[刮痧]观后感 2

The cultural conflicts between American and China

What we learn from the GuaSha treatment




The Treatment is a preeminent film which reflects the cultural conflicts between American and China.

At first, I had to admit the deepest impression it left on me was the different culture between those two countries, China and America. As we all know, Gua Sha is a really traditional medical treatment in China. However, grandpa’s love and care eventu ally turned out that Dannice was treated badly and unfairly. And Xu Datong had no choice but to be announced to face the problem in the court, where many unpleasant experiences happened next.

Also, I noticed the special friendship between Xu and his boss. At the beginning, due to the target to help friend get out of trouble, the boss was willing to attend the meeting, though he was not professional at this case. But when seeing the scars on the back of Dannice, he made a decision to quit helping him of course because of his misunderstanding to Xu. Later, after explanations of grandpa’s, he spared no pains to find the truth, finally making the judge give Xu freedom.

Of course, I was moved to tears by love in the story. As the old saying goes, love is common. Among family, friends and strangers exists, there can be more peaceful in the world.

It is only a drop of water, but what inside is a mighty ocean made by differences in races, regions and cultures. The story happened in Missouri, a state famous for its conservation and stubbornness, which can show the embodiment of the discrimination against foreign culture mostly. Although the whole film reflects conflicts between different cultures from the aspect of teaching children, we can still deepen the understanding of this conflict from other sides of the story.

For example, which respect to saving face, the protagonist, Xu Datong slapped his son in his face in front of his boss, but he acquired a bad reputation of violent crimes, also neither save his face. Even his friend, his boss can’t understand and forgive him. The reason of the whole accident is simple. The son of Xu, Dennis, beat the son of his boss when they were playing together. The son of the boss came to complain to Xu. Xu wanted Dennis to apologize to him, but Dennis refused. Xu raged and then slapped Dennis.

The first reason of the slap is to save his face.

Fatherhood dignity has been a typical feature of Chinese Confusion Culture

thousand years ago. The rule between fathers and sons, the ethic order, cardinal guides and virtues shouldn’t be against. Subjects must obey their emperor absolutely even if he orders them to die;Son must obey his father absolutely even if his father orders him to die. According to the view of Xu, he ordered his son to apologize, Dennis must obey him without hesitate. Refusing is to rebel, is losing face, is to challenge the fatherhood dignity. Therefore, he slapped Dennis.

The second reason for the slap is to save the face of his boss.

Because of the help of his boss, Xu gained a little bit success in the USA. So they become good friends. The boss must feel having honorable if Dennis apologized to him. Even Xu’s father praised him because of the slap.

But both of them were wrong.

From the stunned face of the boss and Xu’s wife when they saw Xu slapped his son, we understand, American culture and Chinese culture began to collide and clash.

Lin Yutang wrote in his book Face and Legal, the face of Chinese people can not only be washed, be shaved, but also can be losed, be awarded, be gained, be kept.

Sometimes, face is the most important of lives; some people even ruined themselves for it.

Q, written by Lu Xun, had no treasure and no position, but he thought it’s all right because he had face. Face just like rules every Chinese’s souls. A person needs face; a tree needs bark. Keeping chastity is prior to starving to death. From these we can see the importance of the face in Chinese traditional culture.

Americans are different. We can’t say Americans don’t care about face. They just don’t treat face in a vital importance position like Chinese people. On matters of principle, they never concerned about face. For example, on the court trial, the boss admitted he saw Xu slapped his son. After the trail, Xu blamed the boss for betraying himself, but the boss said “I shouldn’t lie”.

