
[郑永年] (2007-05-01)


























China's search for social harmony failing as government overlooks disparities, says scholar *

Chinese society is becoming increasingly "unharmonious" [bu hexie] as the government continues to focus on rapid growth in the belief that the current high speed of growth remains sustainable, says Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham.

Prof Zheng notes in his influential column in the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao that the building of a "harmonious society" [hexie shehui] has in recent years become a top priority of the Chinese leadership as social protests have increased. He says that as Chinese people "have been unable to solve their everyday problems through economic means they are beginning to resort to political, legal solutions and even to violence. This is a symptom of what is known as 'economic problems becoming politicised,'" says Zheng.

China has done much in recent years to increase social justice, including measures to reduce disparities in income and regional disparities such as special policies aimed at the undeveloped west and the northeastern "rustbelt" as well as attempting to narrow the difference between cities and the countryside, but these policies have not been particularly successful. "The faster China has developed economically the more disparities in income have grown and the more unable the state has become to achieve social justice through [income] redistribution," Zheng notes.

"Chinese economists and political analysts have consciously or unconsciously overlooked a fundamental question, which is that China's current economic framework (or structure) is a major factor in creating social injustice and unfairness. If there is no change in the economic framework, state redistribution [of incomes] will not have any effect.

In other words, China's economy will no longer be a 'people's livelihood' [min sheng] economy which benefits social justice and fairness, so if the economic structure is not changed it will be difficult to achieve a harmonious society." Zheng maintains that one of the main problems is that "wealth is ebbing away from the people to the state, so it is a simple step for the state to be rich while the people are poor," while another problem is that "wealth is being transferred from the majority to a minority," and stresses that these phenomena are both products of China's economic development model.

Wealth is becoming concentrated in the hands of the state because a state monopoly has been created, with economic power increasingly focused in ever fewer centrally controlled state enterprises, whose number has almost halved from 189 in 2003 to about 100 today. This has advantages so far as international competitiveness is concerned but there are serious problems concerning corporate governance and social monitoring, to the extent that these companies have become "independent kingdoms". This has resulted in monopoly pricing and corruption, and furthermore "Because these corporations are stateowned they have enormous influence on state policies and in some circumstances actually draft state policies," Zheng alleges.

Such monopolies exist not only at central but also at provincial level, opportunistically exploit any economic area of activity and governance tends to be even worse than in central monopolies, he adds.

And while many have got rich through managing large statecontrolled companies, the privatisation of large numbers of medium and small enterprises has also exacerbated social injustice. This is because such privatisation has often in practice meant the concentration of wealth in the hands of a minority through political means, "so it isn't hard to understand why social conflict has often arisen in this area in recent years." Companies have also often been privatised cheaply which has further concentrated wealth in the hands of a privileged local minority.

Globalisation has involved widespread changes in the concentration of wealth but in China globalisation has been politically in order to attract highly profitable overseas investment, but this has been at the expense of smaller private companies. Although such companies are protected under the law and the constitution, in practice the economic environment in which they operate has deteriorated, it is becoming harder for them to access markets and they receive little financial support. "The central government is unaware of this problem and lacks effective means to implement policies which will allow medium and small companies to develop, especially private companies," says Zheng.

Such companies should be a means of increasing jobs and ensuring equitable income distribution, and in the west governments have policies to counteract monopolies and improve the environment for smaller firms, but China has not achieved this and even seems to be going in the opposite direction. "The speed of economic growth is being maintained but the result may be that the state is rich while the people are poor, or a minority are wealthy while the majority live in poverty. In other words this economic setup leads to social fragmentation and a lack of social harmony."

Zheng recognises that China's problems can only be solved through further economic development, but concludes that: "The present state of economic development not only cannot solve the problems that China faces but in the long run will lead to increasing social conflict. Only if there is a 'people's livelihood' economic system based on a rich nation and rich people can a favourable economic base be created and only then will the state be able to serve its necessary function of redistributing incomes."

* Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute (CPI), The University of Nottingham, writes a weekly column for the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao. This is an English summary of his column of 1 May 2007, by Michael Rank for CPI. 《联合早报网》

[郑永年] (2007-05-01)


























China's search for social harmony failing as government overlooks disparities, says scholar *

Chinese society is becoming increasingly "unharmonious" [bu hexie] as the government continues to focus on rapid growth in the belief that the current high speed of growth remains sustainable, says Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham.

Prof Zheng notes in his influential column in the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao that the building of a "harmonious society" [hexie shehui] has in recent years become a top priority of the Chinese leadership as social protests have increased. He says that as Chinese people "have been unable to solve their everyday problems through economic means they are beginning to resort to political, legal solutions and even to violence. This is a symptom of what is known as 'economic problems becoming politicised,'" says Zheng.

China has done much in recent years to increase social justice, including measures to reduce disparities in income and regional disparities such as special policies aimed at the undeveloped west and the northeastern "rustbelt" as well as attempting to narrow the difference between cities and the countryside, but these policies have not been particularly successful. "The faster China has developed economically the more disparities in income have grown and the more unable the state has become to achieve social justice through [income] redistribution," Zheng notes.

"Chinese economists and political analysts have consciously or unconsciously overlooked a fundamental question, which is that China's current economic framework (or structure) is a major factor in creating social injustice and unfairness. If there is no change in the economic framework, state redistribution [of incomes] will not have any effect.

In other words, China's economy will no longer be a 'people's livelihood' [min sheng] economy which benefits social justice and fairness, so if the economic structure is not changed it will be difficult to achieve a harmonious society." Zheng maintains that one of the main problems is that "wealth is ebbing away from the people to the state, so it is a simple step for the state to be rich while the people are poor," while another problem is that "wealth is being transferred from the majority to a minority," and stresses that these phenomena are both products of China's economic development model.

Wealth is becoming concentrated in the hands of the state because a state monopoly has been created, with economic power increasingly focused in ever fewer centrally controlled state enterprises, whose number has almost halved from 189 in 2003 to about 100 today. This has advantages so far as international competitiveness is concerned but there are serious problems concerning corporate governance and social monitoring, to the extent that these companies have become "independent kingdoms". This has resulted in monopoly pricing and corruption, and furthermore "Because these corporations are stateowned they have enormous influence on state policies and in some circumstances actually draft state policies," Zheng alleges.

Such monopolies exist not only at central but also at provincial level, opportunistically exploit any economic area of activity and governance tends to be even worse than in central monopolies, he adds.

And while many have got rich through managing large statecontrolled companies, the privatisation of large numbers of medium and small enterprises has also exacerbated social injustice. This is because such privatisation has often in practice meant the concentration of wealth in the hands of a minority through political means, "so it isn't hard to understand why social conflict has often arisen in this area in recent years." Companies have also often been privatised cheaply which has further concentrated wealth in the hands of a privileged local minority.

Globalisation has involved widespread changes in the concentration of wealth but in China globalisation has been politically in order to attract highly profitable overseas investment, but this has been at the expense of smaller private companies. Although such companies are protected under the law and the constitution, in practice the economic environment in which they operate has deteriorated, it is becoming harder for them to access markets and they receive little financial support. "The central government is unaware of this problem and lacks effective means to implement policies which will allow medium and small companies to develop, especially private companies," says Zheng.

Such companies should be a means of increasing jobs and ensuring equitable income distribution, and in the west governments have policies to counteract monopolies and improve the environment for smaller firms, but China has not achieved this and even seems to be going in the opposite direction. "The speed of economic growth is being maintained but the result may be that the state is rich while the people are poor, or a minority are wealthy while the majority live in poverty. In other words this economic setup leads to social fragmentation and a lack of social harmony."

Zheng recognises that China's problems can only be solved through further economic development, but concludes that: "The present state of economic development not only cannot solve the problems that China faces but in the long run will lead to increasing social conflict. Only if there is a 'people's livelihood' economic system based on a rich nation and rich people can a favourable economic base be created and only then will the state be able to serve its necessary function of redistributing incomes."

* Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute (CPI), The University of Nottingham, writes a weekly column for the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao. This is an English summary of his column of 1 May 2007, by Michael Rank for CPI. 《联合早报网》


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