


Teaching aims and demands

1. Master the new words and expressions:

(1).Words: beauty, harvest, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, feast, bone, belief, poet, arrival, gain, gather, independence, agricultural, award, admire, rooster, energetic, clothing, Easter, Christian custom.

(2).Expressions: take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with.

2. Learn to describe festivals Ss know using the words and expressions learned in the lesson.

3. Develop their reading skills: skipping, skimming, scanning, word-guessing, close reading, summarizing, comparing.

4. 学生认识世界各地节日的分类、不同庆祝方式,对生活的影响,从而学生能更深理解节日的内涵。

5. Understand the useful sentences and the structure of the passage, and then be able to do some writing accordingly.




Step 1: Lead in (4 minutes)

(1):Brainstorming. First students find more words to describe festivals they know.(Individual work)

(2):Students work in group of 4 and make a list of four Chinese festivals they know. Discuss when they take place and what people do at that time. Then fill in the table.(Group work)

Step 2: Pre-reading (3 minutes)

Task 1: Predicting

(1):Students try to predict the general idea of the passage according to the title and the pictures in it. (Individual work)

(2):Skipping (Individual work)

Students read the passage quickly and the teacher help them check their work.

Step 3: While reading(25 minutes)

Task 2: Skimming or Fast reading (Individual work)

Students read the text fast and identify the topic of each paragraph. Then fill in form. Finally help students to understand the organizing of the passage: Introduction --- Body --- Conclusion(总-分-总).

Task 3: Scanning or Careful reading (Group work)

Students scan the passage and fill the blanks based on it.

Task 4: Conclusion

(1):Although people have different festivals, most festivals have something in common, for these things might be important to people everywhere. Talk with partners and fill in the chart below. (Group work)

Task 5: Guessing words. (Pair work)

Students read the passage again and then guess the meanings of the words in bold according to the context.

starve, ancestor, in memory of, belief, dress up, arrival, gain, gather, award, admire, look forward to, custom.

Task 6: Intensive reading.(Pair work)

(1):Help students to understand some difficult words ,phrases and sentences in the passage.

Step 4: Post reading(7 minutes)

Task 7: Discussion

Discuss in group which festivals are the most important and which are the most fun.(Group work)

Task 8: Talk show.(Team and Individual work)

Each group sends a representative to report their opinions on “which festivals are the most important and which are the most fun?”


Step 5:Homework (1 minute) Write an article



Teaching aims and demands

1. Master the new words and expressions:

(1).Words: beauty, harvest, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, feast, bone, belief, poet, arrival, gain, gather, independence, agricultural, award, admire, rooster, energetic, clothing, Easter, Christian custom.

(2).Expressions: take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with.

2. Learn to describe festivals Ss know using the words and expressions learned in the lesson.

3. Develop their reading skills: skipping, skimming, scanning, word-guessing, close reading, summarizing, comparing.

4. 学生认识世界各地节日的分类、不同庆祝方式,对生活的影响,从而学生能更深理解节日的内涵。

5. Understand the useful sentences and the structure of the passage, and then be able to do some writing accordingly.




Step 1: Lead in (4 minutes)

(1):Brainstorming. First students find more words to describe festivals they know.(Individual work)

(2):Students work in group of 4 and make a list of four Chinese festivals they know. Discuss when they take place and what people do at that time. Then fill in the table.(Group work)

Step 2: Pre-reading (3 minutes)

Task 1: Predicting

(1):Students try to predict the general idea of the passage according to the title and the pictures in it. (Individual work)

(2):Skipping (Individual work)

Students read the passage quickly and the teacher help them check their work.

Step 3: While reading(25 minutes)

Task 2: Skimming or Fast reading (Individual work)

Students read the text fast and identify the topic of each paragraph. Then fill in form. Finally help students to understand the organizing of the passage: Introduction --- Body --- Conclusion(总-分-总).

Task 3: Scanning or Careful reading (Group work)

Students scan the passage and fill the blanks based on it.

Task 4: Conclusion

(1):Although people have different festivals, most festivals have something in common, for these things might be important to people everywhere. Talk with partners and fill in the chart below. (Group work)

Task 5: Guessing words. (Pair work)

Students read the passage again and then guess the meanings of the words in bold according to the context.

starve, ancestor, in memory of, belief, dress up, arrival, gain, gather, award, admire, look forward to, custom.

Task 6: Intensive reading.(Pair work)

(1):Help students to understand some difficult words ,phrases and sentences in the passage.

Step 4: Post reading(7 minutes)

Task 7: Discussion

Discuss in group which festivals are the most important and which are the most fun.(Group work)

Task 8: Talk show.(Team and Individual work)

Each group sends a representative to report their opinions on “which festivals are the most important and which are the most fun?”


Step 5:Homework (1 minute) Write an article


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