教育话题 Education
学校教育 Schooling
考试系统 testing system
综合考试 comprehensive examination
总体评估 overall evaluation
学习表现 academic performance
片面地 one-sided
不公平的 unjust/ unfair
浪费时间的 time-consuming
统一的 unified
高分低能 with high marks and poor ability
个性发展 development of personality
评估方式 forms of assessment
昂贵的 costly
实际技能 practical capability
可行的 feasible
高素质教育 high-quality education
师资力量 teaching facultyzsdfgdsaÍQZ1
人口素质 population quality
就业前景 employment prospect
教育改革 educational innovation
满足不同要求 cater to various needs
满足不同人的教育需求 serve different people’s educational need
作出明智决定 make a wise decision
全面发展 overall development
厌学 hatred against learning
心理疾病 psychological disease
拓宽知识范围 broaden one’s scope of knowledge
发展思维能力 develop one’s thinking ability
为…做好准备 make good preparation for
适应新环境 adapt to new environment
文化冲击 cultural shock
给…施加压力 impose pressure on…
不成熟的 immature
厌烦的,无聊的 bored
随大流,跟着做 follow suit
逆境 adversity
易受到社会恶习的侵害 be vulnerable to social evils
自控 self-control
自立 self-reliance
以学生为中心的教育 student-oriented education
跟上最新发展 keep abreast of the latest development
加强责任感 strengthen the sense of responsibility
培养平等的意识 cultivate a sense of equality
素质教育 quality education
有失偏颇的评价 biased evaluation
过于挑剔 overcritical
作出正确的判断 make correct judgment
学以致用 put knowledge into practice
社会的个人价值 personal value in the society
经济压力 financial stress
缺乏 be short of
文盲 illiteracy
成为…的牺牲品 fall victim to
形成时期 be in the formative years
平衡…和… strike a balance between… and…
抵抗诱惑 resist the temptation
有特色的,出众的 distinctive
培养本体感 nurture a sense of identity
个性 individuality
普遍获取教育的途径 have universal access to education
不足的 insufficient
对法律的无知 be ignorant about laws
接触网上罪犯 contact criminals online
过量色情和暴力 excessive violence and pornography
暴力倾向 violent proneness
采取冲动的行为 take impulsive actions
道德教育 moral education
维持校园安全 maintain campus security
辅导项目 tutoring program
不道德的,缺乏道德的 unethical
侵犯版权 violation of copyright
法律实施 law enforcement
紧张的,有压力的 stressful
经济援助 financial aid
竞争激烈的 competitive
愿意冒险 willingness to take risks
付不起的 unaffordable
为将来做好准备 get well prepared for the future
寻求更多知识 seek more knowledge
家庭教育 Parenting
培养 nurture/ foster/ cultivate
起重要作用 play a significant role
确保光明的未来 ensure a bright future
天生的品质 inborn trait
基因差异 genetic difference
环境决定的 environmentally determined
后天环境 the rearing environment
有教养的家庭 well-educated family
趋势,倾向 tendency
心理演进 mental evolution
有利/积极的环境 positive environment
逃避现实世界 escape from the real world
虚拟世界 virtual world
激发潜能 tap one’s potential
刺激兴趣 stimulate one’s interest
沉迷于 abandon oneself to/ be addicted to
不耐烦的 impatient
面对 confrontation
脱离社会 isolation from the society
自律 self-discipline
倾向于 prone to/ tend to
不可缺少的 indispensable
认知外面世界 get to know the outside world
缺乏体力锻炼 lack of physical exercises
被动接受者 passive receiver
不善交际的 unsociable
道德价值 moral value
模仿 imitate
犯罪 commit crime
家长指引 parental guidance
分级制度 rating system
分辨虚幻与现实 distinguish between fantasy and reality
分辨是非 know right from wrong
遭受家庭暴力 suffer from domestic violence
角色转换 role shift
双重角色 duel role
好教养 good upbringing
传统价值 traditional value
家庭成员间的平等 equality between family members
不健康的生活方式 unwholesome life style
情感交流 emotional exchange
分享快乐和悲伤 share happiness and sorrow
代沟 generation gap
相互尊重 mutual respect
体罚 physical/ corporal punishment
给…一个教训 teach sb. a lesson
激怒,使…发怒 irritate
宠坏,溺爱 spoil
当局 authority
对…出气 take out one’s anger on sb.
