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As the May Day holiday is around the corner, you may be wondering about which holiday destination you should choose. Ningbo offers plenty of choices. Here is a selection of various scenic spots in Ningbo. Let’s also find out their names in English.



Tianyige Library

Tianyige Library, one of the landmarks of the coastal city of Ningbo, is the country's oldest surviving private library. The library was built by Fan Qin, a high-ranking official during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The library’s most precious collection consists of local chronicles and imperial examination records of the Ming Dynasty among a total of 300,000 historic volumes.



Hemudu Archaeological Site

The Hemudu Archaeological Site unearthed in 1973 in Yuyao county on the outskirts of Ningbo holds one of the earliest records ofChina's Neolithic Age in the southeastern area of the country. The history of the rice-planting in China dates back 7,000 years ago thanks to the evidence of the rice seeds excavated in the archaeological site, thus refuting the view that the earliest rice seeds in China were introduced from India and Japan.



Baoguo Temple

With a history of more than 970 years, the Baoguo Temple situated at the foot of Ningbo’s Lingshan Mountain is one of oldest wood building complex inChina. The main hall rebuilt during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) adopted one of the most important elements in traditional Chinese architecture, featuring wooden brackets fixed layer upon layer between the top of a column and a crossbeam, bearing its more than 50-ton roof.



Dongqian Lake Resort

22-square-kilometer Dongqian Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Zhejiang province, is 15 kilometers away from Ningbo downtown and consists of Guzi Lake, Meihu Lake and Waihu Lake. It is well-harmonized with the grace of West Lake and the verve of Taihu Lake, said Guo Moruo, a well-known Chinese litterateur. During the May Day holiday, the Dongqian Lake Water World will embrace its first Scarecrow Art Festival, where the visitors can have a chance to see many rare animals such as the alpaca.



Ninghai Wushan Grottos

Ninghai Wushan Grottos, now the national mining park, has 14 sets of grottos with more than 800 caves, which were created by volcanic eruption millions of years ago.



Xikou National Forest Park

Xikou National Forest Park, in the Fenghua county on the outskirts of Ningbo, is a 5A national scenic spot, which boasts its history related to Chiang Kai-shek (the former Kuomintang leader) and his son Chiang Ching-kuo as well as its Buddhist culture of Xuedou Temple. The forest park has many beautiful natural scenery and man-made landscapes, such as the former residence of Chiang Kai-shek, Qianzhang Waterfall, Tingxia Lake and a historical site where Kuomintang General Zhang Xueliang was first put under house arrest under the control of the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance against the Japanese Aggression.



Xiangshan Film and TV Production BaseXiangshan Film and TV Production Base in the Xiangshan county on the outskirts of Ningbo is famous for its man-made location sets featuring the architectural styles from the Qin (221-206 BC) to the Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. The movie 'Zhao Shi Gu Er' (Sacrifice) directed by Chen Kaige and CJ7 directed by Stephen Chow were both shot in the Xiangshan Film and TV Production Base.




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As the May Day holiday is around the corner, you may be wondering about which holiday destination you should choose. Ningbo offers plenty of choices. Here is a selection of various scenic spots in Ningbo. Let’s also find out their names in English.



Tianyige Library

Tianyige Library, one of the landmarks of the coastal city of Ningbo, is the country's oldest surviving private library. The library was built by Fan Qin, a high-ranking official during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The library’s most precious collection consists of local chronicles and imperial examination records of the Ming Dynasty among a total of 300,000 historic volumes.



Hemudu Archaeological Site

The Hemudu Archaeological Site unearthed in 1973 in Yuyao county on the outskirts of Ningbo holds one of the earliest records ofChina's Neolithic Age in the southeastern area of the country. The history of the rice-planting in China dates back 7,000 years ago thanks to the evidence of the rice seeds excavated in the archaeological site, thus refuting the view that the earliest rice seeds in China were introduced from India and Japan.



Baoguo Temple

With a history of more than 970 years, the Baoguo Temple situated at the foot of Ningbo’s Lingshan Mountain is one of oldest wood building complex inChina. The main hall rebuilt during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) adopted one of the most important elements in traditional Chinese architecture, featuring wooden brackets fixed layer upon layer between the top of a column and a crossbeam, bearing its more than 50-ton roof.



Dongqian Lake Resort

22-square-kilometer Dongqian Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Zhejiang province, is 15 kilometers away from Ningbo downtown and consists of Guzi Lake, Meihu Lake and Waihu Lake. It is well-harmonized with the grace of West Lake and the verve of Taihu Lake, said Guo Moruo, a well-known Chinese litterateur. During the May Day holiday, the Dongqian Lake Water World will embrace its first Scarecrow Art Festival, where the visitors can have a chance to see many rare animals such as the alpaca.



Ninghai Wushan Grottos

Ninghai Wushan Grottos, now the national mining park, has 14 sets of grottos with more than 800 caves, which were created by volcanic eruption millions of years ago.



Xikou National Forest Park

Xikou National Forest Park, in the Fenghua county on the outskirts of Ningbo, is a 5A national scenic spot, which boasts its history related to Chiang Kai-shek (the former Kuomintang leader) and his son Chiang Ching-kuo as well as its Buddhist culture of Xuedou Temple. The forest park has many beautiful natural scenery and man-made landscapes, such as the former residence of Chiang Kai-shek, Qianzhang Waterfall, Tingxia Lake and a historical site where Kuomintang General Zhang Xueliang was first put under house arrest under the control of the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance against the Japanese Aggression.



Xiangshan Film and TV Production BaseXiangshan Film and TV Production Base in the Xiangshan county on the outskirts of Ningbo is famous for its man-made location sets featuring the architectural styles from the Qin (221-206 BC) to the Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. The movie 'Zhao Shi Gu Er' (Sacrifice) directed by Chen Kaige and CJ7 directed by Stephen Chow were both shot in the Xiangshan Film and TV Production Base.





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