


Schottky diode (SBD) is the Schottky barrier diode , is the inventor of the Schottky named semiconductor device. Schottky barrier diode is a low power, high current, super high speed semiconductor devices, instead of using P type semiconductor and the n-type semiconductor contact formation PN junction theory to make, but the use of metal semiconductor contact formation of metal semiconductor junction with the principle of making the. Therefore, SBD is also known as a metal semiconductor (contact) diode or a surface barrier diode, which is a hot carrier diode.




Schottky diode is a semiconductor device, which is named after its inventor (March 4, 1976 - July 23, 1886), SBD is the Schottky barrier diode (SchottkyBarrierDiode, abbreviated as SBD).

SBD does not use the p-type semiconductor and the n-type semiconductor contact formation PN junction theory to make, but the use of metal semiconductor contact formation of metal semiconductor junction with the principle of making the. Therefore, SBD is also known as a metal semiconductor (contact) diode or a surface barrier diode, which is a hot carrier diode.

Schottky diode is the advent of low power, high current, ultra high speed semiconductor devices. The reverse recovery time is very short, small to a few nanoseconds) and positive guide through pressure drop of only 0.4%, and rectified current can reach thousands of Ma. These excellent properties are not comparable to the fast recovery diode. Medium and small power Schottky rectifier diodes are mostly used in package form.




Schottky diode is a metal semiconductor device, which is formed on the surface of the two electrode, which is made of N (B) A as the cathode, and the potential barrier is formed on the contact surface. Because there are a lot of electrons in the N type semiconductor, there is only a very small amount of free electrons in the precious metal, so the electron diffusion from the B to the low concentration of A. It is clear that there is no hole in the metal A, and there is no diffusion motion of the hole from the A to the B. With the electrons from B to A, the surface electron concentration of B gradually decreases, the surface of the neutral is

destroyed, so the barrier is formed, and the electric field direction is A >

B. But under the action of electric field, the electrons in a will produce drift movement from a to B, thus weaken the due to diffusive motion and the formation of the electric field. When the space charge region of a certain width is set up, the electron drift caused by the electric field and the concentration of the electron diffusion motion caused by the different concentration of the electric field can reach the equilibrium, and Schottky barrier.The internal circuit structure of the Schottky diode is typical of the internal structure of the Schottky rectifier tube is a N type semiconductor as the substrate, and the formation of the N- epitaxial layer is formed on the surface of arsenic. The anode is made of a material such as molybdenum or aluminum. Using silicon dioxide (SiO2) to remove the electric field in the edge region and increase the pressure value of the tube. The H- type substrate has a very small on state resistance, and the doping concentration is 100% times higher than that of the N layer. The N+ cathode layer is formed on the base plate, which is to reduce the contact resistance of the cathode. By adjusting the structural parameters, the Schottky barrier is formed between the N and the anode metal, as shown in fig.. When in the Schottky barrier at both ends with forward bias (metal anode is connected to the positive pole, n-type substrate connected with the cathode of the power supply), Schottky barrier layer narrows, the resistance becomes smaller; on the contrary, if the Schottky

barrier at both ends and when a reverse bias voltage, Schottky barrier layer is wider, the resistance becomes large. In summary, Schottky rectifier structure principle and PN junction rectifier tube has great difference will usually PN junction rectifier tube called a junction rectifier tube, and the metal - semiconductor tube rectifier tube called Schottky rectifier tube, using planar silicon manufacturing process of Aluminum Silicon Schottky diode is also available, which not only can save precious metals, substantially reduce costs, but also improves the consistency of parameter.




The main advantage of the SBD includes two aspects: Schottky diode 1) due to the Schottky barrier height is lower than the PN junction barrier height, so the positive guide through threshold voltage and forward voltage drop are than PN junction diode is low (about low 0.2V). 2) since SBD is a majority carrier conduction device, there is no minority carrier lifetime and reverse recovery problem. SBD reverse recovery time is only Schottky barrier capacitance of the charge and discharge time, completely different to the PN junction diode reverse recovery time. Because the reverse recovery charge of SBD is very few, so it is very fast and the switching loss is very small, especially for high frequency applications. However, due to the SBD's reverse barrier is thin, and its surface is very easy to breakdown, so the reverse breakdown voltage is relatively low. Because SBD is easier than the thermal breakdown of PN diode reverse

leakage current, high ratio of PN junction diode.