虐待 maltreatment
对小孩施加不良影响 exert bad influence on children
悲观的 pessimistic
精神病 mental illness
失望 depression
缺乏生活兴趣 lack of interest in life
攻击性的行为 aggressive behavior
自杀 commit suicide
建立父母和小孩之间的桥梁 establish a bridge between parents and children
交流 dialogue and communication
行为榜样 role model
过度宽容 excessive permissiveness
缺乏交流 lack of communication
反叛的,叛逆的 rebellious
科技话题 Technology
现代科技进步 modern technological advancement
代替 replacement
吸引顾客 appeal to customers
人类努力 human effort
节省劳力 save labor
提高工作效率 improve work efficiency
增加生产率 increase productivity
加快日常生活 facilitate our daily life
降低风险 lower the risks
依靠;依赖 rely on
高可靠性 high reliability
丧失人性 dehumanize
缺乏面对面的交流 lack of face-to-face communication
疏远人际关系 distance human relationships
孤立于 be isolated from
重要的;重大的 significant
医学价值 medical value
预防衰老 prevent aging
绝症 incurable diseases
赢取名利 win fame and fortune
信息高速 information superhighway
广泛获取知识和信息 get wide access to knowledge and information
信息主要来源 key source of information
新型人际交往 new means of interpersonal communication
加快信息流动 accelerate the flow of information
缩短空间距离 shorten the space distance
逃离现实 escape from reality
将虚幻当现实 take fantasy for reality
网络犯罪 cyber crime
上瘾的 become addictive
色情和暴力的来源 source of violence and pornography
网络课程 on-line course
不能上网 have no access to the internet
互动空间 space for interaction
生动有趣 vivid and interesting
即时反馈 instant feedback
对人类作出巨大贡献 make great contributions to the human race
人类福利 the welfare of mankind
发现未知 discover the unknown
发现新能源 discover new source of energy
大量金钱 vast amount of money
优先… give priority to
转移注意力到… divert attention to
潜在危险 potential danger
巨大利润 enormous profits
加大差距 widen the gap
方便的,便利的 handy and convenient
加快人们生活 facilitate people’s life
更容易做生意 make business easier
对健康有害 be damaging to people’s health
传统交流方式 traditional means of communication
加强感情联系 enhance emotional bonds
缩短心理距离 shorten mental distance
广泛应用 wide application
现实和虚幻的迷惑 confusion between fantasy and reality
网络教育 on-line education
网上贸易 on-line trade
克隆技术 cloning technology
加快生活节奏 accelerate pace of life
过度依赖 depend excessively on
社会话题 Social issues
工作话题 Jobs
缺乏流动性 lack of mobility
缺乏连续性 lack of continuity
以职业为中心 career-centered/ oriented
家庭与工作的冲突family-and-work conflict
分担责任share the responsibility
灵活的工作时间 flexible working time
选择工作的权利 freedom in job selection
金钱至上 money-oriented
很好地了解 have a good knowledge of
长时间的愿望 long-cherished desire
专业成就 professional achievement
个人成就 personal achievement
寻求理想的职业 follow an ideal career
挑战性和有前景的职位 challenging and promising position
工作环境 working conditions
生活经历 life experience
广泛的工作经验 broad range of work experience
工作满意度 job satisfaction
丰富生活 enrich one’s life
增强个人职业技能 increase professional skills
社会关系 social relationship
负面形象 negative image
忠诚 loyalty
迎接挑战 take up challenge
划算的 cost-effective
互惠互利 mutual benefits
工作方法的进步 progress in working methods
享受更多的自由 enjoy more freedom
有效的时间管理 effective time management
高产的工作环境 productive working environment
在…的监督下 under the supervision of
年轻人失业 youth unemployment
经济压力 financial burden
失去信心 lose one’s confidence
老龄化话题 Aging
老人 senior citizens = the aged
长寿 longevity
平和的,和平的 peaceful
社会福利 social welfare
保健制度 healthcare system
社会保障制度 social security system
被遗忘的群体 forgotten group
空虚的 empty
养老金的 pension
生活必需品 daily necessity
老人院,敬老院 nursing house
资助, 津贴subsidy
情感支持 emotional support
优先政策 preferential policy
依靠子女 depend on one’s children
和谐的家庭气氛 harmonious family atmosphere
误解 misunderstanding
生活背景 life backgrounds
要求高的 demanding
父母权威 parental authority
在…控制下面 under control
代之间的冲突 generational clash
新新人类 new human being
退休福利 retirement benefits
退休优惠 retirement privilege
退休金保险 pension insurance
充分发挥 give full play to; bring… into full play
年老但精力充沛的 old but vigorous
追求新的兴趣 pursue new interest
加快社会发展 accelerate social development
快乐度过余生 spend one’s remaining days happily
享受家庭团圆 enjoy family union
老年高峰 old age boom
寂寞 loneliness
孤独生活 live in solitude
为…作贡献 contribute…to; make contributions to…
孝顺的 filial
不可避免的 unavoidable
男女平等话题 Gender issue
性别差异:gender difference
家庭暴力:domestic violence
遭受家庭暴力:suffer from domestic violence
身体虐待:physical abuse
虐待儿童: child abuse
错误的世界观:wrong outlook (观点,前景) on life
正确引导:proper guidance
经济独立:financial independence
妇女权利:women’s right
不可分割的家庭纽带:inseparable family tie
家庭破裂:family breakdown
相互理解:mutual understanding
不公平的机会:unequal opportunity
就业分布:employment distribution
晋升机会:chance of promotion
