The Culture of Kam Grand Choirs
侗族大歌,是流传在中国侗族地区一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏、自然和声的民间合唱形式,是侗族文化的优秀代表作。Choirs of
Kam Peope is an outstanding masterpiece which spread in the areas of Dong people in China , which gathered the folk choirs form of multi part, having no command ,no accompaniment and natural harmony. 1986年,在法国巴黎金秋艺术节上,侗族大歌被认为是, “清泉般闪光的音乐,掠过故梦边缘的旋律”。In the Golden Autumn Festival Paris, France of 1986,it had been considered ―the music flashed from the clear spring and the melody flies over the edge of past dream‖.2005年侗族大歌被列为国家级第一批非物质文化遗产代表作名录,并作为中国推举世界“人类口头及非物质遗产代表作候选项目”。In 2005,Choirs of Kam was listed as the first batch of national grade nonmaterial culture heritage and was choosen to the world
―human oral and candidate item of nonmaterial heritage
representative work‖.2009年,侗族大歌被列入联合国“人类非物质遗产代表名录”,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府兼委员会评委认为,侗族大歌是“一个民族的声音,一种人类的文化”。The United Nations listed the Choirs of
Kam as ― the representive item of human nonmaterial
heritage‖,and was deemed as ― one nation’s voice and one
human’s culture‖ by the judges of UNESCO government and
council in 2009.
侗族大歌无论是音律结构、演唱技艺、传承方式和演唱场合均与一般民族歌曲不同,它是一领众和,分高低音多声部谐唱的合唱种类,属于民间支声复调音乐歌曲,这在中外民间音乐中都极为罕见。The Kam Choirs, which no matter the tonality structures, the singing skills, the inheritting manner and the singing places all are different from common national songs and it is a kind of chorus that one person sings leading many other do as so and is divided by high and low pitch,belonging the folk branch sound and polyphony, is rarely seen in the home and abroad.侗族大歌不仅仅是一种音乐艺术形式,对于侗族人民文化及其精神的传承和凝聚都起着非常重大的作用,是侗族文化的直接体现。It is not only a kind of musical art form, but also has a great impact on inheritting and cohesion of the Dong people’s culture and spirit, which is the direct reflection of Dong culture.
一、 大歌流行的区域及历史
The Popular Region and History
演唱的方式演唱多声部歌谣俗曲的统称。The Choirs of Dong People, a specific name of singing form, refers to a general terms of mult part folk songs and custom music playing within a song term in Dong folks.这种歌唱形式主要流行在侗族南部地区的黎平、从江两县交界被称为“六洞”、“九洞”、“千七”、“千五”、“二千九”、“四脚牛”一带的侗寨,以及榕江县属于“九洞”地区的苗兰、宰荡等少数村寨和广西三江侗族自治县与黎平“四脚牛”结界的榕江河流域的一些寨子。This singing style was most popular in these Dong stockaded villages of the boader Liping and Cong Jiang counties to be called ―Liu Dong‖,“Jiu Dong‖, ―Qian Qi‖, ―Qian Wu‖, ―Er Qianjiu”and ―Si Jiaoniu‖, and what’s more, a few villages of Miao Lan and Zai Dang and so on, belonging to ― Jiu Dong‖ of Rong Jiang area, and the boader of other villages of Guang Xi Three Rivers Dong Autonomous county and Rong Jiang river basin of Liping“Si Jiaolou‖.以“六洞、“九洞”最为著名。It was known for ―Liu Dong‖and ―Jiu Dong‖.这一地区正好是侗语南部方言第二土语区的分布区域。Thesa areas are just the south dialect distribution range of the second local dialect. 侗族大歌的流行范围是否与语言特点有关,目前还没有这方面的专门研究报告。Whether there are somethings between the Dong Choirs’ hot area and language feature or not, but for this aspect that it has no special report at the moment.
双重意思。The Songs –Dong language called ―gal laox‖, ―gal‖ means songs and the ―laox‖ refers to the double meanings of antiquity and grant . “大歌”名称是汉语对侗语的准确意译。The name of ― Big Songs ‖ is the exact translation in Chinese.在侗族的民歌中,大歌之所以“大”,是因为这一类歌曲除了古老外,还因为这种歌在结构上,演唱方式和演唱场合上均与其他民歌不同。The Dong Choirs in the folk songs, the ―big‖, because this kind of Songs in addition to the antiquity, but also because the Songs on the structure, singing style and playing occasion are different from others. 首先,大歌的结构一般都比较长大,一首歌包含有若干个段落,除了表现声音为主的“嘎所”外,一般都有六七个段落。First, the structure of Songs is generally relatively long and big, and one song contains several sections excepts the ―gal suo‖of voice performance, which commonly has six or seven pragraphs.其次,除了平时练习外,大歌只能在节日和接待外寨的集体来客这种非常隆重的场合才能在鼓楼里演唱。Secondly, excepting the usual practice, the Songs are only played in the drum-tower when it was the solemn situation of festival and reception of collective guests coming from other villages .第三,大歌必须由五个人以上组成的歌队或歌班来演唱,不能独唱,因为大歌的演唱至少包含两个以上的声部和声。Thirdly, the Songs ,must sang by over five
persons making up song team or class, can’t be solo performance just because the Songs’ playing includes two or more voices harmony at least.
