
能源催化与多孔材料课题组 Group of Catalysis and Porous Materials for Energy (成立于2009-10-1,最近更新 2011-09-16) 踏实做人-努力做事-乐于助人-


 中科院过程工程研究所 中科院过程所多相复杂系统国家重点实验室 中科院百人计划 中科院高技术局 中科院院地合作局 中国科学院王宽诚基金 国家自然科学基金 国家科技部973和支撑计划 国家教育部留学科研人员回国启动基金 中国博士后基金 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作基金 项目合作企业             佛山市高明区(中国科学院)新材料专业中心 齐齐哈尔大学 北京化工大学 青岛大学 清华大学 新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU) 新加坡国立大学(NUS) 新加坡化学与工程科学研究院(ICES) 新加坡材料与工程研究院(IMRE) 英国利物浦大学(The University of Liverpool) 日本富山大学(University of Toyama) 澳大利亚科挺大学(Curtin University)



苏发兵 (课题组长,研究员,博士生导师,中科院“百人计划”入选者,博士,新加坡国立大学) 翟世辉 (课题组秘书,工程师,吉林化工学院,[email protected]) 王莹利 (工业催化,博士,中科院大连化物所,[email protected]) 古芳娜 (无机纳米多孔催化材料,博士,南京大学,[email protected]) 车红卫 (无机纳米催化与导电粉体材料,博士,山东大学,[email protected]) 陈 晗 (电化学纳米结构材料与电化学机理,博士,湖南大学,[email protected]) 佘希林 (太阳能电池纳米材料,博士,青岛大学,[email protected]) 宋莲英 (无机纳米粉体催化材料,硕士,中南大学,[email protected]) 贾 昭 (化工工艺与设备,硕士,东北石油大学,[email protected]) 平 原 (工业催化转化技术,硕士,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 王光娜 (工业催化,硕士,东北石油大学,[email protected]) 刘道闯 (化学工程,硕士,安徽大学,[email protected]) 侯晓纯 (行政管理,学士,中原工学院,[email protected]

 韩振藏 (化学工程,学士,企业辅助人员,[email protected]


 高加俭(2009级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 赵丽润(2009级研究生,武汉大学,[email protected]) 胡大成(2009级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 刘 杰(2009级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 张在磊(2009级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 陈 敏(2009级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 贾春苗(2010级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 吴艳华(2010级研究生,清华大学,[email protected]) 朱小奕(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 郝文娟(2010级研究生,中国矿业大学,[email protected]) 于 静(2010级研究生,中国矿业大学,[email protected]) 刘武源(2010级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 陈 欣(2010级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 吴 楠(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 朱永霞(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 李佳琪(2011级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]


煤制气甲烷化催化技术; 有机硅单体合成高效催化转化技术; 生物质液相催化转化技术;    锂离子电池电极材料; 多孔纳米结构无机材料的制备、表征和应用; 太阳能电池材料


















(3)SCI期刊文章:60篇,包括Journal of the American Chemical Society ,Angewandte Chemie

International Edition,Advanced Materials,Energy & Environmental Science等。




-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCI期刊文章 (63) Zailei Zhang, Hongwei Che, Yingli Wang, Jiajian Gao, Lirun Zhao, Xilin She, Jin Sun, and Fabing Su.* Facile

Synthesis of Mesoporous Cu2O Microspheres with Improved Catalytic Property for Dimethyldichlorosilane Synthesis. 2011 (submitted)

(62) Zailei Zhang, Hongwei Che, Xilin She, Jin Sun, Han Chen*, Fabing Su*. Template-free synthesis of

mesoporous hollow CuO microspheres as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. 2011 (submitted)

(61) Jiajian Gao, Yingli Wang, Dacheng Hu, Yuan Ping, Guangwen Xu, Fangna Gu*, Fabing Su.* A

thermodynamic analysis of methanation reactions of carbon oxides. 2011 (submitted) Preparation and characterization of PtRu nanoparticles

supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon for electrooxidation of methanol. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2011 (in press)

(59) Lihua Jia,* Sen Zhang, Fangna Gu, Yuan Ping, Xiangfeng Guo, Ziyi Zhong, and Fabing Su*. Highly selective

gas-phase oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde over silver-containing hexagonal mesoporous silica. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2011 (in press)

