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文/见习记者 吴俊琰
42 The World And Chongqing
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The World And Chongqing 43
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44 The World And Chongqing
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Development History of Areas along Rhine
Rise of Yangtze River Economic Belt
In April this year, Li Keqiang, Member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, inspected the golden watercourse of Yangtze River by boat and held a meeting concerning the development of Yangtze River Economic Belt relying on the golden watercourse. After one and a half months, in an executive meeting of the State Council, Premier Li explained again “why Yangtze River Economic Belt should be developed.”
According to an article on the website of the Central People’s Government of People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang: Establishing A Great Market Channel for Facilitating Goods Flow, “Li Keqiang listed the development history of Rhine and Danube riverside areas. No matter it is in a developed country or a developing country, the most developed area is the coastal areas. Judging from international practices and modern industrial history, the ‘common law of economy’ is that the coastal area is the first to develop and then its development will facilitate the development of areas along the inland rivers. Besides, ocean and river transportation is cheaper, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, which accords with the ‘law of price’.”
The “international practices” of development from coastal areas to inland river areas brought up by Li Keqiang provides us with a very important reference about why and how Yangtze River Economic Belt should be developed.
Watercourse” of Europe.
In the history of human civilization, especially in modern era, Rhine plays an important role in the evolution of civilization. Rhine runs through the world’s earliest industrial cities and regions. It boasts highly advanced inland shipping and its shipping efficiency is five times of Yangtze River. Rotterdam, the estuary of Rhine, is the second largest city in Netherlands, also the West End of Eurasian Continental Bridge (the East End is China’s Lianyungang), the largest European harbor and the former world’s largest harbor (With a fast development of China’s economy, Shanghai took Rotterdam’s place). Duisburg of Germany is the world’s largest inland port.
Since the Second Industrial Revolution, the shipping value of Rhine has been fully explored by countries along the river. Six key industrial regions then came into existence: Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, Strasbourg, Rhine-Neka, Rhine-Main, Cologne-Ruhr and Rotterdam-Europe ports. It is worth mentioning that the riverside cities did not develop simultaneously but followed the law of “coast-inland rivers”.
Due to political and historical reasons, the Rotterdam port started to develop itself into a trading city only in the 16th century. Relying on its geographic advantages, great geographic discoveries and opportunities brought by the Industrial Revolution, Rotterdam became an important trading harbor of Europe in the 19th Century. In 1870 upon the unification of Germany, the Ruhr industrial region was much developed. As the downstream estuary, the river transportation value of Rotterdam stated to unfold. For decades ever since, the ocean and river shipping value of Rotterdam increased steadily.
During the Second World War, however, Rotterdam was bombarded by German fascists and lost its prosperity. After the war, the municipal authority rebuilt the port facilities and restored its navigation capacity in 1949. Rotterdam became the worlds’ largest port in 1965 and kept that title ever since.
The Development of Rhine Economic Belt
As third largest river in Europe, Rhine originates in Switzerland, runs through Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France and other developed Western European countries, and flows into the North Sea in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Rhine is one of the two arteries of Eastern and Western European economy (the other one is Danube). With its excellent navigation capacity, Rhine is known as the “Golden
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In general, after centuries of development, the Rhine reaches formed the layout of Rotterdam port, six industrial regions in the vast hinterland and main rivers and tributaries.
Rotterdam’s position as an indispensable port in the world depends much on its natural advantage, yet the economic hinterland of riverside industrial cities is another key reason. In conclusion, the economic position of Rotterdam rises along with the development of the inland cities.
When addressing problems, one shall make overall plans while analyzing specifi c problems. On the one hand, Germany strove to develop Rhine shipping under the coordination of the Central Committee, expanding its navigation range to 719 kilometers. On the other hand, Germany constructed the inland river shipping network to form a comprehensive water shipping system, which greatly facilitated the industrial construction. On this basis, considering the local conditions, Germany set up Ruhr region, Bonn-Cologne and other riverside city belts. And these city belts and industrial regions are stringed by inland river transportation to drive Germany’s economic development.
The German government has spared no pains to make full use of Rhine’s shipping value. In addition to connecting river and ocean transportation and shaping river network, Germany also strove to connect Rhine and Danube to explore new hinterland. In this regard, the natural condition of Yangtze is better than that of Rhine but it has not been fully leveraged. German government took many measures to improve the shipping lanes in order to increase the navigation capacity of Rhine. In “Tula Regulation” of 1817, the tortuous channels were made straight to allow freighters to pass without obstacle from Ruhr region to ports in Switzerland. Before the Second World War, German government spent over four decades to rebuild the inland river network and realize the inland river canalization. During the War, however, the network was destroyed. After the War, the German government reconstructed the network to raise the canalization level of main rivers and tributaries, harmonized and raised the national standard of the shipping lanes. The inland shipping lane is over 6000 kilometers long, of which 480-km main river shipping lane conforms to the IV standards of European Community. Now all shipping lanes in Germany are equipped with radar navigation system, which greatly boosts navigation capacity at night and in fog.