至今还没有明确的研究。So far there is no definite research about the times of Dong Choirs’ origin owing to having no recorded historical materials to consult and judge.但在千年前的宋代文献记载中,侗族大歌已经发展到比较成熟的阶段,南宋时期的著名诗人陆游在其《老学庵笔记》就记载了“仡伶”(侗人自称)集体做客唱歌的情景|:至一二百人为曹,手相握而歌。But according to the thousands years’ Song dynasty documents ,the Dong Songs had developed to a fairly mature period in which the celebrated poet Lu You who lived in the Southern Song Dynasty put down the situation in his book The Jottings from Laoxue An where collective people ―Ge Ling‖( which the Dong called themselves) to be the guests and sing: One or two hundred people to be a group, hand and hand together to sing. 明朝末年邝露其所著《赤雅》一书中更加明确的记载了“侗人善音乐,弹胡琴,吹六管,长歌闭目,顿首摇足”的唱歌情景。In the last years of Ming Dynasty, Kuang Lu stated the singing scenes with so many words in his book The South Legends ―The Dong People are good at music, playing huqin and six pipe then singing ,closing eyes ,making a ceremonious nod and
rocking feet‖.可见,侗族大歌在宋代以来就已在侗族地区很盛行了。It is clear that the Dong Choirs had prevailed in Dong area since Song Dynasty.在往后侗族地区的志和一些私人著作中,对侗族大歌这种独特的音乐演唱形式也有一些零零星星的记载,对侗族大歌进行大规模的采入和真正意思上的科学研究则是上个世纪五十年代以后的事。The following records and some private works of Dong territory had also describled this kind of special singing style more or less, but the real accesses and scientific reseaches to the Dong Choirs are the subsequent things in last 50s.
二、 大歌演唱的地点及场合
The Place and Occasion
侗族的种类很多,十分丰富,有大歌、敘事歌、拦路歌、琵琶歌、情歌、河歌、山歌等很多音乐演唱形式,侗族大歌在众多的侗族音乐形式中是一种非常特殊的歌类,由于它的圣神和隆重,因此它只能在侗族特有的地点—侗族鼓楼中唱,除了平时歌班练习演唱是在歌师家里面以外,侗族鼓楼是大歌唯一的演唱场所。 There are several singing styles in Kam, extremely plentifully, such as Big Songs, Narrative
Songs,Songs of blocking the way, Pipa Songs, Love Songs, River Songs and Mountain Songs and so on. The Kam Songs is a very special music in so many Dong Songs styles .As it is holy and solemn.So it is only played in some special places of Dong —in
the Dong Drum-Towers excepts playing in the singers’ homes at the usual time and the Dong Drum-Towers are the only performance places.
鼓楼是侗族村寨一种木结构的多层重檐建筑,多建在寨子的中央或寨门附近。The drum-towers are a kind of timberwork of multilayer roofs in Kam stockaded villages, which are often built in the centre of villages or nearby the door.鼓楼以及鼓楼坪与风雨桥、戏楼融为一体,是侗寨公众活动中心。The drum- and drum-tower ground ,the shelter bridge and the theatrical stage integrated together, which is the public activity centre of Dong villages.侗族村寨有关政治、经济、文化等的群众性活动都在鼓楼里进行。All the mass activities of Dong villages about politics, economy and culture etc usually are played in it.鼓楼是侗族村寨特有的公共建筑。The drum-towers are the peculiar public buildings in Dong stockaded villages.从内部结构来说,大多数为多柱式,个别为独柱式。For the inner structure, most of them are hypostyles while the individuals are single column types.从里往上一般没有楼层,外廊有密叠的装饰性楼层,飞阁重檐,层层而上,重檐层数均为单数,三层至十几层不等。In generally, there are no floors from inside to up and the verandas have thick and piled decorative storey . The flying pavilions and multilayer roofs are layer upon layer and their number of layers all are odd number ,of which floors are not equal
from the third to the tenth or more. 形式有四角形、六角形、八角形。屋顶主要有庑殿式和攒尖顶两种。Their shapes are quadrangle, sexangle and octangle .Type Wudian (which is a kind of ancient Chinese architectuaral form, representing the supremacy) and type Cuan Jianding ( which is cone-shape without the main ridge) are its main roof syles.攒尖顶的楼冠与楼身连接处饰有花格棂窗或鳞状斗拱。顶部悬挂牛皮大鼓,用独木梯上下。The joint between the crest and the floor of Cuan Jianding has the lattice window or squamous brackeets called Dou Gong (which is a kind of unique component in the ancient Chinese archtecture, constituting by the square measures, rise, arch and wraped things). The bass drum made of cowhide hangs on the top and people’ up and down througth the lonely ladders.底层是鼓楼的实际使用部分,中间设有巨人的火塘,四周设有长条木凳。The ground floor of the drum-tower is the pratical use part , which of the middle set a giant fire pood and has strip wood bentch.冬天唱歌时,围着火塘进行。In winter, people often sang around the fire pood.史籍上记载的侗族古代还有一种称为罗汉楼建筑。The historical record of the ancient Dong people describled a kind of building called Luohan Lou.明邝露《赤雅》、雍正《广西通志》和嘉庆李宗昉《黔记》中均有关于“罗汉楼”的记载,说罗汉楼以巨木一枝埋地,作独角楼,高百尺,上覆五色瓦,青年男子夜宿其上,唱歌饮啖Kuang Luo’s the South Legends
of Ming Dynasty, the Guangxi Tong Zhi ( which is a history record about Guangxi area) of Yong Zheng years and the Records of Qian of Jia Qing years all had put down the ―Luohan Lou‖ in writing. It was said that Luonan Lou buried a huge wood in the ground and then made it be a lonely turret which is hundreds high being covered colors tiles. The young men are there ,singing and drinking at night. 罗汉为侗语lagx hank 之音译,意为青年男子,故名为罗汉楼。Luohan is ―lagx hank‖ of Dong language in transliteration, which means the young men .So it was called Luohan Lou.
