
Uxin, Platform for China's Used-Car Market, Raises $170 Million


HONG KONG — An online auction house for used cars in China has attracted $170 million from big name investors including the search engine company Baidu, the private equity group K.K.R. and Coatue Management, a New York investment firm.

香港——一家中国二手车网络拍卖公司获得了一些知名投资商的1.7亿美元(约合10.5亿元人民币)投资,其中包括搜索引擎百度、私募股权公司科尔伯格-克拉维斯-罗伯茨公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts,简称KKR)和纽约投资公司蔻图管理公司(Coatue Management)。

Uxin, which operates used-car auction websites in China that focus on dealers and businesses, said Wednesday that it would use the funds to expand a new website and mobile app aiming at individual consumers. The company also provides inspections, quality guarantees and financing for the vehicles sold on its platforms.


“Uxin hopes to use the strengths of its Internet technologies and experience in the used-car market to improve the efficiency of transactions, and to help dealers identify potential buyers with greater accuracy,” Chris Dai, the chief executive of the Chinese company, said in a statement.


China is the world’s biggest market for new car sales, but the market for used cars is still comparatively small. Many Chinese are first-time car buyers and see owning a new vehicle as a status symbol. The country’s used-car market has traditionally been highly fragmented and lacking information on the service and repair history of the vehicles being sold. But things appear to be changing rapidly.


Transactions in China’s used-car market rose 26 percent in 2014 from a year earlier, to 368 billion renminbi, or about $60 billion. The number of used cars changing hands rose 16 percent to about six million vehicles in the same period, according to figures from the China Automobile Dealers Association cited by Uxin.


Online sales and auctions of used cars accounted for a small segment of the market, but they have the advantage of connecting buyers and sellers in different cities or provinces. Uxin said it handled more than 150,000 online and offline car auction transactions a year.


The terms of the shareholdings were not disclosed, but for Baidu, China’s biggest online search engine company, investing in Uxin gives it a new market where it can leverage its vast stores of data and large user base. For K.K.R., the deal is the latest by its China Growth Fund, which last summer invested about $400 million in a chicken breeder in Fujian Province in southeastern China.

公司尚未公布持股情况,但是对于中国最大的网络搜索引擎公司百度,投资优信可以给它提供一个新的市场,它可以在这个市场上利用自己的大量数据和庞大的用户群。对于KKR而言,这是中国成长基金(China Growth Fund)最近的一笔交易。去年夏季,该基金为中国东南部省份福建省的一家养鸡场投资了大约4亿美元。

Uxin, Platform for China's Used-Car Market, Raises $170 Million


HONG KONG — An online auction house for used cars in China has attracted $170 million from big name investors including the search engine company Baidu, the private equity group K.K.R. and Coatue Management, a New York investment firm.

香港——一家中国二手车网络拍卖公司获得了一些知名投资商的1.7亿美元(约合10.5亿元人民币)投资,其中包括搜索引擎百度、私募股权公司科尔伯格-克拉维斯-罗伯茨公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts,简称KKR)和纽约投资公司蔻图管理公司(Coatue Management)。

Uxin, which operates used-car auction websites in China that focus on dealers and businesses, said Wednesday that it would use the funds to expand a new website and mobile app aiming at individual consumers. The company also provides inspections, quality guarantees and financing for the vehicles sold on its platforms.


“Uxin hopes to use the strengths of its Internet technologies and experience in the used-car market to improve the efficiency of transactions, and to help dealers identify potential buyers with greater accuracy,” Chris Dai, the chief executive of the Chinese company, said in a statement.


China is the world’s biggest market for new car sales, but the market for used cars is still comparatively small. Many Chinese are first-time car buyers and see owning a new vehicle as a status symbol. The country’s used-car market has traditionally been highly fragmented and lacking information on the service and repair history of the vehicles being sold. But things appear to be changing rapidly.


Transactions in China’s used-car market rose 26 percent in 2014 from a year earlier, to 368 billion renminbi, or about $60 billion. The number of used cars changing hands rose 16 percent to about six million vehicles in the same period, according to figures from the China Automobile Dealers Association cited by Uxin.


Online sales and auctions of used cars accounted for a small segment of the market, but they have the advantage of connecting buyers and sellers in different cities or provinces. Uxin said it handled more than 150,000 online and offline car auction transactions a year.


The terms of the shareholdings were not disclosed, but for Baidu, China’s biggest online search engine company, investing in Uxin gives it a new market where it can leverage its vast stores of data and large user base. For K.K.R., the deal is the latest by its China Growth Fund, which last summer invested about $400 million in a chicken breeder in Fujian Province in southeastern China.

公司尚未公布持股情况,但是对于中国最大的网络搜索引擎公司百度,投资优信可以给它提供一个新的市场,它可以在这个市场上利用自己的大量数据和庞大的用户群。对于KKR而言,这是中国成长基金(China Growth Fund)最近的一笔交易。去年夏季,该基金为中国东南部省份福建省的一家养鸡场投资了大约4亿美元。


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