
题 目 关于简爱的国内文献综述

课 程

教 师 史丽娜

学 生 聂馨

学 号 114050296

班 级



摘 要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 Abstract„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 I. Introduction„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 A. The Introduction to Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4

B. The Brief Introduction to Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 II. Domestic Studies„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6

A. The General Background„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 a. Background knowledge about the society„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 b.Life experiences of Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6

B. Analysis of Main Characters of Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 a.Self-respect and Pursuit of Freedom and Independence„„„„„„„„„„„7 b.Pursuit of Equality„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 c.Weaknesses of Jane Eyre’s characteristics„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10

C. Jane’s Love„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10

III. Comments and Limitations„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 Works Cited„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13


《简爱》是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂—勃朗特的代表作写于1846年。虽然迄今150多年,但是这部作品仍然深受广大读者的喜爱,这都是因为这部作品的女主人翁简.爱。外在的美是短暂的,内在的美才是永恒的。本论文主要分析简.爱的美,希望有更多的人像‘简.爱’那样拥有内在的美。简爱是个孤儿,从小受尽凌辱,但从不为生活所屈服,她有着坚强的人格和尊严。在幼时恶劣的生存环境中,她学会了如何生存。也正是她的成长经历,造就了她独立的人格、进取的精神和美好的理想。简爱是一位与众不同的小说人物,她只能靠自己生活,敢于表 达自己的思想。在世俗的压力下,她凭借努力工作,聪明智慧和倔强的个性,始终保持着自己的尊严。在她的生活道路上,从来不屈服。虽然她身材矮小,但是灵魂高大。简爱勇于追求真爱并对所爱的人忠贞不渝。她的善良、聪明、独立深深地吸引着男主人公,最终获得一份完美的爱情。另一方面,她觉得自己弱小这就向我们展现了她的自卑。



Jane Eyre is written by famous talented English critical realist woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1846. Although having more than 152 years by now, it is popular with lots of people because of the heroine —Jane. Eyre.

As an English idiom goes, ―Beauty is but skin-deep‖. A person‘s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty. The thesis focuses on the analysis of Jane Eyre‘s beauty, on the assumption that more people may act like “Jane‖ and possess inner beauty. Jane Eyre is an orphan, and is ill-treated as a little girl. She strives for her life, which makes her tough character and strong self-respect. Because of her childhood‘s life environment, she learns how to live. Also just for her growing experiences, it creates her strong personality, beautiful ideal and wisdom. Jane Eyre is a special image out of ordinary. She makes a life by herself, dares to express her own idea. Under the pressure of life, she always maintains her self-respect by hard work, intelligence and her tough individualism. She never gives in on her way. Though she has little figure, Jane Eyre is huge in soul. She pursues true love and is loyal and steadfast to her beloved man. Her kindness, intelligence, and independence attract the hero. At last she gets a perfect love. On the other hand, Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self – abasement. Key Words: independent;freedom; toughness; equal; self - abasement


Jane Eyre is the typical works of Charlotte Bronte. It has high appraisal in literature history. The novel narrates Jane Eyre‘s life experiences from an orphan to an independent woman. She was unfortunate when she was born, because she lost her parents and was sent to her aunt‘s family, where she was heartlessly treated. Jane Eyre is little, ugly, timid, and is a ―little thing‖ having no clear identity. All the power presses her, strangles her personality. But Jane Eyre is not destroyed by the ugly fact, and she is not over-whelmed by difficulties. On the contrary, she learns how to live and how to be strong. And she has the courage to struggle with the pressure. Jane Eyre cuts a completely new woman image. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for recognition of their basic right and equality as a human being.

Jane Eyre‘s love is the other aspect this paper will talk about. She is very poor, so she has nothing except the power of individual spirit. In her view, love must be based on mutual understanding and equality. Love is not only acquaintance, but also it needs equality. She cannot accept the kindness of martial. It is the shame for her and blasphemy to her self-respect. It is necessary that it have self-respect for love. Jane Eyre‘s departure doesn‘t deny her sincere love, but deny the inequality of marriage, and the dependence after marriage. In addition to love, Jane Eyre pursues the equality on economy, personality and social status. She believes in equality between men and women.

This paper, firstly, talks about the author and the general idea about Jane Eyre briefly. Secondly, the most important part in this thesis, it mainly analyzes the character of Jane Eyre from the following aspects: (1) self-respect and confidence of Jane Eyre; (2) Jane Eyre's love and her view on love; (3) the independence of Jane Eyre; (4) Jane Eyre's view on equality between man and woman. It will make the image of Jane Eyre much more vivid and bright. Finally, it is the conclusion of this paper.

A. The Introduction to Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) was one of the most famous female workers in English literature. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the England society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. She created several works, such as Shirley (1849), Valletta (1853), The Professor (1857). Her works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness toward self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a longing for love. Jane Eyre is her typical works. It is an autobiography novel. It was written in the year 1846.