侗族大歌除了演唱地点讲究外,它的演唱场合也是特殊的。The Dong Songs not only stressed their singing sites, but also noticed their specific occasions. 平时到侗寨是很难听到正式的大歌演唱的,即使有人唱大歌那也只是村寨的歌班在歌师家练歌而已。Usually it was hard to hear and watched the formal singing performance of the Dong Choirs even if it was heard and it is just that the village’ s song class is practicing at the singers’ home. 侗族男女歌队平时学习练歌,其场所是不固定的,一般选歌师家或房屋宽敞人口较少又有人学歌的人家。The practising places of Kam males and females are not settled. Generally speaking, they would choose the singer’s home or the commodious family with few people. 夏秋季节多在通风的居民房屋走廊或寨中的桥廊练歌,冬天则多在保暖较好的有火
塘的屋里训练。People usually practise songs, in summer and autumn, at the ventilated residence corridor or the bridge porch while they would like to train in the house having one fire pond and keeping warm in winter. 侗族大歌正式演唱的场合一般是在有外寨的歌队来访或村寨举行重大的活动时,才有正式的大歌演唱。The formal Kam Choirs performance often are just held when external stockaded village singing teams will visit there or the significent activities were coming. 因此每年的冬天是侗寨唱歌的季节,特别是春节期间,侗族村寨间有进行集体的走访唱歌的习俗“为也”(weex yeel),届时乙寨的歌队走访甲寨,主客双方就要集中到甲寨的鼓楼对唱大歌,通宵达旦。Therefore, winter was the singing season of Dong Songs, particially, during the spring period . The Dong villages have the singing customs ―weex yeel‖ of collective interviewing , and on the occasion the song team of one village visited another and then the guest and host centralized in the host’ s drum-tower to start antiphonal singing all through the night.
The Contents and Types
人员性别的不同,侗族大歌可分为“鼓楼对唱”(gal dees
louc),“童声大歌”(gal lagx uns), “戏曲大歌”(gal jenh
xangh)。Since the singing occasions, forms , and the
personal genders were different, there were many types of Dong Choirs, which can be classified into ―Drum-tower’s antiphonal singing‖(gal dees louc), ― Songs of Child’s
voice‖(gal lagx uns) and ― Songs of Chinese traditional opera‖(gal jenh xangh). ―此外还分“男生大歌”、“女生大
歌”、“男女混声大歌”等。Moreover, it can be devided into the ―Boys’ Songs‖,the ―Girls’ Songs‖ and ― the Songs of men and women‖ and so on.侗族大歌还因流行地区的差异而以流行地冠名,如“肇兴大歌”(gal saol), ―高增大歌‖(gal gaos), ―三龙大歌‖(gal xaml), “也洞大歌”(gal mess)“,岩洞大歌”等。The Dong Songs were
named after their popular areas such as ―Zhaoxing
Songs‖( they were called gal xaml in Dong), ―Gaozeng Songs‖(gal mess) , ―Sanlong Songs‖,Shidong Songs‖ and ―Yandong Songs‖ and so on.此外,还有一些内容为宣传伦理的歌谣,多冠一些特殊的名称,如“父母歌”,“公婆歌”,“单身歌”“陆大用歌”等。In addition, there were some folk songs for propagandizing moral principles, which were often called special names, for instance, the ―Parents Songs‖, the ―Songs of Parents-in-law‖, the
―Single Songs‖ and ―Lu Dayong Songs‖(it stated the man who made great contribution to Dong Choirs and was
called the Most Holy Singer ) etc.