SBD has the advantages of high switching frequency and low forward voltage, but the reverse breakdown voltage is low, mostly not higher than 60V, and the highest is only about 100V, which limits its application range. Like in the switching power supply (SMPS) and power factor correction (PFC) circuit in the power switch device, the power switch device, the transformer secondary with 100V above the high frequency rectifier diode, RCD buffer circuit with 1.2kV ~ 600V high speed diode and PFC boost 600V diode, etc., only use the fast recovery epitaxial diode (FRED) and ultra fast recovery diode (UFRD). UFRD reverse recovery time Trr is also more than 20ns, simply can not meet the needs of the 1MHz ~ SMPS 3MHz in the fields such as space station. Even hard switch for SMPS 100kHz, due to the conduction loss and switching losses of the UFRD, the shell is very high, with a larger heat sink, so as to increase the volume and weight of SMPS, does not meet the development trend of miniaturization and light. Therefore, the development of high

pressure 100V above SBD, has been a hot topic of research and concern. In recent years, SBD has made a breakthrough in the development of high voltage 150V 200V and SBD has been listed, the use of new materials production of more than SBD 1kV also developed, so as to its application to inject new vigor and vitality.




Schottky diode the biggest drawback is the reverse bias voltage and low reverse leakage current is too large, as the use of silicon and metal

material of the Schottky diode, the reverse bias voltage rated pressure only to 50V, whereas the reverse leakage current value is positive temperature characteristics, easily with the temperature and abrupt change, design practice on the need to pay attention to the thermal runaway of worries.

In order to avoid the above problems, reverse biased Schottky diode in actual use will be smaller than its rated value. But Schottky diode technology also has improved, the reverse bias voltage rating can reach the maximum of 200V.




There are a large number of conducting electrons inside the metal conductor. When the metal is in contact with the semiconductor (the two is only a small number of atomic size), the Fermi level of

the metal is lower than the Fermi level of the semiconductor. The electron density of the electron density is less than the electron density of the semiconductor conduction band at the corresponding level of the metal inner and the semiconductor conduction band. Therefore, after the two contact, the electrons from the semiconductor to metal diffusion, so that the metal with a negative charge, a positive charge of the semiconductor. Because the metal is an ideal conductor, the negative charge is only distributed in the surface of a thin layer of atomic size. For N type semiconductor, lost electron donor impurity atoms become positive ions, are located in the greater thickness. Electrons from the semiconductor to metal diffusion movement of the results, the formation of space charge region, self electric field and barrier, and depletion layer only on the side of the N type semiconductor (barrier area all fell on the semiconductor side). In the barrier region, the electric field direction of the electric field is from the N zone to the metal, with the increase of the thermal electron emission, the drift current increases with the diffusion current direction, and finally reaches the dynamic balance, and forms a contact barrier between the metal and the semiconductor. This is the Schottky barrier.

When the applied voltage is zero, the diffusion current of the electron is equal to that of the reverse drift current, which can reach the dynamic balance. In addition to the forward bias (i.e., when the metal is positive, the negative voltage of the semiconductor), the self built field is weakened, and the semiconductor side barrier is reduced, and the forward current is formed from metal to semiconductor. When the reverse bias voltage is added, the self built field is enhanced, and the barrier height is increased, which is formed from the semiconductor to metal. Therefore, SBD and PN junction diode, is a non line with unidirectional conductivity.




The structure and characteristics of SBD to fit in in the field of low voltage, high current output combination for high frequency rectifier, at very high frequencies (X-band, C-band, S band and Ku band) for detection and mixing, in high speed logic circuit as clamping. IC is also often used in SBD, such as SBD TTL integrated circuits have become the mainstream of the TTL circuit, the high speed computer is widely used.

In addition to ordinary PN diode parameters for detector and mixer SBD electrical parameters including impedance of middle frequency impedance (SBD rated Lo power is applied to specify if present, general between 200 ohms to 600 ohms), voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) (generally less than or equal to 2) and noise coefficient.