It is complex that makes differences between American culture and Chinese culture. The matter of face reflects the intolerance of the diversity. Chinese people value collectivism very much. People depend on and help each other and get along with in harmony. It is a rule of living summed up from thousands of years ago in agriculture civilization. Actually, backward agricultural production method is a very weak living bond. People holding up on that bond cannot break the tether. Result of the conflict must be ruin the existing order, adjust the relations of production and make this

disaster coming again and again. Therefore, Chinese people are aware of bear it, respect others, regard the harmony as important as the universe rules, treat the face more

important than the universal rules. Unless they have to, they will never think about beat or offend others. That is an important reason that makes China be a unity all the time.

Xu thought that he should save the boss’s face, but he didn’t realize he was losing face himself. It is the ‘face theory’ which comes from China made him desperate. His son was guarded by Child welfare bureau; his wife lived apart from him; his father went back to China sadly and he only can mock himself as ‘bullshit’.

The other conflict is the criteria of abusing children, the using languages between the different generations, the ways of teaching children. Of course, the main one is Chinese traditional values and American ones. It is showed on two characters, Datong and his father.

Grandpa is a Chinese traditional highbrow; he can accept the American values partly, but not to follow. At last, he chose to leave. He went back to Peking. Between two families, one is his country, another is his own family including his son with

American dream, and he chose the former. For an old Chinese, I think it’s a good choice. Also, Gua Sha is done by grandpa which is the main clue of the movie.

Datong is the central character. His words, his actions, his throughway, all

represent the Chinese traditional values. He is the typical that the director chose to expert theme. All conflicts are focus on him. On him, you see the Culture Shock.

The line that impresses me most is” Because he is Chinese.” After making so many conflicts, the director tells us the reason of all. It hits the nail on the head. Here, the director forces you to face the reality of this society, in that melting pot; Culture Shock can be a big problem. I’m happy that the director is a Chinese, so, we can safely conclude that we Chinese are no longer as numb as Lu Xun described in his novels. However, what he can do is just shows us the truth, not the method to solve the problem.

We can see the differences between China and other countries, but the standard and legal system through the culture can be learnt. For instance, the principal

contradiction of the film is guasha treatment. For one side, it is because the absence of culture communication. For the other side, it is on account of stringency of American law.

As we watch the film, at the time when we worried about the Chinese family, we also experienced legality feature of American law. Imagine that, will it cause so many things in China? Firstly, people do not have such legal consciousness. When a Chinese doctor sees scars on the child’s body (we suppose the doctor think they are scars), will she think of protecting the child by law? Maybe she will just tell her colleagues and talk about the current situation of domestic violence, then sign with emotion that they can do nothing about that. Or maybe the doctor and her colleague have high legal

consciousness and they want to protect the kid. But the question is which organization they should seek for help. It seems that the first step is too difficult. They find the children protection agency and the agency has professional groups to deal with this thing. They treat the kid like their own child, as the film. In China, people who are

helped by media can have this treatment. The Chinese family will never make so much trouble in China. They have enough time to prevent this thing. So after this film, we should introspect. China is developing; perfect legal system is the only way can be passed.

The conflict of The Treatment is just an epitome of Chinese and Western culture. This conflict will exist for long. The most important thing we should do is not to change, because it cannot be changed. It can only be mixed and deepened. What matters is to accustom and adapt. When we saw the end of the film the whole family embraced together, accepting the congratulations of so many Americans, who can say it’s not a kind of adaption and mixing.

As we all know, there are lots of differences in school education between China and America. Now I want to talk about the differences from primary education to higher education.

The reasons why I want to compare these two kinds of education style are very simple. First, if we want to learn about a country we should learn its education style to learn about how they cultivate the next generation. Second, we can learn other's advantages and improve ours, especially for us developing countries. Third, development of society always relies on science, and science come from education, if we want to be strong, education is the very key.

You may ask why the differences exist, yeah, why? In my opinion, differences come so obviously because we have quite different thinking methods, we Chinese prefer to summarize experience after every practice, and we are good at applying our summary into practice. While Americans are used to doing some practice first, they can achieve a lot in these practice. In other words our thinking method is limited in the elder generation's experience seriously, what we do is to apply these summary into application; it will do great harm to our innovation. Now let us compare our different kind of education style from primary education to higher education between the two countries.