鼓楼大歌,是侗族大歌的主要组成部分,它是村寨间青年男女歌队在鼓楼对歌的主要歌种。Drum-tower Choirs were the chief part , which were the key songs about
different villages’ girls and boys’s singing in antiphonal style at the drum-tower.曲调有“啊海顶”和“赶赛”两种。The two ―Ahai Ding‖ and ―Gan Sai‖ were its melodies.“啊海顶”是开始对歌时互相问候的部分,“赶赛”是对歌的主要内容。“赶赛”是以少男少女们惜春和男女间互相爱慕、埋怨之类的情歌,著名的歌有《涩梨子》、《老蕨菜》、《板栗歌》、《墙角歌》、《火花歌》、《飞天白鹅》等。“Ahai Ding‖ was the part of people saying ―hello‖ to each other at the antiphonal singing. The ―Gan Sai‖ was the main content in the singing of antiphonal style and was this kind of love songs expressing the teenagers’ spring feelings and the mutual love and admiration , grumbles , and the like, each other.The noted songs had the Sour and Bitter Pears,the Tough Fiddlehead, the Song of Chinese Chestnut, the Song of Wall Corner,the Song of Sparkle and the Flying White Geese and so forth .
声音大歌,侗语称 “嘎索”,也是在鼓楼里唱的歌,但它不是鼓楼里对歌的主要歌种,而是对歌过程中的一些精彩插曲,多数情况下是应观众的邀请或听众情绪有波动时歌队以“换嗓子”的方式唱起的拉嗓子的歌。The Voice Choirs are called “gal suo”in Dong language , which were also sung in the drum-tower. They were not the main songs of the antiphonal songs in the drum-tower, but the wonderful interluded songs in process of
antiphonal singing . In most cases, it was the respond to the audiences or starting to pull voice by the way of
―exchanging one’s voice‖ so as to answer listeners’
mood swings . 这类歌的歌词短小,主要是以展示歌曲的旋律曲调为主,常常模仿虫鸣鸟叫、小河流水。The words of this kind of song were short and small,
revealing the songs’ melody importantly, and often
imitated the animals and creeks’ voice. 拉腔时轮流换唱高音,此起彼伏,优美动听,最能体现大歌旋律和发挥歌队的演唱水平,是侗族大歌的音乐精华部分。Taking turns to sing high when they pull cavity, up and down,
pleasant to the ears, which can incarnate the songs’ melody and express singing skills of the team. This part was the essence of this kind of music.男女有不同的曲调,演唱时
不是比输赢,而是互相谦让。这种歌以女生最为有名,目前舞台演唱的多为此类歌曲。声音大歌常冠以昆虫鸟兽或季节时令的名称,如“蝉之歌”,“知了歌”“三月之歌”、“八月之歌”等。Different genders had different tunes and it emphasized not the winning and losing but the mutual modesty when singing. The girls’ songs were the most popular in this kind of song. At present, the stage singing many are this sort. Generally, the Voice Songs were called by animals or season time name such as the ―Song of Cicada‖(gal laemc laengh), the ―Zhi Liao
Song‖(gal jil yodx), the ―March Song‖ (gal samp
nguedx)and the ―August Song‖ (gal beds nguedx)and so on.
叙事大歌,多以展开故事情节和人物对话为主要内容,音乐旋律舒缓,低沉而忧伤,以单人领唱,众人集体低音相衬为主要表现方式,歌词一般较长,歌者要有惊人的记忆和丰富的表情。The Narrative Choirs, which of main contents were expanding the plots of story and the dialogues of character. The music melody was leisurely, low and sad. The manifestation mode of the Nerrative Songs was that one person leads and the collective
cooperate in low voice. The words are usually long and the
singers must require an amazing memory and many face expressions.叙事大歌从体裁上又分为唱故事的“嘎君”和唱道理的“嘎祥”,常以人名为歌名,如“门龙之歌”、“金汉之歌”、“元东之歌”、“娘美之歌”等。The Narrative Choirs also can be divided into the ―gal jun‖ of the story singing and the ―gal xiang‖ of the truth singing from the types of literature, which are named after the people’s like the ―Song of Dragon Door‖(gal menv ljongc), the ― Jinhan Song‖(gal jeml hank), the“Yuandong Song”(gal yonnc dongh)and the ―Meiniang Song‖(gal nyangc muih)etc.
童声大歌,是儿童做游戏娱乐时所唱的多声部歌曲,这一类歌的歌词短小,节奏欢快,以齐唱为主。Child’s Voice Choirs, the multi-part voice musics were sung when children played games, which of lyrics were short and
rhythms were lively and often sing in unison. 这种歌的演唱不受场合的限制。The occasions were not limited .童声大歌的歌名多跟据内容而定,如“小山羊”、“探外婆‖、 “捉螃蟹”、“筑塘歌”等。Its name usually are according to its content such as the ―Small Goat‖,
―Visiting Grandma‖, ―Catching Crab‖ and ―Song of Build Pond‖ and so on .