以男性为主导的社会:male-oriented society
社会地位:social status
负责任:undertake responsibility
责任感:sense of responsibility
比…劣等:be inferior to…
平等地:on an equal footing/ term
内在素质:inner quality
犯罪话题 Crime issue
犯罪:crime/offence/criminal act
v. commit a crime
违法:violate the law
惩罚:punishment/ penalty
犯罪率:the crime rate
改造罪犯: reform/rehabilitate criminals (habilitate-使合格)
停止;终止:put an end to
吸毒,毒品泛滥:drug abuse
死刑:death penalty (惩罚,处罚,特质法律上或者体育比赛中的惩罚) ;capital punishment; execution
青少年犯罪:juvenile crime (正式法律用语,7,8岁到14,5岁)
停止死刑: suspension of capital punishment
绝望的: hopeless
以牙还牙, 以眼还眼:a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye 三思:have a second thought (反悔) ; think twice 无辜的, 清白的:innocent
文明的世界:civilized world
终生监禁:life imprisonment
移交法律处理:hand over to the law
根据法律处理:be dealt with in light of law
预防犯罪:crime prevention
冒着别人的生命的危险:put other’s life at risk
以…罪名起诉:be charged with…
控告某人某罪:accuse sb of…
严重后果:severe consequence
缺乏父母照顾:lack of parental care
单亲家庭:single-parent family
暴力倾向:violent inclination
犯罪心理学:criminal psychology
情感不稳定:emotional instability
犯罪心理学:criminal psychology
反社会行为:antisocial behavior
有效教育:effective education
家庭顾问服务:family counseling
建立生活目标:set up life goal
父母管控和指导:parental control and instruction 贫困经济背景:poor economic background
减少青少年犯罪:cut down on juvenile delinquency 卷入犯罪行为:be engaged in an act of crime
私人空间:private space
监视:keep a lookout over; keep an eye on
摄像头:surveillance camera/security camera
提供线索:provide clue
被跟踪:be tracked
意图不良的:evilly intended
安装:install /set up
保留证据:keep evidence
狗仔队:dog pack; paparazzi
偷拍:sneak secret shots of sb
个人袭击:personal assault
安全感:a sense of security
跟踪名人:tail celebrities
道德恶化:moral deterioration
违法:break the law
以他人为代价:at others’ expense
经济困难:economic hardship
家庭处境危险:put the family at risk
家庭暴力:domestic violence
诱导犯罪:induce crime
威胁之下:under threat
公共安全:public security
安全装置:safety device
偷窥隐私:peep the privacy
激起报复:stir revenge
肖像被纪录:image recorded by the device
侵犯个人生活:intrude upon one’s personal life
不体面的行为:indecent behavior
非法手段:unlawful means
剥夺个人自由:deprive individuals of their freedom
个人信息:personal information
可怕的后果:appalling consequence
卷入债务:fall into debt
破产:go bankrupt
以…为代价:at the cost of
造成负面影响:set negative example for
道德堕落:moral degradation
无害娱乐活动:harmless diversion
把某人释放出来:set sb. free
受伤可能性高:high potential for injury
环保话题 Environment Issue
动物实验: animal testing
医学突破:medical breakthrough
科学实验:scientific experiment
传染病:infectious disease
生命权:right of subsistence
贫穷的;underprivileged/ impoverished
剧烈的疼痛:sever pain
动物权利保护者:animal right activist
可供选择的手段:alternative means
对抗:fight against
野生动物:wildlife/ wild animals
濒临灭绝:be on the brink of
大批灭绝:mass extinction
不可补救的伤害:irreparable damage
喂养野生动物:feed on wildlife
栖息地减少:loss of habitats
不安全情况:insecure status
外来物种侵略:invasion by alien species
自然选择:natural selection
保护稀有品种:preserve rare species
保护:conservation/ preservation/ protection
恢复生态平衡:restore ecological balance
生物进化:evolution of life
养宠物:raise pets
昂贵的:costly/ pricy/ expensive
欣赏自然:appreciation for nature
孤独地生活:live in isolation
远离空虚:get away from emptiness
非语言交流:non-verbal communication
情感交流:emotional exchange
满足情感需求:cater to emotional needs
财富与社会地位:wealth and social status
人类对动物的特权:human’s privilege over animals
剥夺动物自然的自由权力:deprive animals of natural freedom 经受实验:be subjected to experiments
破坏生态平衡:break the ecological balance
破坏野生动物栖息地:destroy the natural habitats of wildlife 某些物种的灭绝:extinction of some species
人类与自然的关系:human relationship with nature
残忍的对待:cruel treatment
日益恶化的自然环境:the worsening natural environment
合适的栖息地:suitable habitat
专业照料:professional care
居住环境:living conditions
提升公众动物知识:improve public knowledge of animals
发现新治疗方法:discover new cures
繁衍新物种:breed new species
接近自然:come close to nature
和谐共存:harmonious coexistence
对自然的敌意:hostility against nature
新能源:new source of energy
原子能:atomic power
能源资源短缺:scarcity of energy resources
能源消耗:energy consumption
产生能量:generate power
核废物:nuclear waste
放射性物质:radioactive materials
辐射相关疾病:radiation-related disease
潜在破坏:potential damage
将整个人类处于冒险中:risk the whole human race
更安全的能源:safer energy
可供选择的能源:alternative energy resources
天然气:natural gas
水力电力能源:hydroelectric power
缓解能源危机:mitigate the energy crisis
循环利用能源:recycle energy
发现新能源:discover new energy resources
能源短缺:energy shortage
可再生能源资源:renewable energy resources
珍惜自然资源:cherish natural resources
风能和太阳能:wind and solar power
预防措施:preventive measure