1. Primary School Education

It's so common that our children suffer lots of homework after class, what is more, the young have to attend to every kind of extra class to improve their scores, we have to admire that our children grasp better basic knowledge, however, what we lose is far more than what we gain. As is the time should we have a reflection, we put so heavy pressure on the young, but it does not work well, children ought to have a happy childhood.

While, children in American have less classes and less homework, teachers prefer to let the young do more activities not exercise they want them to consider more and achieve the interest during their practice. Teachers often let children have free talks to train speaking skills, so today we can see Americans do better in arguing. During primary education, their students mainly study math and language, teachers usually arrange some activities which need to be finished in group, it not only improve the young's friendship but also do good to their sense of a teamwork. We can see the US children have quite relaxed growing environment. They have a more comfortable childhood I think.

2. High School Education

I am willing to talk more about this part as this period impressed me so much.

In Chinese high school, we study for three years, during this period, students have a lot of things to do, most of which is about study, every day we are preparing for college entrance examination, we all want to make good scores and choose an ideal college, so you can imagine this three-year career is a great challenge for us. Every day, we begin our class from 7:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 2:00 till 5:30 in the afternoon, during a day's study, we mainly have math, physic, chemistry, biology, English and Chinese classes, these are the very subjects we should prepare for college entrance examination. We also have some interesting classes. Each week we have two PE classes, during this time we can do what sports we love and we can also relax ourselves, in my opinion only two PE classes are really not enough for us. We have two psychology classes, in this class teacher will show us some exciting topics that have something to do with us, it really help us a lot when we feel lost and frustrated. In Art class teacher will show us famous pictures and tell us the story of each work, we feel quite relaxed at this moment as we can have a sleep or do some other things. Though study is essential during these three years, yet what is the most important I think is that we develop great friendship during high school life, and our friendship is so pure that we can trust each other without any hesitation. Though these three years is the busiest period, it really gives us a

valuable memory.

When we come to American high school, we can see they have a relaxed study life, as is seen, their high school life is very similar to our college life, they commonly study for four years during high school, they need not to pay too much attention to college entrance examination, in American, people prefer your ability than your scores, so students work hard to improve their all kinds of abilities. They go to class from 7:30 to 2:15 from Monday to Friday and only six classes every day, maybe you do not believe, but it is really true. They also have more interesting classes such as pottery class, theatre class and legal class, what the school wants is to strengthen students’ practical skills. American students go to class in different classroom while we Chinese have permanent classroom, what is more, they are free to develop themselves and major in the subjects they like. As long as they get enough credits they can get graduated, so we can conclude that their style is like our college style.

And our class atmosphere is also different, Chinese students should sit rightly and answer the teacher's question carefully, we consider that shows our respect to our teacher, however, American students prefer to sit as comfortable as they feel, they think it is good for study efficiency.

3.College Education

In this part we will continue to introduce the difference between two kinds of education styles.

In China, having entranced college, students finally have the chance to lead a relaxed life after so many years study life. Many of them pursuit not to fail in every term's final examination, considering that is enough. And after these four years, students both can get a job and go for further study, it mainly depend on your personal desire. In the four year's life we have to get enough credits to get graduated, we need to attend to required courses and elective subjects. In college you may not go to every class, it is so common that every student have ever escaped from classes. And during these four years we can join all kinds of organizations and that is a good way to improve our communication skills and we can meet more people, maybe one or more among them will do us a favor in the future. We also take part in many kinds of national examinations, among which are CET4, CET6, and NCRE2. If you get the certificate. It will help you a lot when you attend a job interview after graduation.

Now let us have a look at American college life. In the front of this article we know their students have a very relaxed life as they do not need to worry about entering college, they can go to college though their score is poor, of course, if you want to choose famous college you should have good scores. After American students entering college, many of them begin to work harder than they ever did, they may stay in the library all day long, they think it is time for their effort, or they will not get satisfied job after graduation.