2010级 英语2班 陈琴琴
The Culture of Kam Grand Choirs
侗族大歌,是流传在中国侗族地区一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏、自然和声的民间合唱形式,是侗族文化的优秀代表作。Choirs of
Kam Peope is an outstanding masterpiece which spread in the areas of Dong people in China , which gathered the folk choirs form of multi part, having no command ,no accompaniment and natural harmony. 1986年,在法国巴黎金秋艺术节上,侗族大歌被认为是, “清泉般闪光的音乐,掠过故梦边缘的旋律”。In the Golden Autumn Festival Paris, France of 1986,it had been considered ―the music flashed from the clear spring and the melody flies over the edge of past dream‖.2005年侗族大歌被列为国家级第一批非物质文化遗产代表作名录,并作为中国推举世界“人类口头及非物质遗产代表作候选项目”。In 2005,Choirs of Kam was listed as the first batch of national grade nonmaterial culture heritage and was choosen to the world
―human oral and candidate item of nonmaterial heritage
representative work‖.2009年,侗族大歌被列入联合国“人类非物质遗产代表名录”,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府兼委员会评委认为,侗族大歌是“一个民族的声音,一种人类的文化”。The United Nations listed the Choirs of
Kam as ― the representive item of human nonmaterial
heritage‖,and was deemed as ― one nation’s voice and one
human’s culture‖ by the judges of UNESCO government and
council in 2009.
侗族大歌无论是音律结构、演唱技艺、传承方式和演唱场合均与一般民族歌曲不同,它是一领众和,分高低音多声部谐唱的合唱种类,属于民间支声复调音乐歌曲,这在中外民间音乐中都极为罕见。The Kam Choirs, which no matter the tonality structures, the singing skills, the inheritting manner and the singing places all are different from common national songs and it is a kind of chorus that one person sings leading many other do as so and is divided by high and low pitch,belonging the folk branch sound and polyphony, is rarely seen in the home and abroad.侗族大歌不仅仅是一种音乐艺术形式,对于侗族人民文化及其精神的传承和凝聚都起着非常重大的作用,是侗族文化的直接体现。It is not only a kind of musical art form, but also has a great impact on inheritting and cohesion of the Dong people’s culture and spirit, which is the direct reflection of Dong culture.
一、 大歌流行的区域及历史
The Popular Region and History
演唱的方式演唱多声部歌谣俗曲的统称。The Choirs of Dong People, a specific name of singing form, refers to a general terms of mult part folk songs and custom music playing within a song term in Dong folks.这种歌唱形式主要流行在侗族南部地区的黎平、从江两县交界被称为“六洞”、“九洞”、“千七”、“千五”、“二千九”、“四脚牛”一带的侗寨,以及榕江县属于“九洞”地区的苗兰、宰荡等少数村寨和广西三江侗族自治县与黎平“四脚牛”结界的榕江河流域的一些寨子。This singing style was most popular in these Dong stockaded villages of the boader Liping and Cong Jiang counties to be called ―Liu Dong‖,“Jiu Dong‖, ―Qian Qi‖, ―Qian Wu‖, ―Er Qianjiu”and ―Si Jiaoniu‖, and what’s more, a few villages of Miao Lan and Zai Dang and so on, belonging to ― Jiu Dong‖ of Rong Jiang area, and the boader of other villages of Guang Xi Three Rivers Dong Autonomous county and Rong Jiang river basin of Liping“Si Jiaolou‖.以“六洞、“九洞”最为著名。It was known for ―Liu Dong‖and ―Jiu Dong‖.这一地区正好是侗语南部方言第二土语区的分布区域。Thesa areas are just the south dialect distribution range of the second local dialect. 侗族大歌的流行范围是否与语言特点有关,目前还没有这方面的专门研究报告。Whether there are somethings between the Dong Choirs’ hot area and language feature or not, but for this aspect that it has no special report at the moment.
双重意思。The Songs –Dong language called ―gal laox‖, ―gal‖ means songs and the ―laox‖ refers to the double meanings of antiquity and grant . “大歌”名称是汉语对侗语的准确意译。The name of ― Big Songs ‖ is the exact translation in Chinese.在侗族的民歌中,大歌之所以“大”,是因为这一类歌曲除了古老外,还因为这种歌在结构上,演唱方式和演唱场合上均与其他民歌不同。The Dong Choirs in the folk songs, the ―big‖, because this kind of Songs in addition to the antiquity, but also because the Songs on the structure, singing style and playing occasion are different from others. 首先,大歌的结构一般都比较长大,一首歌包含有若干个段落,除了表现声音为主的“嘎所”外,一般都有六七个段落。First, the structure of Songs is generally relatively long and big, and one song contains several sections excepts the ―gal suo‖of voice performance, which commonly has six or seven pragraphs.其次,除了平时练习外,大歌只能在节日和接待外寨的集体来客这种非常隆重的场合才能在鼓楼里演唱。Secondly, excepting the usual practice, the Songs are only played in the drum-tower when it was the solemn situation of festival and reception of collective guests coming from other villages .第三,大歌必须由五个人以上组成的歌队或歌班来演唱,不能独唱,因为大歌的演唱至少包含两个以上的声部和声。Thirdly, the Songs ,must sang by over five
persons making up song team or class, can’t be solo performance just because the Songs’ playing includes two or more voices harmony at least.
