

MGB type Torque Guard is the ball detent type overload protection device. It can stop machine immediately When overloaded by using noncontact micro switch. By the Torque meter and Indicator, desired torque can easily be set or adjusted. The non-symmetric arrangement of balls and pockets allows only one engagement position. Once the overload removed, it re-engages automatically by jogging a driving member.MGB Torque Guard can protect you from the machine damage and eliminate costly downtime.

Min Size Torque Guard MGB08~16 Torque GuardTorque Guard Coupling

Specifications of Type MGB Torque Guard and Torque Guard Coupling


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MGB type Torque Guard is the ball detent type overload protection device. It can stop machine immediately When overloaded by using noncontact micro switch. By the Torque meter and Indicator, desired torque can easily be set or adjusted. The non-symmetric arrangement of balls and pockets allows only one engagement position. Once the overload removed, it re-engages automatically by jogging a driving member.MGB Torque Guard can protect you from the machine damage and eliminate costly downtime.

Min Size Torque Guard MGB08~16 Torque GuardTorque Guard Coupling

Specifications of Type MGB Torque Guard and Torque Guard Coupling


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