And on the way I want to say something not so important. In China a student can go to famous university as long as he has good social relationship, and he will get a gradual certificate. While if you study in America, you should pay attention, getting in by the back door is impossible, if you do not work hard you will never graduate successfully, and no satisfied job is waiting for you.

In general, Chinese education style pays more attention to basic knowledge, especially to math physic and chemistry. Our students really have steady basic knowledge that the US students admire very much. When we turn to see US students, we can easily find they prefer to improve social skills, including arguing, social work and teamwork, this difference lead to a phenomenon that if Chinese and American both work in a company most of the Americans will work as manager, and most of we Chinese will work as technical staff who work for the manager. When asked what bring this difference, American says "Chinese have very good knowledge standard but they are not willing to talk about their opinions in meetings, they are used to work along with former experience and lack innovation spirit."

4.Different education system

In China the majority of young people will get the opportunity to enjoy the 9 years' mandatory education, and very few people can go to high school or college, so the proportion of people gets educated to the whole people is quite low. The reason why our government puts so many efforts to encourage the young to get further study is mainly to improve our nation's quality.

In American, education attract great attention from the government, compulsory education is 12 years, 3 years longer than ours, the students not only enjoy free books but even have free lunch, from this you can see how American care about education. What is more, most of the people will not get satisfied with 12 years education, if so, they can hardly get a job. Many of them will go for further study. They study more forwardly and more self-conscious, and these two kinds of good behavior also bring a good social atmosphere.

Chinese teachers are used to divide students in different level based on they marks in the exam and students will be divided into different classes. While American teachers prefer to use "ABCD" instead of Arabic numerals to evaluate the students, in their eyes every student is good, so teachers will not grudge praise for the students, maybe appreciative education is enlightened from this.

That is the whole content I want to share with you to learn the difference between American and Chinese school education, we can see that we really have a lot of things to solve in our education, why our people cannot get Nobel Prize, maybe there is something wrong with our education system. What we should do is to learn other's advantages and decrease the gap. Maybe years later our students will get the world's attention

In all, I don’t like this genre of movie which uses the cruel facts to criticize the society. It’s so cruel and depressive that you almost lose the hope to our society and have no bravery to face the truth. Anyway, it makes us tough, too.

The cultural conflicts between American and China

What we learn from the GuaSha treatment




The Treatment is a preeminent film which reflects the cultural conflicts between American and China.

At first, I had to admit the deepest impression it left on me was the different culture between those two countries, China and America. As we all know, Gua Sha is a really traditional medical treatment in China. However, grandpa’s love and care eventu ally turned out that Dannice was treated badly and unfairly. And Xu Datong had no choice but to be announced to face the problem in the court, where many unpleasant experiences happened next.

Also, I noticed the special friendship between Xu and his boss. At the beginning, due to the target to help friend get out of trouble, the boss was willing to attend the meeting, though he was not professional at this case. But when seeing the scars on the back of Dannice, he made a decision to quit helping him of course because of his misunderstanding to Xu. Later, after explanations of grandpa’s, he spared no pains to find the truth, finally making the judge give Xu freedom.

Of course, I was moved to tears by love in the story. As the old saying goes, love is common. Among family, friends and strangers exists, there can be more peaceful in the world.

It is only a drop of water, but what inside is a mighty ocean made by differences in races, regions and cultures. The story happened in Missouri, a state famous for its conservation and stubbornness, which can show the embodiment of the discrimination against foreign culture mostly. Although the whole film reflects conflicts between different cultures from the aspect of teaching children, we can still deepen the understanding of this conflict from other sides of the story.