B. The Brief Introduction to Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, as a plain orphan, is cruelly treated in childhood by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman on whom she is depend. Because Jane reacts strongly

against the unlivable aunt‘s bad treatment, she is sent away to a charity school, Lowood Charity. There she suffers a lot both physically and mentally, only consoled by a kind teacher, Miss Temple. Jane Eyre stays at the school for 8 years, and then becomes governess at Thorn field Hall. Mr. Rochester, the master of the house, is fascinated by her wit and courageous spirit and falls in love with her. This is the same with her. But their marriage is prevented by the revelation that he has had a wife, a raving mad woman, still alive. Shocks and deeply hurt, Jane makes up her mind to leave him and flees to the Moor House. There Rivers family takes her in. St. John Rivers, a very handsome clergyman who is determined to devote himself to God, almost succeeds in making her agree to marry him. But she refuses and finally goes back to Rochester, who is a blind and free man. Then they marry and live a content life

Domestic Studies

A. The General Background

a. Background knowledge about the society

Charlotte Bronte, as well as her sisters, lived and died in the first part of the 19thcentury. At that time, there had long been the rapid industrial growth in England. Connected with the improvement in industry and transportation there came the rise of a kind of new ruling class , the owners of the mills and miners of the industrial age , who began to compete with the old landed gentry. In order to improve themselves, they tried to provide a good education for their children. This opened a new opportunity for the impoverished gentlewomen to take the career as governesses. The position of the governess was as uncomfortable one, for though they were of higher class than servants, they could not reach the level of family. Consequently, they often suffered from loneliness and humiliation. In this period women have no place in politics, economics and society.

b.Life experiences of Jane Eyre

Eyre Jane Eyre, the main character, is an orphan who is passed into the care of Mrs. Reed, the wife of her mother‘s brother. After years of neglect and abuse, she is sent to a boarding school at the tender age of ten, where she receives good education under severe conditions. After her graduation, she gets a position as a governess at Thornfield, where she falls in love with her employer, Mr. Edward Rochester. At their wedding ceremony, Jane gets to know that Rochester has a wife, a raving maniac locked in the house. In shock and grief, Jane leaves Thornfield quietly. Penniless and starving, she is saved and befriended by St. John River and his two sisters, who turn out to be her cousins. St.John admires Jane and asks her to be his wife and assistant in his religious service. Feeling that she still cherishes a deep love for Rochester, who seems calling her in her dream, Jane refuses his proposal and returns to Thornfield, only to find it a blackened ruin. Mr. Rochester is blind when he tries to rescue his mad wife who sets the house on fire. Jane goes to him at once and there they get married.

B.Analysis of Main Characters of Jane Eyre

After reviewing a long journey of Jane‘s spirit, from the readers point of view, what she gives us is not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality, She is a marvelous figure, and it is safe to say that Jane Eyre gives readers treasure spirit.:

Beautiful women have always won the people‘s favor. Therefore, the plain and poor girls, among whom Jane Eyre was, have a self – abased mentality naturally. Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self - abasement. In Thornfield, when Rochester showed her his love, she once again showed her self-abasement. It was her self - abased mood that made her suspect Rochester‘s love. Jane believed deeply, Social position and wealth separate us. Facing Miss Ingram, her beautiful, wealthy, versatile rival in love, Jane withdrew and hesitated. Jane compared herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a

conclusion ―He cannot love me forever. ―Even the classical renowned line that was used to praise Jane‘s bravery on pursuing the equal love was the outcome of her self - abasement.

Another one is her weakness. In her aunt‘s house, she was beaten by her cousins,

ill-treated by her aunt; even the servants didn‘t treat her like a mistress. But she just bore these for nearly nine years. In Lowood charity school, when she was punished to stand on the stool, she hoped she could die at once. And evidence is that when she knew Rochester had a wife, she left Thornfeild. It is partially because her weakness. She was totally shocked; she had no idea about their love, so she chose to escape. All these things are showed her weakness. a. Self-respect and Pursuit of Freedom and Independence

From Jane‘s journey of life, we have learned that she was exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggles for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit. When Jane lives in Gates heed for ten years, little Jane suffers with hard work, mistreatment and unchanging hatred, so Jane has no one to rely on. Her hobby is reading. She always observes circumambient thing with her witted mind, when in Logwood School, although condition is so harsh that oppresses human nature, and Jane often bears starvation and frost with other orphans, but she says that she would not exchange stay in Low wood with Gates head‘s privations and daily luxuries. Jane learns variety of subjects to enrich her brain. After six years, Jane becomes one of teachers at here. Under the tyrannical controlled ruler, Jane feels that she would relish a new challenge, so she advertises for a work as tutor. At Thorn field Hall, Jane shows her independence fully. First, she works as a governess to support herself. She gets along with Adele very well; she teaches what she knows to this little girl. In spite of Jane is plain and penniless, Rochester falls in love with her, and Jane feels as if he were her relative rather than her master, although rich Rochester would be glad to help Jane, Jane refuses to his helps, her troubled comment on Mr. Rochester‘ proposal that Gentleman in his situation is not accustomed to marry their governess. Rochester is a man with warm heart despite a cold expression; Rochester emphasizes that Jane will be his bride so Jane does not have to work, because Rochester is very rich. At the same times, Jane still worked as Adele‘s governess and tries to get the information that a lawyer tells her that her uncle gives a quit amounts of inheritance, which is helpful for her marriage that she does not want to depend on Rochester‘s wealth. After Jane accepted Mr. Rochester‘ love, Rochester would like to marry Jane as a noble woman and buy jewels and expensive clothes for her, which remind Jane greatly of her poverty. Jane forbids Rochester‘s desire to buy them, because she loves him without regard others. Furthermore, she would like to be his friend and companion rather than someone in his possession. Jane remains economical independence by maintaining her job as the governess. She refuses to have sexual relationship with him because she does not want to lose her independence for her passion. Jane seldom spends some time with him except the moment after the dinner hours. Just as they are holding the wedding in the church, Mr. Mason come in with a lawyer declares that Mr. Rochester still has a wife who is alive. Although his wife has gone mad for many years, Rochester has been trying to convince Jane to stay with him, and Jane also loves