环境污染:environmental pollution
恶化的环境:worsening environment
大气条件:atmosphere condition
空气污染:air pollution
有毒的:toxic/ poisonous
伤害环境的:environmentally detrimental
温室效应:greenhouse effect
全球变暖:global warming
森林保护:forest reserve
自然保护:nature conservation
广泛利用:extensive exploitation
反转趋势:reverse the trend
有助于健康:be conducive to health
补救措施:remedial measure
持续发展:sustainable development
国家干预,政府干预:state intervention
淡水:fresh water
水污染:water pollution
供应短缺:be in short supply
水资源短缺:water shortage
低质量的水:poor quality water
水污染指数:water pollution index
农业用水:water for agricultural use
地表水:surface water
地下水:underground water
滥用水:abuse water
污水系统:misuse water
废水处理:waste water disposal
提升公共意识:raise public awareness
节水生活方式:water-wise life style
节水意识社区:water-conscious community
废物倾倒:waste dump
家庭垃圾:household rubbish
一次性物品:disposable item
塑料产品:plastic products
工业废水:industrial waste water
废物处理系统:waste disposal system
垃圾分类:garbage classification
回收利用方案:recycling scheme
现场罚款:on-the-spot fine
处理成本:cost of disposal
有意识的保护者:conscious preserver
交通堵塞:traffic jam/ traffic congestion
巨大问题:mammoth problem
废气:exhaust gas
呼吸道疾病:respiratory disease
缺乏足够意识:lack adequate awareness
缓解压力:ease the pressure
严厉的处罚:severe punishment
吊销牌照:suspend a license
征收更高税款:levy higher tax
语言文化 Languages & Culture
语言和文化:language and culture
文化遗产:cultural legacy
濒危语言:endangered and extinct languages
主流语言:dominant language
当地语言:native language
处于…危险当中:be in danger
继承物中不可取代的部分:irreplaceable part of the heritage
保护语言:language preservation
语言多样化:language variety
词句:lexical item
文化统治:cultural domination
逐步过程:gradual process
过时的:out of fashion
跟当今社会不和谐:be incompatible with the present world
个人喜好:personal preference
古代语言:ancient language
语言消失:language disappearance
语言文化特性:language and cultural identity
身份标志:marker of identity
面临灭绝的威胁:be under the threat of extinction
充分意识到:be fully aware of
语言特点:linguistic feature
媒介:vehicle/ media
提升公共意识:boost public awareness
艺术价值:artistic value
不能满足现在要求:be unsuited to the present needs
主流生活方式:mainstream lifestyle
展现新形象:take on new looks
传统和现代的结合:blend of tradition and modernity
视觉吸引的:visually attractive
电视观众:TV audience
冲动的消费者:compulsive consumer
歧视态度:discriminative attitude
历史传统:history and tradition
独特展现:unique presentation
人类文明:human civilization
激发民族自豪感:inspire national pride
对…施加威胁:pose a great threat to
维护的成本:maintenance cost
公共捐赠:public donation
繁荣经济:boom the economy
促进国内需求:promote domestic demands
黄金周:golden week
打破生态平衡:break the ecological balance
有些物种的灭绝:extinction of some species
增强吸引力:enhance one’s appeal
文化和艺术遗产:cultural and artistic legacy
文化积累:cultural accumulation
维持人类文明:maintain human civilization
视觉吸引:visual attraction
感官享受:sensuous enjoyment
商业价值:commercial value
误导信息:misleading information
损害消费者利益:damage consumers’ interests
保留精华,去其糟粕:retain the strengths and discard the weaknesses 与…保持联系:keep in contact
城市形象:city image
保护文化文物:preserve cultural relics
呈现整洁形象:take on a clean and tidy look
取代古建筑:replace old buildings
双赢结果:win-win result
政府资金:government fund
吸引:appeal to
增加收入:increase revenue
跨文化接触:cross-cultural contact
拓展生活经历:expand life experience
破坏野生动物自然栖息地:destroy the natural habitats of wildlife 人类与自然的关系:human relationship with nature
存在潜在的危险:pose potential risks
纪录历史:keep record of history
为人类文明作贡献:contribute to human civilization
人类进步:advancement of human race
文化繁荣:cultural prosperity
服务公共目的:serve public purposes
介绍不同的文化遗产:introduce diverse cultural heritages
传递文化精髓:transmit cultural essence
流行文化:pop culture
休闲活动:leisure activities
公共娱乐:public entertainment
文化渗透:cultural penetration
快餐文化:fast food culture
不可抵抗的趋势:irresistible trend
代代相传:carry down from generation to generation
经历变化:undergo transformation
不良习惯:evil habit
饮食文化:food culture
食物多样化:food diversity
破坏当地饮食文化:undermine local cuisine and culture 互补缺陷:make up for each other’s deficiencies 养成好的习惯:fall into good habit
与饮食相关的疾病:dieting related illness
适当的营养:proper nutrition
观光点:sightseeing spot
作为教学资源:serve as educational resource
门票收入:admission revenue/ income
日常享受:daily enjoyment
精神需求:spiritual needs
严格管控:impose strict control over
欣赏不同文化:appreciate diverse cultures
传统价值的核心:the prime of traditional value 传统关系模式:traditional relationship pattern 抛弃传统:cast away the traditions
文化落后:cultural backwardness
从古时候流传下来:be handed down from ancient times 活力:vitality
紧张的生活:stressful life
国外食物:exotic food
互补:supplement each other
过着积极的生活:live an active lifestyle
身体不适:physical disorder