至今还没有明确的研究。So far there is no definite research about the times of Dong Choirs’ origin owing to having no recorded historical materials to consult and judge.但在千年前的宋代文献记载中,侗族大歌已经发展到比较成熟的阶段,南宋时期的著名诗人陆游在其《老学庵笔记》就记载了“仡伶”(侗人自称)集体做客唱歌的情景|:至一二百人为曹,手相握而歌。But according to the thousands years’ Song dynasty documents ,the Dong Songs had developed to a fairly mature period in which the celebrated poet Lu You who lived in the Southern Song Dynasty put down the situation in his book The Jottings from Laoxue An where collective people ―Ge Ling‖( which the Dong called themselves) to be the guests and sing: One or two hundred people to be a group, hand and hand together to sing. 明朝末年邝露其所著《赤雅》一书中更加明确的记载了“侗人善音乐,弹胡琴,吹六管,长歌闭目,顿首摇足”的唱歌情景。In the last years of Ming Dynasty, Kuang Lu stated the singing scenes with so many words in his book The South Legends ―The Dong People are good at music, playing huqin and six pipe then singing ,closing eyes ,making a ceremonious nod and
rocking feet‖.可见,侗族大歌在宋代以来就已在侗族地区很盛行了。It is clear that the Dong Choirs had prevailed in Dong area since Song Dynasty.在往后侗族地区的志和一些私人著作中,对侗族大歌这种独特的音乐演唱形式也有一些零零星星的记载,对侗族大歌进行大规模的采入和真正意思上的科学研究则是上个世纪五十年代以后的事。The following records and some private works of Dong territory had also describled this kind of special singing style more or less, but the real accesses and scientific reseaches to the Dong Choirs are the subsequent things in last 50s.
二、 大歌演唱的地点及场合
The Place and Occasion
侗族的种类很多,十分丰富,有大歌、敘事歌、拦路歌、琵琶歌、情歌、河歌、山歌等很多音乐演唱形式,侗族大歌在众多的侗族音乐形式中是一种非常特殊的歌类,由于它的圣神和隆重,因此它只能在侗族特有的地点—侗族鼓楼中唱,除了平时歌班练习演唱是在歌师家里面以外,侗族鼓楼是大歌唯一的演唱场所。 There are several singing styles in Kam, extremely plentifully, such as Big Songs, Narrative
Songs,Songs of blocking the way, Pipa Songs, Love Songs, River Songs and Mountain Songs and so on. The Kam Songs is a very special music in so many Dong Songs styles .As it is holy and solemn.So it is only played in some special places of Dong —in
the Dong Drum-Towers excepts playing in the singers’ homes at the usual time and the Dong Drum-Towers are the only performance places.
鼓楼是侗族村寨一种木结构的多层重檐建筑,多建在寨子的中央或寨门附近。The drum-towers are a kind of timberwork of multilayer roofs in Kam stockaded villages, which are often built in the centre of villages or nearby the door.鼓楼以及鼓楼坪与风雨桥、戏楼融为一体,是侗寨公众活动中心。The drum- and drum-tower ground ,the shelter bridge and the theatrical stage integrated together, which is the public activity centre of Dong villages.侗族村寨有关政治、经济、文化等的群众性活动都在鼓楼里进行。All the mass activities of Dong villages about politics, economy and culture etc usually are played in it.鼓楼是侗族村寨特有的公共建筑。The drum-towers are the peculiar public buildings in Dong stockaded villages.从内部结构来说,大多数为多柱式,个别为独柱式。For the inner structure, most of them are hypostyles while the individuals are single column types.从里往上一般没有楼层,外廊有密叠的装饰性楼层,飞阁重檐,层层而上,重檐层数均为单数,三层至十几层不等。In generally, there are no floors from inside to up and the verandas have thick and piled decorative storey . The flying pavilions and multilayer roofs are layer upon layer and their number of layers all are odd number ,of which floors are not equal
from the third to the tenth or more. 形式有四角形、六角形、八角形。屋顶主要有庑殿式和攒尖顶两种。Their shapes are quadrangle, sexangle and octangle .Type Wudian (which is a kind of ancient Chinese architectuaral form, representing the supremacy) and type Cuan Jianding ( which is cone-shape without the main ridge) are its main roof syles.攒尖顶的楼冠与楼身连接处饰有花格棂窗或鳞状斗拱。顶部悬挂牛皮大鼓,用独木梯上下。The joint between the crest and the floor of Cuan Jianding has the lattice window or squamous brackeets called Dou Gong (which is a kind of unique component in the ancient Chinese archtecture, constituting by the square measures, rise, arch and wraped things). The bass drum made of cowhide hangs on the top and people’ up and down througth the lonely ladders.底层是鼓楼的实际使用部分,中间设有巨人的火塘,四周设有长条木凳。The ground floor of the drum-tower is the pratical use part , which of the middle set a giant fire pood and has strip wood bentch.冬天唱歌时,围着火塘进行。In winter, people often sang around the fire pood.史籍上记载的侗族古代还有一种称为罗汉楼建筑。The historical record of the ancient Dong people describled a kind of building called Luohan Lou.明邝露《赤雅》、雍正《广西通志》和嘉庆李宗昉《黔记》中均有关于“罗汉楼”的记载,说罗汉楼以巨木一枝埋地,作独角楼,高百尺,上覆五色瓦,青年男子夜宿其上,唱歌饮啖Kuang Luo’s the South Legends
of Ming Dynasty, the Guangxi Tong Zhi ( which is a history record about Guangxi area) of Yong Zheng years and the Records of Qian of Jia Qing years all had put down the ―Luohan Lou‖ in writing. It was said that Luonan Lou buried a huge wood in the ground and then made it be a lonely turret which is hundreds high being covered colors tiles. The young men are there ,singing and drinking at night. 罗汉为侗语lagx hank 之音译,意为青年男子,故名为罗汉楼。Luohan is ―lagx hank‖ of Dong language in transliteration, which means the young men .So it was called Luohan Lou.