Rochester deeply however Jane is very sorrow and conflictive in her heart. Jane fells from an eager, happy woman-a bride to a cold and lonely girl again. All of her hopes are dead. She thinks if she stayed with him as a mistress she will lose her integrity; ultimately, she will degrade herself and dependent upon Rochester for the unprotected marriage bond. No matter how Mr. Rochester persuades her to stay, Jane states, ―I am a free woman with an independent will, which I now extend to leave you.‖ Jane leaves Thorn field, quietly without dawn.

At Moor House, St. Jones and his sisters save the dieing Jane, and treat her friendly. When Jane recovers, she insists on having a work no matter how hard and humble it is. With St. Johns River‘s help, Jane gets a job as a teacher in a village school. It is poor condition. Jane lives in a low and dark hut. In the school, there are twenty pupils, but only three of them can read and no one can write or cipher. Jane takes on the work as actively and faithfully as she can. After a period, St. John admires Jane for her indomitable spirit, kind-heartedness and wit, so he urges to marry Jane in order to undertake missionary and trip to India, because St. John is a loyal clergyman and decides to devote his life to religious affairs. In many ways, John‘s proposal tempts her. Because it is an opportunity to have a decent job and to be more than a governess or schoolteacher or homemaker, it also can help to relieve Jane form the previous painful experience. Jane rejects St. John‘s offer of marriage because she does not want to live as a tool to serve god. St. John‘s proposal leads Jane understands that, paradoxically, a large part of one‘s personal freedom is found in a relationship of mutual emotional dependence, so Jane returns to Thorn field Hall where has been burned down and became a blacken ruin. When Jane encounters Rochester in Fern dean garden, Rochester has been blind, losing one of his hand and his manor house. His wife burned it and lost her life in the conflagration. At Fern dean, Jane reunites with Rochester. Jane says ―If you won‘t let me live with you, I can build a house of my own close up to your door, and you may come and sit in my parlor when you want company of an evening‖ (Chapter 37). Because Jane gets five thousand pounds inheritance from her uncle, so she gets equal marriage with Rochester. b. Pursuit of Equality

Jane struggles continually to achieve equality and to overcome oppressions. In addition to social hierarchy, she must fight against patriarchal domination. In Gates heed, because John Reed beats Jane, Jane strikes back, the servants at here cry‗for sham! For Sham! What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike young master?‖ Jane is surprised to say ―Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?‖ In Jane‘s mind they are equal which is different from other servants who think that they are inferior that those upper class. At Lowood Institution, the school headmaster is a very serve and hard-hearted, especially very arbitrary, which make other person yield to him, but Jane is unwilling to obey him, because Jane thinks that they are equal in mind. Therefore, after two years of teaching experience, Jane goes Thorn field Hall as a governess through advertisement. When Jane arrives at Thorn field Hall, Mrs. Fairfax treats her kindly, Jane fells very comfortable because she fells equality in their conversation.

In the beginning, Jane mistakes Mrs. Fairfax as the master of Thorn field, when Mrs. Fairfax tells Jane the truth that she is not the master of here but a servant, Jane dose not change her attitude to her, on the contrary, Jane fells the equality between her and Mrs. Fairfax is real equality. Jane says ―So much the better-my position as all the freer.‖

One day, Thorn field Hall gives a party, coming of many fine people. At here, the ladies of the fashionable society look down upon Jane, but Jane never despises herself and never feels herself inferior. She thinks they are equal in spirit. Frankly, she finds that some of them are poor in inner personality though having florid outside. She is satisfied with and even proud of her honesty and independent work. Thus, Rochester is attracted by her quality of mind, courage, independence and strong personality, and falls in love with her. When Jane finds herself falls in love with Rochester deeply, she pursuits her true love with passion, because she insists on that they are equal in mind. A poor governess who is looked upon down by others dares to love a gentleman of upper-class society which are wild wishes. Jane has so great courage to challenge it, once Rochester wants to know that if Jane loved him, so he pretends to say that he will marry a rich and beautiful woman. At the same time, Rochester requires Jane to stay for him. Jane cannot help chastising Rochester ―Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard you to leave me……; ---it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the gave, and we stood at God‘s feet, equal,--as we are!‖ this is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre‘s mind. Yes, God has not given her beauty and wealth but instead, God gave her a kind mind and wit mind. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the great courage in her little body. When Jane hears that Rochester has a married man, and his wife is still alive. Jane although extremely sorrow but simply leave him for equality.