健康的关键:the key to health
政府投资 Government Issue
资金分配:allocation of funds
优雅艺术:elegant art
娱乐方式:recreational means
有限的公共资源:limited public funds
缺乏:be devoid of
献身于艺术:dedicate to arts
顺从现实:comply to reality
艺术成就:artistic achievement
商业利益:commercial benefits
国家安全,民族安全:national security
加强健康:build up health
过健康的生活:live a healthy life
民族自豪感:national pride
政治争端:political dispute
辛苦挣来的钱:hard-earned money
预测天气:predict the weather
发现新的住所:find new habitations
潜在的危险:potential danger
不利方面:unfavorable aspect
赢利:gain profit
艺术鉴赏力:artistic appreciation
精神状态:state of mind
紧张的预算:a tight budget
政府税收:government revenue
过着紧张的生活:live a strenuous life
在…浪费钱:lavish money on
保护和发扬:preserve and carry forward 追求纯艺术:pursuit of pure arts
可观的收入:considerable revenue
对艺术健康有害:be hazardous to artistic health 商业利润:business profit
人类的巨大飞跃:one giant leap for human beings 预防肥胖:prevent obesity
培养民族精神:foster national spirits
促进体育运动:promote sports
人类福利:the welfare of humankind 探索外太空:probe outer space 贫穷:poverty
巨大的利润:enormous profits
教育话题 Education
学校教育 Schooling
考试系统 testing system
综合考试 comprehensive examination
总体评估 overall evaluation
学习表现 academic performance
片面地 one-sided
不公平的 unjust/ unfair
浪费时间的 time-consuming
统一的 unified
高分低能 with high marks and poor ability
个性发展 development of personality
评估方式 forms of assessment
昂贵的 costly
实际技能 practical capability
可行的 feasible
高素质教育 high-quality education
师资力量 teaching facultyzsdfgdsaÍQZ1
人口素质 population quality
就业前景 employment prospect
教育改革 educational innovation
满足不同要求 cater to various needs
满足不同人的教育需求 serve different people’s educational need
作出明智决定 make a wise decision
全面发展 overall development
厌学 hatred against learning
心理疾病 psychological disease
拓宽知识范围 broaden one’s scope of knowledge
发展思维能力 develop one’s thinking ability
为…做好准备 make good preparation for
适应新环境 adapt to new environment
文化冲击 cultural shock
给…施加压力 impose pressure on…
不成熟的 immature
厌烦的,无聊的 bored
随大流,跟着做 follow suit
逆境 adversity
易受到社会恶习的侵害 be vulnerable to social evils
自控 self-control
自立 self-reliance
以学生为中心的教育 student-oriented education
跟上最新发展 keep abreast of the latest development
加强责任感 strengthen the sense of responsibility
培养平等的意识 cultivate a sense of equality
素质教育 quality education
有失偏颇的评价 biased evaluation
过于挑剔 overcritical
作出正确的判断 make correct judgment
学以致用 put knowledge into practice
社会的个人价值 personal value in the society
经济压力 financial stress
缺乏 be short of
文盲 illiteracy
成为…的牺牲品 fall victim to
形成时期 be in the formative years
平衡…和… strike a balance between… and…
抵抗诱惑 resist the temptation
有特色的,出众的 distinctive
培养本体感 nurture a sense of identity
个性 individuality
普遍获取教育的途径 have universal access to education
不足的 insufficient
对法律的无知 be ignorant about laws
接触网上罪犯 contact criminals online
过量色情和暴力 excessive violence and pornography
暴力倾向 violent proneness
采取冲动的行为 take impulsive actions
道德教育 moral education
维持校园安全 maintain campus security
辅导项目 tutoring program
不道德的,缺乏道德的 unethical
侵犯版权 violation of copyright
法律实施 law enforcement
紧张的,有压力的 stressful
经济援助 financial aid
竞争激烈的 competitive
愿意冒险 willingness to take risks
付不起的 unaffordable
为将来做好准备 get well prepared for the future
寻求更多知识 seek more knowledge
家庭教育 Parenting
培养 nurture/ foster/ cultivate
起重要作用 play a significant role
确保光明的未来 ensure a bright future
天生的品质 inborn trait
基因差异 genetic difference
环境决定的 environmentally determined
后天环境 the rearing environment
有教养的家庭 well-educated family
趋势,倾向 tendency
心理演进 mental evolution
有利/积极的环境 positive environment
逃避现实世界 escape from the real world
虚拟世界 virtual world
激发潜能 tap one’s potential
刺激兴趣 stimulate one’s interest
沉迷于 abandon oneself to/ be addicted to
不耐烦的 impatient
面对 confrontation
脱离社会 isolation from the society
自律 self-discipline
倾向于 prone to/ tend to
不可缺少的 indispensable
认知外面世界 get to know the outside world
缺乏体力锻炼 lack of physical exercises
被动接受者 passive receiver
不善交际的 unsociable
道德价值 moral value
模仿 imitate
犯罪 commit crime
家长指引 parental guidance
分级制度 rating system
分辨虚幻与现实 distinguish between fantasy and reality
分辨是非 know right from wrong
遭受家庭暴力 suffer from domestic violence
角色转换 role shift
双重角色 duel role
好教养 good upbringing
传统价值 traditional value
家庭成员间的平等 equality between family members
不健康的生活方式 unwholesome life style
情感交流 emotional exchange
分享快乐和悲伤 share happiness and sorrow
代沟 generation gap
相互尊重 mutual respect
体罚 physical/ corporal punishment
给…一个教训 teach sb. a lesson
激怒,使…发怒 irritate
宠坏,溺爱 spoil
当局 authority
对…出气 take out one’s anger on sb.
