
The Importance Of Learning Financial English

Class 13270941

Student ’s Numbei 1327094154

Name Hao Xingyu

Abstract : English as the world common language, we can communicate with foreign countries a language platform, can let us know more about the world's dynamic and the most advanced knowledge, as a student and future job seekers, master a professional English is important.

Key words: Financial English, professional, economic role,

1. Overview

Most of the countries of higher learning institutions, universities, are set up in English language and literature, only in China, there are more than one hundred universities with English major or English related professional.

With the economic globalization, China's foreign trade is more and more vigorous, on the one hand, the reform and opening up to more and more business opportunities and trading partners, on the other hand, the domestic outstanding enterprises and individuals are also constantly developing, so to master a foreign language to become an essential survival skills. The economic crisis in the world caused a crying after backstage, a pair of invisible hands still struck a turntable economy. Countries in the world are slow to recover, and the emerging countries to maintain a rapid pace of development, especially in China, its continued to let the world's attention, but the higher the development speed will also bring some challenges. Both developed countries and developing countries in the process of their own development through the ups and downs of the need to practice and theoretical support. As a financial professional students should use this time to give the opportunity to seriously study, reinforce the foundation of professional English, for the future work or study the conditions necessary to prepare.

Financial English is a kind of social function variant of English, which is a branch of ESP, and

it is the application of English in financial situation. It involves the introduction of technology, foreign trade, investment, foreign labor contract and contract, international contract, international finance, foreign insurance, international tourism, overseas investment, international transport, etc., people engaged in these activities used by the English language. Financial English comes from common English, and it is based on this, it has the characteristics of general English, but it is also a complex of financial knowledge and common English, so it has its own unique characteristics, which mainly focuses on the following aspects:

The language form, vocabulary, and content of Financial English are closely related to the professional knowledge, which carries the information of the financial theory and financial practice.

Business English word that is easy to understand, formal, brief expression, language level. The use of words to ensure that the use of words with the international general, to ensure that the general public can understand, but it can not be too colloquial, that is, the use of Financial English language can not be too informal.

Financial English sentence structure is more complex, the sentence pattern, the style of writing, especially in the tender documents and investment documents and the contract is so. things in English financial statements are often specific, clear, never talk ambiguously.

2. The use of Financial English

Foreign exchange needs

With the development of international tourism, the tourism has become more and more easy, and more and more people choose to travel abroad. And travel, the only common language is english.

From all over the world, the number of people who speak English has exceeded the number of any language, more than 10 countries with English as their mother tongue, the official language of 45 countries is English, 1/3 of the world's population speaks English. In Japan and India, for example, in addition to their native language, English is their second language, many high levels of the Japanese Indians are proud to speak english.

3/4 of the world's television programs are English, 3/4 of the mail is written in English, the computer keyboard is an English keyboard, any conference dare claim to be an international conference, the conference language must use English, but also the official working language of the United nations.

We can see that many of the official, government activities, documents, exchange of english. Business needs

Foreign trade in the English as a common language, trade exchanges, international etiquette, letters, correspondence, import and export documents, bank documents as well as the language and so on, all English as a common language.

Economic research needs.

Four, 企业对于专业技术人员英语技能的要求


3.The role of Financial English in modern economy

The emergence of Financial English is not only the inevitable result of social development and the development of English language itself, but also the inevitable trend of economic prosperity. At the beginning of twenty-first Century, the first time of knowledge economy, financial English as one of the important functional variants of English, it is increasingly showing its strong vitality, its application and popularization is obvious. This is an indisputable fact, but also a welcome phenomenon. Not only in foreign companies, but also more and more attention to the level of employees in the state-owned enterprises, in a variety of talent recruitment, can see large and small companies, although they are different, but they will find a common feature that is, they have a requirement for English, must understand English, in the present economic development if you do not understand English, it will face employment difficulties and other issues. Also in foreign companies in the management of people in the country has been recognized that it is worth to learn, their management system has their mature side, but to learn from foreign countries can learn better management knowledge, do not know English, even if others are willing to teach you, you can not take it away. Do not understand English will be faced with the rapid development of modern

economy today, you will lose a lot of opportunities to communicate with others, so as to miss the opportunity.