侗族大歌除了演唱地点讲究外,它的演唱场合也是特殊的。The Dong Songs not only stressed their singing sites, but also noticed their specific occasions. 平时到侗寨是很难听到正式的大歌演唱的,即使有人唱大歌那也只是村寨的歌班在歌师家练歌而已。Usually it was hard to hear and watched the formal singing performance of the Dong Choirs even if it was heard and it is just that the village’ s song class is practicing at the singers’ home. 侗族男女歌队平时学习练歌,其场所是不固定的,一般选歌师家或房屋宽敞人口较少又有人学歌的人家。The practising places of Kam males and females are not settled. Generally speaking, they would choose the singer’s home or the commodious family with few people. 夏秋季节多在通风的居民房屋走廊或寨中的桥廊练歌,冬天则多在保暖较好的有火
塘的屋里训练。People usually practise songs, in summer and autumn, at the ventilated residence corridor or the bridge porch while they would like to train in the house having one fire pond and keeping warm in winter. 侗族大歌正式演唱的场合一般是在有外寨的歌队来访或村寨举行重大的活动时,才有正式的大歌演唱。The formal Kam Choirs performance often are just held when external stockaded village singing teams will visit there or the significent activities were coming. 因此每年的冬天是侗寨唱歌的季节,特别是春节期间,侗族村寨间有进行集体的走访唱歌的习俗“为也”(weex yeel),届时乙寨的歌队走访甲寨,主客双方就要集中到甲寨的鼓楼对唱大歌,通宵达旦。Therefore, winter was the singing season of Dong Songs, particially, during the spring period . The Dong villages have the singing customs ―weex yeel‖ of collective interviewing , and on the occasion the song team of one village visited another and then the guest and host centralized in the host’ s drum-tower to start antiphonal singing all through the night.
The Contents and Types
人员性别的不同,侗族大歌可分为“鼓楼对唱”(gal dees
louc),“童声大歌”(gal lagx uns), “戏曲大歌”(gal jenh
xangh)。Since the singing occasions, forms , and the
personal genders were different, there were many types of Dong Choirs, which can be classified into ―Drum-tower’s antiphonal singing‖(gal dees louc), ― Songs of Child’s
voice‖(gal lagx uns) and ― Songs of Chinese traditional opera‖(gal jenh xangh). ―此外还分“男生大歌”、“女生大
歌”、“男女混声大歌”等。Moreover, it can be devided into the ―Boys’ Songs‖,the ―Girls’ Songs‖ and ― the Songs of men and women‖ and so on.侗族大歌还因流行地区的差异而以流行地冠名,如“肇兴大歌”(gal saol), ―高增大歌‖(gal gaos), ―三龙大歌‖(gal xaml), “也洞大歌”(gal mess)“,岩洞大歌”等。The Dong Songs were
named after their popular areas such as ―Zhaoxing
Songs‖( they were called gal xaml in Dong), ―Gaozeng Songs‖(gal mess) , ―Sanlong Songs‖,Shidong Songs‖ and ―Yandong Songs‖ and so on.此外,还有一些内容为宣传伦理的歌谣,多冠一些特殊的名称,如“父母歌”,“公婆歌”,“单身歌”“陆大用歌”等。In addition, there were some folk songs for propagandizing moral principles, which were often called special names, for instance, the ―Parents Songs‖, the ―Songs of Parents-in-law‖, the
―Single Songs‖ and ―Lu Dayong Songs‖(it stated the man who made great contribution to Dong Choirs and was
called the Most Holy Singer ) etc.