虐待 maltreatment
对小孩施加不良影响 exert bad influence on children
悲观的 pessimistic
精神病 mental illness
失望 depression
缺乏生活兴趣 lack of interest in life
攻击性的行为 aggressive behavior
自杀 commit suicide
建立父母和小孩之间的桥梁 establish a bridge between parents and children
交流 dialogue and communication
行为榜样 role model
过度宽容 excessive permissiveness
缺乏交流 lack of communication
反叛的,叛逆的 rebellious
科技话题 Technology
现代科技进步 modern technological advancement
代替 replacement
吸引顾客 appeal to customers
人类努力 human effort
节省劳力 save labor
提高工作效率 improve work efficiency
增加生产率 increase productivity
加快日常生活 facilitate our daily life
降低风险 lower the risks
依靠;依赖 rely on
高可靠性 high reliability
丧失人性 dehumanize
缺乏面对面的交流 lack of face-to-face communication
疏远人际关系 distance human relationships
孤立于 be isolated from
重要的;重大的 significant
医学价值 medical value
预防衰老 prevent aging
绝症 incurable diseases
赢取名利 win fame and fortune
信息高速 information superhighway
广泛获取知识和信息 get wide access to knowledge and information
信息主要来源 key source of information
新型人际交往 new means of interpersonal communication
加快信息流动 accelerate the flow of information
缩短空间距离 shorten the space distance
逃离现实 escape from reality
将虚幻当现实 take fantasy for reality
网络犯罪 cyber crime
上瘾的 become addictive
色情和暴力的来源 source of violence and pornography
网络课程 on-line course
不能上网 have no access to the internet
互动空间 space for interaction
生动有趣 vivid and interesting
即时反馈 instant feedback
对人类作出巨大贡献 make great contributions to the human race
人类福利 the welfare of mankind
发现未知 discover the unknown
发现新能源 discover new source of energy
大量金钱 vast amount of money
优先… give priority to
转移注意力到… divert attention to
潜在危险 potential danger
巨大利润 enormous profits
加大差距 widen the gap
方便的,便利的 handy and convenient
加快人们生活 facilitate people’s life
更容易做生意 make business easier
对健康有害 be damaging to people’s health
传统交流方式 traditional means of communication
加强感情联系 enhance emotional bonds
缩短心理距离 shorten mental distance
广泛应用 wide application
现实和虚幻的迷惑 confusion between fantasy and reality
网络教育 on-line education
网上贸易 on-line trade
克隆技术 cloning technology
加快生活节奏 accelerate pace of life
过度依赖 depend excessively on
社会话题 Social issues
工作话题 Jobs
缺乏流动性 lack of mobility
缺乏连续性 lack of continuity
以职业为中心 career-centered/ oriented
家庭与工作的冲突family-and-work conflict
分担责任share the responsibility
灵活的工作时间 flexible working time
选择工作的权利 freedom in job selection
金钱至上 money-oriented
很好地了解 have a good knowledge of
长时间的愿望 long-cherished desire
专业成就 professional achievement
个人成就 personal achievement
寻求理想的职业 follow an ideal career
挑战性和有前景的职位 challenging and promising position
工作环境 working conditions
生活经历 life experience
广泛的工作经验 broad range of work experience
工作满意度 job satisfaction
丰富生活 enrich one’s life
增强个人职业技能 increase professional skills
社会关系 social relationship
负面形象 negative image
忠诚 loyalty
迎接挑战 take up challenge
划算的 cost-effective
互惠互利 mutual benefits
工作方法的进步 progress in working methods
享受更多的自由 enjoy more freedom
有效的时间管理 effective time management
高产的工作环境 productive working environment
在…的监督下 under the supervision of
年轻人失业 youth unemployment
经济压力 financial burden
失去信心 lose one’s confidence
老龄化话题 Aging
老人 senior citizens = the aged
长寿 longevity
平和的,和平的 peaceful
社会福利 social welfare
保健制度 healthcare system
社会保障制度 social security system
被遗忘的群体 forgotten group
空虚的 empty
养老金的 pension
生活必需品 daily necessity
老人院,敬老院 nursing house
资助, 津贴subsidy
情感支持 emotional support
优先政策 preferential policy
依靠子女 depend on one’s children
和谐的家庭气氛 harmonious family atmosphere
误解 misunderstanding
生活背景 life backgrounds
要求高的 demanding
父母权威 parental authority
在…控制下面 under control
代之间的冲突 generational clash
新新人类 new human being
退休福利 retirement benefits
退休优惠 retirement privilege
退休金保险 pension insurance
充分发挥 give full play to; bring… into full play
年老但精力充沛的 old but vigorous
追求新的兴趣 pursue new interest
加快社会发展 accelerate social development
快乐度过余生 spend one’s remaining days happily
享受家庭团圆 enjoy family union
老年高峰 old age boom
寂寞 loneliness
孤独生活 live in solitude
为…作贡献 contribute…to; make contributions to…
孝顺的 filial
不可避免的 unavoidable
男女平等话题 Gender issue
性别差异:gender difference
家庭暴力:domestic violence
遭受家庭暴力:suffer from domestic violence
身体虐待:physical abuse
虐待儿童: child abuse
错误的世界观:wrong outlook (观点,前景) on life
正确引导:proper guidance
经济独立:financial independence
妇女权利:women’s right
不可分割的家庭纽带:inseparable family tie
家庭破裂:family breakdown
相互理解:mutual understanding
不公平的机会:unequal opportunity
就业分布:employment distribution
晋升机会:chance of promotion
以男性为主导的社会:male-oriented society
社会地位:social status
负责任:undertake responsibility
责任感:sense of responsibility
比…劣等:be inferior to…
平等地:on an equal footing/ term
内在素质:inner quality
犯罪话题 Crime issue
犯罪:crime/offence/criminal act
v. commit a crime
违法:violate the law
惩罚:punishment/ penalty
犯罪率:the crime rate
改造罪犯: reform/rehabilitate criminals (habilitate-使合格)
