黄钰期,邓 见,任安禄
(浙江大学力学系,浙江 杭州 310027)
中图分类号:O357 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-973X(2003)05-0596-06 Research on lift and drag in unsteady viscous
flow around circular cylinders
HUANG Yu-qi, DENG Jian, REN An-lu
(Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China )Abstract: Presents a method for solving the incompressible N-S equation in tensor forms, whieh overcomethe flaw of numerical singularity in the old method. A new domain decomposition method was employed tosimulate the unsteady viscous flow past a single circular cylinder and two circular cylinders in tandem ar-rangements. The old program was reconstructed and added to our new momentum solver module. The re-sults showed that the qualitative aspect of the flow depended strongly on the distance between the cylin-ders, and yielded some knowledge on vortex-induced vibration. The integral of the vortex on the wall wasused to compute the lift and drag coefficient.
Key words: flow over circular eylinder; tandem arrangement; vortex shedding; lift and drag eoeffieient;critical distanc
黄钰期,邓 见,任安禄
(浙江大学力学系,浙江 杭州 310027)
中图分类号:O357 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-973X(2003)05-0596-06 Research on lift and drag in unsteady viscous
flow around circular cylinders
HUANG Yu-qi, DENG Jian, REN An-lu
(Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China )Abstract: Presents a method for solving the incompressible N-S equation in tensor forms, whieh overcomethe flaw of numerical singularity in the old method. A new domain decomposition method was employed tosimulate the unsteady viscous flow past a single circular cylinder and two circular cylinders in tandem ar-rangements. The old program was reconstructed and added to our new momentum solver module. The re-sults showed that the qualitative aspect of the flow depended strongly on the distance between the cylin-ders, and yielded some knowledge on vortex-induced vibration. The integral of the vortex on the wall wasused to compute the lift and drag coefficient.
Key words: flow over circular eylinder; tandem arrangement; vortex shedding; lift and drag eoeffieient;critical distanc