General synthesis and unique gas-sensing properties of multiple-shell metal oxide hollow microspheres. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50(12), 2738-2741. (IF= 12.7) CuO nanostructures supported on Cu

substrate as integrated electrodes for highly reversible lithium storage. Nanoscale 2011, 3:1618-1623. Hierarchically ordered macro-mesoporous TiO2-graphene composite films: improved mass-transfer, reduced

charge recombination and their enhanced photocatalytic activities. ACS Nano 2011, 5 (1): 590-596. (IF= 9.9) Lou*. Nitrogen-containing microporous carbon nanospheres with improved capacitive properties. Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4 (3), 717-724. (IF= 9.4) Aerobic oxidation of benzyl

alcohol over activated carbon supported manganese and vanadium catalysts: effect of surface oxygen-containing groups. Catalysis Letters 2011, 141(1): 149-157. Hypercrosslinked microporous polymer

networks for effective removal of toxic metal ions from water. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2011,138: 207-214. (52) Shape-controlled synthesis of Co3O4 nanocubes, nanodiscs and nanoflowers and their comparative lithium storage properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2010, 2(12): 3628-3635. Xiong Wen Lou. Engineering non-spherical hollow structures with complex interiors by template-engaged redox etching. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132 (45): 16271–16277. Daniel Chua, Jianyi Lin. Performance enhancement of air-breathing proton exchange membrane fuel cell through utilization of an effective self-humidifying platinum/carbon catalyst. Journal of Power Sources 2010,195(24): 8044-8051. Electrochemical behavior of Pt nanoparticles supported on meso- and microporous carbons for fuel cells. Energy & Fuel 2010, 24(7): 3727-3732. Sulfur

poisoning resistant mesoporous Mn-base catalyst for low-temperature SCR of NO with NH3. Applied catalysis B-Environmental 2010, 95(1-2): 160-168. Novel stimuli-responsive polyelectrolyte

brushes. Macromolecules 2010, 43(5): 2630-2633. Pt

nanoparticles supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanospheres as an electrocatalyst for fuel cells. Chemistry of Materials 2010, 22(3): 832-839. Incorporation of Ti into

polymorph C framework of zeolite Beta for cyclohexene catalytic epoxidation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2009, 124: 36-41. Christopher L. Bray, Benjamin Carter, Gillian Overend, Catherine Cropper, Jonathan A. Iggo,

Yaroslav Z. Khimyak, Andrew M. Fogg, Andrew I. Cooper. Reversible hydrogen storage in hydrogel clathrate hydrates. Advanced Materials 2009,21: 2382-2386. Cooper. Microporous poly(tri-(4-ethynylphenyl)amine) networks: synthesis, properties and atomistic

simulation. Macromolecules. 2009, 42: 2658-2666.

Template approaches to

preparing porous carbon. Ed: L. R. Radovic. Chemistry and Physics of Carbon 2008, Vol. 30, Chapter 2, pp.63-128. ISSN: 0068-3138. New York: Marcel Dekker (CRC press)

(41) , K. G. Neoh, E. T. Kang. Water-dispersible carbon nanotubes for aqueous

surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2008, 8: 5858-5863. Methane storage in a template-synthesized carbon. Separation

and Purification Technology. 2008, 64: 124-126. and X. S. Zhao. Pt nanoparticles supported on sandwiched Ru/Carbon nanocomposite as a bimetallic catalyst for methanol electrooxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112: 15908-15914. Sulfonated polypyrrole nanospheres as a solid acid catalyst. Green

Chemistry 2008, 10: 951-956. Rapid and reversible hydrogen storage in

clathrate hydrates using emulsion-templated polymers. Advanced Materials 2008, 20: 2663-2666. Khimyak, Andrew I. Cooper. Synthetic control of pore dimension and surface area in conjugated microporous polymer and copolymer networks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130: 7710-7720. . Sun, L. Zhou,

Andrew I. Cooper. Microporous organic polymers for methane storage. Advanced Materials 2008, 20: 1916-1921. Preparation and characterization of

carbon nanospheres as anode materials in lithium-ion secondary batteries. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2008, 47: 2294-2300. Andrew I. Cooper. Mesoporous poly(phenylenevinylene) networks. Macromolecules 2008, 41(5): 1951-1953. Hongjun Niu, Colin D. Wood, Neil L. Campbell, Yaroslav Z. Khimyak and Andrew I.