At Moor House, Jane becomes a schoolteacher. All of the students come from poverty family and only two or three of them can read. Several of them are unmannered, rough and intractable, but Jane thinks that:‖ I must not forget that these coarsely- clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the beast –born.‖ Jane returns to Rochester second time. Rochester has been blind and lost his one hands and manor house unfortunately. His mad wife is dead. Jane has a large fortune and finally marries Rochester and lives a happy life. Jane is woman who constantly pursuits equality and dignity.

c. Weaknesses of Jane Eyre’s characteristics

Beautiful women have always won the people‘s favor. Therefore, the plain and poor girls, among whom Jane Eyre was, have a self – abased mentality naturally. Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self - abasement. In Thornfield, when Rochester showed her his love, she once again showed her self-abasement. It was her self - abased mood that made her suspect Rochester‘s love. Jane believed deeply, Social position and wealth separate us. Facing Miss Ingram, her beautiful, wealthy, versatile rival in love, Jane withdrew and hesitated. Jane compared herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a conclusion ―He cannot love me forever. ―Even the classical renowned line that was used to praise Jane‘s bravery on pursuing the equal love was the outcome of her self - abasement.

Another one is her weakness. In her aunt‘s house, she was beaten by her cousins, ill-treated by her aunt; even the servants didn‘t treat her like a mistress. But she just bore these for nearly nine years. In Lowood charity school, when she was punished to stand on the stool, she hoped she could die at once. And evidence is that when she knew Rochester had a wife, she left Thornfeild. It is partially because her weakness. She was totally shocked; she had no idea about their love, so she chose to escape. All these things are showed her weakness.

C. Jane’s Love

As an old saying goes that love is the most beautiful characteristic of human being, however some person look marriage as a bargaining and measure their marriage by one‘s status, which make their loveless and pains are concealed by surface, they marry one but think of another one. Maybe they never taste the true love. A reader can feel the most beautiful and true love from Jane‘s love. Because love between Jane and Rochester is that heart and feeling are perfect response and have mutual affinity. Shakespeare says: ‗The course of true love never runs smooth,‖ Jane and Rochester gets true love after a lot suffering; Jane and Rochester love each other deeply although they undergo lots of hardship. In true love, without regard to property and rank, Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester who has rich experience and wisdom and kind-hearted. When Rochester falls in love with Jane, he feels that he finds salvation in Jane‘s love. Jane loves him, but not for his wealth and high rank, however St‘ John River ignores Jane’ feeling. Rochester loves Jane for her unique character.

In that social background, people pay too much attention to property, rank and status. There is a great disparity, if a pair of lovers suffered disagreement from their families and their friends. However, Jane and Rochester love each other heartedly; they have common idea in the mind. Mrs. Fairfax, one of Rochester‘s servants, is very surprised and feels puzzled that her master is madly to marry Jane, but both of them don‘t care about the difference of status and property or others‘ opinion. They pursue true love. They can smash the bonds of tradition and can surmount all obstacles. They are very happy and want to be married. However, their marriage is stopped by the fault that Rochester conceals the truth that he is married man and his wife is still alive. Honesty is very important in loves. Honesty is the basis on which

mutual trust is formed. Communication is very important in inter-personal relationships, especially in love. If two people fall in love with, they should communicate honestly to each other. Then they can have a perfect love. Jane and Rochester as just like this. At beginning, because of their frank communication, then they have the love feeling. When Rochester tells all of his history, Jane understands him more. Factually, Rochester really loves her and gets true love from her.

Comments and Limitations

It is known that the most famous works of Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, is very popular all over the world. The image of Jane Eyre is deeply planted in our mind. Jane Eyre starts her life with an orphan and no money, inferior position and terrible family environment. She is not pretty but she is brave and tough. She might beonly a little figure but she is the master of her own life. Whatever condition it is, she insists on her view. Her common looking and poverty don‘t prevail over her struggling spirit and ideal. Jane Eyre‘s strong self-respect and confidence leave a deep impression on every reader. She struggles for equality on economy, marriage, personality and social status. It is the most important aspect that attracts readers.

From the paper it is seen that Jane Eyre is worthy to love and to be loved. Her love is based on equality and independence, having nothing to do with status, power or property. She is not tempted with money and doesn‘t want to be mistress of Rochester for money. Her love is loyal and steadfast. Jane Eye needs true love, and she overcomes the obstacles in the process of pursing true love. At last, she succeeds and lives a happy life with her loverR>Through the detailed analysis of Jane Eyre‘s character, it is known that whatever difficulties one encounters in his life, facing them bravely is the only way that one can do. Everybody has the rights to pursue happiness, to pursue the true spirit of life, which can be seen from Jane Eyre‘s independence and toughness.

Works Cited

1 Allotte, Marian. Jane Eyre and Villette[M]. London: Macmilln Education, 1973.

2 Liu Bingshan. A Short History of English Literature [M]. Zhenzhou: Henan People Press, 1993.

3 Phillps Brian. Popular Study Guide. Tianjin: Social and Technical Printing House, 2003. 4 Wu Weiren. History and Anthology of English Literature. Beijing: Foreign Teaching Printing, and Studies 1924.

5 Yang Xiaojing, ―Jane Eyre: Contradictions in Women‖, 《安徽文学》,2007

6 鲍晓兰. 《西方女性女性主义研究简介》[M]. 北京:生活、读书、新知三联书店,1995.

7 范文彬.―《简.爱》与妇女意识”.《河南大学学报》[J](社会科学版), 1987.

8 卢王玲:“略论简爱妇女观的局限性及其根源”[J]. 《西安外国语学院学报》(哲学社会科学版第4卷), 1996, (4).

