
is a bestselling novel writen by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery,which was published in 1908. It was written as fiction for readers of all ages, but in recent decades has been considered as a children's book.

Mariela brother Matthew and wife lived in the Green gable calmly . In order to suffering from heart disease to help Matthew find that they intend to adopt a boy from the orphanage.To their surprise, the orphanage was sent a red hair, 11-year-old girl ,It was Anne.

Small Anne is naive and enthusiasyic, full of all the romantic imagination. In her imagination, naughty brook in snow-covered under the laughter; if Rose will speak,she will give us many interesting stories; She also echo their own shadow and think of two good friends, to their feelings about ... ...

However, because of loving to imagine and "beauty of the heart", Anne for himself attracted a series of troubles, she constantly get into trouble, we had been correct their mistakes. Friends, family and caring teachers, small orphan Anne of Green gables gradually become happy in the growth as a small masters.

The book ends with Matthew's death, caused by a heart attack after learning of the loss of all his and Marilla's money. Anne shows her devotion to Marilla and Green Gables by giving up the Avery Prize, deciding to stay at home and help Marilla, whose eyesight is diminishing, and teaching at the Carmody school, the nearest school available. To show his friendship, Gilbert Blythe gives up his teaching position in the Avonlea School to work at White Sands School instead, thus enabling Anne to teach at the Avonlea School and stay at Green Gables all through the week. After this kind act, Anne and Gilbert become best friends.

Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 million books. In addition, this widely loved book is taught to students around the world.

It is a story about friendship ,affection,family and responsibility.It tells us ,A girl could not beautiful ,but she must be goodness.everyone of us could be a people like Anne who is very adamancyand always face the trouble in our life actively.

is a bestselling novel writen by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery,which was published in 1908. It was written as fiction for readers of all ages, but in recent decades has been considered as a children's book.

Mariela brother Matthew and wife lived in the Green gable calmly . In order to suffering from heart disease to help Matthew find that they intend to adopt a boy from the orphanage.To their surprise, the orphanage was sent a red hair, 11-year-old girl ,It was Anne.

Small Anne is naive and enthusiasyic, full of all the romantic imagination. In her imagination, naughty brook in snow-covered under the laughter; if Rose will speak,she will give us many interesting stories; She also echo their own shadow and think of two good friends, to their feelings about ... ...

However, because of loving to imagine and "beauty of the heart", Anne for himself attracted a series of troubles, she constantly get into trouble, we had been correct their mistakes. Friends, family and caring teachers, small orphan Anne of Green gables gradually become happy in the growth as a small masters.

The book ends with Matthew's death, caused by a heart attack after learning of the loss of all his and Marilla's money. Anne shows her devotion to Marilla and Green Gables by giving up the Avery Prize, deciding to stay at home and help Marilla, whose eyesight is diminishing, and teaching at the Carmody school, the nearest school available. To show his friendship, Gilbert Blythe gives up his teaching position in the Avonlea School to work at White Sands School instead, thus enabling Anne to teach at the Avonlea School and stay at Green Gables all through the week. After this kind act, Anne and Gilbert become best friends.

Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 million books. In addition, this widely loved book is taught to students around the world.

It is a story about friendship ,affection,family and responsibility.It tells us ,A girl could not beautiful ,but she must be goodness.everyone of us could be a people like Anne who is very adamancyand always face the trouble in our life actively.


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  • 读绿山墙的安妮有感读后感_800字 最近,我读了一本书<绿山墙的安妮>,生动的内容,感人至深的情节一下子吸引了我,我一口气就把它读完了. <绿山墙的安妮>主要讲了一个叫安妮的小女孩从小到大的成长经历,安妮是个孤儿,从 ...查看

  • [绿山墙的安妮]读后感(俞佳琦)
  • <绿山墙的安妮> --读后感 <绿山墙的安妮>是[加拿大]著名作家露西·莫德·蒙哥玛丽写的,书中主人公是安妮. 安妮是一个自幼父母双亡的小姑娘,被不同人家收养过,最终被马修兄妹收养.热爱自然,喜欢幻想,倾诉欲望强烈, ...查看

  • [绿山墙的安妮]读后感_500字
  • 作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载 <绿山墙的安妮>是一本让家长.老师和孩子都能从中获得感悟的心灵读物.在这个暑假,我特地借了这本书来看. 看完了这本书,我被书中的主人公安妮深深感动了.这本书主要讲了一个长着一头红发.满脸雀斑的女孩- ...查看

  • [绿山墙的安妮]读后感_350字
  • E度网专稿 未经允许不得转载 老师推荐给我们一本书--<绿山墙的安妮>. 安妮是个孤儿,她的身世和遭遇都很不幸,但是她没有被这不幸和痛苦打倒,她乐观.积极向上. 读完这本书,我就被深深地感动了,觉得这是一个关于友情和爱的故事.书 ...查看

  • [读后感作文]读[绿山墙的安妮]有感
  • 书是我们的好朋友.它给我们带来了许许多多的欢乐. 我今天给大家推荐一本书,叫做<绿山墙的安妮>. 这本书讲了绿山墙的马修和玛瑞拉想领养一个男孩,帮助做家务.不料,阴差阳错,孤儿院送来了一个富有幻想·喋喋不休的女孩安妮.她不断闯祸 ...查看

  • [绿山墙的安妮]读后感
  • 故事的主人公-安妮,她一岁时父母就双亡,成了孤儿:三岁时开始帮别人照顾孩子.干粗活:后来雇她干活的那家主人去世了,无力再养活她,就把她送进了孤儿院. 读完这本书后,我就被这个关于友情.责任和爱的感人故事所深深地感动了. 我想:女孩儿外貌可以 ...查看

  • 6年级读后感
  • 热爱生活,幻想美好 --读<绿山墙的安妮>有感 大和小学 六(1)班 蒋佳倩 合上书本的时候,禁不住恍惚.想起你那张纯真的笑脸,你那颗被爱浸满的心灵,仿佛降临人间的天使,为绿山墙农舍添上阳光般金灿灿的温暖,让那里的一花一草,都沐 ...查看

  • 绿墙上的安妮读后感
  • 一对上了年纪家住在艾凡里小镇绿山墙的独身兄妹马修和玛丽拉计划从孤儿院里领养一名男孩来帮忙做农活,没想到接来了一个满脸雀斑.一头红发.衷于幻想.喋喋不休的女孩安妮. 性格严肃冷淡的玛丽拉原本打算把安妮送回孤儿院,但经过一天的短暂相处后,她发现 ...查看

  • 自主阅读课--[绿山墙的安妮]
  • 自主阅读课--<绿山墙的安妮> 教学目标: 1.让学生喜欢阅读,培养学生对课外阅读的兴趣,提升语文素养. 2.让学生学会读书方法,乐于讨论,与他人分享阅读感受. 3.通过对书中故事的导读,激发对本篇作品的阅读兴趣. 教学重难点: ...查看
