to read Sister Carrie of Theodore Dreiser, and, I think , it is an excellent and most popular book in different ages which makes me be able to fall in love with literature , and especially fall in love with Sister Carrie .

I. my opinion

Carrie , a woman , comes from the lowest level of the society , who extremely longs for success and is striving for and struggling hard for happiness and enjoyment .

As far as I am concerned, different people see the same subject in different lights. Therefore , different people respectively think of Carrie as a woman who is immoral , cruel and even degenerated, for she is selfish and even cheats two men’s wealth and emotion . However , I prefer to look on Carrie as a successful woman , for she is ambitious , confident and even is good at taking opportunities . Now I tend to share my idea which generally stems from several reasons as follows. II. Analysis of reasons of Carrie’s success

A. Ambition to her success

As a countryside woman , young and inexperienced Carrie is not willing to live a poor and monotonous life in the countryside , but extremely desires the urban luxuriant and wonderful life . So she entertains her beautiful dreams and hopes , and comes to Chicago solely . However , when see saw her poor sister ’ family she has to try her best to look for a well-paid job without one’s help, but society at that time did not have many job opportunities for women . During the time of her looking for a job , she has to suffer from different attitudes , including indifference . When she steps to society, she , a vulnerable woman , has to go against the social rules of her generation . At this point, I clearly see her ambition and valiancy which lay the foundation of her success.

B.confidence to her success

I think she is a fairly confident woman . Before the mirror , she cannot bear her worn-out clothes and pale face , but wants to put glamorous and graceful dresses on. First, her thought of higher life standard has decided her absolute extraordinary . What’s more, when she is indulged in the theatre roles, she will behave extremely confidently and completely

enjoy herself . In the theatre, there are still many pretty and rich and outstanding girl , yet only Carrie gets the greatest progress . I know that she was born with confidence and flair. Confidence and flair are implicit and they will break out at the end when necessary. Think one minute, if she were not confident and gifted , how fast could she succeed in being so popular a star of musical comedies . There is no doubt that Carrie’s success cannot be separated from her natural self-condition. In a word, I tend to regard her confidence as a necessary condition of her success .

C .preparation and opportunities to her success

Here I would like to talk about her opportunities and her relationship with Drouet and Hurstuwood . I consider that pretty Carrie is attracted by the two men , for every person can give her distinct feelings and passions . I believe Carrie has once been loved in them . After they are familiar with each other , however , handsome Drouet , as I know , is a playboy while genteel Hurstwood is a dishonest person . Carrie, as a common woman , deserves to be regarded as a victim of emotion . When the two man cannot her timely love , she is forced to make a decision that she has to choose leave them , and she also has to go against everything society taught. Fortunately , Carrie finally realizes her colorful and wonderful dreams of living a well-to-do life . Although the two men give her necessary help and the material things she desires during their adoration, self-effort is the real key to Carrie’s success . To some extent , I would like to say that Carrie has better opportunities in her life and makes the most of them . As Louis Pasteur’s famous saying , chance favors only the prepared mind. The process of Carrie’s preparation and her opportunities have a intimate relationship and they together surely become her another successful factor .

III. Conclusion

Above all are my private opinions . The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom . Many women maybe initially have the same beautiful dream and pursuit in their life like Carrie . Maybe some people give it up on the half way , however , another part of people are pursuing it in all their life . By reading Sister Carrie , I hope people can see more positive and optimistic influences , which sister Carrie brings to us , and also hope people can learn something from Carrie , such as , ambition , confidence ,being good at seizing opportunities , bravely fighting with fate and surpassing oneself and so on . At the end of the novel , Carrie was sitting in a rocking chair , planning her performance in Europe , which , I think , is a really perfect ending .

Works Cited

Feng Mei , Li Zhengsuan ,Ji Shenlei. A Course of British and America Literature

(American Literature) www. sciencep .com , 2009

Theodore Dreiser . Sister Carrie. Trans. Ren Min Inner Mongolia Education Press,


西奥多·德莱赛, 嘉莉妹妹. 徐迟译 [M] 上海 上海译文出版社, 2006


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