9 夏洛蒂.勃朗特. 《简爱》[M]. 李德荣译. 上海:海峡文艺出版社,1997版.

10 王文惠. ―看夏落蒂.脖朗特《简爱》中的女权主义”[J]. 《 哈尔滨学院学报》2006,11 11 杨晓莲, 辜教红. ―对简爱心灵的思考”[J]. 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版

题 目 关于简爱的国内文献综述

课 程

教 师 史丽娜

学 生 聂馨

学 号 114050296

班 级



摘 要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 Abstract„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 I. Introduction„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 A. The Introduction to Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4

B. The Brief Introduction to Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 II. Domestic Studies„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6

A. The General Background„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 a. Background knowledge about the society„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 b.Life experiences of Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6

B. Analysis of Main Characters of Jane Eyre„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 a.Self-respect and Pursuit of Freedom and Independence„„„„„„„„„„„7 b.Pursuit of Equality„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 c.Weaknesses of Jane Eyre’s characteristics„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10

C. Jane’s Love„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10

III. Comments and Limitations„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 Works Cited„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13


《简爱》是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂—勃朗特的代表作写于1846年。虽然迄今150多年,但是这部作品仍然深受广大读者的喜爱,这都是因为这部作品的女主人翁简.爱。外在的美是短暂的,内在的美才是永恒的。本论文主要分析简.爱的美,希望有更多的人像‘简.爱’那样拥有内在的美。简爱是个孤儿,从小受尽凌辱,但从不为生活所屈服,她有着坚强的人格和尊严。在幼时恶劣的生存环境中,她学会了如何生存。也正是她的成长经历,造就了她独立的人格、进取的精神和美好的理想。简爱是一位与众不同的小说人物,她只能靠自己生活,敢于表 达自己的思想。在世俗的压力下,她凭借努力工作,聪明智慧和倔强的个性,始终保持着自己的尊严。在她的生活道路上,从来不屈服。虽然她身材矮小,但是灵魂高大。简爱勇于追求真爱并对所爱的人忠贞不渝。她的善良、聪明、独立深深地吸引着男主人公,最终获得一份完美的爱情。另一方面,她觉得自己弱小这就向我们展现了她的自卑。



Jane Eyre is written by famous talented English critical realist woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1846. Although having more than 152 years by now, it is popular with lots of people because of the heroine —Jane. Eyre.

As an English idiom goes, ―Beauty is but skin-deep‖. A person‘s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty. The thesis focuses on the analysis of Jane Eyre‘s beauty, on the assumption that more people may act like “Jane‖ and possess inner beauty. Jane Eyre is an orphan, and is ill-treated as a little girl. She strives for her life, which makes her tough character and strong self-respect. Because of her childhood‘s life environment, she learns how to live. Also just for her growing experiences, it creates her strong personality, beautiful ideal and wisdom. Jane Eyre is a special image out of ordinary. She makes a life by herself, dares to express her own idea. Under the pressure of life, she always maintains her self-respect by hard work, intelligence and her tough individualism. She never gives in on her way. Though she has little figure, Jane Eyre is huge in soul. She pursues true love and is loyal and steadfast to her beloved man. Her kindness, intelligence, and independence attract the hero. At last she gets a perfect love. On the other hand, Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self – abasement. Key Words: independent;freedom; toughness; equal; self - abasement


Jane Eyre is the typical works of Charlotte Bronte. It has high appraisal in literature history. The novel narrates Jane Eyre‘s life experiences from an orphan to an independent woman. She was unfortunate when she was born, because she lost her parents and was sent to her aunt‘s family, where she was heartlessly treated. Jane Eyre is little, ugly, timid, and is a ―little thing‖ having no clear identity. All the power presses her, strangles her personality. But Jane Eyre is not destroyed by the ugly fact, and she is not over-whelmed by difficulties. On the contrary, she learns how to live and how to be strong. And she has the courage to struggle with the pressure. Jane Eyre cuts a completely new woman image. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for recognition of their basic right and equality as a human being.

Jane Eyre‘s love is the other aspect this paper will talk about. She is very poor, so she has nothing except the power of individual spirit. In her view, love must be based on mutual understanding and equality. Love is not only acquaintance, but also it needs equality. She cannot accept the kindness of martial. It is the shame for her and blasphemy to her self-respect. It is necessary that it have self-respect for love. Jane Eyre‘s departure doesn‘t deny her sincere love, but deny the inequality of marriage, and the dependence after marriage. In addition to love, Jane Eyre pursues the equality on economy, personality and social status. She believes in equality between men and women.

This paper, firstly, talks about the author and the general idea about Jane Eyre briefly. Secondly, the most important part in this thesis, it mainly analyzes the character of Jane Eyre from the following aspects: (1) self-respect and confidence of Jane Eyre; (2) Jane Eyre's love and her view on love; (3) the independence of Jane Eyre; (4) Jane Eyre's view on equality between man and woman. It will make the image of Jane Eyre much more vivid and bright. Finally, it is the conclusion of this paper.

A. The Introduction to Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) was one of the most famous female workers in English literature. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the England society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. She created several works, such as Shirley (1849), Valletta (1853), The Professor (1857). Her works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness toward self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a longing for love. Jane Eyre is her typical works. It is an autobiography novel. It was written in the year 1846.