Cooper. Conjugated Microporous Poly(phenylene butadiynylene)s. Chemical Communications 2008, 486-488. Lee, and Xiu Song Zhao.* Template synthesis of mesoporous carbon microfibers as a catalyst support for methanol electrooxidation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2007, 46: 9097-9102. Alexei Y. Ganin, Matthew J. Rosseinsky, Yaroslav Z. Khimyak, Andrew I. Cooper. Conjugated microporous poly(aryleneethynylene) networks. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007, 46: 8574-8578. Thermally reduced Ru

nanoparticles as a highly active heterogeneous catalyst for hydrogenation of monoaromatics. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129: 14213-14223.

(28) YLow frequency eigenvibrations of hollow carbon

microspheres. Applied Physics Letters 2007, 90: 261916. Sandwiched ruthenium/carbon

nanostructures for highly active heterogeneous hydrogenation. Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17:

1926-1931. Method for preparing

highly dispersed Pt catalysts on mesoporous carbon support. Journal of Materials Science 2007, 42: 7191-7197. Bridging mesoporous carbon particles with carbon

nanotubes. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2007, 98: 323-329. Copolymer-controlled homogeneous precipitation for the synthesis of porous microfibers of alumina. Langmuir 2007, 23: 4599-4605. Incorporation of hybrid elements into microporous titanosilicate ETS-10: an

approach to improving its adsorption properties toward Pb2+. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 2007, 101: 355-362. Local structure changes of microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 upon

acid treatment. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111: 773-778. Defect engineering in self-Assembled 3D photonic

crystals. Solid State Phenomena 2007, 121-123: 57-60. Hollow carbon spheres with a controllable

shell structure. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2006, 16: 4413-4419. Ordered mesoporous carbon particles covered with carbon nanotubes.

Carbon 2006, 44: 801-803. XPS study on microporous Titanosilicate ETS-10

upon acid treatment. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 96: 270-275. Methanol oxidation activities of Pt

nanoparticles supported on microporous carbon with and without a graphitic shell. Carbon 2006, 44: 1713-1717. Synthesis and characterization of microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 with

different titanium precursors. Journal of Porous Materials 2006, 13: 263-267. Crystalline carbon hollow spheres, crystalline carbon-SnO2

hollow spheres, and crystalline SnO2 hollow spheres: synthesis and performance in reversible Li-ion storage. Chemistry of Materials 2006, 18: 1347-1353. Templating

methods for preparation of porous structures. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2006, 16: 637-648. Synthesis of graphitic

ordered macroporous carbon with a three-dimensional interconnected pore structure for electrochemical applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109: 20200-20206. Template synthesis of microporous

carbon for direct methanol fuel cell application. Carbon 2005, 43: 2366-2373. Synthesis and

characterization of highly ordered graphitic mesoporous carbon as a Pt catalyst support for direct methanol fuel cells. Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17: 3960-3967. . Synthesis of nanostructured porous carbon. International Journal of

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pore-structural and surface properties. Carbon 2005, 43: 1156-1164.

Carbonization of sucrose in the presence of zeolite: control over pore structure

and morphology. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2005, 156: 557-565. Template approaches to novel porous materials for emerging applications. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2005, 21: 20-24.

Microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 for the removal of divalent heavy metals.

Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 2005, 156: 933-940.

Ordered mesostructured carbon templated by SBA-16 silica. Carbon

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Competitive adsorption of Pb2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+ ions on microporous

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(3) Zuocheng Zhou, Replicating novel carbon nanostructures with 3D

macroporous silica template. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2005, 15: 2569-2574. A reinforced study on the synthesis of microporous titanosilicate ETS-10.

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2004, 76: 113-122. Synthesis and characterization of microporous carbons

templated by NH4-Y zeolite. Carbon 2004, 42: 2821-2831.


(9) 赵丽润,张在磊,王莹利,车红卫*,苏发兵*. 有机硅行业氯硅烷单体合成废触体的回收与利用. 2011 (已


(8) 胡大成,高加俭,贾春苗,平原,贾丽华,王莹利,许光文,古芳娜*,苏发兵*. 甲烷化催化剂及反应


(7) 苏发兵*,李云峰,刘进. 成型活性炭床层的特性研究. 防化学报,2002, 110(3): 3-7.

(6) 林秋菊, 刘进, 郭坤敏, 李云峰, 苏发兵. 均匀设计原理在制备浸渍活性炭材料中的应用. 新型碳材料,

2002, 17(3): 63-65.