For example, which respect to saving face, the protagonist, Xu Datong slapped his son in his face in front of his boss, but he acquired a bad reputation of violent crimes, also neither save his face. Even his friend, his boss can’t understand and forgive him. The reason of the whole accident is simple. The son of Xu, Dennis, beat the son of his boss when they were playing together. The son of the boss came to complain to Xu. Xu wanted Dennis to apologize to him, but Dennis refused. Xu raged and then slapped Dennis.

The first reason of the slap is to save his face.

Fatherhood dignity has been a typical feature of Chinese Confusion Culture

thousand years ago. The rule between fathers and sons, the ethic order, cardinal guides and virtues shouldn’t be against. Subjects must obey their emperor absolutely even if he orders them to die;Son must obey his father absolutely even if his father orders him to die. According to the view of Xu, he ordered his son to apologize, Dennis must obey him without hesitate. Refusing is to rebel, is losing face, is to challenge the fatherhood dignity. Therefore, he slapped Dennis.

The second reason for the slap is to save the face of his boss.

Because of the help of his boss, Xu gained a little bit success in the USA. So they become good friends. The boss must feel having honorable if Dennis apologized to him. Even Xu’s father praised him because of the slap.

But both of them were wrong.

From the stunned face of the boss and Xu’s wife when they saw Xu slapped his son, we understand, American culture and Chinese culture began to collide and clash.

Lin Yutang wrote in his book Face and Legal, the face of Chinese people can not only be washed, be shaved, but also can be losed, be awarded, be gained, be kept.

Sometimes, face is the most important of lives; some people even ruined themselves for it.

Q, written by Lu Xun, had no treasure and no position, but he thought it’s all right because he had face. Face just like rules every Chinese’s souls. A person needs face; a tree needs bark. Keeping chastity is prior to starving to death. From these we can see the importance of the face in Chinese traditional culture.

Americans are different. We can’t say Americans don’t care about face. They just don’t treat face in a vital importance position like Chinese people. On matters of principle, they never concerned about face. For example, on the court trial, the boss admitted he saw Xu slapped his son. After the trail, Xu blamed the boss for betraying himself, but the boss said “I shouldn’t lie”.

It is complex that makes differences between American culture and Chinese culture. The matter of face reflects the intolerance of the diversity. Chinese people value collectivism very much. People depend on and help each other and get along with in harmony. It is a rule of living summed up from thousands of years ago in agriculture civilization. Actually, backward agricultural production method is a very weak living bond. People holding up on that bond cannot break the tether. Result of the conflict must be ruin the existing order, adjust the relations of production and make this

disaster coming again and again. Therefore, Chinese people are aware of bear it, respect others, regard the harmony as important as the universe rules, treat the face more

important than the universal rules. Unless they have to, they will never think about beat or offend others. That is an important reason that makes China be a unity all the time.

Xu thought that he should save the boss’s face, but he didn’t realize he was losing face himself. It is the ‘face theory’ which comes from China made him desperate. His son was guarded by Child welfare bureau; his wife lived apart from him; his father went back to China sadly and he only can mock himself as ‘bullshit’.

The other conflict is the criteria of abusing children, the using languages between the different generations, the ways of teaching children. Of course, the main one is Chinese traditional values and American ones. It is showed on two characters, Datong and his father.

Grandpa is a Chinese traditional highbrow; he can accept the American values partly, but not to follow. At last, he chose to leave. He went back to Peking. Between two families, one is his country, another is his own family including his son with

American dream, and he chose the former. For an old Chinese, I think it’s a good choice. Also, Gua Sha is done by grandpa which is the main clue of the movie.

Datong is the central character. His words, his actions, his throughway, all

represent the Chinese traditional values. He is the typical that the director chose to expert theme. All conflicts are focus on him. On him, you see the Culture Shock.

The line that impresses me most is” Because he is Chinese.” After making so many conflicts, the director tells us the reason of all. It hits the nail on the head. Here, the director forces you to face the reality of this society, in that melting pot; Culture Shock can be a big problem. I’m happy that the director is a Chinese, so, we can safely conclude that we Chinese are no longer as numb as Lu Xun described in his novels. However, what he can do is just shows us the truth, not the method to solve the problem.