B. The Brief Introduction to Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, as a plain orphan, is cruelly treated in childhood by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman on whom she is depend. Because Jane reacts strongly

against the unlivable aunt‘s bad treatment, she is sent away to a charity school, Lowood Charity. There she suffers a lot both physically and mentally, only consoled by a kind teacher, Miss Temple. Jane Eyre stays at the school for 8 years, and then becomes governess at Thorn field Hall. Mr. Rochester, the master of the house, is fascinated by her wit and courageous spirit and falls in love with her. This is the same with her. But their marriage is prevented by the revelation that he has had a wife, a raving mad woman, still alive. Shocks and deeply hurt, Jane makes up her mind to leave him and flees to the Moor House. There Rivers family takes her in. St. John Rivers, a very handsome clergyman who is determined to devote himself to God, almost succeeds in making her agree to marry him. But she refuses and finally goes back to Rochester, who is a blind and free man. Then they marry and live a content life

Domestic Studies

A. The General Background

a. Background knowledge about the society

Charlotte Bronte, as well as her sisters, lived and died in the first part of the 19thcentury. At that time, there had long been the rapid industrial growth in England. Connected with the improvement in industry and transportation there came the rise of a kind of new ruling class , the owners of the mills and miners of the industrial age , who began to compete with the old landed gentry. In order to improve themselves, they tried to provide a good education for their children. This opened a new opportunity for the impoverished gentlewomen to take the career as governesses. The position of the governess was as uncomfortable one, for though they were of higher class than servants, they could not reach the level of family. Consequently, they often suffered from loneliness and humiliation. In this period women have no place in politics, economics and society.

b.Life experiences of Jane Eyre

Eyre Jane Eyre, the main character, is an orphan who is passed into the care of Mrs. Reed, the wife of her mother‘s brother. After years of neglect and abuse, she is sent to a boarding school at the tender age of ten, where she receives good education under severe conditions. After her graduation, she gets a position as a governess at Thornfield, where she falls in love with her employer, Mr. Edward Rochester. At their wedding ceremony, Jane gets to know that Rochester has a wife, a raving maniac locked in the house. In shock and grief, Jane leaves Thornfield quietly. Penniless and starving, she is saved and befriended by St. John River and his two sisters, who turn out to be her cousins. St.John admires Jane and asks her to be his wife and assistant in his religious service. Feeling that she still cherishes a deep love for Rochester, who seems calling her in her dream, Jane refuses his proposal and returns to Thornfield, only to find it a blackened ruin. Mr. Rochester is blind when he tries to rescue his mad wife who sets the house on fire. Jane goes to him at once and there they get married.

B.Analysis of Main Characters of Jane Eyre

After reviewing a long journey of Jane‘s spirit, from the readers point of view, what she gives us is not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality, She is a marvelous figure, and it is safe to say that Jane Eyre gives readers treasure spirit.:

Beautiful women have always won the people‘s favor. Therefore, the plain and poor girls, among whom Jane Eyre was, have a self – abased mentality naturally. Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self - abasement. In Thornfield, when Rochester showed her his love, she once again showed her self-abasement. It was her self - abased mood that made her suspect Rochester‘s love. Jane believed deeply, Social position and wealth separate us. Facing Miss Ingram, her beautiful, wealthy, versatile rival in love, Jane withdrew and hesitated. Jane compared herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a

conclusion ―He cannot love me forever. ―Even the classical renowned line that was used to praise Jane‘s bravery on pursuing the equal love was the outcome of her self - abasement.

Another one is her weakness. In her aunt‘s house, she was beaten by her cousins,

ill-treated by her aunt; even the servants didn‘t treat her like a mistress. But she just bore these for nearly nine years. In Lowood charity school, when she was punished to stand on the stool, she hoped she could die at once. And evidence is that when she knew Rochester had a wife, she left Thornfeild. It is partially because her weakness. She was totally shocked; she had no idea about their love, so she chose to escape. All these things are showed her weakness. a. Self-respect and Pursuit of Freedom and Independence

From Jane‘s journey of life, we have learned that she was exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggles for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit. When Jane lives in Gates heed for ten years, little Jane suffers with hard work, mistreatment and unchanging hatred, so Jane has no one to rely on. Her hobby is reading. She always observes circumambient thing with her witted mind, when in Logwood School, although condition is so harsh that oppresses human nature, and Jane often bears starvation and frost with other orphans, but she says that she would not exchange stay in Low wood with Gates head‘s privations and daily luxuries. Jane learns variety of subjects to enrich her brain. After six years, Jane becomes one of teachers at here. Under the tyrannical controlled ruler, Jane feels that she would relish a new challenge, so she advertises for a work as tutor. At Thorn field Hall, Jane shows her independence fully. First, she works as a governess to support herself. She gets along with Adele very well; she teaches what she knows to this little girl. In spite of Jane is plain and penniless, Rochester falls in love with her, and Jane feels as if he were her relative rather than her master, although rich Rochester would be glad to help Jane, Jane refuses to his helps, her troubled comment on Mr. Rochester‘ proposal that Gentleman in his situation is not accustomed to marry their governess. Rochester is a man with warm heart despite a cold expression; Rochester emphasizes that Jane will be his bride so Jane does not have to work, because Rochester is very rich. At the same times, Jane still worked as Adele‘s governess and tries to get the information that a lawyer tells her that her uncle gives a quit amounts of inheritance, which is helpful for her marriage that she does not want to depend on Rochester‘s wealth. After Jane accepted Mr. Rochester‘ love, Rochester would like to marry Jane as a noble woman and buy jewels and expensive clothes for her, which remind Jane greatly of her poverty. Jane forbids Rochester‘s desire to buy them, because she loves him without regard others. Furthermore, she would like to be his friend and companion rather than someone in his possession. Jane remains economical independence by maintaining her job as the governess. She refuses to have sexual relationship with him because she does not want to lose her independence for her passion. Jane seldom spends some time with him except the moment after the dinner hours. Just as they are holding the wedding in the church, Mr. Mason come in with a lawyer declares that Mr. Rochester still has a wife who is alive. Although his wife has gone mad for many years, Rochester has been trying to convince Jane to stay with him, and Jane also loves

