悦读联播M4 教学设计


The last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It is a holiday in the U.S.A. Usually,family members and friends get together for weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Thanksgiving Day began in 1621, when the first English settlers(定居者)reached the New World. They did not have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm.

In the autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest(收获).They were so pleased. They decided to invite their Indian friends to dinner in order to thank them for their help.

As far as family reunion, Thanksgiving Day is even more important than Christmas or New Year’s Eve to most Americans.

31. If November 1 is Monday,when is Thanksgiving Day?

A. November 4. B. November 18. C. November 25. D. November 2.

32. Which of the following is true?

A. The whole family get together for a big dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

B. All the Americans do not work on Thanksgiving Day.

C. Americans still work on Saturdays and Sundays.

D. Thanksgiving Day began in the sixteenth century.

33. When the first English settlers arrived in America,they_______.

A. had a hard time B. lived a happy life

C. taught American Indians how to farm D. had a lot of things to eat

34. The word “invite” means________.

A. stop somebody from doing something B. let somebody do something

C. make somebody do something D. ask somebody to do something

35. We can guess there are more family reunions________.

A. on Christmas Day than on Thanksgiving Day

B. on Thanksgiving Day than on Christmas Day

C. on New Year’s Eve than on Thanksgiving Day

D. on New Year’s Day than on Thanksgiving Day


Just before Christmas in 1971, a German girl called Juliana was flying over a big forest of America. The plane was flying high in the sky.

Suddenly, there was loud noise. Juliana found herself falling through the air. She closed her eyes. She was sure that she was going to die.

She fell 3, 000 metres. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had landed in a tree in the middle of a forest. She was not dead! To her surprise, she was alive( 活着). She wasn't even badly hurt. She was still sitting in her seat. She was holding a bag of sweets. She got out of the seat and climbed down the tree. But she could see nobody else. She was alone except for a few dead bodies(死尸) here and there.

She began to walk. At first she had nothing to eat except the sweets. Later, she found a little fruit. She had never seen this kind of fruit before. She found that the fruit was safe after she saw some monkeys eating it.

After four days, she came to a deep river. She walked by the side of the river for six more days and at last arrived at an Indian(印第安的) village. She was safe!

36. Accident(空难) happened in ____.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

37. The plane was flying about ______ high in the sky.

A. three hundred metres B. three hundred kilometres

C. three kilometres D. three thousand kilometres

38. Juliana was from ______.

A. America B. Germany C. England D. India

39. The girl wasn't badly hurt because_____.

A. there were a lot of trees B. she was young and not heavy

C. she was lucky D. she had landed in a tree and was still in her seat

40. Which of the following is true?

A. Some monkeys saw her eating the fruit.

B. She could not see anybody else alive around her in the forest.

C. At last she came to a village in India. D. It took the girl 6 days to walk to the village from the middle of the forest.



看来我必须要用自己的智慧去管理学生,用智慧去完成自己的工作了。在学习先进理念的基础上,我结合自己多年的教学实践,悟出了一些有关课堂管理的技巧:保持安静,学会倾听,善于思考。 首先,安静,它是学习的需要。安静的环境中没有噪音,就没有学习的干扰因素,没有干扰,学习效率自然就高。其次,它是养生的需要。寺庙里的和尚经常要练习“打坐”、“悟禅”,目的就是要通过全身放松,进而修身养性、延年益寿,只有全身心地投入到自己的学习中,才会取得事半功倍的效果。

学会倾听包括两个方面,一是请倾听老师的讲解。老师在课堂上讲的,都是他们经过认真专研教学目标和教材后的成果,只有你去认真听了,很多问题才会迎刃而解,否则,你要花费更多的心血和努力去思考,就这也不一定能让你解决问题。二是倾听学生发言。有些问题你不会,只要听听同学的发言,也会使你恍然大悟的,你可以花费少量的精力解决你求知路上的拦路虎,这何乐而不为呢! 我常给学生们讲,在你人生的求知路上,经历风风雨雨、坎坎坷坷是在所难免的,我们必须需要一盏明灯来指引道路,走出迷途。而学会倾听、善于思考就是你所需要的明灯。一个善于思考的人,必定是有思想的人;而一个有思想的人,必定是一个有智慧的人;一个有智慧的人,必定是一个不平凡、不简单的人,如果你是这样的一个人,想不成功就难上加难。人生本身就是脆弱的,就好像大自然中的一棵小草。然而人又是最强大的,因为人会思考。只有会思考,才能使本身很脆弱的你变得强大无比。


二.课型:Reading and writing

悦读联播Module 4 Getting money to go to school 一.教学内容:悦读联播Module 4 Getting money to go to school的课外阅读文章。



1. 通过获取文章四个不同国籍人物对一个校长的主意不同的态度,理清文章的结构。

2. 通过阅读对比四个不同国籍人物对一个校长主意不同的态度,总结归纳为什么学习。

3. 运用本节课所学的语言知识和情感态度体验,解决现实生活中的问题。

4. 通过文章阅读和学习,初步形成积极向上,勤奋学习的人生态度。





The last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It is a holiday in the U.S.A. Usually,family members and friends get together for weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Thanksgiving Day began in 1621, when the first English settlers(定居者)reached the New World. They did not have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm.