Role: the main characteristics of the diode is a one-way conductivity, that is, the role of the forward voltage, the resistance is very small;

And in the reverse voltage, the resistance is great or infinite. Because of having the characteristics of diode, the cordless telephone often

To put it in the rectification, isolation, voltage, polarity protection, encoding control, frequency modulation and squelch circuit.

The use of crystal diode in the telephone can be divided into: rectifier diode (e.g.1N4004(for example,)1N4148Schottky diode (e.g.BAT85), light emitting diodes, voltage regulators, etc..

肖特基二极管的结构肖特基二极管在结构原理上与PN结二极管有很大区别,它的内部是由阳极金属(用钼或 铝等材料制成的阻挡层)、二氧化硅(SiO2)电场消除材料、N-外延层(砷材料)、N型硅基片、N+阴极层及阴极金属等构成,如图4-44所示。在N型基片和阳极金属之间形成肖特基势垒。当在肖特基势垒两端加上正向偏压(阳极金属接电源正极,N型基片接电源负极)时,肖特基势垒层变窄,其内阻变小;反之,若在肖特基势垒两端加上反向偏压时,肖特基势垒层则变宽,


Schottky diode structure Schottky diode in the structure principle PN There is a big difference in the junction diode, which is made of the anode metal (molybdenum or Barrier layer made of aluminum and other materials), silica (SiO2) electric field eliminating material,N- Epitaxial layer (arsenic material),N Type silicon substrate,N+ Cathode layer and cathode metal,Figure 4-44 Shown. In N The Schottky barrier is formed between the substrate and the anode metal. Positive bias at both ends of the Schottky barrier (positive electrode,N Type Substrate is connected with a power supply anode), Schottky barrier layer narrows, the resistance becomes smaller; on the contrary, if the Schottky barrier at both ends and when a reverse bias voltage, Schottky barrier layer wider,

The larger resistance.



Schottky diode (SBD) is the Schottky barrier diode , is the inventor of the Schottky named semiconductor device. Schottky barrier diode is a low power, high current, super high speed semiconductor devices, instead of using P type semiconductor and the n-type semiconductor contact formation PN junction theory to make, but the use of metal semiconductor contact formation of metal semiconductor junction with the principle of making the. Therefore, SBD is also known as a metal semiconductor (contact) diode or a surface barrier diode, which is a hot carrier diode.




Schottky diode is a semiconductor device, which is named after its inventor (March 4, 1976 - July 23, 1886), SBD is the Schottky barrier diode (SchottkyBarrierDiode, abbreviated as SBD).

SBD does not use the p-type semiconductor and the n-type semiconductor contact formation PN junction theory to make, but the use of metal semiconductor contact formation of metal semiconductor junction with the principle of making the. Therefore, SBD is also known as a metal semiconductor (contact) diode or a surface barrier diode, which is a hot carrier diode.

Schottky diode is the advent of low power, high current, ultra high speed semiconductor devices. The reverse recovery time is very short, small to a few nanoseconds) and positive guide through pressure drop of only 0.4%, and rectified current can reach thousands of Ma. These excellent properties are not comparable to the fast recovery diode. Medium and small power Schottky rectifier diodes are mostly used in package form.




Schottky diode is a metal semiconductor device, which is formed on the surface of the two electrode, which is made of N (B) A as the cathode, and the potential barrier is formed on the contact surface. Because there are a lot of electrons in the N type semiconductor, there is only a very small amount of free electrons in the precious metal, so the electron diffusion from the B to the low concentration of A. It is clear that there is no hole in the metal A, and there is no diffusion motion of the hole from the A to the B. With the electrons from B to A, the surface electron concentration of B gradually decreases, the surface of the neutral is