停止;终止:put an end to
吸毒,毒品泛滥:drug abuse
死刑:death penalty (惩罚,处罚,特质法律上或者体育比赛中的惩罚) ;capital punishment; execution
青少年犯罪:juvenile crime (正式法律用语,7,8岁到14,5岁)
停止死刑: suspension of capital punishment
绝望的: hopeless
以牙还牙, 以眼还眼:a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye 三思:have a second thought (反悔) ; think twice 无辜的, 清白的:innocent
文明的世界:civilized world
终生监禁:life imprisonment
移交法律处理:hand over to the law
根据法律处理:be dealt with in light of law
预防犯罪:crime prevention
冒着别人的生命的危险:put other’s life at risk
以…罪名起诉:be charged with…
控告某人某罪:accuse sb of…
严重后果:severe consequence
缺乏父母照顾:lack of parental care
单亲家庭:single-parent family
暴力倾向:violent inclination
犯罪心理学:criminal psychology
情感不稳定:emotional instability
犯罪心理学:criminal psychology
反社会行为:antisocial behavior
有效教育:effective education
家庭顾问服务:family counseling
建立生活目标:set up life goal
父母管控和指导:parental control and instruction 贫困经济背景:poor economic background
减少青少年犯罪:cut down on juvenile delinquency 卷入犯罪行为:be engaged in an act of crime
私人空间:private space
监视:keep a lookout over; keep an eye on
摄像头:surveillance camera/security camera
提供线索:provide clue
被跟踪:be tracked
意图不良的:evilly intended
安装:install /set up
保留证据:keep evidence
狗仔队:dog pack; paparazzi
偷拍:sneak secret shots of sb
个人袭击:personal assault
安全感:a sense of security
跟踪名人:tail celebrities
道德恶化:moral deterioration
违法:break the law
以他人为代价:at others’ expense
经济困难:economic hardship
家庭处境危险:put the family at risk
家庭暴力:domestic violence
诱导犯罪:induce crime
威胁之下:under threat
公共安全:public security
安全装置:safety device
偷窥隐私:peep the privacy
激起报复:stir revenge
肖像被纪录:image recorded by the device
侵犯个人生活:intrude upon one’s personal life
不体面的行为:indecent behavior
非法手段:unlawful means
剥夺个人自由:deprive individuals of their freedom
个人信息:personal information
可怕的后果:appalling consequence
卷入债务:fall into debt
破产:go bankrupt
以…为代价:at the cost of
造成负面影响:set negative example for
道德堕落:moral degradation
无害娱乐活动:harmless diversion
把某人释放出来:set sb. free
受伤可能性高:high potential for injury
环保话题 Environment Issue
动物实验: animal testing
医学突破:medical breakthrough
科学实验:scientific experiment
传染病:infectious disease
生命权:right of subsistence
贫穷的;underprivileged/ impoverished
剧烈的疼痛:sever pain
动物权利保护者:animal right activist
可供选择的手段:alternative means
对抗:fight against
野生动物:wildlife/ wild animals
濒临灭绝:be on the brink of
大批灭绝:mass extinction
不可补救的伤害:irreparable damage
喂养野生动物:feed on wildlife
栖息地减少:loss of habitats
不安全情况:insecure status
外来物种侵略:invasion by alien species
自然选择:natural selection
保护稀有品种:preserve rare species
保护:conservation/ preservation/ protection
恢复生态平衡:restore ecological balance
生物进化:evolution of life
养宠物:raise pets
昂贵的:costly/ pricy/ expensive
欣赏自然:appreciation for nature
孤独地生活:live in isolation
远离空虚:get away from emptiness
非语言交流:non-verbal communication
情感交流:emotional exchange
满足情感需求:cater to emotional needs
财富与社会地位:wealth and social status
人类对动物的特权:human’s privilege over animals
剥夺动物自然的自由权力:deprive animals of natural freedom 经受实验:be subjected to experiments
破坏生态平衡:break the ecological balance
破坏野生动物栖息地:destroy the natural habitats of wildlife 某些物种的灭绝:extinction of some species
人类与自然的关系:human relationship with nature
残忍的对待:cruel treatment
日益恶化的自然环境:the worsening natural environment
合适的栖息地:suitable habitat
专业照料:professional care
居住环境:living conditions
提升公众动物知识:improve public knowledge of animals
发现新治疗方法:discover new cures
繁衍新物种:breed new species
接近自然:come close to nature
和谐共存:harmonious coexistence
对自然的敌意:hostility against nature
新能源:new source of energy
原子能:atomic power
能源资源短缺:scarcity of energy resources
能源消耗:energy consumption
产生能量:generate power
核废物:nuclear waste
放射性物质:radioactive materials
辐射相关疾病:radiation-related disease
潜在破坏:potential damage
将整个人类处于冒险中:risk the whole human race
更安全的能源:safer energy
可供选择的能源:alternative energy resources
天然气:natural gas
水力电力能源:hydroelectric power
缓解能源危机:mitigate the energy crisis
循环利用能源:recycle energy
发现新能源:discover new energy resources
能源短缺:energy shortage
可再生能源资源:renewable energy resources
珍惜自然资源:cherish natural resources
风能和太阳能:wind and solar power
预防措施:preventive measure
环境污染:environmental pollution
恶化的环境:worsening environment
大气条件:atmosphere condition
空气污染:air pollution
有毒的:toxic/ poisonous
伤害环境的:environmentally detrimental
温室效应:greenhouse effect
全球变暖:global warming
森林保护:forest reserve
自然保护:nature conservation
广泛利用:extensive exploitation
反转趋势:reverse the trend
有助于健康:be conducive to health
补救措施:remedial measure
持续发展:sustainable development
国家干预,政府干预:state intervention
淡水:fresh water
水污染:water pollution
供应短缺:be in short supply
水资源短缺:water shortage
低质量的水:poor quality water
水污染指数:water pollution index
农业用水:water for agricultural use
地表水:surface water
地下水:underground water
滥用水:abuse water
污水系统:misuse water
废水处理:waste water disposal
