摘 要:对女性就业平等权进行法律保护,有助于我国人权事业的建设和法治社会的建设。虽然法律己明确规定禁止就业歧视,但是现实中却存在直接或间接的就业歧视,究其法律上的原因,主要是我国有关禁止就业性别歧视的法律不完善,不具有实际可操作性,才使得就业性别歧视屡屡发生。因此,需要更多的理论研究来支撑立法建议,并且结合国外立法经验,提出具有可操作性的对策,如建立就业平等委员会、完善就业歧视诉讼制度、完善公益诉讼制度、完善监察机制、完善举证责任分配、完善就业歧视的法律责任、细化法律责任的形式等措施,使女性就业平等权得以完整的实现。
Legal protection of women’s equal employment rights is condusive to promoting China’s undertakings of safeguarding human rights as well as building a country ruled by laws. Even though there are laws for banning gender discrimination in employment, indirect or direct gender discrimination does exist in society. From the legal perspective, the reason for gender discrimination employment is that China’s laws for banning gender discrimination in employment are far from perfect,and even unpractical. Thus, it is imperitive to conduct more theoretical study to support relavant legislation. Besides it is necessary to draw on advanced legislation experiences from foreign countries and initiate practical strategies, including the building of a commission for promoting equal rights in employment,the improvementof employment discrimination litigation system, public interest system, supervisory mechanism,and the allocation system of civil burden of proof , and the upgradation of the forms of legal
responsibilty for employment discrimination, so women’s equal rights in employment can be achived.
小黄啊, 我的电脑这边出了点问题,不能纠拼写单词错误了,以及格式,你自己好好调调,如果有的话。
摘 要:对女性就业平等权进行法律保护,有助于我国人权事业的建设和法治社会的建设。虽然法律己明确规定禁止就业歧视,但是现实中却存在直接或间接的就业歧视,究其法律上的原因,主要是我国有关禁止就业性别歧视的法律不完善,不具有实际可操作性,才使得就业性别歧视屡屡发生。因此,需要更多的理论研究来支撑立法建议,并且结合国外立法经验,提出具有可操作性的对策,如建立就业平等委员会、完善就业歧视诉讼制度、完善公益诉讼制度、完善监察机制、完善举证责任分配、完善就业歧视的法律责任、细化法律责任的形式等措施,使女性就业平等权得以完整的实现。
Legal protection of women’s equal employment rights is condusive to promoting China’s undertakings of safeguarding human rights as well as building a country ruled by laws. Even though there are laws for banning gender discrimination in employment, indirect or direct gender discrimination does exist in society. From the legal perspective, the reason for gender discrimination employment is that China’s laws for banning gender discrimination in employment are far from perfect,and even unpractical. Thus, it is imperitive to conduct more theoretical study to support relavant legislation. Besides it is necessary to draw on advanced legislation experiences from foreign countries and initiate practical strategies, including the building of a commission for promoting equal rights in employment,the improvementof employment discrimination litigation system, public interest system, supervisory mechanism,and the allocation system of civil burden of proof , and the upgradation of the forms of legal
responsibilty for employment discrimination, so women’s equal rights in employment can be achived.
小黄啊, 我的电脑这边出了点问题,不能纠拼写单词错误了,以及格式,你自己好好调调,如果有的话。