鼓楼大歌,是侗族大歌的主要组成部分,它是村寨间青年男女歌队在鼓楼对歌的主要歌种。Drum-tower Choirs were the chief part , which were the key songs about
different villages’ girls and boys’s singing in antiphonal style at the drum-tower.曲调有“啊海顶”和“赶赛”两种。The two ―Ahai Ding‖ and ―Gan Sai‖ were its melodies.“啊海顶”是开始对歌时互相问候的部分,“赶赛”是对歌的主要内容。“赶赛”是以少男少女们惜春和男女间互相爱慕、埋怨之类的情歌,著名的歌有《涩梨子》、《老蕨菜》、《板栗歌》、《墙角歌》、《火花歌》、《飞天白鹅》等。“Ahai Ding‖ was the part of people saying ―hello‖ to each other at the antiphonal singing. The ―Gan Sai‖ was the main content in the singing of antiphonal style and was this kind of love songs expressing the teenagers’ spring feelings and the mutual love and admiration , grumbles , and the like, each other.The noted songs had the Sour and Bitter Pears,the Tough Fiddlehead, the Song of Chinese Chestnut, the Song of Wall Corner,the Song of Sparkle and the Flying White Geese and so forth .
声音大歌,侗语称 “嘎索”,也是在鼓楼里唱的歌,但它不是鼓楼里对歌的主要歌种,而是对歌过程中的一些精彩插曲,多数情况下是应观众的邀请或听众情绪有波动时歌队以“换嗓子”的方式唱起的拉嗓子的歌。The Voice Choirs are called “gal suo”in Dong language , which were also sung in the drum-tower. They were not the main songs of the antiphonal songs in the drum-tower, but the wonderful interluded songs in process of
antiphonal singing . In most cases, it was the respond to the audiences or starting to pull voice by the way of
―exchanging one’s voice‖ so as to answer listeners’
mood swings . 这类歌的歌词短小,主要是以展示歌曲的旋律曲调为主,常常模仿虫鸣鸟叫、小河流水。The words of this kind of song were short and small,
revealing the songs’ melody importantly, and often
imitated the animals and creeks’ voice. 拉腔时轮流换唱高音,此起彼伏,优美动听,最能体现大歌旋律和发挥歌队的演唱水平,是侗族大歌的音乐精华部分。Taking turns to sing high when they pull cavity, up and down,
pleasant to the ears, which can incarnate the songs’ melody and express singing skills of the team. This part was the essence of this kind of music.男女有不同的曲调,演唱时
不是比输赢,而是互相谦让。这种歌以女生最为有名,目前舞台演唱的多为此类歌曲。声音大歌常冠以昆虫鸟兽或季节时令的名称,如“蝉之歌”,“知了歌”“三月之歌”、“八月之歌”等。Different genders had different tunes and it emphasized not the winning and losing but the mutual modesty when singing. The girls’ songs were the most popular in this kind of song. At present, the stage singing many are this sort. Generally, the Voice Songs were called by animals or season time name such as the ―Song of Cicada‖(gal laemc laengh), the ―Zhi Liao
Song‖(gal jil yodx), the ―March Song‖ (gal samp
nguedx)and the ―August Song‖ (gal beds nguedx)and so on.
叙事大歌,多以展开故事情节和人物对话为主要内容,音乐旋律舒缓,低沉而忧伤,以单人领唱,众人集体低音相衬为主要表现方式,歌词一般较长,歌者要有惊人的记忆和丰富的表情。The Narrative Choirs, which of main contents were expanding the plots of story and the dialogues of character. The music melody was leisurely, low and sad. The manifestation mode of the Nerrative Songs was that one person leads and the collective
cooperate in low voice. The words are usually long and the
singers must require an amazing memory and many face expressions.叙事大歌从体裁上又分为唱故事的“嘎君”和唱道理的“嘎祥”,常以人名为歌名,如“门龙之歌”、“金汉之歌”、“元东之歌”、“娘美之歌”等。The Narrative Choirs also can be divided into the ―gal jun‖ of the story singing and the ―gal xiang‖ of the truth singing from the types of literature, which are named after the people’s like the ―Song of Dragon Door‖(gal menv ljongc), the ― Jinhan Song‖(gal jeml hank), the“Yuandong Song”(gal yonnc dongh)and the ―Meiniang Song‖(gal nyangc muih)etc.
童声大歌,是儿童做游戏娱乐时所唱的多声部歌曲,这一类歌的歌词短小,节奏欢快,以齐唱为主。Child’s Voice Choirs, the multi-part voice musics were sung when children played games, which of lyrics were short and
rhythms were lively and often sing in unison. 这种歌的演唱不受场合的限制。The occasions were not limited .童声大歌的歌名多跟据内容而定,如“小山羊”、“探外婆‖、 “捉螃蟹”、“筑塘歌”等。Its name usually are according to its content such as the ―Small Goat‖,
―Visiting Grandma‖, ―Catching Crab‖ and ―Song of Build Pond‖ and so on .
2010级 英语2班 陈琴琴