In the autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest(收获).They were so pleased. They decided to invite their Indian friends to dinner in order to thank them for their help.

As far as family reunion, Thanksgiving Day is even more important than Christmas or New Year’s Eve to most Americans.

31. If November 1 is Monday,when is Thanksgiving Day?

A. November 4. B. November 18. C. November 25. D. November 2.

32. Which of the following is true?

A. The whole family get together for a big dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

B. All the Americans do not work on Thanksgiving Day.

C. Americans still work on Saturdays and Sundays.

D. Thanksgiving Day began in the sixteenth century.

33. When the first English settlers arrived in America,they_______.

A. had a hard time B. lived a happy life

C. taught American Indians how to farm D. had a lot of things to eat

34. The word “invite” means________.

A. stop somebody from doing something B. let somebody do something

C. make somebody do something D. ask somebody to do something

35. We can guess there are more family reunions________.

A. on Christmas Day than on Thanksgiving Day

B. on Thanksgiving Day than on Christmas Day

C. on New Year’s Eve than on Thanksgiving Day

D. on New Year’s Day than on Thanksgiving Day


Just before Christmas in 1971, a German girl called Juliana was flying over a big forest of America. The plane was flying high in the sky.

Suddenly, there was loud noise. Juliana found herself falling through the air. She closed her eyes. She was sure that she was going to die.

She fell 3, 000 metres. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had landed in a tree in the middle of a forest. She was not dead! To her surprise, she was alive( 活着). She wasn't even badly hurt. She was still sitting in her seat. She was holding a bag of sweets. She got out of the seat and climbed down the tree. But she could see nobody else. She was alone except for a few dead bodies(死尸) here and there.

She began to walk. At first she had nothing to eat except the sweets. Later, she found a little fruit. She had never seen this kind of fruit before. She found that the fruit was safe after she saw some monkeys eating it.

After four days, she came to a deep river. She walked by the side of the river for six more days and at last arrived at an Indian(印第安的) village. She was safe!

36. Accident(空难) happened in ____.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

37. The plane was flying about ______ high in the sky.

A. three hundred metres B. three hundred kilometres

C. three kilometres D. three thousand kilometres

38. Juliana was from ______.

A. America B. Germany C. England D. India

39. The girl wasn't badly hurt because_____.

A. there were a lot of trees B. she was young and not heavy

C. she was lucky D. she had landed in a tree and was still in her seat

40. Which of the following is true?

A. Some monkeys saw her eating the fruit.

B. She could not see anybody else alive around her in the forest.

C. At last she came to a village in India. D. It took the girl 6 days to walk to the village from the middle of the forest.



看来我必须要用自己的智慧去管理学生,用智慧去完成自己的工作了。在学习先进理念的基础上,我结合自己多年的教学实践,悟出了一些有关课堂管理的技巧:保持安静,学会倾听,善于思考。 首先,安静,它是学习的需要。安静的环境中没有噪音,就没有学习的干扰因素,没有干扰,学习效率自然就高。其次,它是养生的需要。寺庙里的和尚经常要练习“打坐”、“悟禅”,目的就是要通过全身放松,进而修身养性、延年益寿,只有全身心地投入到自己的学习中,才会取得事半功倍的效果。

学会倾听包括两个方面,一是请倾听老师的讲解。老师在课堂上讲的,都是他们经过认真专研教学目标和教材后的成果,只有你去认真听了,很多问题才会迎刃而解,否则,你要花费更多的心血和努力去思考,就这也不一定能让你解决问题。二是倾听学生发言。有些问题你不会,只要听听同学的发言,也会使你恍然大悟的,你可以花费少量的精力解决你求知路上的拦路虎,这何乐而不为呢! 我常给学生们讲,在你人生的求知路上,经历风风雨雨、坎坎坷坷是在所难免的,我们必须需要一盏明灯来指引道路,走出迷途。而学会倾听、善于思考就是你所需要的明灯。一个善于思考的人,必定是有思想的人;而一个有思想的人,必定是一个有智慧的人;一个有智慧的人,必定是一个不平凡、不简单的人,如果你是这样的一个人,想不成功就难上加难。人生本身就是脆弱的,就好像大自然中的一棵小草。然而人又是最强大的,因为人会思考。只有会思考,才能使本身很脆弱的你变得强大无比。


二.课型:Reading and writing

悦读联播Module 4 Getting money to go to school 一.教学内容:悦读联播Module 4 Getting money to go to school的课外阅读文章。



1. 通过获取文章四个不同国籍人物对一个校长的主意不同的态度,理清文章的结构。

2. 通过阅读对比四个不同国籍人物对一个校长主意不同的态度,总结归纳为什么学习。

3. 运用本节课所学的语言知识和情感态度体验,解决现实生活中的问题。

4. 通过文章阅读和学习,初步形成积极向上,勤奋学习的人生态度。





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