Rochester deeply however Jane is very sorrow and conflictive in her heart. Jane fells from an eager, happy woman-a bride to a cold and lonely girl again. All of her hopes are dead. She thinks if she stayed with him as a mistress she will lose her integrity; ultimately, she will degrade herself and dependent upon Rochester for the unprotected marriage bond. No matter how Mr. Rochester persuades her to stay, Jane states, ―I am a free woman with an independent will, which I now extend to leave you.‖ Jane leaves Thorn field, quietly without dawn.

At Moor House, St. Jones and his sisters save the dieing Jane, and treat her friendly. When Jane recovers, she insists on having a work no matter how hard and humble it is. With St. Johns River‘s help, Jane gets a job as a teacher in a village school. It is poor condition. Jane lives in a low and dark hut. In the school, there are twenty pupils, but only three of them can read and no one can write or cipher. Jane takes on the work as actively and faithfully as she can. After a period, St. John admires Jane for her indomitable spirit, kind-heartedness and wit, so he urges to marry Jane in order to undertake missionary and trip to India, because St. John is a loyal clergyman and decides to devote his life to religious affairs. In many ways, John‘s proposal tempts her. Because it is an opportunity to have a decent job and to be more than a governess or schoolteacher or homemaker, it also can help to relieve Jane form the previous painful experience. Jane rejects St. John‘s offer of marriage because she does not want to live as a tool to serve god. St. John‘s proposal leads Jane understands that, paradoxically, a large part of one‘s personal freedom is found in a relationship of mutual emotional dependence, so Jane returns to Thorn field Hall where has been burned down and became a blacken ruin. When Jane encounters Rochester in Fern dean garden, Rochester has been blind, losing one of his hand and his manor house. His wife burned it and lost her life in the conflagration. At Fern dean, Jane reunites with Rochester. Jane says ―If you won‘t let me live with you, I can build a house of my own close up to your door, and you may come and sit in my parlor when you want company of an evening‖ (Chapter 37). Because Jane gets five thousand pounds inheritance from her uncle, so she gets equal marriage with Rochester. b. Pursuit of Equality

Jane struggles continually to achieve equality and to overcome oppressions. In addition to social hierarchy, she must fight against patriarchal domination. In Gates heed, because John Reed beats Jane, Jane strikes back, the servants at here cry‗for sham! For Sham! What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike young master?‖ Jane is surprised to say ―Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?‖ In Jane‘s mind they are equal which is different from other servants who think that they are inferior that those upper class. At Lowood Institution, the school headmaster is a very serve and hard-hearted, especially very arbitrary, which make other person yield to him, but Jane is unwilling to obey him, because Jane thinks that they are equal in mind. Therefore, after two years of teaching experience, Jane goes Thorn field Hall as a governess through advertisement. When Jane arrives at Thorn field Hall, Mrs. Fairfax treats her kindly, Jane fells very comfortable because she fells equality in their conversation.

In the beginning, Jane mistakes Mrs. Fairfax as the master of Thorn field, when Mrs. Fairfax tells Jane the truth that she is not the master of here but a servant, Jane dose not change her attitude to her, on the contrary, Jane fells the equality between her and Mrs. Fairfax is real equality. Jane says ―So much the better-my position as all the freer.‖

One day, Thorn field Hall gives a party, coming of many fine people. At here, the ladies of the fashionable society look down upon Jane, but Jane never despises herself and never feels herself inferior. She thinks they are equal in spirit. Frankly, she finds that some of them are poor in inner personality though having florid outside. She is satisfied with and even proud of her honesty and independent work. Thus, Rochester is attracted by her quality of mind, courage, independence and strong personality, and falls in love with her. When Jane finds herself falls in love with Rochester deeply, she pursuits her true love with passion, because she insists on that they are equal in mind. A poor governess who is looked upon down by others dares to love a gentleman of upper-class society which are wild wishes. Jane has so great courage to challenge it, once Rochester wants to know that if Jane loved him, so he pretends to say that he will marry a rich and beautiful woman. At the same time, Rochester requires Jane to stay for him. Jane cannot help chastising Rochester ―Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard you to leave me……; ---it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the gave, and we stood at God‘s feet, equal,--as we are!‖ this is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre‘s mind. Yes, God has not given her beauty and wealth but instead, God gave her a kind mind and wit mind. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the great courage in her little body. When Jane hears that Rochester has a married man, and his wife is still alive. Jane although extremely sorrow but simply leave him for equality.