We can see the differences between China and other countries, but the standard and legal system through the culture can be learnt. For instance, the principal

contradiction of the film is guasha treatment. For one side, it is because the absence of culture communication. For the other side, it is on account of stringency of American law.

As we watch the film, at the time when we worried about the Chinese family, we also experienced legality feature of American law. Imagine that, will it cause so many things in China? Firstly, people do not have such legal consciousness. When a Chinese doctor sees scars on the child’s body (we suppose the doctor think they are scars), will she think of protecting the child by law? Maybe she will just tell her colleagues and talk about the current situation of domestic violence, then sign with emotion that they can do nothing about that. Or maybe the doctor and her colleague have high legal

consciousness and they want to protect the kid. But the question is which organization they should seek for help. It seems that the first step is too difficult. They find the children protection agency and the agency has professional groups to deal with this thing. They treat the kid like their own child, as the film. In China, people who are

helped by media can have this treatment. The Chinese family will never make so much trouble in China. They have enough time to prevent this thing. So after this film, we should introspect. China is developing; perfect legal system is the only way can be passed.

The conflict of The Treatment is just an epitome of Chinese and Western culture. This conflict will exist for long. The most important thing we should do is not to change, because it cannot be changed. It can only be mixed and deepened. What matters is to accustom and adapt. When we saw the end of the film the whole family embraced together, accepting the congratulations of so many Americans, who can say it’s not a kind of adaption and mixing.

As we all know, there are lots of differences in school education between China and America. Now I want to talk about the differences from primary education to higher education.

The reasons why I want to compare these two kinds of education style are very simple. First, if we want to learn about a country we should learn its education style to learn about how they cultivate the next generation. Second, we can learn other's advantages and improve ours, especially for us developing countries. Third, development of society always relies on science, and science come from education, if we want to be strong, education is the very key.

You may ask why the differences exist, yeah, why? In my opinion, differences come so obviously because we have quite different thinking methods, we Chinese prefer to summarize experience after every practice, and we are good at applying our summary into practice. While Americans are used to doing some practice first, they can achieve a lot in these practice. In other words our thinking method is limited in the elder generation's experience seriously, what we do is to apply these summary into application; it will do great harm to our innovation. Now let us compare our different kind of education style from primary education to higher education between the two countries.

1. Primary School Education

It's so common that our children suffer lots of homework after class, what is more, the young have to attend to every kind of extra class to improve their scores, we have to admire that our children grasp better basic knowledge, however, what we lose is far more than what we gain. As is the time should we have a reflection, we put so heavy pressure on the young, but it does not work well, children ought to have a happy childhood.

While, children in American have less classes and less homework, teachers prefer to let the young do more activities not exercise they want them to consider more and achieve the interest during their practice. Teachers often let children have free talks to train speaking skills, so today we can see Americans do better in arguing. During primary education, their students mainly study math and language, teachers usually arrange some activities which need to be finished in group, it not only improve the young's friendship but also do good to their sense of a teamwork. We can see the US children have quite relaxed growing environment. They have a more comfortable childhood I think.

2. High School Education

I am willing to talk more about this part as this period impressed me so much.

In Chinese high school, we study for three years, during this period, students have a lot of things to do, most of which is about study, every day we are preparing for college entrance examination, we all want to make good scores and choose an ideal college, so you can imagine this three-year career is a great challenge for us. Every day, we begin our class from 7:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 2:00 till 5:30 in the afternoon, during a day's study, we mainly have math, physic, chemistry, biology, English and Chinese classes, these are the very subjects we should prepare for college entrance examination. We also have some interesting classes. Each week we have two PE classes, during this time we can do what sports we love and we can also relax ourselves, in my opinion only two PE classes are really not enough for us. We have two psychology classes, in this class teacher will show us some exciting topics that have something to do with us, it really help us a lot when we feel lost and frustrated. In Art class teacher will show us famous pictures and tell us the story of each work, we feel quite relaxed at this moment as we can have a sleep or do some other things. Though study is essential during these three years, yet what is the most important I think is that we develop great friendship during high school life, and our friendship is so pure that we can trust each other without any hesitation. Though these three years is the busiest period, it really gives us a

valuable memory.