(5) 苏发兵*,李云峰,马兰,赵红阳,刘进,陈魁学. 活性炭对气体中二硫化碳吸附性能的研究. 化工环保,


(4) 苏发兵*,李云峰,马兰,刘进,赵红阳,郭坤敏. 改性活性炭催化剂脱硫性能的研究. 防化学报,l999


(3) 苏发兵*,马兰,袁存乔,郭坤敏. 碳纤维生产工艺含氰废气治理. 环境污染与防治,1997,19(6):12-13

(2) 李云峰*,苏发兵,郭坤敏. 炭分子筛及其应用. 防化学报,1996, 7(54): 54-58.

(1) 苏发兵*,郭坤敏. 沥青基球形活性炭的特性研究. 防化学报,1995,7(50):66-70。

专 利

(27) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉。一种实心及空心Cu4O3微球的制备方法。申请号::


(26) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、平原、王莹利、翟世辉。一种介孔六铝酸盐负载镍基的甲烷化催化剂及其制


(25) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、平原、翟世辉。一种炭模板法制备的介孔高比表面积的六铝酸盐及制备方法。


(24) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、古芳娜、翟世辉。一种利用CO2制甲酸酯的催化剂及制备方法。


(23) 苏发兵、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种有机硅废触体回收氧化铜和氧化锌的方法。申请号:


(22) 苏发兵、车红卫、王莹利、赵丽润、宋莲英、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种利用有机硅废触体回收的铜


(21) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、高俊杰、宋莲英、贾昭、翟世辉。一种低温合成甲醇的催化剂及制


(20) 苏发兵、王莹利、宋莲英、车红卫、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种Cu-Cu2O-CuO三元铜基固溶催化剂


(19) 苏发兵、王莹利、宋莲英、车红卫、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成二甲基二氯硅烷的三元铜


(18) 苏发兵、陈晗、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉。一种锂离子电池硅基负极复合材料及其制备方法。申请号:


(17) 苏发兵、高俊杰、贾昭、王莹利、车红卫、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成甲基氯硅烷的三元铜


(16) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、王莹利、翟世辉、许光文。一种含CO和H2混合气甲烷化催化剂及其制备


(15) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、高俊杰、王莹利、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成二甲基二氯硅烷的三元铜


(14) 苏发兵、高加俭、古芳娜、王莹利、翟世辉、许光文。一种含H2和CO混合气甲烷化流化床反应器及


(13) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文。制备有机硅单体甲基氯硅烷过程中产生的废触体作为锂离子电池负


(12) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文。利用硅与卤代烃催化反应制备多孔硅材料的方法。申请号:


(11) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文,朱德洪。一种制备甲基氯硅烷的反应装置及包含其的反应系统。申

请号:[1**********]9.3(中国发明专利) Direct Production of Methanol from Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Reforming. (WO2010/104467A1,16/09/2010) Clathrates for gas storage (WO2009/101444A1,


(8) Use of clathrates in gas storage. (UK patent application

GB2457464A, 19/08/2009)

(7) Clathrates for gas storage (WO2009/068912, 04/06/2009)

(6) Use of clathrates in gas storage. (UK patent application

GB2454931A , 27/05/2009)

(5) Microporous polymers, methods

for the preparation thereof, and uses thereof. (US patent application US2010240781A1, 23/09/2010)

(4) Microporous polymers, methods

for the preparation thereof, and uses thereof. (WO2009/022187A1, 19/02/2009) Microporous polymers from

alkynyl monomers. (UK patent application GB2451865A, 18/02/2009) (EP2178932A1)

(2) 苏发兵,李云峰,刘进,韩国林,张学智.一种含有颗粒状吸附剂的净化材料.授权公告号CN2495367Y

(2002年6月19日)(实用新型专利)Su et al., A purification materials composed of granular adsorbents. Publication No. CN2495367Y (06/19/2002). (Chinese Patent)

(1) 苏发兵,李云峰,刘进,王剑峰,马兰.一种含有颗粒状吸附剂的净化过滤材料. 授权公告号CN2393626Y

(2000年8月30日)(实用新型专利)Su et al., A material built with granular activated carbon used for purification and filtration. Publication No. CN2393626Y (30/08/2000). (Chinese Patent)

能源催化与多孔材料课题组 Group of Catalysis and Porous Materials for Energy (成立于2009-10-1,最近更新 2011-09-16) 踏实做人-努力做事-乐于助人-


