
学英语随堂反馈 七年级


1.Bill’s sister has _____ MP4.

A. an B. the C. / D. a

2.What does your sister like _____ _breakfast ?

A. with B. in C. for D. at

3.What’s your brother’s name ? ____name is Victor Green.

A. He B. She C.Her D.His

4.What are _____ under the chair ? They are books .

A.the B. this C. those D. that

5.Can you ____your tennis racket to me ?

A. bring B. call C. take D. like

6.His uncle plays tennis very _______

A.good B. fine C. nice D. well

7.Linda ____7basketball games every evening.

A. looks B. look C. watch D. watches

8.Mom, ____my friend, Jane.

A. she is B. here is C. he is D. this is

9.Mrs Green has three daughters, ___she loves them very much.

A. but B. for C. and D. with

10. I can’t play ping-pong.It is _

A. difficult B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing

11.I like carrots, but Mona doesn’t like _____

A. it B.them C. this D. these 12.Does Peter have a tennis racket ? ___________. But he has some tennis.

A.Yes, he does B.Yes, he is C.No, he isn’t D.No, he doesn’t

13. How is your grandmother,Tom? ________. D. sorry A. She is 62 years old B. She is OK C. I'm fine

14.It’s October 10th. Lucy is _______ years old now. Today is her ______ birthday.

A. twelve twelvth B. twelve twelve C. twelfth twelve D. twelve twelfth

15. He usually watches TV

A.on B.in C.at D.for Saturday evening.

16. ___your brother___ a baseball? A. Do,has B. Does, have C. Does has

D. Don't have

17. --_____is my computer game? ---It’s in the drawer.

A. What B. Where C. How D. How much

18 –Thanks for your help,Mary! --________.

A. Good B. Don’t thank me C.Y ou're welcome 19. My sister only watches volleyball____ TV.

A. in B. on C. under D. about

20. John, please_____ some CDs there.

A. bring B. take C. do D. play

21 ---___________? ---Yes, please. D. All right

A. How are you B. Can I help you C. What can you do for me D.Hello 22. Does your brother have a _______ ? Yes, he _______ at KFC.

A. job, jobs B. work, job C. work, works D. job, works

23. What language(语言) does she ________ ?

A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say

24.It’s _______ exciting class, we all like it.

A. a B.an C.the D. / 25 .These socks are only 3 dollars. Do you want _____?

A. it B. them C. that D. Those 26 .Does she have two ________?

A. baseball bats B. baseball bat C. baseballs bat D. baseballs bats

27.There is __ food in the shop.

A. lot of B. many C .a lot D. a lot of

28.September is the ____month of year.

A. nine B. ninth C. nineth D. number nine

29.There ________ a ruler and two pens on the desk.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

.30.Let's_______ basketball.

A plays B play the C play D to play

31.---Do you often _______a movie? ----No , I often ________TV.

A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see

32._____ are these socks ? ---Twenty yuan.

A What B How old C When D How much

33 .____do you want?----Blue.

A How much B What color C What D When

34.---Your English is very good. --_________________.

A No, it isn't good B Yes C Thank you D Don't say like this

35.My aunt has a son. He is my ____

A. brother B. cousin C. sister D. uncle

36.Look! These are ______pens.

A your brother B you C your brother's D your brothers

37.He sings _____ and he is a _______ singer(歌手).

A. good; good

D. well; good B. well; well C. good; well

38 .—Let’s play chess. —___________. I want to watch TV.

A. That sounds great. B. Yes. It’s difficult. C. No, it's boring. D.Yes. Let's watch TV.



1.Your ruler is _________________(在……下面) the chair.

2. Let’s __________________(跑) to school.

3. Mary’s __________________(父母亲) are English teachers.

4. Is this computer game _________________(有趣的)?

5. His friend _________________(仅仅) has one pen.

6. F____________ is the second month of a year. 7. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.

8. Beethoven(贝多芬) is a great m___________ .

9. Jack Chen is Mike’s f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

10. This car is $500,000. We can’t a_________ it.

11. We study many __________(科目) at school, like math, science and Chinese.

12. Today is his __________(第九)birthday.

13. Kids usually like ________________ (打) the drums.

14. I like __________(喜剧), because they let me feel relaxed.

15. She sings all day and she sings very ____________ (好)

16. We ______ (China) people are kind to oth¬ers.

17. The _______ (five) day of a week is Thurs¬day. 18. The boys are my good _________ (friend). 19. Bruce __________ (eat ) apples for breakfast every day. 20. There ______ (be) many tomatoes on the desk.

21.I am interested in the _____ (interest) movie.

22. Liu Xiang is a famous ¬_________ (run) star.

23. Father often helps ________(we) play tennis. 24. We all want ______________ (play) computer games.

25.Scott (not take) the number 17 bus to work.


why what violin basketball John have class

1. Let’s play

2. Peter ___ . a new bike.

3. _____ do you like Friday? —Because we have P.E. on Friday.

4. Beth and I are in different _____ .

5. --Who is ______ uncle? --Mr. Green.