Coordinated land-and-water transport is another important project in Rhine development, for instance, strengthening the connection between Ruhr region and Hamburg port. In 1990 when Eastern and Western Germany were unified, the Federal Government developed the infrastructure in the East. A network of roads, railways and river transport has taken shape, which strongly speeds up the modernization and industrialization of Eastern Germany and shortens the gap between the West and the East.
Germany’s Development Experiences of Rhine
Speaking of inland river development, Germany comes to the fore.
Spanning a total length of 1232 kilometers long, the Rhine runs through 867 kilometers in Germany (including the borderline) with reaches covering over 40% of Germany’s territory, thus well deserves the title of Germany’s economic artery. Germany’s development and exploration of Rhine contributes a lot to its powerful industry and its world’s leading economy.
The development and rectification of Rhine can be summarized into the following points: unifi ed administration, adjusting measures to different river sections and prioritizing shipping while considering multiple aspects.
In fact, Rhine is an international river whose unified administration is not just the responsibility of Germany, prior to which other countries had already begun to tap into it. According to the resolutions of Congress of Vienna in 1816, the Central Committee of Rhine Transportation was set up in Strasbourg, a city at the border of Germany and France. Hence the unified administration of Rhine by riverside countries commenced. Since the agreement amendment in 1963 till now, the Central Committee of Rhine Transportation consists of five members: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Franc e and Switzer land. Under the regulation and management of the international conventions and the Central Committee, passenger and cargo liners of various country fl ags come and go on Rhine unimpededly. This is the benefi t brought by unified administration. The tariff barrier among countries collapsed, and the border trade flourished. It is laudable that local protectionism was smashed, thus avoiding unnecessary troubles, enhancing economic ties between countries and raising transportation effi ciency.
46 The World And Chongqing
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Netherlands and Switzerland established the “International
The Pollution and Rectifi cation of Rhine
While pursuing urbanization and industrialization, riverside countries of Rhine ignored the protection of the environment. Rhine once became the “European Ditch” and Danube “Environmental Killer of Black Sea”.
During the industrialization boom of the 20th Century, many industrial regions were set up along Rhine, including Ruhr region focusing on coal and steel industry and others with heavy-polluting industries such as chemical industry. In Germany section of Rhine only, about 300 plants discharged thousands of pollutants like acid, bleach liquor, pigment, copper, cadmium, mercury, detergent, pesticides into the river. Because of freight development need and convenience by watercourse dredging, the shipping volume of Rhine rapidly increased with more greasy dirt and wastewater injected in the river. From 1900 to 1977, there was a grave enrichment of chromium, copper, nickel and zinc in the river. It was estimated that the pollutants in the river exceeded 1000 categories. Since 1950s, fi sh was almost extinct in the upper and middle reaches of Rhine. The drinking water and fl oral industry of the downstream Netherlands also suffered great losses from industrial pollution in Germany and France.
To this end, in 1950, France, Germany, Luxembourg,
Committee for Protecting Rhine” (ICPR) in Basel, Switzerland for monitoring Rhine water quality, controlling pollutant sources and restoring ecological functions. For decades, this specialized organization has introduced many effective proposals on the rectification and conservation of Rhine such as the International Alert Plan, t Rhine Action Agenda triggered by a fi re in a chemical factory in Basel and Rhine Sustainable Development Plan 2020 later.
After common coordinated rectification and prevention among nine countries along Rhine, the pollution has been much alleviated. According to a survey, from 1985 to 2000, the pollutant in Rhine has been reduced by 90%. Currently, there are 63 species of fish living in the Rhine and the ecosystem is restored gradually.
Green Development: Pursuing the Path of Sustainable Development
Learning from others, we can distinguish right and wrong; learning from history, we can know how things rise and fall. The practices of Rhine development reflects that the development and conservation parallel to each other. In this regard, when confi guring Yangtze River Economic Belt, Li Keqiang particularly emphasized “the balance between
development and conservation” to avoid pollution shift caused by industry shift.
As the “Golden Watercourse” i n C h i n a , Ya n g t z e R i v e r ’s shipping and energy value is self-explanatory. The Yangtze River Economic Belt boasts superior natural conditions with Yangtze R iver De lt a, one of the mo st industr ially and economic ally developed regions in China and the Golden Watercourse. Besides, given vast economic hinterland and potential international trade resources, once developed, it will be the “future star” just like the
Rhine and Danube reaches. .