 中科院过程工程研究所 中科院过程所多相复杂系统国家重点实验室 中科院百人计划 中科院高技术局 中科院院地合作局 中国科学院王宽诚基金 国家自然科学基金 国家科技部973和支撑计划 国家教育部留学科研人员回国启动基金 中国博士后基金 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作基金 项目合作企业             佛山市高明区(中国科学院)新材料专业中心 齐齐哈尔大学 北京化工大学 青岛大学 清华大学 新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU) 新加坡国立大学(NUS) 新加坡化学与工程科学研究院(ICES) 新加坡材料与工程研究院(IMRE) 英国利物浦大学(The University of Liverpool) 日本富山大学(University of Toyama) 澳大利亚科挺大学(Curtin University)



苏发兵 (课题组长,研究员,博士生导师,中科院“百人计划”入选者,博士,新加坡国立大学) 翟世辉 (课题组秘书,工程师,吉林化工学院,[email protected]) 王莹利 (工业催化,博士,中科院大连化物所,[email protected]) 古芳娜 (无机纳米多孔催化材料,博士,南京大学,[email protected]) 车红卫 (无机纳米催化与导电粉体材料,博士,山东大学,[email protected]) 陈 晗 (电化学纳米结构材料与电化学机理,博士,湖南大学,[email protected]) 佘希林 (太阳能电池纳米材料,博士,青岛大学,[email protected]) 宋莲英 (无机纳米粉体催化材料,硕士,中南大学,[email protected]) 贾 昭 (化工工艺与设备,硕士,东北石油大学,[email protected]) 平 原 (工业催化转化技术,硕士,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 王光娜 (工业催化,硕士,东北石油大学,[email protected]) 刘道闯 (化学工程,硕士,安徽大学,[email protected]) 侯晓纯 (行政管理,学士,中原工学院,[email protected]

 韩振藏 (化学工程,学士,企业辅助人员,[email protected]


 高加俭(2009级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 赵丽润(2009级研究生,武汉大学,[email protected]) 胡大成(2009级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 刘 杰(2009级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 张在磊(2009级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 陈 敏(2009级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 贾春苗(2010级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]) 吴艳华(2010级研究生,清华大学,[email protected]) 朱小奕(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 郝文娟(2010级研究生,中国矿业大学,[email protected]) 于 静(2010级研究生,中国矿业大学,[email protected]) 刘武源(2010级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 陈 欣(2010级研究生,齐齐哈尔大学,[email protected]) 吴 楠(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 朱永霞(2010级研究生,青岛大学,[email protected]) 李佳琪(2011级研究生,北京化工大学,[email protected]


煤制气甲烷化催化技术; 有机硅单体合成高效催化转化技术; 生物质液相催化转化技术;    锂离子电池电极材料; 多孔纳米结构无机材料的制备、表征和应用; 太阳能电池材料


















(3)SCI期刊文章:60篇,包括Journal of the American Chemical Society ,Angewandte Chemie

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(61) Jiajian Gao, Yingli Wang, Dacheng Hu, Yuan Ping, Guangwen Xu, Fangna Gu*, Fabing Su.* A

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(59) Lihua Jia,* Sen Zhang, Fangna Gu, Yuan Ping, Xiangfeng Guo, Ziyi Zhong, and Fabing Su*. Highly selective

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General synthesis and unique gas-sensing properties of multiple-shell metal oxide hollow microspheres. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50(12), 2738-2741. (IF= 12.7) CuO nanostructures supported on Cu

substrate as integrated electrodes for highly reversible lithium storage. Nanoscale 2011, 3:1618-1623. Hierarchically ordered macro-mesoporous TiO2-graphene composite films: improved mass-transfer, reduced

charge recombination and their enhanced photocatalytic activities. ACS Nano 2011, 5 (1): 590-596. (IF= 9.9) Lou*. Nitrogen-containing microporous carbon nanospheres with improved capacitive properties. Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4 (3), 717-724. (IF= 9.4) Aerobic oxidation of benzyl

alcohol over activated carbon supported manganese and vanadium catalysts: effect of surface oxygen-containing groups. Catalysis Letters 2011, 141(1): 149-157. Hypercrosslinked microporous polymer

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(9) 赵丽润,张在磊,王莹利,车红卫*,苏发兵*. 有机硅行业氯硅烷单体合成废触体的回收与利用. 2011 (已


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(7) 苏发兵*,李云峰,刘进. 成型活性炭床层的特性研究. 防化学报,2002, 110(3): 3-7.

