

新的世纪,新的挑战与机遇。全球的数码产品市场,正期待我们大展鸿图。我们本着打造企业宏大品牌的目标,坚持稳健经营长远发展,同时凭借强大的人才资源、严谨的生产管理及经营理念,通过自身经验的积累和对未来不懈的追求和完善,不断进行自我创新、科技创新、管理及经营理念创新,顺应当今数码产品发展的潮流,为您提供优质、优价、更时尚的产品。 欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

Hongkong MintNiceTechnology Limited is a company devotes to the mobile phone peripheral accessories, holiday gifts, camera equipment, energy-saving LED, security products business trade and technology development in one of the high-tech enterprise. The company has a perennial engaged in the field of digital high-tech product development of high-quality professional and

technical R & D team, strong technical force, has a number of experienced software and hardware engineers, professional product development designer. The company has advanced production equipment and testing instruments, with excellent marketing team and domestic regional channel partners, for product marketing and product after sale service, a sound management

programmes. Sales network and product sales agents throughout the country. Powerful, professional research and development team , advanced, perfect sales service concept, making our company 's products at home and abroad, have high visibility and market share. At the same time as in the past we will in accordance with

New century, new challenges and opportunities. The global market of digital products, is looking forward to our great success. We based on the spirit of large enterprises to build brand objectives, adhere steady and long-term operation development, at the same time, by virtue of strong talent resources, strict production management and business philosophy, Through the

accumulation of experience and tireless pursuit of the future and consummate, constantly self innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, and business ideas innovative , adapt to today's digital product development

the trend, to provide you with good quality,competitive price , more stylish products.

Welcome friends from all walks of life to come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.


新的世纪,新的挑战与机遇。全球的数码产品市场,正期待我们大展鸿图。我们本着打造企业宏大品牌的目标,坚持稳健经营长远发展,同时凭借强大的人才资源、严谨的生产管理及经营理念,通过自身经验的积累和对未来不懈的追求和完善,不断进行自我创新、科技创新、管理及经营理念创新,顺应当今数码产品发展的潮流,为您提供优质、优价、更时尚的产品。 欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

Hongkong MintNiceTechnology Limited is a company devotes to the mobile phone peripheral accessories, holiday gifts, camera equipment, energy-saving LED, security products business trade and technology development in one of the high-tech enterprise. The company has a perennial engaged in the field of digital high-tech product development of high-quality professional and

technical R & D team, strong technical force, has a number of experienced software and hardware engineers, professional product development designer. The company has advanced production equipment and testing instruments, with excellent marketing team and domestic regional channel partners, for product marketing and product after sale service, a sound management

programmes. Sales network and product sales agents throughout the country. Powerful, professional research and development team , advanced, perfect sales service concept, making our company 's products at home and abroad, have high visibility and market share. At the same time as in the past we will in accordance with

New century, new challenges and opportunities. The global market of digital products, is looking forward to our great success. We based on the spirit of large enterprises to build brand objectives, adhere steady and long-term operation development, at the same time, by virtue of strong talent resources, strict production management and business philosophy, Through the

accumulation of experience and tireless pursuit of the future and consummate, constantly self innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, and business ideas innovative , adapt to today's digital product development

the trend, to provide you with good quality,competitive price , more stylish products.

Welcome friends from all walks of life to come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.


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