
37 That's Why I Took The Big On

M r s Brown had two sons. John, nine years old,and Bill,seven years old. The two brothers often q u a r re led from morning till night.

One Sunday, when M r s Brown was doing the washing;Bill came and asked her for some money for sweets .〝 Sweets aren't good for your teeth ,〞M r s Brown said .〝 Take these two oranges instead and give one to John.〞One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other.

Bill liked oranges, so he kept the big one and gave the small one to John. 〝It is selfish,〞said John in a sad voice.〝 If mother had given me these oranges ;I would give you the big one.〞〝I know you would,〞Bill said with a smile .〝 That is why I took the big one.〞


布朗夫人有两个儿子: 约翰九岁;比尔,七岁。








Quarrel 争吵 sweet 糖

selfish 自私的 sad 悲伤的

voice 声音

I .听全文录音,判断正(T)%(F)

1 .Bill was three years younger than John.

2 .The two brothers never quarrel e d.

3 .One Sunday, Bill asked for some sweets and his mother refused. 4 .John gave the big orange to Bill and the small one to himself.

II .听录音,补全下列段落

One Sunday ,when M r s Brown was doing the 1 ,Bill came and asked her for some 2 for sweets .“Sweets are n ’t good for your 3 ,”M r s Brown said. “Take these 4 oranges instead and give one to 5 .”One of the oranges was quite a lot 6 than the other.

Bill liked oranges, so he kept the 7 one and gave the 8 one to John . “It is 9 ,”said John in a sad voice. “If mother had given me these oranges ,I would give you the big one .”“I know you would , ”Bill said with a 10 .“ That is why I took the big one.”


I .1 .F 2.F 3.T 4. F

II .1 .washing 2. money 3.teeth 4. two 5.John

6. bigger 7.big 8.small 9.selfish 10.smile

37 That's Why I Took The Big On

M r s Brown had two sons. John, nine years old,and Bill,seven years old. The two brothers often q u a r re led from morning till night.

One Sunday, when M r s Brown was doing the washing;Bill came and asked her for some money for sweets .〝 Sweets aren't good for your teeth ,〞M r s Brown said .〝 Take these two oranges instead and give one to John.〞One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other.

Bill liked oranges, so he kept the big one and gave the small one to John. 〝It is selfish,〞said John in a sad voice.〝 If mother had given me these oranges ;I would give you the big one.〞〝I know you would,〞Bill said with a smile .〝 That is why I took the big one.〞


布朗夫人有两个儿子: 约翰九岁;比尔,七岁。








Quarrel 争吵 sweet 糖

selfish 自私的 sad 悲伤的

voice 声音

I .听全文录音,判断正(T)%(F)

1 .Bill was three years younger than John.

2 .The two brothers never quarrel e d.

3 .One Sunday, Bill asked for some sweets and his mother refused. 4 .John gave the big orange to Bill and the small one to himself.

II .听录音,补全下列段落

One Sunday ,when M r s Brown was doing the 1 ,Bill came and asked her for some 2 for sweets .“Sweets are n ’t good for your 3 ,”M r s Brown said. “Take these 4 oranges instead and give one to 5 .”One of the oranges was quite a lot 6 than the other.

Bill liked oranges, so he kept the 7 one and gave the 8 one to John . “It is 9 ,”said John in a sad voice. “If mother had given me these oranges ,I would give you the big one .”“I know you would , ”Bill said with a 10 .“ That is why I took the big one.”


I .1 .F 2.F 3.T 4. F

II .1 .washing 2. money 3.teeth 4. two 5.John

6. bigger 7.big 8.small 9.selfish 10.smile


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