


United States court organization consists of two major components: the Federal Court system and state court systems.The Federal Court system by the United States Supreme Court, Federal Court of appeal and the Federal District Court.The Federal first instance court is located in the States of the United States District courts, and district courts.District Court of "area" has the meaning does not correspond to some level of administrative division, in a greater number of States can have several United States District Court, in this case, the State can be divided into "North" and "Southern", "Western" and "East" area (on the name of this Division is reflected in the Court), for example: Wisconsin Eastern District Court.


Areas with a layer of "United States Court of appeals", the Court of appeal currently has 11. Areas of jurisdiction of the Court of appeal called "tour", a touring zone may governing the jurisdiction of the Court of appeal in several States. A specific official name according to their Circuit Court of appeals district number naming, such as "United States District Court of appeals for the second circuit".


United States Supreme Court established by the Constitution of the United States, is the final Court of appeal. In addition, the United States Congress also established a number of specialized courts to deal with special cases: the Court of Federal claims (Washington), the Federal Customs Court (New York), United States Court of customs and patent appeals, the Federal Court of military appeals.


On the State Court, United States all States have a respective complete justice system, most State Court constituted by the three-level court, and some only for a two-level.Known as the District Court, Circuit Court of first instance courts, High Court, some States such as New York State Supreme Court. Set three-State level to the intermediate court in the middle of the Court, is the Court of appeal, that the Court of appeal. State is the State of the Court of Justice of the Supreme Court. In some States, the Court of first instance and set up a Special Court, such as family and domestic relations Court (New York)


People's Republic of China established the Supreme People's Court, local people's courts, military courts and other special people's courts at all levels. Subject to the Court of appeal of the Supreme People's Court as the only outside the Court, are divided into local courts and specialized courts the two systems. Local courts are divided into three levels, respectively called grass-roots people's courts, the intermediate people's Court, the high people's Court. That corresponds to the setting of the District Court to the Government Executive power management area as a base. Special people's courts are an integral part in the Chinese court system. "Specialized" verbal fight by the NPC Standing Committee according to this concept needs to be explained and decided to establish the special jurisdiction of the Court.



United States court organization consists of two major components: the Federal Court system and state court systems.The Federal Court system by the United States Supreme Court, Federal Court of appeal and the Federal District Court.The Federal first instance court is located in the States of the United States District courts, and district courts.District Court of "area" has the meaning does not correspond to some level of administrative division, in a greater number of States can have several United States District Court, in this case, the State can be divided into "North" and "Southern", "Western" and "East" area (on the name of this Division is reflected in the Court), for example: Wisconsin Eastern District Court.


Areas with a layer of "United States Court of appeals", the Court of appeal currently has 11. Areas of jurisdiction of the Court of appeal called "tour", a touring zone may governing the jurisdiction of the Court of appeal in several States. A specific official name according to their Circuit Court of appeals district number naming, such as "United States District Court of appeals for the second circuit".


United States Supreme Court established by the Constitution of the United States, is the final Court of appeal. In addition, the United States Congress also established a number of specialized courts to deal with special cases: the Court of Federal claims (Washington), the Federal Customs Court (New York), United States Court of customs and patent appeals, the Federal Court of military appeals.


On the State Court, United States all States have a respective complete justice system, most State Court constituted by the three-level court, and some only for a two-level.Known as the District Court, Circuit Court of first instance courts, High Court, some States such as New York State Supreme Court. Set three-State level to the intermediate court in the middle of the Court, is the Court of appeal, that the Court of appeal. State is the State of the Court of Justice of the Supreme Court. In some States, the Court of first instance and set up a Special Court, such as family and domestic relations Court (New York)


People's Republic of China established the Supreme People's Court, local people's courts, military courts and other special people's courts at all levels. Subject to the Court of appeal of the Supreme People's Court as the only outside the Court, are divided into local courts and specialized courts the two systems. Local courts are divided into three levels, respectively called grass-roots people's courts, the intermediate people's Court, the high people's Court. That corresponds to the setting of the District Court to the Government Executive power management area as a base. Special people's courts are an integral part in the Chinese court system. "Specialized" verbal fight by the NPC Standing Committee according to this concept needs to be explained and decided to establish the special jurisdiction of the Court.


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