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文/见习记者 吴俊琰
42 The World And Chongqing
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44 The World And Chongqing
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Development History of Areas along Rhine
Rise of Yangtze River Economic Belt
In April this year, Li Keqiang, Member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, inspected the golden watercourse of Yangtze River by boat and held a meeting concerning the development of Yangtze River Economic Belt relying on the golden watercourse. After one and a half months, in an executive meeting of the State Council, Premier Li explained again “why Yangtze River Economic Belt should be developed.”
According to an article on the website of the Central People’s Government of People’s Republic of China, Li Keqiang: Establishing A Great Market Channel for Facilitating Goods Flow, “Li Keqiang listed the development history of Rhine and Danube riverside areas. No matter it is in a developed country or a developing country, the most developed area is the coastal areas. Judging from international practices and modern industrial history, the ‘common law of economy’ is that the coastal area is the first to develop and then its development will facilitate the development of areas along the inland rivers. Besides, ocean and river transportation is cheaper, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, which accords with the ‘law of price’.”
The “international practices” of development from coastal areas to inland river areas brought up by Li Keqiang provides us with a very important reference about why and how Yangtze River Economic Belt should be developed.
Watercourse” of Europe.
In the history of human civilization, especially in modern era, Rhine plays an important role in the evolution of civilization. Rhine runs through the world’s earliest industrial cities and regions. It boasts highly advanced inland shipping and its shipping efficiency is five times of Yangtze River. Rotterdam, the estuary of Rhine, is the second largest city in Netherlands, also the West End of Eurasian Continental Bridge (the East End is China’s Lianyungang), the largest European harbor and the former world’s largest harbor (With a fast development of China’s economy, Shanghai took Rotterdam’s place). Duisburg of Germany is the world’s largest inland port.
Since the Second Industrial Revolution, the shipping value of Rhine has been fully explored by countries along the river. Six key industrial regions then came into existence: Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, Strasbourg, Rhine-Neka, Rhine-Main, Cologne-Ruhr and Rotterdam-Europe ports. It is worth mentioning that the riverside cities did not develop simultaneously but followed the law of “coast-inland rivers”.
Due to political and historical reasons, the Rotterdam port started to develop itself into a trading city only in the 16th century. Relying on its geographic advantages, great geographic discoveries and opportunities brought by the Industrial Revolution, Rotterdam became an important trading harbor of Europe in the 19th Century. In 1870 upon the unification of Germany, the Ruhr industrial region was much developed. As the downstream estuary, the river transportation value of Rotterdam stated to unfold. For decades ever since, the ocean and river shipping value of Rotterdam increased steadily.
During the Second World War, however, Rotterdam was bombarded by German fascists and lost its prosperity. After the war, the municipal authority rebuilt the port facilities and restored its navigation capacity in 1949. Rotterdam became the worlds’ largest port in 1965 and kept that title ever since.
The Development of Rhine Economic Belt
As third largest river in Europe, Rhine originates in Switzerland, runs through Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France and other developed Western European countries, and flows into the North Sea in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Rhine is one of the two arteries of Eastern and Western European economy (the other one is Danube). With its excellent navigation capacity, Rhine is known as the “Golden
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In general, after centuries of development, the Rhine reaches formed the layout of Rotterdam port, six industrial regions in the vast hinterland and main rivers and tributaries.
Rotterdam’s position as an indispensable port in the world depends much on its natural advantage, yet the economic hinterland of riverside industrial cities is another key reason. In conclusion, the economic position of Rotterdam rises along with the development of the inland cities.
When addressing problems, one shall make overall plans while analyzing specifi c problems. On the one hand, Germany strove to develop Rhine shipping under the coordination of the Central Committee, expanding its navigation range to 719 kilometers. On the other hand, Germany constructed the inland river shipping network to form a comprehensive water shipping system, which greatly facilitated the industrial construction. On this basis, considering the local conditions, Germany set up Ruhr region, Bonn-Cologne and other riverside city belts. And these city belts and industrial regions are stringed by inland river transportation to drive Germany’s economic development.
The German government has spared no pains to make full use of Rhine’s shipping value. In addition to connecting river and ocean transportation and shaping river network, Germany also strove to connect Rhine and Danube to explore new hinterland. In this regard, the natural condition of Yangtze is better than that of Rhine but it has not been fully leveraged. German government took many measures to improve the shipping lanes in order to increase the navigation capacity of Rhine. In “Tula Regulation” of 1817, the tortuous channels were made straight to allow freighters to pass without obstacle from Ruhr region to ports in Switzerland. Before the Second World War, German government spent over four decades to rebuild the inland river network and realize the inland river canalization. During the War, however, the network was destroyed. After the War, the German government reconstructed the network to raise the canalization level of main rivers and tributaries, harmonized and raised the national standard of the shipping lanes. The inland shipping lane is over 6000 kilometers long, of which 480-km main river shipping lane conforms to the IV standards of European Community. Now all shipping lanes in Germany are equipped with radar navigation system, which greatly boosts navigation capacity at night and in fog.