(6) 林秋菊, 刘进, 郭坤敏, 李云峰, 苏发兵. 均匀设计原理在制备浸渍活性炭材料中的应用. 新型碳材料,

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(5) 苏发兵*,李云峰,马兰,赵红阳,刘进,陈魁学. 活性炭对气体中二硫化碳吸附性能的研究. 化工环保,


(4) 苏发兵*,李云峰,马兰,刘进,赵红阳,郭坤敏. 改性活性炭催化剂脱硫性能的研究. 防化学报,l999


(3) 苏发兵*,马兰,袁存乔,郭坤敏. 碳纤维生产工艺含氰废气治理. 环境污染与防治,1997,19(6):12-13

(2) 李云峰*,苏发兵,郭坤敏. 炭分子筛及其应用. 防化学报,1996, 7(54): 54-58.

(1) 苏发兵*,郭坤敏. 沥青基球形活性炭的特性研究. 防化学报,1995,7(50):66-70。

专 利

(27) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉。一种实心及空心Cu4O3微球的制备方法。申请号::


(26) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、平原、王莹利、翟世辉。一种介孔六铝酸盐负载镍基的甲烷化催化剂及其制


(25) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、平原、翟世辉。一种炭模板法制备的介孔高比表面积的六铝酸盐及制备方法。


(24) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、古芳娜、翟世辉。一种利用CO2制甲酸酯的催化剂及制备方法。


(23) 苏发兵、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种有机硅废触体回收氧化铜和氧化锌的方法。申请号:


(22) 苏发兵、车红卫、王莹利、赵丽润、宋莲英、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种利用有机硅废触体回收的铜


(21) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、王莹利、高俊杰、宋莲英、贾昭、翟世辉。一种低温合成甲醇的催化剂及制


(20) 苏发兵、王莹利、宋莲英、车红卫、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种Cu-Cu2O-CuO三元铜基固溶催化剂


(19) 苏发兵、王莹利、宋莲英、车红卫、贾昭、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成二甲基二氯硅烷的三元铜


(18) 苏发兵、陈晗、车红卫、王莹利、翟世辉。一种锂离子电池硅基负极复合材料及其制备方法。申请号:


(17) 苏发兵、高俊杰、贾昭、王莹利、车红卫、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成甲基氯硅烷的三元铜


(16) 苏发兵、古芳娜、高加俭、王莹利、翟世辉、许光文。一种含CO和H2混合气甲烷化催化剂及其制备


(15) 苏发兵、赵丽润、车红卫、高俊杰、王莹利、翟世辉、朱德洪。一种用于合成二甲基二氯硅烷的三元铜


(14) 苏发兵、高加俭、古芳娜、王莹利、翟世辉、许光文。一种含H2和CO混合气甲烷化流化床反应器及


(13) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文。制备有机硅单体甲基氯硅烷过程中产生的废触体作为锂离子电池负


(12) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文。利用硅与卤代烃催化反应制备多孔硅材料的方法。申请号:


(11) 苏发兵、高俊杰、翟世辉、许光文,朱德洪。一种制备甲基氯硅烷的反应装置及包含其的反应系统。申

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(8) Use of clathrates in gas storage. (UK patent application

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(6) Use of clathrates in gas storage. (UK patent application

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(5) Microporous polymers, methods

for the preparation thereof, and uses thereof. (US patent application US2010240781A1, 23/09/2010)

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for the preparation thereof, and uses thereof. (WO2009/022187A1, 19/02/2009) Microporous polymers from

alkynyl monomers. (UK patent application GB2451865A, 18/02/2009) (EP2178932A1)

(2) 苏发兵,李云峰,刘进,韩国林,张学智.一种含有颗粒状吸附剂的净化材料.授权公告号CN2495367Y

(2002年6月19日)(实用新型专利)Su et al., A purification materials composed of granular adsorbents. Publication No. CN2495367Y (06/19/2002). (Chinese Patent)

(1) 苏发兵,李云峰,刘进,王剑峰,马兰.一种含有颗粒状吸附剂的净化过滤材料. 授权公告号CN2393626Y

(2000年8月30日)(实用新型专利)Su et al., A material built with granular activated carbon used for purification and filtration. Publication No. CN2393626Y (30/08/2000). (Chinese Patent)


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