学英语随堂反馈 七年级


1.Bill’s sister has _____ MP4.

A. an B. the C. / D. a

2.What does your sister like _____ _breakfast ?

A. with B. in C. for D. at

3.What’s your brother’s name ? ____name is Victor Green.

A. He B. She C.Her D.His

4.What are _____ under the chair ? They are books .

A.the B. this C. those D. that

5.Can you ____your tennis racket to me ?

A. bring B. call C. take D. like

6.His uncle plays tennis very _______

A.good B. fine C. nice D. well

7.Linda ____7basketball games every evening.

A. looks B. look C. watch D. watches

8.Mom, ____my friend, Jane.

A. she is B. here is C. he is D. this is

9.Mrs Green has three daughters, ___she loves them very much.

A. but B. for C. and D. with

10. I can’t play ping-pong.It is _

A. difficult B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing

11.I like carrots, but Mona doesn’t like _____

A. it B.them C. this D. these 12.Does Peter have a tennis racket ? ___________. But he has some tennis.

A.Yes, he does B.Yes, he is C.No, he isn’t D.No, he doesn’t

13. How is your grandmother,Tom? ________. D. sorry A. She is 62 years old B. She is OK C. I'm fine

14.It’s October 10th. Lucy is _______ years old now. Today is her ______ birthday.

A. twelve twelvth B. twelve twelve C. twelfth twelve D. twelve twelfth

15. He usually watches TV

A.on B.in C.at D.for Saturday evening.

16. ___your brother___ a baseball? A. Do,has B. Does, have C. Does has

D. Don't have

17. --_____is my computer game? ---It’s in the drawer.

A. What B. Where C. How D. How much

18 –Thanks for your help,Mary! --________.

A. Good B. Don’t thank me C.Y ou're welcome 19. My sister only watches volleyball____ TV.

A. in B. on C. under D. about

20. John, please_____ some CDs there.

A. bring B. take C. do D. play

21 ---___________? ---Yes, please. D. All right

A. How are you B. Can I help you C. What can you do for me D.Hello 22. Does your brother have a _______ ? Yes, he _______ at KFC.

A. job, jobs B. work, job C. work, works D. job, works

23. What language(语言) does she ________ ?

A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say

24.It’s _______ exciting class, we all like it.

A. a B.an C.the D. / 25 .These socks are only 3 dollars. Do you want _____?

A. it B. them C. that D. Those 26 .Does she have two ________?

A. baseball bats B. baseball bat C. baseballs bat D. baseballs bats

27.There is __ food in the shop.

A. lot of B. many C .a lot D. a lot of

28.September is the ____month of year.

A. nine B. ninth C. nineth D. number nine

29.There ________ a ruler and two pens on the desk.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

.30.Let's_______ basketball.

A plays B play the C play D to play

31.---Do you often _______a movie? ----No , I often ________TV.

A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see

32._____ are these socks ? ---Twenty yuan.

A What B How old C When D How much

33 .____do you want?----Blue.

A How much B What color C What D When

34.---Your English is very good. --_________________.

A No, it isn't good B Yes C Thank you D Don't say like this

35.My aunt has a son. He is my ____

A. brother B. cousin C. sister D. uncle

36.Look! These are ______pens.

A your brother B you C your brother's D your brothers

37.He sings _____ and he is a _______ singer(歌手).

A. good; good

D. well; good B. well; well C. good; well

38 .—Let’s play chess. —___________. I want to watch TV.

A. That sounds great. B. Yes. It’s difficult. C. No, it's boring. D.Yes. Let's watch TV.



1.Your ruler is _________________(在……下面) the chair.

2. Let’s __________________(跑) to school.

3. Mary’s __________________(父母亲) are English teachers.

4. Is this computer game _________________(有趣的)?

5. His friend _________________(仅仅) has one pen.

6. F____________ is the second month of a year. 7. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.

8. Beethoven(贝多芬) is a great m___________ .

9. Jack Chen is Mike’s f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

10. This car is $500,000. We can’t a_________ it.

11. We study many __________(科目) at school, like math, science and Chinese.

12. Today is his __________(第九)birthday.

13. Kids usually like ________________ (打) the drums.

14. I like __________(喜剧), because they let me feel relaxed.

15. She sings all day and she sings very ____________ (好)

16. We ______ (China) people are kind to oth¬ers.

17. The _______ (five) day of a week is Thurs¬day. 18. The boys are my good _________ (friend). 19. Bruce __________ (eat ) apples for breakfast every day. 20. There ______ (be) many tomatoes on the desk.

21.I am interested in the _____ (interest) movie.

22. Liu Xiang is a famous ¬_________ (run) star.

23. Father often helps ________(we) play tennis. 24. We all want ______________ (play) computer games.

25.Scott (not take) the number 17 bus to work.


why what violin basketball John have class

1. Let’s play

2. Peter ___ . a new bike.

3. _____ do you like Friday? —Because we have P.E. on Friday.

4. Beth and I are in different _____ .

5. --Who is ______ uncle? --Mr. Green.


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