Coordinated land-and-water transport is another important project in Rhine development, for instance, strengthening the connection between Ruhr region and Hamburg port. In 1990 when Eastern and Western Germany were unified, the Federal Government developed the infrastructure in the East. A network of roads, railways and river transport has taken shape, which strongly speeds up the modernization and industrialization of Eastern Germany and shortens the gap between the West and the East.
Germany’s Development Experiences of Rhine
Speaking of inland river development, Germany comes to the fore.
Spanning a total length of 1232 kilometers long, the Rhine runs through 867 kilometers in Germany (including the borderline) with reaches covering over 40% of Germany’s territory, thus well deserves the title of Germany’s economic artery. Germany’s development and exploration of Rhine contributes a lot to its powerful industry and its world’s leading economy.
The development and rectification of Rhine can be summarized into the following points: unifi ed administration, adjusting measures to different river sections and prioritizing shipping while considering multiple aspects.
In fact, Rhine is an international river whose unified administration is not just the responsibility of Germany, prior to which other countries had already begun to tap into it. According to the resolutions of Congress of Vienna in 1816, the Central Committee of Rhine Transportation was set up in Strasbourg, a city at the border of Germany and France. Hence the unified administration of Rhine by riverside countries commenced. Since the agreement amendment in 1963 till now, the Central Committee of Rhine Transportation consists of five members: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Franc e and Switzer land. Under the regulation and management of the international conventions and the Central Committee, passenger and cargo liners of various country fl ags come and go on Rhine unimpededly. This is the benefi t brought by unified administration. The tariff barrier among countries collapsed, and the border trade flourished. It is laudable that local protectionism was smashed, thus avoiding unnecessary troubles, enhancing economic ties between countries and raising transportation effi ciency.
46 The World And Chongqing
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Netherlands and Switzerland established the “International
The Pollution and Rectifi cation of Rhine
While pursuing urbanization and industrialization, riverside countries of Rhine ignored the protection of the environment. Rhine once became the “European Ditch” and Danube “Environmental Killer of Black Sea”.
During the industrialization boom of the 20th Century, many industrial regions were set up along Rhine, including Ruhr region focusing on coal and steel industry and others with heavy-polluting industries such as chemical industry. In Germany section of Rhine only, about 300 plants discharged thousands of pollutants like acid, bleach liquor, pigment, copper, cadmium, mercury, detergent, pesticides into the river. Because of freight development need and convenience by watercourse dredging, the shipping volume of Rhine rapidly increased with more greasy dirt and wastewater injected in the river. From 1900 to 1977, there was a grave enrichment of chromium, copper, nickel and zinc in the river. It was estimated that the pollutants in the river exceeded 1000 categories. Since 1950s, fi sh was almost extinct in the upper and middle reaches of Rhine. The drinking water and fl oral industry of the downstream Netherlands also suffered great losses from industrial pollution in Germany and France.
To this end, in 1950, France, Germany, Luxembourg,
Committee for Protecting Rhine” (ICPR) in Basel, Switzerland for monitoring Rhine water quality, controlling pollutant sources and restoring ecological functions. For decades, this specialized organization has introduced many effective proposals on the rectification and conservation of Rhine such as the International Alert Plan, t Rhine Action Agenda triggered by a fi re in a chemical factory in Basel and Rhine Sustainable Development Plan 2020 later.
After common coordinated rectification and prevention among nine countries along Rhine, the pollution has been much alleviated. According to a survey, from 1985 to 2000, the pollutant in Rhine has been reduced by 90%. Currently, there are 63 species of fish living in the Rhine and the ecosystem is restored gradually.
Green Development: Pursuing the Path of Sustainable Development
Learning from others, we can distinguish right and wrong; learning from history, we can know how things rise and fall. The practices of Rhine development reflects that the development and conservation parallel to each other. In this regard, when confi guring Yangtze River Economic Belt, Li Keqiang particularly emphasized “the balance between
development and conservation” to avoid pollution shift caused by industry shift.
As the “Golden Watercourse” i n C h i n a , Ya n g t z e R i v e r ’s shipping and energy value is self-explanatory. The Yangtze River Economic Belt boasts superior natural conditions with Yangtze R iver De lt a, one of the mo st industr ially and economic ally developed regions in China and the Golden Watercourse. Besides, given vast economic hinterland and potential international trade resources, once developed, it will be the “future star” just like the
Rhine and Danube reaches. .
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