destroyed, so the barrier is formed, and the electric field direction is A >

B. But under the action of electric field, the electrons in a will produce drift movement from a to B, thus weaken the due to diffusive motion and the formation of the electric field. When the space charge region of a certain width is set up, the electron drift caused by the electric field and the concentration of the electron diffusion motion caused by the different concentration of the electric field can reach the equilibrium, and Schottky barrier.The internal circuit structure of the Schottky diode is typical of the internal structure of the Schottky rectifier tube is a N type semiconductor as the substrate, and the formation of the N- epitaxial layer is formed on the surface of arsenic. The anode is made of a material such as molybdenum or aluminum. Using silicon dioxide (SiO2) to remove the electric field in the edge region and increase the pressure value of the tube. The H- type substrate has a very small on state resistance, and the doping concentration is 100% times higher than that of the N layer. The N+ cathode layer is formed on the base plate, which is to reduce the contact resistance of the cathode. By adjusting the structural parameters, the Schottky barrier is formed between the N and the anode metal, as shown in fig.. When in the Schottky barrier at both ends with forward bias (metal anode is connected to the positive pole, n-type substrate connected with the cathode of the power supply), Schottky barrier layer narrows, the resistance becomes smaller; on the contrary, if the Schottky

barrier at both ends and when a reverse bias voltage, Schottky barrier layer is wider, the resistance becomes large. In summary, Schottky rectifier structure principle and PN junction rectifier tube has great difference will usually PN junction rectifier tube called a junction rectifier tube, and the metal - semiconductor tube rectifier tube called Schottky rectifier tube, using planar silicon manufacturing process of Aluminum Silicon Schottky diode is also available, which not only can save precious metals, substantially reduce costs, but also improves the consistency of parameter.




The main advantage of the SBD includes two aspects: Schottky diode 1) due to the Schottky barrier height is lower than the PN junction barrier height, so the positive guide through threshold voltage and forward voltage drop are than PN junction diode is low (about low 0.2V). 2) since SBD is a majority carrier conduction device, there is no minority carrier lifetime and reverse recovery problem. SBD reverse recovery time is only Schottky barrier capacitance of the charge and discharge time, completely different to the PN junction diode reverse recovery time. Because the reverse recovery charge of SBD is very few, so it is very fast and the switching loss is very small, especially for high frequency applications. However, due to the SBD's reverse barrier is thin, and its surface is very easy to breakdown, so the reverse breakdown voltage is relatively low. Because SBD is easier than the thermal breakdown of PN diode reverse

leakage current, high ratio of PN junction diode.



SBD has the advantages of high switching frequency and low forward voltage, but the reverse breakdown voltage is low, mostly not higher than 60V, and the highest is only about 100V, which limits its application range. Like in the switching power supply (SMPS) and power factor correction (PFC) circuit in the power switch device, the power switch device, the transformer secondary with 100V above the high frequency rectifier diode, RCD buffer circuit with 1.2kV ~ 600V high speed diode and PFC boost 600V diode, etc., only use the fast recovery epitaxial diode (FRED) and ultra fast recovery diode (UFRD). UFRD reverse recovery time Trr is also more than 20ns, simply can not meet the needs of the 1MHz ~ SMPS 3MHz in the fields such as space station. Even hard switch for SMPS 100kHz, due to the conduction loss and switching losses of the UFRD, the shell is very high, with a larger heat sink, so as to increase the volume and weight of SMPS, does not meet the development trend of miniaturization and light. Therefore, the development of high

pressure 100V above SBD, has been a hot topic of research and concern. In recent years, SBD has made a breakthrough in the development of high voltage 150V 200V and SBD has been listed, the use of new materials production of more than SBD 1kV also developed, so as to its application to inject new vigor and vitality.




Schottky diode the biggest drawback is the reverse bias voltage and low reverse leakage current is too large, as the use of silicon and metal

material of the Schottky diode, the reverse bias voltage rated pressure only to 50V, whereas the reverse leakage current value is positive temperature characteristics, easily with the temperature and abrupt change, design practice on the need to pay attention to the thermal runaway of worries.

In order to avoid the above problems, reverse biased Schottky diode in actual use will be smaller than its rated value. But Schottky diode technology also has improved, the reverse bias voltage rating can reach the maximum of 200V.