1, Song Defu, "financial professional English Course", Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001 2, Li Yun, "new university translation", Beijing: World Knowledge Press, 2006

The Importance Of Learning Financial English

Class 13270941

Student ’s Numbei 1327094154

Name Hao Xingyu

Abstract : English as the world common language, we can communicate with foreign countries a language platform, can let us know more about the world's dynamic and the most advanced knowledge, as a student and future job seekers, master a professional English is important.

Key words: Financial English, professional, economic role,

1. Overview

Most of the countries of higher learning institutions, universities, are set up in English language and literature, only in China, there are more than one hundred universities with English major or English related professional.

With the economic globalization, China's foreign trade is more and more vigorous, on the one hand, the reform and opening up to more and more business opportunities and trading partners, on the other hand, the domestic outstanding enterprises and individuals are also constantly developing, so to master a foreign language to become an essential survival skills. The economic crisis in the world caused a crying after backstage, a pair of invisible hands still struck a turntable economy. Countries in the world are slow to recover, and the emerging countries to maintain a rapid pace of development, especially in China, its continued to let the world's attention, but the higher the development speed will also bring some challenges. Both developed countries and developing countries in the process of their own development through the ups and downs of the need to practice and theoretical support. As a financial professional students should use this time to give the opportunity to seriously study, reinforce the foundation of professional English, for the future work or study the conditions necessary to prepare.

Financial English is a kind of social function variant of English, which is a branch of ESP, and

it is the application of English in financial situation. It involves the introduction of technology, foreign trade, investment, foreign labor contract and contract, international contract, international finance, foreign insurance, international tourism, overseas investment, international transport, etc., people engaged in these activities used by the English language. Financial English comes from common English, and it is based on this, it has the characteristics of general English, but it is also a complex of financial knowledge and common English, so it has its own unique characteristics, which mainly focuses on the following aspects:

The language form, vocabulary, and content of Financial English are closely related to the professional knowledge, which carries the information of the financial theory and financial practice.

Business English word that is easy to understand, formal, brief expression, language level. The use of words to ensure that the use of words with the international general, to ensure that the general public can understand, but it can not be too colloquial, that is, the use of Financial English language can not be too informal.

Financial English sentence structure is more complex, the sentence pattern, the style of writing, especially in the tender documents and investment documents and the contract is so. things in English financial statements are often specific, clear, never talk ambiguously.

2. The use of Financial English

Foreign exchange needs

With the development of international tourism, the tourism has become more and more easy, and more and more people choose to travel abroad. And travel, the only common language is english.

From all over the world, the number of people who speak English has exceeded the number of any language, more than 10 countries with English as their mother tongue, the official language of 45 countries is English, 1/3 of the world's population speaks English. In Japan and India, for example, in addition to their native language, English is their second language, many high levels of the Japanese Indians are proud to speak english.

3/4 of the world's television programs are English, 3/4 of the mail is written in English, the computer keyboard is an English keyboard, any conference dare claim to be an international conference, the conference language must use English, but also the official working language of the United nations.

We can see that many of the official, government activities, documents, exchange of english. Business needs

Foreign trade in the English as a common language, trade exchanges, international etiquette, letters, correspondence, import and export documents, bank documents as well as the language and so on, all English as a common language.

Economic research needs.

Four, 企业对于专业技术人员英语技能的要求


3.The role of Financial English in modern economy

The emergence of Financial English is not only the inevitable result of social development and the development of English language itself, but also the inevitable trend of economic prosperity. At the beginning of twenty-first Century, the first time of knowledge economy, financial English as one of the important functional variants of English, it is increasingly showing its strong vitality, its application and popularization is obvious. This is an indisputable fact, but also a welcome phenomenon. Not only in foreign companies, but also more and more attention to the level of employees in the state-owned enterprises, in a variety of talent recruitment, can see large and small companies, although they are different, but they will find a common feature that is, they have a requirement for English, must understand English, in the present economic development if you do not understand English, it will face employment difficulties and other issues. Also in foreign companies in the management of people in the country has been recognized that it is worth to learn, their management system has their mature side, but to learn from foreign countries can learn better management knowledge, do not know English, even if others are willing to teach you, you can not take it away. Do not understand English will be faced with the rapid development of modern

economy today, you will lose a lot of opportunities to communicate with others, so as to miss the opportunity.


1, Song Defu, "financial professional English Course", Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001 2, Li Yun, "new university translation", Beijing: World Knowledge Press, 2006


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