When we come to American high school, we can see they have a relaxed study life, as is seen, their high school life is very similar to our college life, they commonly study for four years during high school, they need not to pay too much attention to college entrance examination, in American, people prefer your ability than your scores, so students work hard to improve their all kinds of abilities. They go to class from 7:30 to 2:15 from Monday to Friday and only six classes every day, maybe you do not believe, but it is really true. They also have more interesting classes such as pottery class, theatre class and legal class, what the school wants is to strengthen students’ practical skills. American students go to class in different classroom while we Chinese have permanent classroom, what is more, they are free to develop themselves and major in the subjects they like. As long as they get enough credits they can get graduated, so we can conclude that their style is like our college style.

And our class atmosphere is also different, Chinese students should sit rightly and answer the teacher's question carefully, we consider that shows our respect to our teacher, however, American students prefer to sit as comfortable as they feel, they think it is good for study efficiency.

3.College Education

In this part we will continue to introduce the difference between two kinds of education styles.

In China, having entranced college, students finally have the chance to lead a relaxed life after so many years study life. Many of them pursuit not to fail in every term's final examination, considering that is enough. And after these four years, students both can get a job and go for further study, it mainly depend on your personal desire. In the four year's life we have to get enough credits to get graduated, we need to attend to required courses and elective subjects. In college you may not go to every class, it is so common that every student have ever escaped from classes. And during these four years we can join all kinds of organizations and that is a good way to improve our communication skills and we can meet more people, maybe one or more among them will do us a favor in the future. We also take part in many kinds of national examinations, among which are CET4, CET6, and NCRE2. If you get the certificate. It will help you a lot when you attend a job interview after graduation.

Now let us have a look at American college life. In the front of this article we know their students have a very relaxed life as they do not need to worry about entering college, they can go to college though their score is poor, of course, if you want to choose famous college you should have good scores. After American students entering college, many of them begin to work harder than they ever did, they may stay in the library all day long, they think it is time for their effort, or they will not get satisfied job after graduation.

And on the way I want to say something not so important. In China a student can go to famous university as long as he has good social relationship, and he will get a gradual certificate. While if you study in America, you should pay attention, getting in by the back door is impossible, if you do not work hard you will never graduate successfully, and no satisfied job is waiting for you.

In general, Chinese education style pays more attention to basic knowledge, especially to math physic and chemistry. Our students really have steady basic knowledge that the US students admire very much. When we turn to see US students, we can easily find they prefer to improve social skills, including arguing, social work and teamwork, this difference lead to a phenomenon that if Chinese and American both work in a company most of the Americans will work as manager, and most of we Chinese will work as technical staff who work for the manager. When asked what bring this difference, American says "Chinese have very good knowledge standard but they are not willing to talk about their opinions in meetings, they are used to work along with former experience and lack innovation spirit."

4.Different education system

In China the majority of young people will get the opportunity to enjoy the 9 years' mandatory education, and very few people can go to high school or college, so the proportion of people gets educated to the whole people is quite low. The reason why our government puts so many efforts to encourage the young to get further study is mainly to improve our nation's quality.

In American, education attract great attention from the government, compulsory education is 12 years, 3 years longer than ours, the students not only enjoy free books but even have free lunch, from this you can see how American care about education. What is more, most of the people will not get satisfied with 12 years education, if so, they can hardly get a job. Many of them will go for further study. They study more forwardly and more self-conscious, and these two kinds of good behavior also bring a good social atmosphere.