There are a large number of conducting electrons inside the metal conductor. When the metal is in contact with the semiconductor (the two is only a small number of atomic size), the Fermi level of

the metal is lower than the Fermi level of the semiconductor. The electron density of the electron density is less than the electron density of the semiconductor conduction band at the corresponding level of the metal inner and the semiconductor conduction band. Therefore, after the two contact, the electrons from the semiconductor to metal diffusion, so that the metal with a negative charge, a positive charge of the semiconductor. Because the metal is an ideal conductor, the negative charge is only distributed in the surface of a thin layer of atomic size. For N type semiconductor, lost electron donor impurity atoms become positive ions, are located in the greater thickness. Electrons from the semiconductor to metal diffusion movement of the results, the formation of space charge region, self electric field and barrier, and depletion layer only on the side of the N type semiconductor (barrier area all fell on the semiconductor side). In the barrier region, the electric field direction of the electric field is from the N zone to the metal, with the increase of the thermal electron emission, the drift current increases with the diffusion current direction, and finally reaches the dynamic balance, and forms a contact barrier between the metal and the semiconductor. This is the Schottky barrier.

When the applied voltage is zero, the diffusion current of the electron is equal to that of the reverse drift current, which can reach the dynamic balance. In addition to the forward bias (i.e., when the metal is positive, the negative voltage of the semiconductor), the self built field is weakened, and the semiconductor side barrier is reduced, and the forward current is formed from metal to semiconductor. When the reverse bias voltage is added, the self built field is enhanced, and the barrier height is increased, which is formed from the semiconductor to metal. Therefore, SBD and PN junction diode, is a non line with unidirectional conductivity.




The structure and characteristics of SBD to fit in in the field of low voltage, high current output combination for high frequency rectifier, at very high frequencies (X-band, C-band, S band and Ku band) for detection and mixing, in high speed logic circuit as clamping. IC is also often used in SBD, such as SBD TTL integrated circuits have become the mainstream of the TTL circuit, the high speed computer is widely used.

In addition to ordinary PN diode parameters for detector and mixer SBD electrical parameters including impedance of middle frequency impedance (SBD rated Lo power is applied to specify if present, general between 200 ohms to 600 ohms), voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) (generally less than or equal to 2) and noise coefficient.



Role: the main characteristics of the diode is a one-way conductivity, that is, the role of the forward voltage, the resistance is very small;

And in the reverse voltage, the resistance is great or infinite. Because of having the characteristics of diode, the cordless telephone often

To put it in the rectification, isolation, voltage, polarity protection, encoding control, frequency modulation and squelch circuit.

The use of crystal diode in the telephone can be divided into: rectifier diode (e.g.1N4004(for example,)1N4148Schottky diode (e.g.BAT85), light emitting diodes, voltage regulators, etc..

肖特基二极管的结构肖特基二极管在结构原理上与PN结二极管有很大区别,它的内部是由阳极金属(用钼或 铝等材料制成的阻挡层)、二氧化硅(SiO2)电场消除材料、N-外延层(砷材料)、N型硅基片、N+阴极层及阴极金属等构成,如图4-44所示。在N型基片和阳极金属之间形成肖特基势垒。当在肖特基势垒两端加上正向偏压(阳极金属接电源正极,N型基片接电源负极)时,肖特基势垒层变窄,其内阻变小;反之,若在肖特基势垒两端加上反向偏压时,肖特基势垒层则变宽,


Schottky diode structure Schottky diode in the structure principle PN There is a big difference in the junction diode, which is made of the anode metal (molybdenum or Barrier layer made of aluminum and other materials), silica (SiO2) electric field eliminating material,N- Epitaxial layer (arsenic material),N Type silicon substrate,N+ Cathode layer and cathode metal,Figure 4-44 Shown. In N The Schottky barrier is formed between the substrate and the anode metal. Positive bias at both ends of the Schottky barrier (positive electrode,N Type Substrate is connected with a power supply anode), Schottky barrier layer narrows, the resistance becomes smaller; on the contrary, if the Schottky barrier at both ends and when a reverse bias voltage, Schottky barrier layer wider,

The larger resistance.


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  • Foxmail1发件人: Luke Wen 主 题: 肖特基二极管和快恢复二极管 日 期: 2010-3-11 下午 02:57:55 ____________________________________________________ ...查看

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