At Moor House, Jane becomes a schoolteacher. All of the students come from poverty family and only two or three of them can read. Several of them are unmannered, rough and intractable, but Jane thinks that:‖ I must not forget that these coarsely- clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the beast –born.‖ Jane returns to Rochester second time. Rochester has been blind and lost his one hands and manor house unfortunately. His mad wife is dead. Jane has a large fortune and finally marries Rochester and lives a happy life. Jane is woman who constantly pursuits equality and dignity.

c. Weaknesses of Jane Eyre’s characteristics

Beautiful women have always won the people‘s favor. Therefore, the plain and poor girls, among whom Jane Eyre was, have a self – abased mentality naturally. Jane Eyre felt tiny and low about her out - looking, which firstly showed us her self - abasement. In Thornfield, when Rochester showed her his love, she once again showed her self-abasement. It was her self - abased mood that made her suspect Rochester‘s love. Jane believed deeply, Social position and wealth separate us. Facing Miss Ingram, her beautiful, wealthy, versatile rival in love, Jane withdrew and hesitated. Jane compared herself with Miss Ingram, then makes a conclusion ―He cannot love me forever. ―Even the classical renowned line that was used to praise Jane‘s bravery on pursuing the equal love was the outcome of her self - abasement.

Another one is her weakness. In her aunt‘s house, she was beaten by her cousins, ill-treated by her aunt; even the servants didn‘t treat her like a mistress. But she just bore these for nearly nine years. In Lowood charity school, when she was punished to stand on the stool, she hoped she could die at once. And evidence is that when she knew Rochester had a wife, she left Thornfeild. It is partially because her weakness. She was totally shocked; she had no idea about their love, so she chose to escape. All these things are showed her weakness.

C. Jane’s Love

As an old saying goes that love is the most beautiful characteristic of human being, however some person look marriage as a bargaining and measure their marriage by one‘s status, which make their loveless and pains are concealed by surface, they marry one but think of another one. Maybe they never taste the true love. A reader can feel the most beautiful and true love from Jane‘s love. Because love between Jane and Rochester is that heart and feeling are perfect response and have mutual affinity. Shakespeare says: ‗The course of true love never runs smooth,‖ Jane and Rochester gets true love after a lot suffering; Jane and Rochester love each other deeply although they undergo lots of hardship. In true love, without regard to property and rank, Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester who has rich experience and wisdom and kind-hearted. When Rochester falls in love with Jane, he feels that he finds salvation in Jane‘s love. Jane loves him, but not for his wealth and high rank, however St‘ John River ignores Jane’ feeling. Rochester loves Jane for her unique character.

In that social background, people pay too much attention to property, rank and status. There is a great disparity, if a pair of lovers suffered disagreement from their families and their friends. However, Jane and Rochester love each other heartedly; they have common idea in the mind. Mrs. Fairfax, one of Rochester‘s servants, is very surprised and feels puzzled that her master is madly to marry Jane, but both of them don‘t care about the difference of status and property or others‘ opinion. They pursue true love. They can smash the bonds of tradition and can surmount all obstacles. They are very happy and want to be married. However, their marriage is stopped by the fault that Rochester conceals the truth that he is married man and his wife is still alive. Honesty is very important in loves. Honesty is the basis on which

mutual trust is formed. Communication is very important in inter-personal relationships, especially in love. If two people fall in love with, they should communicate honestly to each other. Then they can have a perfect love. Jane and Rochester as just like this. At beginning, because of their frank communication, then they have the love feeling. When Rochester tells all of his history, Jane understands him more. Factually, Rochester really loves her and gets true love from her.

Comments and Limitations

It is known that the most famous works of Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, is very popular all over the world. The image of Jane Eyre is deeply planted in our mind. Jane Eyre starts her life with an orphan and no money, inferior position and terrible family environment. She is not pretty but she is brave and tough. She might beonly a little figure but she is the master of her own life. Whatever condition it is, she insists on her view. Her common looking and poverty don‘t prevail over her struggling spirit and ideal. Jane Eyre‘s strong self-respect and confidence leave a deep impression on every reader. She struggles for equality on economy, marriage, personality and social status. It is the most important aspect that attracts readers.

From the paper it is seen that Jane Eyre is worthy to love and to be loved. Her love is based on equality and independence, having nothing to do with status, power or property. She is not tempted with money and doesn‘t want to be mistress of Rochester for money. Her love is loyal and steadfast. Jane Eye needs true love, and she overcomes the obstacles in the process of pursing true love. At last, she succeeds and lives a happy life with her loverR>Through the detailed analysis of Jane Eyre‘s character, it is known that whatever difficulties one encounters in his life, facing them bravely is the only way that one can do. Everybody has the rights to pursue happiness, to pursue the true spirit of life, which can be seen from Jane Eyre‘s independence and toughness.

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  • 文献综述格式及写作技巧(附文献综述 范文) 文献综述是在对文献进行阅读.选择.比较.分类.分析和综合的基础上,研究者用自己的语言对某一问题的研究状况进行综合叙述的情报研究成果.文献的搜集.整理.分析都为文献综述的撰写奠定了基础. 文献综述格 ...查看