提升公共意识:raise public awareness
节水生活方式:water-wise life style
节水意识社区:water-conscious community
废物倾倒:waste dump
家庭垃圾:household rubbish
一次性物品:disposable item
塑料产品:plastic products
工业废水:industrial waste water
废物处理系统:waste disposal system
垃圾分类:garbage classification
回收利用方案:recycling scheme
现场罚款:on-the-spot fine
处理成本:cost of disposal
有意识的保护者:conscious preserver
交通堵塞:traffic jam/ traffic congestion
巨大问题:mammoth problem
废气:exhaust gas
呼吸道疾病:respiratory disease
缺乏足够意识:lack adequate awareness
缓解压力:ease the pressure
严厉的处罚:severe punishment
吊销牌照:suspend a license
征收更高税款:levy higher tax
语言文化 Languages & Culture
语言和文化:language and culture
文化遗产:cultural legacy
濒危语言:endangered and extinct languages
主流语言:dominant language
当地语言:native language
处于…危险当中:be in danger
继承物中不可取代的部分:irreplaceable part of the heritage
保护语言:language preservation
语言多样化:language variety
词句:lexical item
文化统治:cultural domination
逐步过程:gradual process
过时的:out of fashion
跟当今社会不和谐:be incompatible with the present world
个人喜好:personal preference
古代语言:ancient language
语言消失:language disappearance
语言文化特性:language and cultural identity
身份标志:marker of identity
面临灭绝的威胁:be under the threat of extinction
充分意识到:be fully aware of
语言特点:linguistic feature
媒介:vehicle/ media
提升公共意识:boost public awareness
艺术价值:artistic value
不能满足现在要求:be unsuited to the present needs
主流生活方式:mainstream lifestyle
展现新形象:take on new looks
传统和现代的结合:blend of tradition and modernity
视觉吸引的:visually attractive
电视观众:TV audience
冲动的消费者:compulsive consumer
歧视态度:discriminative attitude
历史传统:history and tradition
独特展现:unique presentation
人类文明:human civilization
激发民族自豪感:inspire national pride
对…施加威胁:pose a great threat to
维护的成本:maintenance cost
公共捐赠:public donation
繁荣经济:boom the economy
促进国内需求:promote domestic demands
黄金周:golden week
打破生态平衡:break the ecological balance
有些物种的灭绝:extinction of some species
增强吸引力:enhance one’s appeal
文化和艺术遗产:cultural and artistic legacy
文化积累:cultural accumulation
维持人类文明:maintain human civilization
视觉吸引:visual attraction
感官享受:sensuous enjoyment
商业价值:commercial value
误导信息:misleading information
损害消费者利益:damage consumers’ interests
保留精华,去其糟粕:retain the strengths and discard the weaknesses 与…保持联系:keep in contact
城市形象:city image
保护文化文物:preserve cultural relics
呈现整洁形象:take on a clean and tidy look
取代古建筑:replace old buildings
双赢结果:win-win result
政府资金:government fund
吸引:appeal to
增加收入:increase revenue
跨文化接触:cross-cultural contact
拓展生活经历:expand life experience
破坏野生动物自然栖息地:destroy the natural habitats of wildlife 人类与自然的关系:human relationship with nature
存在潜在的危险:pose potential risks
纪录历史:keep record of history
为人类文明作贡献:contribute to human civilization
人类进步:advancement of human race
文化繁荣:cultural prosperity
服务公共目的:serve public purposes
介绍不同的文化遗产:introduce diverse cultural heritages
传递文化精髓:transmit cultural essence
流行文化:pop culture
休闲活动:leisure activities
公共娱乐:public entertainment
文化渗透:cultural penetration
快餐文化:fast food culture
不可抵抗的趋势:irresistible trend
代代相传:carry down from generation to generation
经历变化:undergo transformation
不良习惯:evil habit
饮食文化:food culture
食物多样化:food diversity
破坏当地饮食文化:undermine local cuisine and culture 互补缺陷:make up for each other’s deficiencies 养成好的习惯:fall into good habit
与饮食相关的疾病:dieting related illness
适当的营养:proper nutrition
观光点:sightseeing spot
作为教学资源:serve as educational resource
门票收入:admission revenue/ income
日常享受:daily enjoyment
精神需求:spiritual needs
严格管控:impose strict control over
欣赏不同文化:appreciate diverse cultures
传统价值的核心:the prime of traditional value 传统关系模式:traditional relationship pattern 抛弃传统:cast away the traditions
文化落后:cultural backwardness
从古时候流传下来:be handed down from ancient times 活力:vitality
紧张的生活:stressful life
国外食物:exotic food
互补:supplement each other
过着积极的生活:live an active lifestyle
身体不适:physical disorder
健康的关键:the key to health
政府投资 Government Issue
资金分配:allocation of funds
优雅艺术:elegant art
娱乐方式:recreational means
有限的公共资源:limited public funds
缺乏:be devoid of
献身于艺术:dedicate to arts
顺从现实:comply to reality
艺术成就:artistic achievement
商业利益:commercial benefits
国家安全,民族安全:national security
加强健康:build up health
过健康的生活:live a healthy life
民族自豪感:national pride
政治争端:political dispute
辛苦挣来的钱:hard-earned money
预测天气:predict the weather
发现新的住所:find new habitations
潜在的危险:potential danger
不利方面:unfavorable aspect
赢利:gain profit
艺术鉴赏力:artistic appreciation
精神状态:state of mind
紧张的预算:a tight budget
政府税收:government revenue
过着紧张的生活:live a strenuous life
在…浪费钱:lavish money on
保护和发扬:preserve and carry forward 追求纯艺术:pursuit of pure arts
可观的收入:considerable revenue
对艺术健康有害:be hazardous to artistic health 商业利润:business profit
人类的巨大飞跃:one giant leap for human beings 预防肥胖:prevent obesity
培养民族精神:foster national spirits
促进体育运动:promote sports
人类福利:the welfare of humankind 探索外太空:probe outer space 贫穷:poverty
巨大的利润:enormous profits