Chinese teachers are used to divide students in different level based on they marks in the exam and students will be divided into different classes. While American teachers prefer to use "ABCD" instead of Arabic numerals to evaluate the students, in their eyes every student is good, so teachers will not grudge praise for the students, maybe appreciative education is enlightened from this.

That is the whole content I want to share with you to learn the difference between American and Chinese school education, we can see that we really have a lot of things to solve in our education, why our people cannot get Nobel Prize, maybe there is something wrong with our education system. What we should do is to learn other's advantages and decrease the gap. Maybe years later our students will get the world's attention

In all, I don’t like this genre of movie which uses the cruel facts to criticize the society. It’s so cruel and depressive that you almost lose the hope to our society and have no bravery to face the truth. Anyway, it makes us tough, too.


  • 刮痧观后感
  • 不一样的文化 一样的爱 --<刮痧>观后感 l0ve_ming 不可否认,这个世界的色彩都离不开文化的迸发.智慧是知识凝结的宝石,文化是智慧放出的异彩.俗话说:有人的地方,就有冲突:有冲突的根源,就是差异.对于文化差异的阐述,没 ...查看

  • 刮痧的观后感
  • 论中外文化差异 --<刮痧>观后感 这几天看了一部电影<刮痧>,感触挺深.影片<刮痧>向我们 展示了华人在美国由于法律制度和社会习惯等的不同而产生的一系列冲突.充分体现了中外 文化的巨大差异,以下是我观看 ...查看

  • 浅谈交际中的中西文化差异--电影[刮痧]观后有感
  • 浅谈交际中的中西文化差异--电影<刮痧>观后有感 影片<刮痧>讲述的是一位移民美国的华人知识分子许大同因中西文化差异而差点丧失孩子抚养权,妻离子散的故事.看完之后感触很深,一直都知道中西文化差异的存在,但如此直面的了 ...查看

  • [刮痧]观后感 1
  • <刮痧>观后感查看

  • [刮痧]读后感
  • <刮痧>观后感 在美好的圣诞节氛围中,一身圣诞老人打扮的许大同与简宁和孩子抱在一起痛哭,看到这样的情景,不禁让人心酸.这样的结局,可是我似乎总觉得缺少了一些东西. 在这部电影中,虽然强调的是文化冲突,可是我觉得更像是提醒我们要珍 ...查看

  • 影评写作模板
  • 影评写作模板 第一段从其主题切入.可以结合作品名称.社会背景来分析. 第二段写影片技巧.可以是你觉得印象最深的地方--一个拍摄角度.拍摄手法.配乐.光线„„只要你觉得有特色的地方,能够自圆其说都可以. 第三段写影片存在的遗憾之处.这个只是一 ...查看

  • 养生宝典读后感
  • 养生宝典读后感 自读了由顺鑫大药房连锁有限公司主办的养生宝典,第一期的健康文摘 在我拿起健康报时,我没有想到这么薄胡一张报纸,会对我产生这么大的影响,使我感触很深,我觉得报刊的形式和内容都很出色. 古人云:"不治已病治末病,不治已 ...查看

  • 保健刮痧,促进幼儿健康成长
  • 保健刮痧,促进幼儿健康成长 (摘) -----北京市崇文区永定门幼儿园保健区  张燕来  王树英 一.     刮痧概述 刮痧是中华祖先创造流传至今的无药诊治.预防保健的有效方法.它是我们中华民族的瑰宝. <黄帝内经>中说:&q ...查看

  • 刮痧后注意事项
  • 发布: 2010-4-18 | 来源:panjk.com | 责编: 南方 | 评论(0)条 刮痧是用"通则不痛,痛则不通"为理论指导,以痛为疏,在颈.背等部位根据疼痛症状就近寻取相关部位,通过刮痧来起到透出瘀血的效用. ...查看
