
Everybody knows that the Yangtze River Delta is a place with rich water resources, since the ancient times, the village here may not have the path, but must have the rivers, the water is the most convenient way for the Chiangnan native to contact with the outside world. Zhouzhuang is a collection of all beautiful elements in the water town in china. So it is one of the few places where you can experience the life of a typical Chinese water town.We can see every household door had stone stairs down to the river, people open their back doors and go down stairs to take water,wash clothes and so on. People here still use hands-row boats within kind of fruits and vegetables to sell along the river , then those who in need of these goods will go down the stone stairs to the boat to pick up. That ’s why Zhouzhuang also crowned as “ Venice of the East” .

Let ’s look at this ancient street which name is one-step street, because it is very narrow, the width is only one step length, people live both sides of the street do not need to go out their own gates can shake hands or hand over the thing to express the friendship, therefore it also calls the friendship street. Almost all streets in this town like this. The traditional residences in the town, mostly built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, flank the winding waterways. Many of them are well-kept and preserve their original appearance, with white walls and black-tiled roofs.

Streams flow through every corner of Zhouzhuang, creating the pulse of local life and making the town look like a watercolor drawing painted with a Chinese brush.Among the most eye-catching features in this picture-perfect landscape are the bridges, in different shapes and sizes — built with stone or wood. In other region of rivers and lakes are only one or two famous bridges, however Zhouzhuang has eight famous bridges. Twin Bridge,

Fu ’an Bridge,Tongxiu Bridge, Tiyun Bridge, Baoen Bridge, Taiping Bridge, Quangong bridge, Fuhong Bridge

Now, in front of us is the Twin Bridge --the symbol of Zhouzhuang. It was built during the late Ming Dynasty and considered the symbol of the town. It consists of Shi ’de and Yong'an Bridges.One of its opening is round and the other is square, which makes the bridge look like an ancient Chinese key. Thus locals also call it the Key Bridge. There is a story about it. A young artist residing in the U.S. named Chen Yifei created a picture "Memories of Hometown" based on the Twin Bridge in 1984. The painting, with Chen's other 37 works, were exhibited and bought by Dr. Armond Hammer, an American oil tycoon, and later presented to Deng Xiaoping. The painting symbolizes the friendship, cooperation and peace between the two countries. In 1985, the painting was used on a first day cover issued by the UN, so that more and more people come to know Zhouzhuang's beauty.

Zhouzhuang was listed as the world's Top 10 most beautiful towns by CNN in 2012. It was also lauded as a Global Green Town by Global Forum on Human and Settlements . The best way to get a taste of local lifestyle is to spend an afternoon at a riverbank teahouse, sipping a cup of green tea and enjoying the river landscape.

OK, it’s time to have a break ,Let’s go to the teahouse to enjoy the wonderful moment.

Everybody knows that the Yangtze River Delta is a place with rich water resources, since the ancient times, the village here may not have the path, but must have the rivers, the water is the most convenient way for the Chiangnan native to contact with the outside world. Zhouzhuang is a collection of all beautiful elements in the water town in china. So it is one of the few places where you can experience the life of a typical Chinese water town.We can see every household door had stone stairs down to the river, people open their back doors and go down stairs to take water,wash clothes and so on. People here still use hands-row boats within kind of fruits and vegetables to sell along the river , then those who in need of these goods will go down the stone stairs to the boat to pick up. That ’s why Zhouzhuang also crowned as “ Venice of the East” .

Let ’s look at this ancient street which name is one-step street, because it is very narrow, the width is only one step length, people live both sides of the street do not need to go out their own gates can shake hands or hand over the thing to express the friendship, therefore it also calls the friendship street. Almost all streets in this town like this. The traditional residences in the town, mostly built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, flank the winding waterways. Many of them are well-kept and preserve their original appearance, with white walls and black-tiled roofs.

Streams flow through every corner of Zhouzhuang, creating the pulse of local life and making the town look like a watercolor drawing painted with a Chinese brush.Among the most eye-catching features in this picture-perfect landscape are the bridges, in different shapes and sizes — built with stone or wood. In other region of rivers and lakes are only one or two famous bridges, however Zhouzhuang has eight famous bridges. Twin Bridge,

Fu ’an Bridge,Tongxiu Bridge, Tiyun Bridge, Baoen Bridge, Taiping Bridge, Quangong bridge, Fuhong Bridge

Now, in front of us is the Twin Bridge --the symbol of Zhouzhuang. It was built during the late Ming Dynasty and considered the symbol of the town. It consists of Shi ’de and Yong'an Bridges.One of its opening is round and the other is square, which makes the bridge look like an ancient Chinese key. Thus locals also call it the Key Bridge. There is a story about it. A young artist residing in the U.S. named Chen Yifei created a picture "Memories of Hometown" based on the Twin Bridge in 1984. The painting, with Chen's other 37 works, were exhibited and bought by Dr. Armond Hammer, an American oil tycoon, and later presented to Deng Xiaoping. The painting symbolizes the friendship, cooperation and peace between the two countries. In 1985, the painting was used on a first day cover issued by the UN, so that more and more people come to know Zhouzhuang's beauty.

Zhouzhuang was listed as the world's Top 10 most beautiful towns by CNN in 2012. It was also lauded as a Global Green Town by Global Forum on Human and Settlements . The best way to get a taste of local lifestyle is to spend an afternoon at a riverbank teahouse, sipping a cup of green tea and enjoying the river landscape.

OK, it’s time to have a break ,Let’s go to the teahouse to enjoy the wonderful moment.


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