
My hometown Laizhou is a medium-sized city, locating in East China. It is a County-level city of Yantai.The biggest attraction of my hometown is its beautiful scenary and historical relics.There are many Great historic sites. Wenfeng Mountain, for example ,is a famous cultural Resort. Lots of famous Calligrapher once toured here and left many Calligraphies . Tourists from all over the country come to my hometown to enjoy its natural and historical heritages.What ’s more,the climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoor activities. When it comes to culture,I have to say about the The Rose Festival. It is held on May 25th each year and has aroused increasing attention year by year in China. Laizhou is called Rose Township.Everybody here loves a kind of flower called China rose,or YueJi in Chinese.It means its flowers last for just a month.In the evening of the Rose Festival, people get together in a vacant place,enjoying fireworks while appreciating the beautiful flowers blooming in the whole city.Actully,the Rose Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness,it established a link among the citizens.And it has been a kind of culture which all the citizens are proud of.

But when I leave my hometown,there is nobody knows Rose Festival anymore.When I talk to my classmates about the Rose Festival excitedly,the only thing I can receive is the blank expression and the vacant stare.Then I understand that the special day is not only a

festival,but also the homesickness of a traveler in remote place.I will always remember it and hide it in my heart forever.

I ’m very lucky to be a citizen of Laizhou.But with the high –pace development of the economy,some problems occurred in my hometown.For example,I’m not content with the traffic conditions of our city.Both the roads and streets are crowded with all kinds of motorbikes,cars and buses.Thus in the rush hour,traffic jams occur now and then,which makes it difficult for people to go to work on time. To solve the problems,the government must take effective measures to complete the healthy development of Laizhou .At the same time,every citizen should actively cooperate with the government to guarantee the stability and prosperity of our hometown.

Now I am away from my hometown. But no matter where I go, I’ll never forget her. Everything that it has given me can be given by other places. But It’s impossible for my love to be changed, because it is my hometown. I’ll love my hometown all my life.

My hometown Laizhou is a medium-sized city, locating in East China. It is a County-level city of Yantai.The biggest attraction of my hometown is its beautiful scenary and historical relics.There are many Great historic sites. Wenfeng Mountain, for example ,is a famous cultural Resort. Lots of famous Calligrapher once toured here and left many Calligraphies . Tourists from all over the country come to my hometown to enjoy its natural and historical heritages.What ’s more,the climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoor activities. When it comes to culture,I have to say about the The Rose Festival. It is held on May 25th each year and has aroused increasing attention year by year in China. Laizhou is called Rose Township.Everybody here loves a kind of flower called China rose,or YueJi in Chinese.It means its flowers last for just a month.In the evening of the Rose Festival, people get together in a vacant place,enjoying fireworks while appreciating the beautiful flowers blooming in the whole city.Actully,the Rose Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness,it established a link among the citizens.And it has been a kind of culture which all the citizens are proud of.

But when I leave my hometown,there is nobody knows Rose Festival anymore.When I talk to my classmates about the Rose Festival excitedly,the only thing I can receive is the blank expression and the vacant stare.Then I understand that the special day is not only a

festival,but also the homesickness of a traveler in remote place.I will always remember it and hide it in my heart forever.

I ’m very lucky to be a citizen of Laizhou.But with the high –pace development of the economy,some problems occurred in my hometown.For example,I’m not content with the traffic conditions of our city.Both the roads and streets are crowded with all kinds of motorbikes,cars and buses.Thus in the rush hour,traffic jams occur now and then,which makes it difficult for people to go to work on time. To solve the problems,the government must take effective measures to complete the healthy development of Laizhou .At the same time,every citizen should actively cooperate with the government to guarantee the stability and prosperity of our hometown.

Now I am away from my hometown. But no matter where I go, I’ll never forget her. Everything that it has given me can be given by other places. But It’s impossible for my love to be changed, because it is my hometown. I’ll love my hometown all my life.


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